File #43965: "1932 (with Apple Orchard Record 1889-1890) 65.pdf"



Right Page 1932 Sat Dec 10 Weather - cloudy, cold east wind Men worked at the trees, Douglas, Maison, went to markham a.m. Della went to practice in p.m. then went down, again home at night with mom. Sun Dec 11 Weather - Cloudy, Cold east wind, snow at night Maison and I went to church with mom, spent evening at home Mon Dec 12 Bot and Jeane 4th wedding day Weather - Cold, Stormy. $29.00 Men loaded old gentlemen into truck Pat and Les took him to city. John came at 10 a.m. with mother in gulus + 9 load gr up to masquerade at 10 and had dinner and he left about 2 p.m. in home. Men chored. Della practice church p.m. and in farmer dance Tues Dec 13 Weather - Very cold S.W. wind Men drew wood and doug got saw at calverts. Douglas alone might D+h home. Wed Dec 14 Weather - Still cold S.W wind. Men sawed wood. Della
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