James Cameron Diary, 1893
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Is Part Of
Mr James Cameron Island 1893 1st of January New Years Day Sunday East Wind Snowed Rained hailed Gordon here Lewis Laso- here the 2 girls went over to William Craigs Leander went to Jo Lemays
2nd W Wind cool finished Plugging my Tobacco 100 Plugs and the rest is in stacks Fine stuff Freezing tonight
3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853 very frosty W Wind sawing stove wood skinned 3 EEls Freezing hard tonight
4th W Wind Fine Day Frosty Leander put out a Few Bushes to the south side went to Hopkins Point 1 J Morris is Thrashing there The 2 Girls to Summerstorm Bought of I Summers 10 yds of Gingam 2 Glass Dishes 4 Matches 10 Cards 10 Bought at Hamiltons cheese 10 J Summers sent {Illegible word} a Parcel of Tobacco a Present
5th Wind Cold Freezing Windy Reading to Day the Woodpecker Tapping in the Grove always Denotes Bad Weather when he comes around
6th Cold Frosty Fine the Marsh hay stack in the upper feild Done shot an owl put Paris Green on the owl for the Fox
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Mr James Cameron Island 8th of January 1893 Fine Windy Annie B Day 1866 D Spinks here Livinia Senior very unwell in Bed
9th Wind very cold Light snow Livinia very sick Leander went to Lewis
10th W Wind Very Cold and Frosty Livinia a Little Better to Day sawing stove wood to Day Tuesday Broke on a Marsh hay Stack to Day Tuesday The Boys making Buckshot a very cold and Frosty night
11th W Wind very cold and Frosty Drifting Livinia Better to Day as she is up the White-Backed Eagle Flying around Frosty cold tonight
12th East Wind Frosty Drew stove wood cut a Quarter of Beef On this Day of the Month our Mary Auntie Mary Departed 1891 Frosty
13th Frosty cold Drew some Wood
14th cutting stove Wood Leander to F Covington to get his boots fixed 30 cents Bought John Tyo 3lb of Tea 1 a Bottle of Harrys 25 John and Billy Morris Drove Leander Home stopt all night
15th Wind went to Fish EEls got 1 Leander went with them put 2 shoes on the Mare as she will slip going to get her shod sent up a Tub of Butter Got 6 Dollars the Big Rout at Nicholsons about the Girl this week
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Mr James Cameron Island 1893 16th January W Wind Cutting Wood Leander at Dundee getting the Mare shod by Derushie 1 Brought a cutter Home gave Gordon a ride to Hamiltons
17th cool frosty Leander and Stanley went to Break some of the ice on our Road at the upper Point put some Bushes on the ice went to Hamiltons got the Papers took Gordons satchel with his shirts to wash
18th E Wind Fine Frosty drew some wood cutting stovewood Stanley got a bad fall coming out of the barn Fell on his face and hurted his head broke the rack of the sleigh
19th wind snowing a little Making a Rack for the sleigh this is the night of Ponds Ball at Hopkins Point Leander and the 2 girls went to it 50 cents paid about 30 couple
20th came From the Ball went to Dundee for the Bob-Sleighs cold some snow
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st of January 1893 St Agnefs Day W Wind Frosty Fine cutting stovewood Fixing the Harnefs Fixed the saw Leander to Hamiltons For 2 Bushels of Oats They had no change to Be Paid
22nd E Wind Fine Leander and the 2 Girls went to Jo Lemays Lewis the Indian here Got Tobacco Told us Lewis Martin's wife Died on Friday the 20th
23rd E Wind Light snow Fixing the Blocks on the Bob-sleighs the owl Dead at the shanty Frosty
24th Charlie Tupper's Birth Day Fine E Wind Fixing the shafts Went to the Sturgeon Island cut some stakes Drew 6 of the Basswood Logs to the Grove Drew a Load of Wood Turning Warmer commenced to snow to night
25th Robie Burn's Birth Day Fine Warm E Wind snowing Wind snowing Wind changed to West 2 stars Pretty close together this some time cut 2 Poles for shafts Working at them to night
26th E Wind Kind of soft Drew some Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
27th of January 1893 Fine Frosty Windy sawing stove wood split 2 Logs for Rails Fine to night
28th Stormy E Wind Drifting the Heifers and calves did not go to Drink to Day took in the Bottom of the Marsh Hay stack cut some stove Wood
29th WW the Girls went to Christee Leander went for the Mail Fine Day and to Hamiltons
30th Frosty Fine Mary Morris came Down From Mr Ponds sawing stove wood
31st E Wind a Very Fine Day the Girls went to Summerstown took the Horse and cutter took 8 lb of Butter 18 cents a lb 1..44 Bought of J Summers 10 yds of Goods a Dollar Lining 1 1/2 yds of Calico Thread went up to the camp to Look at them Bolts
1st of February E Wind Drifting Windy Leander Annie Mary Morris Went Down on the ice to Lancaster Bough of Mr Glennie a Table 7.50 Dollars
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of Febuary 1893 Candle-Mass Day The Bear and Raccoon will see their Shadow to Day as the sun shines North Wind Fine Frosty Leander and the Girls and Mary Morris went to Dundee took Stanleys Boots to be Fixed and to Fix the cutter Water very Low as we have to go Far out for to cut Waterholes Those Wigglers is Begginning to come Leander and Annie came Livinia stopt at Dundee Stanleys Boots 40 cents 4 yds of calico 25 Cutter 85 put a Whole shoe on it got an almanac
