Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1932


Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1932


Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood


Courtesy of Markham Museum






20th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1932

Is Part Of

Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


1932 - Jan - Dec (note the apple orchard recorder 1889-90

Laura 48 Eastbourne Harold Scott, little girl born Aug 26. 1932, Willie Boyington little boy borm Aug 25, 1932

{In left margin next to main text block two drawings of sectioned circles with 'Beret' written below}

  1. 811

Janet Brown's Beret made with Byl # "g" Hook 8 balls - Angora {Largette Furida?}

4 chain close, 6 single chrochet into ring

next row, 2 S.C into every stitch

next row: 2 s.c into first stitch, 1 s.c into next

repeat around row

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} nto 1 stitch, 1 s.c into

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} s.c into next, repeat

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} epeat this way always

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} more stitch between

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} sc until 12 stitches

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} way between {first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper}on the increased points

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper}nches diameter, then

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} se increased till

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} work 4 rows

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper}back of stitch.

{written on insert}

A Prayer For the New Year 1918

O to walk continually, without a break, in Thy prescence and power, dear Lord! O that Thou mayest attain to Thy fullest purpose in me! O that I may know Thee in a very real way and the power of Thy resurrection! O to be led deeper and deeper into the depths there are in Thee! O that Thy glory may shine through all that is human and earthly in me that it may be manifested in the transfiguration! O that the abounding life of love pulsating from Thy very heart through this humble member of Thy body may be felt by others! O to be more sensitive to the displeasure of the Spirit when in my life He sees that which is not Christ! O that the Wind - the Spirit- may blow through every nook and corner of Thy temple that there may be life in circulation and that the inner atmosphere may be ever pure! O absolute, entire, complete surrender to Thy Word through the Spirit in actual experience that I may be used of Thee in ministering to others in the power of God! O to wait more upon Thee to understand the need in the lives of others from Thy point of view! O that in me Thy work may be translated to life!

" There Jesus said... Great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt." Matt. 15:20

{written on right hand page}

  1. 811

Janet Brown's Beret made with Byl # "g" Hook 8 balls - Angora {Largette Furida?}

4 chain close, 6 single chrochet into ring

next row, 2 S.C into every stitch

next row: 2 s.c into first stitch, 1 s.c into next

repeat around row

next row, 2 s.c into 1 stitch, 1 s.c into

next 1 s.c into next, repeat around, repeat this way always adding one more stitch between the increase until 12 stitches between

  1. now increases half wat between increases for one row

next row increase on the increased points

repeat from # until 9 or 8 inches diameter, then decrease alternately as increased till correct head syc & then work 4 rows single corochet in the back stitch.

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} se increased till

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper} work 4 rows

{first portion of sentence obscured by added piece of blank paper}back of stitch.

{Right Page}

When Marion was 1 yrs + about 8 months old she loved to step dance around by radio music. She had her first burn on the stove Mar 188/32, 8 wks of 2 yrs old. Could talk pretty plain now say all the {Riddles?} names at {store?} Uncles John, Newt, Bo + Jack join etc. She fell of a ladder when men picking apples in fall 1932 abput 10 or 12 feet high at Xmas time she could say Little Bopeep, Jack Horner, Humpty Dumpty. If I scold her, she would say back "now you old beggar, I say." Could talk pretty well over telephone. Feb 16 1933 Marion went up with men when drawing ice for ice house. rode on sleigh. Feb 14 1838 she went down to schoolwith Betty. they had ice crea,, she was away from 1 to 330 p.m. Feb 10+17 1933 Marion made 2 apple pies baked them in oven + put the, on the for dinner we all sampled them. at 3 yrs she washed dishes for me, when I was real busy.

{Left Page}

Buillonville May 1889-90

Plan of Orchard plated in the two above mentioned years

Rows numbered from West- End

Trees in row Numbered from the South side

Trees died the first year marked with an +

Trees died the second year marked with an O

{Right page}

{Page is numbered: 1}

{The text below is written Vertically across the margin}

West end

Russian No 230

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Left page

{page is numbered: 2}

{Written Verticaly across the margin}

182 Russian-Urkaine No. 290 3to13 Russian No. 277 {Vargul?}

{Author writes the rest horizontally}

Veal Calves - 1932 13 {illegibale}

June 11 fat {hope} (ltd.) 4 fat hogs, 3 {Selects?}, @ $3.90 per hog

{Diarist lists the following}

Jan , 1 calf 1 calf

1 calf

Mar 28 1 calf

1 calf

1 calf John 13

Sept 3 1 .. {Soft}. B

Sept 2 1 .. {Patrick?}. B

Sept 6 2.. John B.B

.. 6 1.. {J Cahert?}. B

.. 9 1.. {J Cahert}. B

Left page

{Page is numbered: 3}

{The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 Krischaptel 2to13 Russian No 413 - bross

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Right page

{Page is numbered 4}

{The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 11 Russian No. 290 Urbane 12 {is?} 13 Russian apricot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Left page

{The page is numbered as: 5} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

