Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1917
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Tuesday, January 2nd
Just did chores this morning. Frank and Dad checked out the hog pen, and I cleaned out the first pen in the chicken house. Each of us went downtown this afternoon, but we didn’t do much outside.
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Show came in for a few minutes to ask me about shipping some live chickens to Silverwood. Later in the evening, Frank and I went downtown to get our hair cut, but as there was skating at the rink, Frank went there while I went down to the station on the chance of seeing Mary. She came home, and I walked with her for a few minutes. By the time I got back downtown, the barber shops were closed. I found Frank up in the pool room, and we made further arrangements concerning the dance on Thursday night. However, it’s so mild tonight that I’m afraid the sleighing will be spoiled, in which case we won’t go.
Later, I went to Auntie’s place, but they were out at the Hardings. They left a note saying they'd be back in time. I sat down and fell asleep until they came home.
There are rumors that much of Brooks, Sam Change, and Charlie Cowley were all killed the same day, but they hadn’t even been in the trenches yet. Most people think the news is false, as there hasn’t been any official word.
Wednesday, January 3rd
We tied Dublin up again this morning, and Dad filed down... (Note: The last sentence is incomplete, and further context is needed to finish it.
Tuesday January 2nd Just did chores this morning and Fawk and Dad cleaned out the hog pen and I cleaned out the first pen in the chicken house. Each went down town this after noon and we didn't do any thing much outside. Mr & Mrs {name} came in for a few minutes, took me about shipping some live chickens to Silverwoods. Tonight Fawk and I went down town to get our {illegible} but as there was skating on the pond Fawk went there and I went down to the station on a chance of seeing Mary. and she came home. I went up with her for a few minutes {illegible} when I get down town the hurches shops were closed. I fou
so to-night I went down to go although I know I was getting a cold but I smo for I he said the dance had been cancelled on account At the words so I went down To County' for a few minutes and the stacked to ys to the club but changed my mind and went in Dore seither, she and I had a game of chess which the heat and I get have a little helper twelve feeling sotten with a cold . Ukry will' soft. Wie was over all the after noon and Frank went down with her and went skating
Friday bancarie 5 2 I felt putty fend with my cold to day and didn't get up till che mine o'clock and diant do anything inparticules all day but as it ruined nearly all day there wasn't much to do any way. N cleared up to night and I went down to see May Ara little while Mes morn and mrs. Minger were there , Mr. Man had a letter from hacer reading it aloud. She is at Multe now. I come backe to luntyp an stund all night Wis Harding is staying there for a few days now
Saturday January 6. I didn't get up till late this morning and had break fast at law Duck and I went down and thier the wreck after breakfast and sumed pretty fair. Istopped in at Jack Martins to see aleon getting som rooster and he said he would get some ready for Dra a Link to get as I expect to go to Guelph on Monday.
So tonight I went down, even though I knew I was getting a cold. I saw Ismo around 8, and he said the dance had been canceled due to the weather. So, I went down to County for a few minutes and then started heading to the club but changed my mind and went to see Seither instead. She and I had a game of chess, which she won. I was feeling rotten with a cold, so I got a little help. Uden? Soft? Wimm tossed over all afternoon, and Frank went down with her and went skating.
Friday, January 5th I felt poorly with my cold today and didn’t get up until nine o’clock. I didn’t do much in particular all day, but as it rained nearly all day, there wasn’t much to do anyway. It cleared up tonight, so I went down to see May for a little while. Mrs. Michel was there too. Mrs. Horn had a letter and read it aloud. She’s in Malta now. I came back to Lynton and stayed all night. Mrs. Harding is staying there for a few days.
Saturday, January 6 I didn’t get up until late this morning and had breakfast at Duck’s. After breakfast, I went down to check the wreck and it seemed pretty fair. I stopped in at Jack Martin’s to see about getting some roosters, and he said he would get some ready for Den and Link as I expect to go to Quelch on Monday.
Monday, January 8th
I was up at 4:45 this morning, and the others were up soon after to give Loby an early start for Guelph. I walked down with him, and when he came back, he told us that Loby missed his train and went down to Qualies. It was most provoking! However, I went down at noon to visit a relative, who told me that Dole had taken the 9 o'clock train. Frank sent a little note (possibly "oak lelubo") in the morning. In the afternoon, we did some light chores. Vite and Arthur came over this afternoon, and Frank has gone skating tonight. It was a lovely day but a bit windy.
Tuesday, January 9th
Frank and I put up the partition in the old barn. Nothing of importance happened today. Tom didn’t care for the cream. Frank has gone down to get his hair cut tonight. It has been mild and cloudy all day, with a little snow this morning.