3rd E Wind Drifting snow Wind changed to West snowing unfortunate Day
4th W Wind Very Frosty Ground the axes
5th E Wind Leander went to Hamiltons for the Papers Lent his overcoat to Gordon 2 of Lewis Boys here Gave a stick to make a Broom There is Sacrament on the Front Sexangensima Sunday
6th E Wind snowing Drifting made some Rails of oak
7th W Wind snowing Rained Last night Drifting Windy some crust
8th Gordon's B Day Leander to Summerstown Bought of Nicholsons 250 of Flour 5 Dollars Paid Broke a Road to the Bush Got a Postal card From the News
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Mr James Cameron Island
9th of Feby 1893 Fine W Wind changed to East Drew some Wood Stanley and I in the Bush Drew a Load of Rails to the wet Place Left the Beech in Field slipped off not very well
10th Raining W Wind Leander to Hamiltons 4 Bushels of Barley not Paid to Day
11th E Wind and West Drew some Wood very Fine Day Drew the Beech Log out of the Field Leander went to Hamiltons to night a Fortunate Day Heard Chicken Tyo shot his Son
12th Shrove Sunday Uncle William and his Wife and Livinia came Moses Lemay and his sister here a Fine Day
13th E Wind Fine Frosty Leander went to Dundee Bought of Tyo 5 Gallons of Coal Oil 40 naild 5 lb 20 Bag of Bran Hide 1 Dol calfskin 40 Sheep pelt 40 A Ball at John Tyo's tonight Broke on a Marsh Hay stack the Last of them at the Barn
14th St Valentine Day Shrove Tuesday very Fine Day Drew 2 Loads of Wood with the colt put him in the cutter goes well Mardi Gras high wind and Rain to night
15th Ash Wednesday Fine some Rain Thawing
16th North West Wind sawing stove Wood Got 2 Rats John Fraser passed up the ice seen 2 Foxes on on the ice some slippery Margaret Hamilton got a Bad Fall yesterday Dan Spinks here
17th Fine some Frosty cutting stove Wood north and E Wind put in the Last of the Marsh haystack
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Mr James Cameron Island
18 Feby 1893 James Hugh's Birth Day 1855 cutting stove Wood Leander went to for the mail
19th Leander and Annie went to Dundee E Wind stopt till next Day Moses Lemay here with Leanders Watch turned stormy to night
20th Leander came to night very cold to Day and to night Molly had a calf this Morning put a a (another Barrel for ashes hurted the Back of my hand
21st Fine went up to the Bush E Wind to night Drifting
22nd Washington's Birth Day stormy E Wind snowing Drifting turned Fine sawing stove Wood
23rd Fine very Bad with a soar Back sawed some Wood cut a Waterhole to the Bottom no Water ice awful thick over 3 Feet Wrote a Letter For the Toronto Weekly news did not send it to Day
24th St Matthias Day Fine Frosty W Wind Stanley sick a Bad cold Sawing Stovewood Dan Spinks here to night For Leander to go to a Bee Drawing stones to the Wharf
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of Feby 1893 Fine Day Leander went to Hamiltons Stone Bee Gave him the Letter to put in the post office with a Dollar in it For the Toronto Weekly news to be Registered But he did not put it in the office to Day
26th Leander came Fine Day
27th Fine cool Frosty sawing stove Wood
28th E Wind Fine some Rain and Hail Leander went to Dundee took the Letter with him to put in the PO Summerstown This is the Last Day of Feby Bought soda 8 Tea 3 lb 1 Dollar Postage and Register 8 cents
1st of March St Davids Day The Festival of Welsh Taffy came in Kind of Like a Lion Windy West snow Flurries not very well Got a Lead Pencil
2nd W Wind Windy Tried iron-wood for colds cutting stove wood Water very Low have to go out in the channel to get Water Froze to the Bottom all Bad with colds coughing and Barking
3rd a very Fine Day Went to Lewis Lisors seen a new comer there Marys Baby Boy Barnhart Barnharts Wife and children came there to Day at stovewood Drew the Marsh hay from the Marsh and the Little S
4th Fine E Wind Leander crofsed with the colt in the cutter to Hamiltons the First Time the colt crofsed the ice Cleavland in to Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
5th of March 1893 Leander and his Mother went to Dundee took the colt stopt all night Fine Lewis here Brought me my Broom snowed some
6th Fine Barnhart here Angus McDonald poorly Threw up a pail of Blood Leander and his mother came from Dundee Barnhart went to Charlies Island for wood Randolph came to night windy to night
7th a very fine Day Leander and Randolph went to Dundee for his valise Bought of Tyo overall stuff Drawers shirts salts I went up to the ash to put the snow of it Leander crofsed this Evening for the Mail Mr Angus McDonald Merchant of Summerstown Departed Last night a very Fine Gentleman and a very obliging man
8th a Fine Day Thawng First Crows came to Day Leander went to Jo Lemays to Fix his Watch Uncle Bill and Billy came for the Heifer cut a Water hole speared in it and got an EEl in it
9th Angus McDonald Buried to Day Leander with 3 Basswood Logs to the mill 252 Feet of Lumber Thawing some to Day
10th Took 1 Pine 1 Basswood 400 Feet Billy Morris came with the Sewing-Machine Remington stopt to night the 2 Boys went to F Covington took the cold St Batteauce Passed here
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Mr James Cameron Island