142 Russian {Translaunt?} 384 Bradshaw (plum) 5 46 Saundey 188 Waver 98 10 Eng Morello (Cheug) 1/8/2 Ostheme 12 Litham

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Right page

{The page is numbered as: 4} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 5 D-Anjou 6 to 9 Famous Beauty 10 & 11 Bartlet /28/3 Ribson

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12

Left Page

{Page is numbered as:7} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 11 Sutton Beauty /28/ 3 Lady

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Right Page

{Page is numbered as:8} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 13 Scot Winter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Left page

{Page is numbered as:9} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 12 {famuse?} or {Snuro?} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Right page

{Page is numbered as:10} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 Famuse 2 to 11 Wealthy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

about half a dozen apples in the year 1891

Left page

{Page is numbered as: 11} {The text below is written vertically across the margin} 1 to 4 Peuaukee 5 to 9 salomee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Right page

{Page is numbered as:12} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1to 4 {Peuaukee?} 5 to 9 Salome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Left page

{Page is numbered as: 13} {The text below is written vertically across the margin} 1 to 8 Salome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Right page

{Page is numbered as: 14} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 7 James 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Left page

{Page is numbered as: 15} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 6 {Gane?} 1 2 3 4 5 6

Right page

{Page is numbered as: 16} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1 to 5 Salome 1 2 3 4 5

Left page

{Page is numbered as: 17} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

1&2 Longfield 3&4 Salome 1 2 3 4

Right page

{Page is numbered as: 18} {The text below is written vertically across the margin} Longfield 1 2 3

Left page

{Page is numbered as: 19} {The text below is written vertically across the margin}

Longfield 1 2

Right page

Bought - from Ms Lunau

{An illegible word written on the margin}

1 70 Eggs 05 $ . 05 @09 6.30

8 20 - - 92 1.90

15 30 - - 9 2.70

22 30 - - 9 1.55

- 15 - - Calvert 9 1.35

29 30 - - Lunau 9 2. 70

- 15 Calveat 9 1.35

Left Page

1st Fold {le clayton?}

15 - C Jibe 22 - Provan 29 - -

Eggs & $

67 6.7

8.3 .85

19.2 1.84

11 10/12 1.18


8 5 {litres?} Butter @ 15 90

3 6 {dos?} Eggs 14 84


8 5 {litres?} Butter @ 18 90

3 6 {dos?} Eggs 14 84

10 - 5 - - 15 75

Right Page

Ms Kirkhalwick

on ge & Harness

{Everything in line with the dollar sign on each item is supposed have a dollar sign too, even though the diarist didn't write it.} march 9 5 3/4 Butter ~ @ .20 $1 15 2 dos eggs ~ .15 0. 36

April 1 5 lis Butter ~ .20 115

- 7 g dos eggs ~ 12 1/2 070

- 15 4 - 12 1/2 050

- - 5 lis Butter ~ 20 100

-6 6 dos eggs 12 1/2 75

May 6 6 dos eggs ~ 123 75

April 22 Cash ~ 5 00

May 13 5 lis Butter 1 19 95

- - 6 dos eggs 1 121/2 0.75

- 27 5 lis Butter 1 18 90

- - Cash 1 500

6 dos eggs 12 1/2 75

June 10 53 - T 12 1/2 66

17 6 - - 7 12 1/2 75

7 lis butter 18 126

1 dos eggs 13

June {84?} 1 - - 13

1 lis Butter 18

[Left page]

1 Mrs. Britnall


& Buttermilk
March 2 5 1/2 lbs Butter $1.05 3 .60
- 9 3 .64
- 18 2 1/2 .37
- 25 3 lbs - .60 1 .13
Apr 1 2 1/2 .32 .05
- 7 2" - .40 2 .25 .06
- 15 2" - .40 2 .25 .03
- 22 1 .13
- 29 2 .40 2 .03
May 6 1 .18 1 .13 3
- 13 2 .19 2 .25 3
March 2 Mrs. Armstrong Butter {the?} 5 1/2 $ 1.00 Eggs day 2 .40 Vegetable & Butter {the?}
- 9 3 .64
- /8 2 3/4 .55 3 .45
- 25 3 .60 2 .25
April 1 3 .60 2 .25 .10
- 7 3 .60 2 .25
- 15 3 .60 2 .25
- 22 3 .60 2 .25
- 29 3 .60 2 .25
May 6 3 .60 2 .25
- 13 3 .60 2 .25

Left Page

March 18 Mrs {Rose?} Butter {the} 5 $2.00 Eggs Vegetables & Buttermilk
- 25 3 .40
April 1 5 1.00 37 .08
- 7 3 .38
- 15 6 120 3 38 .10
- 22 - 3 38 .10
- 29 5 1.00 3 38 .10
May 6 - 2 25 .10
- 13 3 38

Right page

{Nothing written}

Left page

Butter Lis Eggs

March 10 Ms Francis 5 1 /4 $ 1.00 for vegetable

April 1 5 1.00 3 37 - 7 4 .80

15 5 1/2 1.10 .10

- 29 5 1.00

May 6 5 1.00 5

-13 5 .90

Right page

{Nothing written}

Left page

Butter eggs vegatables

April 1 Mrs Scott 2 25

- 73 .60 5 63

-15 4 80 5 63 05

- 22 3 .60 4 50 10

- 29 3 .60 5 63 30

May 6 3 .60 5 1/2 63 30

- 15 3 57 5 63 5

June 6 1933 Dorothy Eileen Born 12 15 p.m.

