File #43957: "1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 57.pdf"



Left page 1932 First load show went monday sept 12 Tues Sept 13 Weather - Cloudy easternly winds, rained heavy at night Douglas cultivated wheat ground, Doug nodded at mom got half the field across pond sown with wheat, Della went to city with john, mother, leslie took and load straw this a.m. Walter Craig up this evening I went out thlve for 11 get too johnson Wed Sept 14 Weather - Lovely day Doug picked pears a.m. ele finished sowing wheat today. Johnson dream to the w.m sat night at chund. Thurs Sept 15 Weather - an ideal day at evening.(Moonlight. Doug borrowed, mom picked apples a.m. Douglas fixed hadon in p.m. They cut huckw heat, mother & luana came up in the afternoon, lne stayed with keldus Della & I went with hooleus down to the cvn coast. Fri sept 16 Weather - lovely and cool Men picked apples and made cider in a.m. finished cutting luck wheat in p.m. I picked 20 chickbone, apples 430. 43 g. produce, 6 gal cider, 20 chips, 5 lus apples, 9 pto cream, 6 bus pear, eggs. Sat sept 17 Weather - cloudy, rained + cool royo attacked huckw heat and did some chopping, Douglas cultivated, cults, bought home ferlyez seeds in p.m. mom went up to jacks for the night. Della attended the farmer cvn coast at champions, then went to Cedar groove in over sunday. Sun sept 18 Weather - an ideal full day Douglas and mausm attended church, uncle jim horde come up to tea and spent the evening here. Right page 1932 Walter craig here in a.m. Ross cunningham in pm home at night Mon Sept 19 Weather - mostly cloudy rained early a.m. mom went to city with leslie, when he look and apungen away. He then came and took a load haled wheat lele aluminum, this 3nd load. I made tomato soup am. wheat many up of the afternoon went to choir machie with mom and della. Betty up to see about flowers ele for s. fais. Tues sept 20 Weather - Cloudy and very warm Mom picked apples, Douglas took mother, della, leslie and 9 men to the school farm at unionville in pm Della stayed at jeane for tea , Leslie took the fourth load taled show almon. Wed sept 21 Weather - cloudy,warm and cold at night We canned 12 gls 6 ple cvn in a.m. did some washing pm. Coa came over and helped Della and I cut up 1 ft butter for connastin young flats in the y.p.s. men picked apples, Douglas cultivated and mother up in for the evening while at cvn coast, 10 thin. Thurs Sept 22 Weather - cloudy and showery mom and allen went to mrs.norclicks to help with silo filling. Douglas pougt up to toggle all home by chore time, I made more tomato soup and I didn't matches, Della and mom went to john practice at night. Mrs.vanchom funeral today. Fri Sept 23 Weather - northernly winds and cool Mom down at Rodidezof w banches silo filling, home in sulopite,in close ahead not work welol. we picked chickens in p.m. Patt g . john up in the eveningalso lovne here, he and della went to the city.
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