11th of March 1893 Fine E Wind Billy and Leander to the Mill Billy 2 Hemlogs did ot saw the Lemlogs Left them for another time go 3 Basswood sawed did not get the number of Feet of the Basswood to Day Gave a peice of ash to Billy for oars He got no saw-dust to Day Leander went to Hamiltons to night a social at Duncan Go Last night
12th On This Day of the Month D McMaster First Came to the Island Fine soft Water on the ice Mary-Ann Lewis Girl and 2 Boys here Horse and cutter
13th Fine Leander very unwell to Day a Team and 2 Men crofsed from the south side to the north side Stanley and I up to the Bush some Grass Birds came
14th Stanleys Birth Day 1880 E Wind Fine commenced to Rain 2 of the cows calved to Day one of the calves still-Born Leander in Bed to Day some Better Let out the Pig Filed the saw seen a Flock of Wild Geese going East Flying Low Spotty putting her entrails out {see discussion}
15th Drifting very Windy Bill and Billy Morris here Going to Lancaster with cedar for shingles took up a Load of sawdust a Man here a Man here Looking for Lewis house his name is Andrew Tarrase Leander not well
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Mr James Cameron Island
16th of March 1893 Fine W Wind A J Baker and Mrs Baker here Good Going on the ice Spotty Dead Drew her out on the ice
17th St Patrick Day The Festival of the Irish Fine Leander and Annie to Dunde with Butter 17 1/2 lb Bought of Tyo axe 75 cotton Calico Boots 90 sugar Ginger 2 Bottles of RRR 50 Bill Morris and Willie here From Lancaster Shingles and sawdust I sawed ash For oars cut 2 Logs 1. 8 Feet one 7 1/2 Blustering this Evening some snow
18th St Joseph Day on the Day Vicky Departed 1887 Fine Drew 2 Loads of Wood Bored the Heifers Horn as she has the horn Distemper Got a Gimlet and spirits of Turpentine From B Morris Stanley sick in Bed
19th Fine Dan Spinks came with the Mail and the Picture The Birds Eye view Toronto cames with the Toronto News Good scating
20th First Day of Spring E Wind Fine Races in Lancaster a Great many going on the ice Leander went up to John Ponds for hay he is not at home cut some wood Sun crofses the Line
21st Rain W Wind High Equinoxial Gales A Team crofsed over at the East End of the Island about Dark went above the Sturgeon Island going south and was then turned East cant see where its going
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Mr James Cameron Island
22nd of March 1893 Livinia Seniors Birth Day Fine E Wind Leander went to John Ponds for hay got 1/2 Ton of Marsh hay Took the 2 Barrels Down from the camp to soak 4 Teams Drawing Wood from Tuppers Island Johnny Craig and Annie his sister here Told us that it was Peter Buchanan that crossed over Last night
23rd E Wind Snowed some Hail cold Wind Leander went to John Ponds for the other 1/2 Ton Thats a Ton of Marsh we got Stanley and I up to the Bush seen the small owl Bad with a cold
24th Fine Rained Took some of the snow out of the Boats cutting sugar Bush Wood Heard Dan had a set to with another Lawyer Blackbirds came cranes came
25th Leander to Dundee took Butter to Bill Got 2 Pigs to be paid in sum{cut off} got his Milk can and 3 Tins for syrup Annie came had 2 Papers Tapt 70 Trees to Day not running well
26th John Hamilton Camerons B Day 1876 The 2 Miss Frasers and Miss McDonald Teacher here our 2 Girls went to Lewis and From there to Hamilton Got the Papers Seen the Fight the Lawyers Maud calved
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Mr James Cameron Island
27th of March 1893 Tapt 110 to Day not running very well Made some sumac spoils Drawing wood to the camp Bad with colds EW Cool 28 E Wind Fine sap not running cool Fixed the Tin Pan at the camp made a Fire under it making the Fireplace Longer Moveing the poles and crotches seen a Team going Down on the south side of the us seems to have a Load chopped some wood at the camp
29th Fine W Wind Leander crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholsons 200 of Flour one Hundred on credit and paid for the other Bill and the 2 Boys here with the colt, in the Sugar Bush Made Taffy had a Feast for the First Made Billy Made an axe-handle of Ash Lots of crofsing on Summerstown Road the 2 Girls went to Evan Frasers
30th Tapt some 25 to Day Rained and snowed a Little Boiling in the Pan Windy West Wind Froze to night
31st Good Friday Fine W Wind Done
Uncle John Cameron Departed this Life on the 7th of April Friday
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Mr James Cameron Island
1st of April 1893 All Fools Day Fine Rained Lots of Ducks Flying no holes yet for them Made some syrup Leander crofsed aFoot to Hamiltons for the Papers Windy to night
2nd Fine John and Mary Morris here Gordon here Easter Sunday Boiling in the Bush
3rd Rained Made some Syrup
4th some Rain Thunder and Lightning Fine Foggy Tapt 5 Trees Gathered 6 pails cut some Firewood at the camp
5th Fine W Wind cutting Wood at the camp Johnny Morris and Mary and Randolph went to Dundee Randolph gave me 25 cents for to Buy songs I seen in the Toronto News we seen a Buggy crofsing the Summerstown Road to Summerstown Running some to Day Gathered some its Peter Baker and Barnhart that crofsed not in a Buggy but a sleigh Trading with George Derushie a colt for cattle so Barnhart says
6th a Fortunate Day Boiling E Wind Fine {cut off}ir cool cutting Firewood Mr Barnhart Lost a calf Last night stole out of his stable