June 13 Fracis Youone ' ' 12 40 a.m.

June 14 Janet Neeth . .

June 15 Betty Eleen Hill . .

Right page

{Nothing written}

Left page

Butter  EggsVegetables

April 7 Ms mc Keaqe 5 61

- 15 4 50

- 22 5 - 1.00 6 75 10

-24 5 0 1. 00 5 63

May 6 5 - 1. 00 5 63 5

- 13 5 - 95 2 25

Right page

{Nothing written}

Butter, Eggs, Buttermilk and Vegetables

apr 1 Mrs.Kay 2.25

 -  7                            2.25    .06
 -  15                           4.50
 -  22                           2.25
 -  29                           4.50 

May 6 2.25

 -  13                           2.25 

Right Page

{Nothing Written}

                     Butter            Eggs    Vegetable 

Fri 1 Mr.Lorman 2lbs 40 2 25 10

-   7                                  2 25
-   15                       PH 40     2 25        5 
-   22                2                2 25 
-   29                2

May 6 2 25

- 13 2 38

Right Page

{Nothing Written}

{left page, folded in half)

2ys Gifts To Ma{?} 3y Gift 4 yr

white + red {voi?}

dress Grandma B

White sizfe

Auntie bella

White Socks Aunt Margerite

White silk comb - Aunt Laura

1 bag sugar Jack Cousin Roy.

1 wool dress {?} - paddy

1 pr gloves - Mommy.

1 rubber Sponge Handkerchief - Betty

{Right page}

Jan 1st 1932

Frid Jan 1st

Weather - Horrid, rain sleet + snow. Douglas + Norm spent most of morning playing ten pins, In afternoon, read + slept, at night they went to store in car, then played ten pins again. we had {?} + pudding to-day.

Sat Jan 2nd Weather - Fair + mild. men got sleight out + cleaned snow dust out of ice house Pat did not go to town, he + Marion went to Richmond Hill in afternoon, Produce - 3 bus apples, 25 Dz eggs.

Sun Jan 3rd Weather - Fair + mild. a little snow We slept + read in forenoon, church service in after noon Rev McDonald preached, we all attended, mr F {?} here at night. Telephones out, poles broken down on account of ice + wind.

mon Jan 4 Weather - mild + Cloudy. men drew manure all day, newton + mother called in a.m. also ms Bradley. To-day election day. Reeve John relected, Geo Padged + Clarry defeated. I attended the W.M.S at church + Quilled one quilt in afternoon, I came home in time for supper, then norm + I went down with Charlie + Lloys to the Coral + came home with them.

Tues Jan 5 Weather - mild with rain at night.

men drew manure, Laura came up after dinner for a while

Butter Eggs Buttermilk
{?} {?} 3 lbs 60 .05
- 29 3 60 05
may 6 2 40
- 3 3 57
{Same page as previous} Jan 1st 1932 Frid Jan 1st Weather - Horrid, rain sleet + snow. Douglas + Norm spent most of morning playing ten pins, In afternoon, read + slept, at night they went to store in car, then played ten pins again. we had {?} + pudding to-day. Sat Jan 2nd Weather - Fair + mild. men got sleight out + cleaned snow dust out of ice house Pat did not go to town, he + Marion went to Richmond Hill in afternoon, Produce - 3 bus apples, 25 Dz eggs. Sun Jan 3rd Weather - Fair + mild. a little snow We slept + read in forenoon, church service in after noon Rev McDonald preached, we all attended, mr F {?} here at night. Telephones out, poles broken down on account of ice + wind. mon Jan 4 Weather - mild + Cloudy. men drew manure all day, newton + mother called in a.m. also ms Bradley. To-day election day. Reeve John relected, Geo Padged + Clarry defeated. I attended the W.M.S at church + Quilled one quilt in afternoon, I came home in time for supper, then norm + I went down with Charlie + Lloys to the Coral + came home with them. Tues Jan 5 Weather - mild with rain at night. men drew manure, Laura came up after dinner for a while

{Chart at top}

Tues 1/12/32 Weather - milded with & W. wind. Men butched 2 big pugs to-day. at night pat {?} I went to Jeans, the went up to the Jr Jammers at the Hall to see + hear {?} Mayor Wemp + his slides on the war. 12 midnight when we got home. {?} out now so {?} Edith Hood Birthday

Wed Jan 13 Weather - mild + muddy out. {?} high, Water running over good wade down at the {?} this a.m. we boiled head meat to-day. Matthew + pat took Laura, Marion + I down to Mr Rodricks a fruit 3 30 p.m. Pat + Norm came down for the evening Billie Brooke, Rhea + a miss Jaiden there also 1 a.m when we arrived home, mr pinder here in afternoon. S. Brown off to-day.

