File #42281: "Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 20.pdf"


Oct 29th. Drew in corn stalks Brot horse home from pasture. weather cooler & cloudy. Oct 30. Fine today went to Mrs Mays for Supper. Oct 31st. Fine & warm drew two load of Orange crates from Guelph. (432) at 5¢ from Carrols Nov 1st at Market for the last with pumpkins, marrows & cauliflowers also shipped the last of our peppers to Toronto 94 bskts. Nov 2 & 3rd drew two loads crates from Brantford and one from Kitchener 1014 in all. Had a run in with Stewart about drain blocked with stone. Know nothing about but stung by circumstantial evidence Nov 4th cleaned Stewarts drain Nov 5th. Sat a m. moved 800 crates from Stewarts we had stored there. had moved Smith to Burl {Burlington} after dinner. Nov 6th. Sunday Cold & windy, with first snow flurries of the season. Nov 7th & 8th. Digging old cherry trees out. Have a dead cold Nov 9th & 10th & 11th fixing drains & cleaning out roots on old Blackberry patch weather warm & cloudy. Nov 12th turning colder taking up & cleaning drain along the east side of hollow Nov 13 Fair & cold freezing hard Nov 14 & 15th Fine & warm as summer. Fixing drains. Nov 16th showery nearly all day. Fixed Boxs Nov 17th. cold rain in the morning snowing after dinner drained spray machine of water. got Anti freeze in Truck
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