7th Boiling made sugar for the First 35 lb Snow heavy Thunder and Lightning and Rain to night {cut off} opened at Francis Island on the {illegible} Uncle John Died
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Mr James Cameron Island
8th of April 1893 Fine Running well the sap ice opening s{illegible} a Good Deal of shooting seen Loons high Wind Tapt 7 Trees
9th On This Day of the Month I was Married 1862 Thirty one years Married to {illegible} Sunday Fine Boiling to Day
10th Fine in the Bush strained Running well a Good Lot of shooting Ducks Plenty {illegible} Fine E Wind Running well Boiling Lots of Shooting Piling stove wood Put of Dicks Bun Got an EEl the ice Before went off in a very large cake Killing snakes come out of ther holes
12th Fine Day Jams of ice shot 2 Ducks {illegible} Little Island Took the Boat
{illegible}of the Island A {illegible}nk Brought
{illegible} and got away with
{illegible} to Day {illegible}
{illegible} to the Bush commenced
{illegible}south Wind Drawing
{illegible}13th Fine some Rain high
{illegible} the camp EEl
{illegible} syrup from the
{illegible} windy {illegible}
{illegible} made 2 Batches {illegible}
{illegible} Traded {illegible} Gallons 15th Wind {illegible}
{last line illegible}
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Mr James Cameron Island
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Mr James Cameron Island
16th of April 1893 Fine The Lemays here Mrs Bacon and child Narcisse and his Man came they all had a Feast at Taffy Made a Bargain for her stove 4..50 to Pay her Father Sent Jo a Present of sugar Sap Running well
17th Fine E Wind Sap Running well Boiling and Gathering sap Dishes Running over
18th Uncle Duncan's B Day some Windy Moses Lemay here for 2 Quarts of Syrup Linwet here Mr Kelly Billy Morris and Billy Bone here Annie crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 1 lb of Tea Sent 2 yds of calico to Mother a Present Got 2 Letters one with Uncle Johns Death and one from Minnie with a present for Ionia On Sunday the 16th The Princefs Louise crofsed From Summerstown to Dundee
19th Fine sap Runs well Tapt 7 Trees frost to night Fishermen went to Lancaster with First Lot of Fish
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Mr James Cameron Island
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Mr James Cameron Island
20th of April 1893 Frost Last sap running E Wind up at the camp went around the Island took a Fainting Fit or Dizzinefs in the Head Fell Down then came to was very very sick was afraid I would Die there and they would not Fine me for a Day or 2 very High E Wind I called and Called to them in the sugar-Bush at Last I made out to reach the camp and got home
21st Rained Jenny calved Fine Heard a Rap at the Door about 10 or 11 o clock in Day Time it must mean Death or some one Wishing to come here at sap Boiling took home syrup to Day
22nd Wind Boiling sap got all the sap Boiled
23rd St George's Day The Festival of the English hail Windy Rain Leander and the Girls went to {cut off} Jo Lemays Sent 2 1/2 lbs of Butter 50 cents Got a Sturgeon from the Fishermen them to Butter
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Mr James Cameron Island
24 of April 1893 Fine Leander Went to Dundee Charlie and Mary came with him Bought overall stuff 50 of Bag of Bran 50 Gathered 12 Pails of sap one of the cows calved
25th St Marks Day Windy north some Drops of Rain Fine made Taffy and sugar Done to Day in sugar Bush Leander and Charlie to Tuppers Island got a Few Duck and a Decoy skinned 2 Muskrats cold Frost at nights
26th hard Frost this Morning Taking the Basins from the Bush E Wind Fine Fishermen went to Lancaster with Fish Got a Sturgeon Fisherman Wrote a Letter to New York to Ionia Cameron 218 Warwick Street East N York Long Island
27th Windy Leander and Charles Got 6 Ducks Gave the Fishermen a couple of Ducks The Stove Fell Down Broke the 2 Front Legs
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of April 1893 Windy Made a Double Whippletree Took away the Front Banking putting the syrup in Jars ice Going Down not very well Ground the Broad-axe
29th Fine Livinia and Mary crossed to Summerstown Mailed the Letter to Ionia 218 Warwick Street East N Y Long Island Bought J Summers 1 lb of Tea 25 took a Fox pelt From Hamiltons to sell for Davy Spink Charle Leander to Ball Island Go 2 Ducks 2 Men here Picquet for Fish
30th Fine Day Warm Leander Went to Dundee with Charlie and Mary took his Fur Muskrats Mink and Fox Lewis Wife and Mary-Ann here
1st of May E Wind Raining Mr Genie here Made a Broad-axe handle Had a Lot of Perch Light Lit up in the Light houses now Chaffy Runing now to Lancaster
2nd W E & W Raining Mr Genie went to Cornwall Fisherman went to Montreal his Girl to be Married Stanley and I taking up stones Tow Boat with Raft went Down a Tug came up
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Mr James Cameron Island
3rd of May 1893 E Wind Foggy Algoma into Dundee Alexandra went Down 2 Tows went Down Mr Genie came from Cornwall took 1 Bushel of Wheat 1 lb of Tea went off Leander came had the Plough 2 W trees a neck yoke 75 Plough 3 Dollars Sold his Rats and Mink 2.20 Bought 2 Hem straps 30 one of the cows calved Oxly High E Wind to night Narcisse came from Montreal Mr Jo Genie and Bilaire came Fixing the Buoys