Thurs Jan 14 Weather - very mild. men sowed down dead pine Tree, with thin shirte sleeves rolled up + no {?} on as it was so mild. Laura went to city with the Browns (north) + did not come back here to-night Pat + I had a real busy day. maping headchase, lard + sausage, had bits of everything about 55 or 60 lbs and, marion slept a good deal to-day has a fack cold. Mary Rodrick Birthday

Frid Jan 15 Weather - Rained in a.m. clearing in afternoon. John brought Laura up this morning. we did 8 jars of sausage + 6 jars of headcheese down. S.S. convention at markham to-day. men {?} gravel in lots up to driving shed. produce - 15 buz apples 5 bags potatoes 9300g eggs 10 pts cream {?} cider. I started to smock a cushion top to-ight, we played cards.

Sat Jan 16 Weather - Cooler with North East wind. Men drew gravel to lane, Douglas went to market, Laura went home at 4.30. Douglas went to store at night, I cut + made marion a pantie dress of wool delair this p.m. + evening.

Sun Jan 17/32 Weather - dull with rain all day. We attended service in p.m. marion {?} good. norm did not go Billie stayed for supper went out with norm after {?}

Mon Jan 18 Weather - Cold with light snow flurries. men drew more gravel to-day, I washed the Kitchen stove window + pat put it on. I cut my silk dress in a.m + put it partly to-gether in afternoon, norm + I attended {?} at night. Gladys Bush died this a.m.

Tues Jan 19 Weather - cloudy + cold. men drew manure, Pat took marion + I down to a quitting + supper at church he + norm came down for supper after chores were done.


Doug went home for supper to-night, {?} meeting to-nightAt {?} & Dorothy {?} for church. mr Thor{?} & Douglas re-elected as elders. most of other officers to.

Wed Jan 20. Weaher - 20 cloudy all day & milder. Norm went to agincourt to a pottery class for the day, home for supper then away again, Billy here supper. I made a chusion & smocked at another one, spent evening at home.

Thurs Jan 21 Weather - Horrid day, snow & `fine rain all day. Doug went home after breakfast, Norm chored & took pig {?} to Bonds in p.m. Marion & I went out to Craigs for evening Pat met us on our way ome, {?} at Unionville to-day.

Frid Jan 22 Weather - Beautiful, bright mild day. Boys busy picking fruit making cider etc, song went up to mrs Gwens in a.m. for 20 hens. Douglas went to city for the day to curl with, Jim John, Elgin, Rev mcRechellar, home for supper then went on to lodge at markham. Mother & Mrs Craig here visiting in the afternoon & evening Edith & {?} called for their Mother 15 to elecen. Then marion & I went to bed, produce - 12 pts cream, 6 gal cider, 4 {gloven?} fruit, 94 Dz eggs, 8 bus apple 6 bags potatoes.

Sat Jan 23 Weather - Humid day with rain & snow. men cleaned hen house etc Douglas went to market. Edith Craig came up in the afternoon & tea. C Burn called for her just after supper. Doug Brown did not stay for supper to-night. {?} calf came last night Sat

Sun Jan 24 Weather - lovely day. We attended church in am. church full to-day marion & I went home with Mrs S Brooke, rode out with Loddie, Douglas came for us later, we had a lovely visit, song got stuck in rode, donethe croner, he & Dory Brown had 18 cows to milk, norm away.

Mon Jan 25 Weather - lovely day, cooler. We worked & attended a {?}at church for {?} 38 present. {?} had supper & stayed for Coral, Pat at store.

Tues Jan 26 Weather - nice day with rain at night. Douglas went over for Jean, Della + girlies in a.m. We took them home after supper, called at Dio but he was not home. Jr farmers propessive {?] at agincourty young {?} all went.

Wed Jan 27 Weather - Rain in a.m. Cleaning at night. men picked over beans, I sewed all day at my navy & pink dress, at night we drove down home & Pat, Norm, newton, mattew, Marion & I went to marguerites in newtons car, men played.Cinds, married men won for 2nd time, Laura Stayed at home with John & Dorothy, we arrived home at 2 30 a.m. wedding day this 6th.

Thurs Jan 28 Weather - Lovely bright day cooler at night. Men drew manure a.m. picked hens p.m. Marion slept till noon she & Pat went to city at 3 p.m. to his mother's Stayed for supper

1932 as he had to curl at 6p,m. I helped boys milk, home at 11.15

Frid Jan 29 Weather - Cloudy all day, men picked fruit in a.m. Norm left at noon for agincourt to hear a debate in afternoon. Doug cleaned hen house, Les up with truck, Kiddies still have measles at store. I helped milk. Produce - 10pts cream, 88 Dz eggs, 10 gloves, friot, 10 bus app. 6 bags pot 6 {?}

Sat Jan 30 Weather - quite cold, blistery in afternoon. Men sowed wood & chored, Douglas went to market in pm Fresh {?} Went with im they attended a milk meeting in afternoon Chopper over in afternoon, W Craig called at night 2 Dz eggs I rapted up a parcel of 4 cushions for jean, I milked to-night. norm away to-night.

