File #44117: "James Cameron 1893 Diary 1.pdf"



Mr James Cameron Island 1893 1st of January new years day Sunday East Wind {2 illegible words} Rained hailed Gordon here Lewis Laso- here the 2 girls went over to William Craigs Leander went to Jo Lemays 2nd W Wind cool finished Plugging my Tobacco 100 Plugs and the rest is in stacks Fine stuff Freezing tonight 3rd Allen's Birth Day 18.53 very frosty W Wind sawing stove wood skinned 3 EEls Freezing hard tonight 4th W Wind Fine Day Frosty Leander put out a Few Bushes to the south side went to Hopkins Paint 1 {2 illegible words} Thrashing there The 2 Girls to Summerstorm Bought of I Summers 10 yds of Gingam 2 Glass Dishes 4 Matches 10 Cards 10 Bought at Hannllons cheese 10 1 Summers sent {Illegible word} a Parcel of Tobacco a Present 5th Wind Cold Freezing Windy Reading to Day the Woodpecker Tapping in the Grove always Denotes Bad Weather when he comes around 6th Cold Frosty Fine the Marsh hay stack in the upper feild Done shot an owl put Paris freen on the own for the Fox
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