4th High E Wind Raining Cold Water Raised very High Narcisse to Butter 20 no Boats went to Day Water high in Dundee
5th Fine Rained some Taking away the Banking From the house Drawing stones to the Bank hitched the colt and Mare together Drew the Logs of the Potato Ground a Lot of Towing
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Mr James Cameron Island
6th of May 1893 Drawing the stones from the Tobacco Place to the Bank First Ploughing Broke the Point Fine Rained some Moses Lemay here for Butter and syrup 5 lb of Butter 1 Dollar 2 Gallons of syrup 2 Dollars Mr Marcell here came for his Beadstead at the shanty the Grenada came up from Montreal to Day
7th a Fine Day Leander and the 2 Girls went to Lemays Brought the stove home Gordon and Franky Laplant here Quebec at the Fishermen Dany Spink came with our mail
8 very Fine Ploughing the Potato Ground taking out stones Otto Dead yesterday
9th Fine Planted some Potatoes Taking the Potatoes out of the cellar a nice Lot of them put the stove up in the cookhouse put the pig in the Pen {page two}
Mr James Cameron Island
10th May 1893 W Wind Fine Finished planting the Potatoes at the house ploughed the Garden ploughed the peice Below the house and taking out stones shut in the cows at night took some of the Leached ashes out of the Leach Barrel put some on the Potatoes and some on the hay-land our hay near done seizing Fishermens nets and Seines at Lancaster Narcisse to Lancaster with Fish Garnet went up to Day
11th Fine Day Ascension Day Bodway came this morning with a Letter from William Morris Junior as he is to be Married to Mifs Plumado Mr Genie there Quebec with a Postal card to Narcisse Ploughed and Planted the Lower Piece of Potatoes Rocket went Down First Trip Fixing Garden Fence Filled the Leech with ashes
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Mr James Cameron Island
12th of May 1893 E Wind Fine Taking out stones Leander crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers pair of Boots Broom one of the cows calved
13th Fine EW Mr Creamer Bill and Mary here Mr Genie came took me a Bag of Potatoes From Jo Genie he went to Cornwall sawed a Log of the soft Maple the Rocket went up Bill to a Gallon of Syrup sent the Top onions working at the Garden Let out the Mare and colt to Grass
14th E Wind Leander crofsed to Mr Craigs
15th Fine Began to Plough a Piece Below the storehouse sod for Potatoes Annie and Mother went to Lewis's They came over Mary Ann and Jo Gave them a calf one of the cows P.J calved to Day Leander went for a Ploughpoint to Dundee 50 Tea 1 Dollar put a handle in the Grubhoe Fixing the West side of Garden Fence
16th E Wind Rain Fixing the Fence in the swamp sawed a stick for oars went for Cherry Gum Sent a Letter to Toronto yesterday Planted Potatoes in a Barrel
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Mr James Cameron Island
17th of May 1893 an unfortunate Day Ploughing Fine took the Pots and Barrels From the sugar-Bush Planted a maple Tree in front of House the Wind took it out of the Roots in the Bush wind changed to West Raining hard Drawing stones to the Bank Taking cherry Bark to Drink Duck commenced to Lay Mr Genie up with Mr Kelly stopt at Mr Lemays to night
18th a Fortunate Day Raining hard to Day Mr Genie came here taking up his Line Lots of Towing
19th Fine Genie went off Letting the water run to the south side in the swamp Fixing the Fence in the swamp Let the Lye Run Digging in the Tobacco place for stones
20th Fine a Lot of Towing to Day at the Fence Lewis and Jo here to Dinner told us the cars smashed on the Track an Unfortunate Day
21st Whit Sunday 3 men here 3 More men 1 party the Beans very Windy slept at the Shanty those men
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Mr James Cameron Island
22 May 1893 Fine planted Potatoes in the Garden got From Jo Genie Leander crossed for the Mail Got the Songs from Toronto Got a Letter from Minnie Bought of 50 Wt of Flour 1 Tea 30 pipes 2 (Made a Pair of Oars Leander )
23rd E Wind changed to S West Fine Began to Rain Blew very very hard Lewis here with corn got Tobacco Harrowing the corn Ground Put Manure on it Thunder and Lightning very high Wind Drawing stones to the Bank Fishermen went to Lancaster and I Think they went to Montreal as they did not come Back
4th Qeens B Day Fine cool Windy Planted corn & Potatoes Beans Pumkins squashes The Fishermen came Back from Montreal to night
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Mr James Cameron Island
25 of May 1893 W Wind very windy Rained Thunder and Lightning at the Fence in the swamp splitting a soft maple Log
26th Fine Working at the Fence Began to Plough a Peice in the upper Field amongst the Brush cleaning the Barn Floor Manured the Potatoes in the Garden Narcisse Paid his Rent To Butter sugar 40
27th Fine Began to Rain Mr Genie here E Wind W Morris Billy Bone and Labuff here Leander crofsed Peter arquet Moving to Charles Island He Bought Butter Milk 25 Gave him salt
28th Trinity Sunday Windy Leander went to Dundee with Bodway
29th Royal Oak Day Leander came had 4 Bushels of Oats 1..52 Ploughing Harrowing some
30th sowed about 3 Bushels Fine E Wind commenced to Rain Wind changed West Blowing hard Planted a Few hills of Potatoes and squashes Let out the calve to Pasture Mr Genie went of yesterday Leander to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 50 wt of Flour 1 Lunge to