Sun Jan 31 Weather - quite cold flustery in a.m.We attended church service in afternoon. not so many out on acount of weather & measls. I helped milk + separate

Mon Feb 1 Weather - fair & cold. Doug home for the day repairing his ca. norm chored, Pat read a book in between chore time. I nearly finished sowing my navy dress. Marion not well to ay cutting 4 teeth, Norm & I attended coral at church.

Tues Feb 2 Weather - S. E wind cloudy all day with some snow. Men cut wood to-day. I wrote Auntie who is in Wellsley Hospital. normal attended for 7 {?} to-night Pat took mariion to Dr. called at gertie on way home, washed 30 Dz eggs afte that.


Wed Feb 3 Weather - fair, milder. Douglas & norm went down home & baled 7 ton of hay home by 3 30 pm. E Craig invited mrion & I out their for tea so went we about 3 30 & stayed until after W.M.S. which met their Pat called in for us & carried marion home, she has a very {?} cold. Radui out of business to-night.

Thurs Feb 4 Weather - Stormy all afternoon. men sprayed manue in a.m. etc in p.m. Pat picked over apples, jean french phoned down after dinner saying that Rev McSonald & hon father would be calling about tea time & wouldstay So I was busy getting readym, but when they came they were afraid to stay on account of work, norm away to-night.

Frid Feb 5 Weather - Strong S.W. winds. men drew manure to-day made cider etc. pat picked over apple in a.m. went to city in p.m. also W Clark to a milk meeting marion very miserable all day with measle. norm went to a Treat night. produce 12 pts cream 76 D eggs 14 bus apples 6 bags potatoes & goal cider. we had store pipes down this a.m.

Sat Feb 6 Weather - Lovely bright day. Douglas went to market. men drew manure all day norm took most of forenoon of to Unionville. Laura came up before dinner & went home at 3 30 , she cleaned itchen picked etc. as I had to attend marion all day, she is covered to-day with measls. hardly no rest last night for anyone.

Fb 7 Weather - Lovely beight day. Douglas attended church in p.m. norm went over home, D Brown here chored Pat brought little radisohome after church. I stayed i with marion measls.

Mon Feb 8 Weather - very, very, strong S. W. wind. men drew manure, pat busy a.m. turning wheel on wind mill to keep wind from breaking it of. We washed & oh such a wind tore {flan?} Laura here helping me until time to go to coral, they went down with Charlie H. I cut a house fress out for Laura & nearly made it. Jack Thompson here in s.m. for a basket of apples.

Tues Feb 9 Weather - Cool & East win with some snow. men drew manure, Les up in forenoon & took out Radio to city to get fixed, & Billy & Gimmy brought it up at chore time. Q.m.s. commention to-day in city, Gypsy Sven conert at Richmond Hill to-night, norm at Geo Browns playing cards.

Wed Feb 10 Weather - cloudy & mild. men drew manure, norm chopped feed p.m. pat picked over apples I cut marion rose dress out, 2 house dresses Laura & made finished pats pyjama pants & made Laura's green dot dress, Mrs Craig up this evening. norm went to {?} Laura came back with him.

Thurs Feb 11 Weather - Heavy thunder storm early 4 a.m. rained & misty all day. norm chored, Soug not here to-day. pat went to R moatsons sale p.m. Billy here for milking stayed supper & played cards till 9 30 went home I started {?} to-day

Frid Feb 12 Weather - Lovely bright day. men cut wood a.m. took top of stack, Laura went home about 4 p.m. after she cleaned {?}. Edith Craig up before supper time. John up for the evening while mother at craig's she came up after meeting for 1/2 hr. prayer meeting, produce - 60 Dz eggs, 6 gal cider 12 pts cream 6 bus apples, 8 bags potatoes. marion got 3 valentines

Sat Feb 13 Weather - Cold & windy, Doug Brown went home after breakfast as mrs Allan had died Norm chored etc, Douglas went to market, I {?} in p.m.

Sun Feb 14 Weather - fair a little snow. norm & I went to church, pat kepted marion, Della & Dot came up after stayed for tea & I went back with norm to Y.P.S. Billy here supper also.

Mond Feb 15 Weather - fair,bright cold n e winds. men drew manure, Douglas picked over apples in a.m. had a early dinner & went to city to curl returning at. 12.15. p.m. lost 3 games. Billy up for chores & stayed supper, Rev McDonald & Mr Frend called in at tea time ordered a bag od spy appples then called later for them & visited left here at 8.20. I did a small washing after dinner marion & I stayed alone norm went to coral. Fresh cow to-day.

Tues Fed 16 Weather - fair & cold n e winds sleet at night 12 p.m. norm finished manure pick across each, D Brown not here to-day Mrs Aan funeral, mother came uper in p.m. stayed to tea after a few games of crds with Cora & Hazel who came to stayed the evening, John called for her & went home post came at 12 p.m. girls still here

Left Page

Weather- Lovely summer day

We picked fennis in a.m. men all ploughed. Douglas attended the funeral home of Ihomez Meguay, RW rae,RW

Left page

1932 Mother Birthday.

Tues Aug 9

Weather - Rain, partly cold with night showers at moon

Men finished cutting grain at 4 p.m. the gross wheat and arched then raked up hay. Della kiddeie and mom down home pat and mom come down later, all there but alex and laura

Wed Aug 10

Weather - cool, with heavy storm and rain about 3:30 p.m.

