Doug went home for supper to-night, {?} meeting to-nightAt {?} & Dorothy {?} for church. mr Thor{?} & Douglas re-elected as elders. most of other officers to.
Wed Jan 20. Weaher - 20 cloudy all day & milder. Norm went to agincourt to a pottery class for the day, home for supper then away again, Billy here supper. I made a chusion & smocked at another one, spent evening at home.
Thurs Jan 21 Weather - Horrid day, snow & `fine rain all day. Doug went home after breakfast, Norm chored & took pig {?} to Bonds in p.m. Marion & I went out to Craigs for evening Pat met us on our way ome, {?} at Unionville to-day.
Frid Jan 22 Weather - Beautiful, bright mild day. Boys busy picking fruit making cider etc, song went up to mrs Gwens in a.m. for 20 hens. Douglas went to city for the day to curl with, Jim John, Elgin, Rev mcRechellar, home for supper then went on to lodge at markham. Mother & Mrs Craig here visiting in the afternoon & evening Edith & {?} called for their Mother 15 to elecen. Then marion & I went to bed, produce - 12 pts cream, 6 gal cider, 4 {gloven?} fruit, 94 Dz eggs, 8 bus apple 6 bags potatoes.
Sat Jan 23 Weather - Humid day with rain & snow. men cleaned hen house etc Douglas went to market. Edith Craig came up in the afternoon & tea. C Burn called for her just after supper. Doug Brown did not stay for supper to-night. {?} calf came last night Sat
Sun Jan 24 Weather - lovely day. We attended church in am. church full to-day marion & I went home with Mrs S Brooke, rode out with Loddie, Douglas came for us later, we had a lovely visit, song got stuck in rode, donethe croner, he & Dory Brown had 18 cows to milk, norm away.
Mon Jan 25 Weather - lovely day, cooler. We worked & attended a {?}at church for {?} 38 present. {?} had supper & stayed for Coral, Pat at store.
Tues Jan 26 Weather - nice day with rain at night. Douglas went over for Jean, Della + girlies in a.m. We took them home after supper, called at Dio but he was not home. Jr farmers propessive {?] at agincourty young {?} all went.
Wed Jan 27 Weather - Rain in a.m. Cleaning at night. men picked over beans, I sewed all day at my navy & pink dress, at night we drove down home & Pat, Norm, newton, mattew, Marion & I went to marguerites in newtons car, men played.Cinds, married men won for 2nd time, Laura Stayed at home with John & Dorothy, we arrived home at 2 30 a.m. wedding day this 6th.
Thurs Jan 28 Weather - Lovely bright day cooler at night. Men drew manure a.m. picked hens p.m. Marion slept till noon she & Pat went to city at 3 p.m. to his mother's Stayed for supper