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Mr James Cameron Island
31st of May 1893 Very Fine Day Harrowing Potatoes Lewis wife for Butter 40 Arquet For Butter 35 Peter for Butter 20 Took 2 Pans of Bread From Lancaster 40 cutting weeds on the Sturgeon Island Stanley and I sawed a Log of Beech at soap Filed the saw making a Trench at the Wet place a Drudge went Down 2 Tugs Towing it Lots of Boats Going to Day Leander went to Jo Lemays with the clock and a Parcel of Eggs From Montreal
1st of June Vicky's B Day 1878 The Glorious 1st of June The Line Boat went up Last night Fine Day E Wind Mr Genie going to Cornwall Brought me a Rooster an unfortunate DAy Corpus Christe Working at the Fence Digging stones at the Tobacco Place
2nd Fine EW Mr Genie went to Cornwall Sawing a Beech and splitting Fixed a place for the Pigs at the Fence
3rd Fine E Wind Bohemian and Spartan went Down to Day at Fence Blackbirds at the oats
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Mr James Cameron Island
4th of June 1893 Fine Windy Lewis here Going to Charlies Island This is old George the 3rds Birth Day that used to be Kept for a Long Time Narciss to Butter Algerian went Down
5th an Unfortunate Day Fine very warm oats coming up Finished the swamp Fence Blossom on the apple Trees Took away the stack Fence Took 2 Troughfs From the Bush
6th an unfortunate Day Raining hard On This Day of the Month Sir John A McDonald Departed 1891 Leander and Stanley Made a Boat for the First
7th Fine Working at the Fence at the Pitt Point cutting Dead cherries for the Brush Fence corn coming up Put the Boat in the water to soak Narcisse to Butter 20
8th William and Billy Morris here Brought a Licence to the Fishermen Windy Fine Bill Left his Boat to night at Frashers as the Wind is high
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Mr James Cameron Island
9th of June 1893 Aunty Mary's B Day 1813 an unfortunate Day Fine Annie and Leander went to Dundee with 2 Tubs of Butter and 16 Doz of Eggs 14.44 clot 1.87 1/2 cloth 40 Thread 10 Flour 2.20 Tea 1.50 Boots 1.25 Boots 1.50 Globe 5 1 pipe 25 Tin pail 50 Pills 25 Hats 3 - 30 2 Tubs 50 2 Tubs 40 Slippers 1.50 pipe 35 cottonade 10 Tax 5 Milk Pans 1- Lime 9 Salt Left 1 here Due 1-27 and the Salt 1-37 Due Moses Lemay here Gave him stuff to Make oars Got 3 lb of Butter 60 Peter to Butter 20 cutting Weeds Found a Potato Bug Fire-Flys Plenty Mosquitoes some Bad Mr Genie here to night went off Bragains 1-25 Soap 20 Shoes 1.25 Tin pail 50
10th Fine - Windy
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Mr James Cameron Island
11th June 1893 St Barnabas Day E Wind heavy Rain high Wind
12th Fine E Wind very warm Killed the calf 4 weeks old Dew the sticks of the Tobacco place and stones Drawed some to the Fence on the Pitt Point Transplanted Turnips the young Ducks out seen Potato Bugs
13th very Fine and warm Sheared the sheep sawing wood Stanley and I at the Sturgeon Island mowing weeds and cutting Brush Narcisse to Butter making my Pants
14th Fine very Warm Leander and Stanley Trowling howing the Potatoes trimmed the apple Tree at the Door
15th E Wind very Fine and Warm Fixing a Log in the Wharf Hoeing Mr Smith and Uncle Bill here Trowling they got a Good Lot of nice Fish a Big Pic Nic at Fraser on the south side Lewis 2 Boys here for Butte 2 Boys From Charlies I for Butter Smoking Fish Weeding the Garden a Fortunate Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
16th of June 1893 Fine EW hoeing Potatoes at the East side of the storehouse Narcisse to Butter a Great many Boats a Going the Kit Kit to Butter commenced to Rain hard Thunder and Lightning Billy Morris Bar Tender on the Point Washing the Wool
17th Fine Rained some in the Morning hoeing the Beans Leander Fishing Livinia not Well
18th Fine Warm Day The Ever Memorable Battle of Waterloo Bill Morris Rufus Creamer and Randolph here Rained some
19th Fine Warm not very well Put the Plough Through the Potatoes at the House they went with the Fishermen to take his seine up as it Fast in Logs Leander went to Frashers Point to get Twine from Murcel to Fix the Seine R Trowling to night Arquet for Butter 5 lbs gave him a pipe Hoeing some Made a Frame around the Seed onions
18th Fine
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Mr James Cameron Island
20th of June 1893 Fine very warm The First Day of Summer and a Fine Day it is Salted the cattle splitting Logs hoeing Fixing Fence Randolph very unwell Leander went to Dundee Bought Tar paper a Roll nails 2 small Sacks of {illegible} Salt Paid Before Rufus Creamer came Down with him
21st a very Fine Day Boarding the outside of the House at the Potatoes and corn Mr Kelly and Bill Morris and Billy Bone here Looking after the Fisheries Had a Row with Wiso 2 Fishermen went to Montreal The Girls went to Jo Lemays for the clock Price 60 cents The Boys Trowling at night got 3 The 3 Spannish Ships went up in Tow of 2 Tugs the Caravels Lewis here came F Lancaster got a Star from Mr Kelly
22nd Our Dans B Day Rained Fine Boarding the House Lots of Boats going
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Mr James Cameron Island
