So tonight I went down, even though I knew I was getting a cold. I saw Ismo around 8, and he said the dance had been canceled due to the weather. So, I went down to County for a few minutes and then started heading to the club but changed my mind and went to see Seither instead. She and I had a game of chess, which she won. I was feeling rotten with a cold, so I got a little help. Uden? Soft? Wimm tossed over all afternoon, and Frank went down with her and went skating.
Friday, January 5th
I felt poorly with my cold today and didn’t get up until nine o’clock. I didn’t do much in particular all day, but as it rained nearly all day, there wasn’t much to do anyway. It cleared up tonight, so I went down to see May for a little while. Mrs. Michel was there too. Mrs. Horn had a letter and read it aloud. She’s in Malta now. I came back to Lynton and stayed all night. Mrs. Harding is staying there for a few days.
Saturday, January 6
I didn’t get up until late this morning and had breakfast at Duck’s. After breakfast, I went down to check the wreck and it seemed pretty fair. I stopped in at Jack Martin’s to see about getting some roosters, and he said he would get some ready for Den and Link as I expect to go to Quelch on Monday.