Doug borrowed a.m. mom rdd icks, Pat cutting weed with agathe thom . started to take the wheat show at moon, but when rain came stop. Della did not feel well in bed all a.m. all went bed early.

Thurs Aug 11

Weather - Rain and cool

Mom and billie ploughed in a.m. with horses, Doug cut weeds along tarnets in mangles, mom went to unionville at night. taled show

Frid Aug 12

Weather - lovely cool day

Men finished faling shortly after done, Doug went down with johns and hewter to shock grain. Douglas, Mom and Billie lumped hay. Mom and della went to landen partly at call hords: Also mom bought - 67 n, 1 bus apples, 61 1/2 dg eggs

Sat Aug 13

Weather - Lovely cool day

men drew in 3 1/2 loads hay, put some baled show in iam, went down home to thresh in p.m. Jimmie and I did milking, Della went down home. Laura brown,jean scott mmb and mawing here p.m. Alex etc. happen, two folks bought her home.

Sun Aug 14

Weather - Lovely day

I was in bed all morning and jean at p.m. with flu. Douglas, maison and mom went to church lovne and della to a lake.

                                                   20-6 when we got there.

we went to aunties for tea

Right page

Mon Aug 18

Weather - Luite warm

Men all down home threshing, we washed. I did not feel very good yet. Mom and della went with Leo brown to demmas borsh to mr. james meeting.

Tues Aug 16

Weather - luite warm

Men all down home threshing finished and machine home 130. Della and maison were down home in the afternoon. Mom and della went to city at night. Mr.hellens brought honey over today. Leslie up to milk.

Wed Aug 17

Weather - Lovely a.m. rained most of afternoon.

Men busy threshing here, rain came aftudiner and stopped at all. 10 quils planned to go to island in afternoon, Della sick, hael Dr. mcdonald over at moon and stayed newt and guile called at 11:15 p.m.

Thurs Aug 18 Newton brought cedar chest home - laninmelle

Weather - Rained heavy early a.m. clearing and cooler

Doug had day of getting teethout, Douglas and mom upgrading machine ate all day. Dorothy and mother up with john in a.m. Dorothy alonged. jatt ended in insitiute at must curclies, went with charlie, heyal, coa ahaw. they called to see fate on the way home.

Frid Aug 19

Weather - Cloudy and cool

Doug borrowed wheat ground, mom pulled weecht, billie, Douglas picked apples and epained threshing machine, Dorothy here yet, Della up for in supper. We did up beets and finished the fernie picking. Pardeux -60 dg egg 5 bus apple

Sat Aug 20 Here at night

Weather - Beautiful Day Lovne, J brown, Jeane and a friend, hm , padget


Mom threshed all day, Douglas did not feel very well today. here helping

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Sun Aug 21

Weather - Lovely day

Douglas, maison and mom attended church,Mrs. Redendgelez, Mrs. rae spoke in sun school. Dorothy went down home lovne dinner, mom here in p.m della in bed

Mon Aug 22 Rose l here today

Weather - Loane Warm, Rain in Afternoon about 4 p.m.

Men thushed until rain came, Dorothy came up with the for a.m. home, Laura and Venva desmaunae here a.m Men to sow wheat taking tea timing

We picked 3.11 gt basket plumme

Tues Aug 23

Weather - Luite warm

Men placed fence, cleaned chaff and farm at p.m. Mom a.m. threshed in p.m. Mary and Kwenis up most of afternoon, Mrs.Craig here in evening

Wed Aug 24 We washed

Weather - luite warm

Men finished threshing at moon. started to draw manuse p.m. Mom attended at dance at richmond hill tonight, Dorothy went home p.m.

Thurs Aug 25

Weather - vey warm, thunder shower 4 p.m.

Men drew menuse, Douglas picked apples, we all went to jeane at night. Della and maison drove down home with mom to cedar chest p.m.

Frid aug 26. ex opened today

Weather - luite warm with rain in afternoon

Douglas and mom away relong, doug and billy ploughed in c.m picked chickens in afternoon, pardue 55ho g eggs 10 chicks 1 fos apples

Sat aug 27

Weaather - Rain and very windy in p.m.

men finished faling at moon, ploughed in p.m. Della went down home tonight em brown called in at night with iam, Douglas at store.

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1932 First load show went monday sept 12

Tues Sept 13

Weather - Cloudy easternly winds, rained heavy at night

Douglas cultivated wheat ground, Doug nodded at mom got half the field across pond sown with wheat, Della went to city with john, mother, leslie took and load straw this a.m. Walter Craig up this evening

                                                        I went out thlve for 11 get too johnson

Wed Sept 14

Weather - Lovely day

Doug picked pears a.m. ele finished sowing wheat today. Johnson dream to the w.m sat night at chund.