23rd of June 1893 Raised Fine Dick came the Boys and Rufus went to Dundee moving the Logs at the Door
24th St John the Batista Day The Girls went to Summerstown For the Mail Got a Letter From Ione Cameron 218 Warwick Street East NY Long Island The Rocket a Pleasure Trip to Lancaster making the Tobacco Fence The Fishermen Found a Boat Bought 2 spools 10
25th Fine Narcisse paid his resit EW Genie here Saturday Brought to Basins said they put him off the Place Heavy Thunder and very sharp Lightning and Rained very hard to night and heavy claps of Thunder
26th Fine Windy Leander and R went to Dundee Bought Pants 1.25 Took the calfskin at the Tobacco place
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Mr James Cameron Island
27th of June 1893 Fine Ploughed the Tobacco peice put the Plough through the Potatoes above the House Rained some Mr Genie here Gordon {illegible} for Leander to work on the Roads for him Told us of Larus {illegible} with the Lightning
28th very warm Fine Mr Genie went off Lewis for salt at the Tobacco peice Narcisse for salt and Butter
29th Fine very warm St Peter and St Paul's Day Lewis for Soft-soap got a stick of ash The Tobacco Ground ready The colt 3 years old to Day
29th Fine put the Plough through the Lower Potatoes
1st of July Dominion Day Fine Day went to the upper Point
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of July 1893 Fine Bismarck came Leander went to Jo Lemays gave a hen to them
3 Raining Thunder Windy Moved the 2 stoves Leander Went for Bismarcks Watch 75 cents
4th of July American Independence Fine Rained some W Wind Put out 150 Tobacco Plants Leander and Bismarck went to Hopkins Point putting Paris Green on the Potatoes Bugs Bad a Dance on the Point to night
5th of July (Our John's Uncle John) Birth Day 1803 Fine Turned to Rain hard Stanly and I to Fish at the Kit Kit Island Got 20 Perch and 2 Pickerel took home Hamiltons Bun Brought of Mr Hagarty 2 Pans of Bread 48 cents caught another of the yellow-Birds
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Mr James Cameron Island
6th of July 1893 a very Fine Day Jacques an Indian here for Butter Peter for Butter Leander and Annie to Dundee with Butter Lots of Boats going to Day a Tug with Tow aground down at Charlies Island Mary Morris came Down with them Bought Flour 2.20 Pens 5 2 Scyths 1..20 Fork 35 Stone 10 Tobacco 40 Lamp 12 Glass 6 net 8 Hat 10 Paris Green 25 Tin Sprinkler 60 Tubs 90 Drefs 50 Plasters 5
7th Fine very warm John Morris Rufus and Charlie creamer here Lots of Boats a Going
8th Thund Rain hard John Morris and the rest went off Bismarck and Leander went to Lancaster Garnet went up Heard Oliver Duckett was missing he went of in a Boat got a Lot of Papers From Andrew Fraser very high Wind
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Mr James Cameron Island
9th of July 1893 Fine Tom Jack and Gordon here The 2 Girls went to church
10th Fine commenced to Mow Fixed the Bottom Log in the East Mow of the Barn the Girls went to Dundee Bought a sack of Fine salt 60 Stone 1/2 Gallon of oil Hat soap 3 Bars nutmeg nails soda 1-27 cents
11th Fine Windy cutting and Gathering Hay 2 Indians Broke their oar Lent them one Bought 2 Doz of Eggs 25 cents Fishermen to Montreal English cherries Ripe
12th of July Orangeman's Day Fine Windy put in the First Hay 4 Loads in the East Mow Henery Bosell here
13th Fine Mr John McBain came to see me as we were old school-mates in Williamstown and we had a Great time talking over the young Days Gone By
14th Mr J McBain went off cutting Below the corn Bought a Bag of salt and a Rake yesterday Making coils Put the Letter in the office on the 12th Eat new Potatoes
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Mr James Cameron Island
15th of July 1893 St Swithen's Day it Rains to Day Thunder put in 65 coils of Hay Mowing if it Rains to Day it will Rain for 40 Days so they say 9 chickens out Fenced the Young Ducks in yesterday as they are taking too much for the River
16th Fine Windy Narcisse Paid
17th Mowing on the Lower Point very warm very heavy Thunder and sharp Lightning Rained hard Got a Pickerel and sturgeon
18th Fine very warm Whitewashing Put the Bell on the Cow Mowing at the Lower Point Mr Mercell at the Fishermen Put out about 70 Tobacco Plants and its very Late for them Besides they are very small The Indian came with the oars Narcisse went to Montreal
19th Fine Mowing in the Grove and Back of the Barn Gokey came for Lewis Bosell Hence his 4 year old child was Drowned this Morning Fernandez Birth Day 1874
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Mr James Cameron Island
20th of July 1893 Fine Leander helping Peter to set his Lines putting in Hay and Gathering at the Lower Point put in about 60 coils
21st Fine Windy Narcisse went to Lancaster for George took our Boat not very well Went around the Island made some coils in the Grove 5 cutting in the calves Pasture Mowing Back of the Barn made 7 Coils Rained a Few Drops
22nd Fine Heavy Thunder and Lightning and heavy Rain George Treated me to a Glass of Gin and a peice of Tobacco Mowing put in 6 from the Back of the Barn and 5 from the Lower Point Beans Fit to Eat Cucumbers John Hamilton Cameron came Home From Grants
23rd Fine Windy Found a Bun Leander went for his Watch to Jo Lemays $1 Paid Got a Pair of Oars
