File #42283: "Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 22.pdf"


Dec 10th. milder again unloading car of manure did not get done broke a spring of on the truck Dec 11th. Sunday mild & cloudy like rain. a year ago today on our way South, at Chicago this afternoon. Dec 12th. Finished car of manure & covering strawberries Dec 13 mild Mr Smith sick with cold. Dec 14th. Putting in some more tile weather mild rain last night. Dec 15th. draining all day just freezing a little. Dec 16th. Rained all last night & this morning snowing this afternoon. Sent Jerry Fishcarrier $15 00 pretty early to start borrowing after working all Summer Dec 17 Unloading another car manure Dec 18th Sunday cold drove to Hamilton. Dec 19th. moderately cold men cutting up old trees which we dug up. Dec 20th unloading 5th car of manure. no more until Jan 30th. Dec 20th to 24th weather moderately cold. one night nearly zero. Just a few patches of snow on the ground. men cleaning up brush and cutting up dead trees that they dug out
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