Thurs Sept 15

Weather - an ideal day at evening.(Moonlight.

Doug borrowed, mom picked apples a.m. Douglas fixed hadon in p.m. They cut huckw heat, mother & luana came up in the afternoon, lne stayed with keldus Della & I went with hooleus down to the cvn coast.

Fri sept 16

Weather - lovely and cool

Men picked apples and made cider in a.m. finished cutting luck wheat in p.m. I picked 20 chickbone, apples 430.

                                                                     43 g.

produce, 6 gal cider, 20 chips, 5 lus apples, 9 pto cream, 6 bus pear, eggs.

Sat sept 17

Weather - cloudy, rained + cool

royo attacked huckw heat and did some chopping, Douglas cultivated, cults, bought home ferlyez seeds in p.m. mom went up to jacks for the night. Della attended the farmer cvn coast at champions, then went to Cedar groove in over sunday.

Sun sept 18

Weather - an ideal full day

Douglas and mausm attended church, uncle jim horde come up to tea and spent the evening here.

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1932 Walter craig here in a.m. Ross cunningham in pm home at night

Mon Sept 19

Weather - mostly cloudy rained early a.m.

mom went to city with leslie, when he look and apungen away. He then came and took a load haled wheat lele aluminum, this 3nd load. I made tomato soup am. wheat many up of the afternoon went to choir machie with mom and della. Betty up to see about flowers ele for s. fais.

Tues sept 20

Weather - Cloudy and very warm

Mom picked apples, Douglas took mother, della, leslie and 9 men to the school farm at unionville in pm Della stayed at jeane for tea , Leslie took the fourth load taled show almon.

Wed sept 21

Weather - cloudy,warm and cold at night

We canned 12 gls 6 ple cvn in a.m. did some washing pm. Coa came over and helped Della and I cut up 1 ft butter for connastin young flats in the y.p.s. men picked apples, Douglas cultivated and mother up in for the evening while at cvn coast, 10 thin.

Thurs Sept 22

Weather - cloudy and showery

mom and allen went to mrs.norclicks to help with silo filling. Douglas pougt up to toggle all home by chore time, I made more tomato soup and I didn't matches, Della and mom went to john practice at night. Mrs.vanchom funeral today.

Fri Sept 23

Weather - northernly winds and cool

Mom down at Rodidezof w banches silo filling, home in sulopite,in close ahead not work welol. we picked chickens in p.m. Patt g . john up in the eveningalso lovne here, he and della went to the city.

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1932 Pat bought home idun 3 patrogen

Weather - Lovely Cold bright day, Ground covered snow

Men fixed

1932 here before breakfast for Bella to go city & home again by 11 am, matime Hellums here inp. M Douglas, Norm & Newton went up to Fachs to play cards left 6.30 pm. home by.

Tues Nov 29 Weather- Lovely day Douglas & Norm faled until 4.30 pm at M. Godwiles Doug did up Christ then went home by the dinner to attend the funeral of his uncle. Douglas took Bella & taking ele down to church at 5 pm. as it was our supper & concert given by Mr Zees & ochestra. Took in 54 o. Johnedoun alme. Douglas kept girlies.

Wed Nov 30 Weather- an ideal day. Douglas & Doug faked all day at Mr. Rodicks. Norm went to city {am ho- page cut off} at mont did chores. Bella went down to church about 4. Newton ferge. her cup later norm & she practice, Douglas shine stayed home.

Thurs Dec 1 Weather cloudy (partly) Doug drew wood le m. had to let cons at water, no wind for a week. Douglas norm at Mr Rodick faling home by 5 p.m. Douglas called got Stella to hel for Duncan fedrom for that John made. J cleaned our bedroom.

Frid Dec 2 Weather- Partly cloudy S.W wind (welcome) Men chopped A. M & pruned maple trees, Doug took team & went up home p.m for loud wood for himself. Douglas took circular saw Markham in pm Marion went him, he went store at night. We cleaned kitchen to day. Produce- 100g eqq 3 hes pears for apples. 7 pts cream.

Sat Dec 3 weather rain & mild. men cutting apple trees ete, Bella went down to practice for concert at church. Katie gave her about 430 p.m norn store night, we works late. {on top of entry- 1st peaches}

1932 Sun Dec 4 Weather-strong S.W wind. Douglas, Norm & Bella went to church. I kept kiddos, Billy here supper, Some seatment afront 20 tonight, that MJ Thomson house on fire Douglas thorm went over & first there, Lorne & Bella came up later, had fire plan going for 3 days now.

Mon Dec 5 Weather~ strong S.W Winds. Lovely wash day. We ironed, cook beets for beet pickle, Bella finished Maion {making?} him sweater, men ploughed all day 2 terms& hach Douglas did not stop for his dinner, Norm & Bella went to for farmer making himmille

Tues Dec 6 Weather- rained most of day. Men trimed maple trees & chores Marion, Douglas & I went to city for the day. Bella kept Dorothy. Douglas went to St John Hospital in p.m

Wed Dec 7 Weather- rained all day, clearing at night & cold. Men just jiffed afront, Douglas & Marion went to Markham p.m for circular saw. Man here in evening, manage descsernt. Stan Bartlet down to see afront hiring I made ,, gets lests, cabbage pickle, Bella knit Marion brown mits imp. m.