Friday, January 12th troals and Shaped to get the last of the old trees down home aut to day but did not marign it. It was to lite when we got all the choses done we thought she would have an easy driver and go immediately after hat art Quaning Came after me to look at his heifer there when we got down town the could not get a ladder While we were there John to Itpride game to Que me and we came home with him. Just as wan had finished ten Guy Suple came for one This than been the coldest day so for this Woman 2 . below , not as cold tonight . the had a fine letter from lohe to day and the card we should have neived on Sunday Frank feels miserable lought lower back. Saturday, January 125 Frank is about all in. He did go over to Beus und And the chickens hat ho feels pretty locyto. Iam day chove most of the day. Hubert come rer this afternoon with old Pig. the put him tooley Hubert played to tea and he and the baby had
Monday, January 13
When we went into the kitchen this morning, I saw that the floor was flooded, and it appeared to have gotten worse overnight. I went out as soon as I had the fire going well and cleaned everything up. Frank said he thought he felt a little better and would get up once he rested a bit more. He's been better today; he even walked over to Jack Martin’s to get the room keys, though they weren't ready yet. They told us to come back at 3 o'clock, so I went later and picked up a couple. It’s not so cold now, but still chilly enough.
Monday, January 16 Not much to report today. Frank felt much better and did quite a bit of the chores. I went down home this morning for a few minutes. Mrs. Quibburg visited this afternoon, and Floyd Reaves was here in the evening. It's been bitterly cold all day, and tomorrow is expected to be just as frigid. They’re calling for more snow, so we’ll need to stock up on supplies.
was too bad for all to go down to the Reis. The crazy things were expecting to go. Frank has gone down long enough to tell them he can't get out of our love. Sick, come over about 5 o'clock. He expects to go to New York on Saturday; he only stayed a little while as he wanted to get the snow shovel for Quali before dark. Heard from Loby today—he is having a good time, although kept pretty busy.
January, Friday 1970.
He got up a little earlier this morning as Tracks wanted to go after the buttermilk. She got started around 7:30 and went by way of town to see if Otto's coal was ready, and it was not, so she went on to the factory. He hadn't been gone long when she came wanting the buttermilk as Tracks had his trip for nothing. If he had only known, he could have taken a load of ice to Dia Marshal, as they were drawing that day, but Farmer Lied forgot to tell us. Vanil cold.
Saturday, January 20th. I started Friday's diary for today as we did not get up any earlier yesterday, but did today. Frank got off this morning at 9:20 instead of yesterday.
This morning, Dad, Jim, and I went to church. There was no fire due to a shortage of gas. Mr. Johnson wisely omitted permission, so we got home fairly early. Dad and Frank spent most of the afternoon doing chores. Dad went down south about 4:30 to shovel the snow for Aunt Alice. Co stayed for tea, and Higuera went to church.
Cold, auto-stormy all day. Mrs. Nella died yesterday, the 14th.
Monday, January 22nd
I did not get up very early this morning, as I did not sleep very well last night. It blew so terribly that I could not sleep; it rained very hard for a little while, then turned colder and put a crust of ice all over the snow. As soon as we had things in order, how I went down home in the sleigh, coffee at Jack Martin's, and got a crate to send some eggs to Ray. I cleaned the house for the girls, and then we came home as we could not get any. There was no one there this forenoon, and Dad, too, along went down to the mail, but as soon as Ray came, the first thing I knew was that Will Macdonald...
and away off shore, there down after Hall. Lady Chance Butler was in to ask me about a horse that had been kicked, and I gave him the certificate for his come and his ear label. It has been a beautiful day, thawing in the sun.
Thursday, January 25: M. Track and I were going to kill the crate-fed chickens today. We did kill 4, but it has been a very rough day, a regular blizzard, so we got very little done but the chores. The wind has died down, and it is cold tonight.
Friday, January 26: Track and I cleaned out the box stall, their firewood, handing the manure, and on the old garden. Harry Quely came over to see if we would take his cow and calf for a month while he is away. It has been a cold day with a high west wind; tonight is clear, calm, and bold. Frank has gone down to the dance in the hall. Dinner's call is fully ahead.
Friday, February 2 Took a couple of sacks of grain to the mill this morning to have it chopped but did not wait for it. After dinner, I went down to see how poor old Habe is. They seem to have very little hope for his recovery. I think this has been the coldest day yet. There has been a strong wind. I went in 5 classes for a few minutes. The gas was very low, and there was quite a skimming of ice in the lake in his area and the end fields were freezing.
Saturday, February 3 When I got up this morning, I found things in the factory frozen up tight. I was afraid they would be suffering down home, so I walked down to check, but they were comfortable. Frank went down this afternoon. The wind still blows a gale, and it is colder than ever. We have been able to keep pretty comfortable in spite of the weather, except at breakfast this morning it was dragon cold. 28 eggs today.
Thursday, February 8 Joly did not rise very early this morning as he was very tired. He did not do much but rest until about four o'clock. He then drove downtown. It snowed pretty much all day but was not cold. Harry and Frank drove down after tea and brought County Ida there and Alice over, also Mr. Sovereign. The Shand family with Miss Free arrived later, and we spent the evening in music. Mr. Shand brought his violin, and Charlie his mouth organ and something called the "Octo-" (I forget what he called it, but it made sweet music all the same). It was about 1:30 a.m. when they left.
Friday, February 9 It happened that when we got up this morning, none of us had gone to bed before three o'clock, so we did not have breakfast until eleven o'clock. The boys went to Mr. Couteloso’s and got a load of gravel. Later, they both came downtown for a dance in the town hall. It has been very cold all day today. Marjorie Black has the measles.
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