Thurs Dec 8 Weather- cloudy & cold. Men digging out apple trees, I attended annual W.M.S meeting in p.m/ at church, Norm went to choir practice, Lorne & Bella to dance malvern.

Frid Dec 9 Weather- bright & quite cold- men worked a tree, I made & put curtains up in Bella room. Douglas lodge {written above: at night}produce, & 7 eggs, 7 pts, 10 his apples 3 for peare, culorn.

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Sat Dec 10

Weather - cloudy, cold east wind

Men worked at the trees, Douglas, Maison, went to markham a.m. Della went to practice in p.m. then went down, again home at night with mom.

Sun Dec 11

Weather - Cloudy, Cold east wind, snow at night

Maison and I went to church with mom, spent evening at home

Mon Dec 12 Bot and Jeane 4th wedding day

Weather - Cold, Stormy. $29.00

Men loaded old gentlemen into truck Pat and Les took him to city. John came at 10 a.m. with mother in gulus + 9 load gr up to masquerade at 10 and had dinner and he left about 2 p.m. in home. Men chored. Della practice church

                                                                                       p.m. and in farmer dance

Tues Dec 13

Weather - Very cold S.W. wind

Men drew wood and doug got saw at calverts. Douglas alone might D+h home.

Wed Dec 14

Weather - Still cold S.W wind.

Men sawed wood. Della

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Niles due in gale g 1899

Height- Dec 1st $45 00

 -     -  -    16 00

Banker- Nov 15 83 50 73 50

Hooper V Ludford " 22 77 00

Shroy luster co london " 24 18 00

Wed Dec 28. 1932 School meeting today Charlie Houper elected as new trustee weather - lovely mild day. muddy, men finished sawing wood to-day. Myrtle B, Marie S, Edna Drothy Dalmidge here for tyhe afternoon playing with kiddies. mom and I attended annual meetings of the Y.P,S and Social. homemade pras. Souglaskept kiddos

Thurs Dec 29/32 Weather - lovely a.m. cloudy p.m. men dew manure. Sella and Dorothy up p.m. stayed oh too left f (?) home at 815 to walk. mom went with brown (??) to teh exectutive meeting of ju(?)farmer at flammails (?)

Frid Dec 30 Weather - coloudy am. rain in pm and night

men dew manune in a.m. amde ci3 geese a.m. made cider and detched 2 little pigs for market in p.m. Douglas picked 3 geese a.m. finished venison to-day.produce - 13 fus apples, 5 gal cider, 2 geese, 12 pts cream, 321/2 dog eggs, cabouet 25 n 30 lbs 2 small pigs

Sat Dec 31 Weather - very cold strong S.W. winds doug drew manure and alos mom. Douglas went to market to-day. Act (?) brown down at night for 1.0g eggs. mom away to-night. kiddos went to bed about 10 30 we stayed up to see old year out and new year in.

Gibert Croter commenced work April 4th 1898 at $100.00 for year Lost line May 24th 1

                                              June 15    1/2
                                              Sept 7     1 
     Reserved Cash   $2 00                    Oct  7     1

July 29 at 1 00

Sept 7 Cash 2 00

Oct 7 " 2 00

Nov 19 " 63 00

                    $70 00
                             $100 00
                               70 00
         Balance              $3000

April 3 Cash on Corsitt note 17 00

" " Interest 75

   '    Retaining watch         25
   "    Postage                 15 
   "    Rehaising set crew      10 

Wedding suit (Brown) dyed Sept 24/32 Price $4.00 at Parkave (?) Nov / st (?)1932 shower of green or white granite 1 presevre kettle 1 vegetable pot with lid 1 potato pot ... lid 1 dish pan 1 doutte trikn ... lid 1 tea kettle .. lid 3 sauce pluppins (?) 3 jes(?) all lined white enamel

Transcription Progress

In Progress


1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 1.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 2.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 3.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 4.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 5.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 6.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 7.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 8.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 9.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 10.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 11.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 12.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 13.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 14.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 15.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 16.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 17.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 18.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 19.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 20.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 21.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 22.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 23.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 24.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 25.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 26.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 27.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 28.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 29.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 30.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 31.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 32.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 33.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 34.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 35.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 36.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 37.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 38.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 39.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 40.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 41.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 42.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 43.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 44.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 45.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 46.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 47.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 48.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 49.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 50.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 51.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 52.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 53.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 54.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 55.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 56.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 57.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 58.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 59.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 60.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 61.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 62.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 63.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 64.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 65.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 66.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 67.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 68.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 69.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 70.pdf
1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 71.pdf


Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood, “Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1932,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/525.

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  1. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 1.pdf
  2. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 2.pdf
  3. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 3.pdf
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  6. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 6.pdf
  7. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 7.pdf
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  69. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 69.pdf
  70. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 70.pdf
  71. 1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 71.pdf
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