24th Windy Fine The 2 Lovats here From Point Lovat Dan and David Mowing made about 40 coils cut a Little above the Lane and around Part of the Potatoes and at the old Garden
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Mr James Cameron Island
25 of July 1893 St James Day Fine in the Morning Leander and Annie Went to Dundee Took 2 Tubs of Butter commenced to Rain and Rained Heavy with Thunder and Lightning Made 6 coils in the calfs pasture Bought of J Taillon or Tyo) 200 of Flour 4.40 Tea 3 lb 1.. Ticking 13 yds 1.95 Shoes 80 Rubbers 40 2 Tubs one 30 lb one 50 lb 45 2 Papers of Dye 20 Snaith 60 Stone 10 Sewing oil 10 Tobacco 70 3 lb of Raisins 21 Flour Seive 20 To Cash 2.24 Butter comes to 13.32 Rained and Thundered and Lightning George Went off to Montreal Promised to Bring me a Salmon when he would come in 2 Weeks Time
26th Raining hard and Thunde and Lightning about 2 o clock in the morning then Rained hard and Thundered and Blew a very hard Breeze The Columbian and the Algerian The Columbian ahead very heavy weind Rain hard to night Thunder and Lightning
27th put in 4 Loads Windy Fine Mowing on the hill and Wet place
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of July 1893 A Fortunate Day Fine putting in Hay 7 Loads made 36 coils at the Lower Point Mowed around the Potatoes and above the calfs Pasture Rained to night
29th Fine some Rain Windy Joh H Bad with his Eye Mowed some at the oak Trees Received a Letter From Dan concerning the Parcel Directed to the care of Jo Duckett Leander Bought of J Summers 5 spools of Thread
30th Fine Gordon and D Spinks came Brought me my coat and vest and a pair of Pants
31st Mowing Back of the Barn very warm 103 coils to Begin a stack Rained to night Thunder
1st of August Lammas Day Began the stack put about coils in it Mowing and Gathering Jacobs to 2 lb Butter
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of August 1893 Minnie's Birth Day Fine Went around the Island those camping Devils takeing of Birch Bark Mowing Leander with Fishermen John H and the 2 Girls went to Mr Ducketts and Summerstown Brought Stanley a pair of shoes they are too small to be Returned the Parcel is at Summerstown station it will come to night or Tomorrow John to 3 Plugs of Tobacco 15
3rd very Fine warm the Chaffy went up with a Party Narcisse to 3 Quarts of salt Got a channel catfish not very well Knocking around for all that Peter came From Montreal to 1 lb of Butter
4th Finished the Lower field Mowing Fine Warm Making coils putting in the Barn
5th a very very hot sunny Day E Wind Finished a stack of Fine Hay about 4 Ton the yellow Bird sick one of the sheep Dead Mr Genie came Leander to Summerstown at Ducketts High Wind and Rain
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Mr James Cameron Island
6th of Augt 1893 Randolph's B Day Fine Rained Thunder and Lightning J Morris Mary Minnie McIlvaine and Randolph came Birdy Dead
7th Mowing in the upper Field
8th Fine Mowing Peter went off Leander went to Dundee with a Tub of Butter Bought 50 of Flour 9 1/2 Doz of Eggs Tea 1 Scythe 60 shoes 1 shoes 1.25 Soda 20 Stone 8 Tobacco 70 overalls Thread shirting Pills calico cotton Genie and John Fishing Genie went off
9th Mowing in the upper Field Uncle Bill and Ellen came very Fine Day Making coils Gave Narcisse a Mess of Potatoes John and Leander went for the Parcel Got it at Ducquettes 3 of 1 (Jacket & vest) coat pants vest 2 pair of Shoes
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Mr James Cameron Island
10 of Aug 1893 Very very warm Fine Mowing in the upper Field very Warm Ryo Fishing with Narcisse
11th Began a stack hay out of the upper Field Finished the upper Field very warm 5 men went up to Raise Timber that sunk Goyett is the name of one of them From Laprairie seen one of the Fridays at the Head of the Island a Pic Nic at Hamitlons From Massena
12th Finished the stack commenced to cut the Front Marsh Raining
13th Fine N East Wind Leander John Annie went to Dundee John McPherson and Donald Angus here to see me
14th Fine Day They came home from Dundee Mowing in the Front Marsh and at the oakfield Warm Mr Genie came had a Kettle of Huckleberries Boys Fishing got 4 2 EEls 2 succors Windy to night not very well to night
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Mr James Cameron Island
15th Aug 1893 Windy Fine Mowing Gathering set Fire to a Brush Heap Livinia Fell and hurted her Foot Blackbirds Eating the corn cattle crazy to Get in Fixed the Fence out in the River
16th Fine E Wind Mr Genie went off Mowing in the oakfield Front Marsh and Began the Back marsh Jo Lemay and Wife and 2 Boys here settled with Jo 90 cents Reo here 1/2 lb Butter eat new corn
17th E Wind Began a stack of Marsh hay in the Front Marsh commenced to Rain Lucias for Butter did not Finish the stack put about 100 coils in it and Left it for another Day
18th Strange Kind of a Man came here this Evening his name is Trudell had a nice Blue Boat no oars but a Paddle he made himself he stole the Boat he says he came 2 Miles this side of Odgensburgh gave him his supper
18th Raining Mr Genie came From Cornwall The Trudell went off up the River Lewis the Indian here Genie and the Boys Fishing
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Mr James Cameron Island
19th of August 1893 Mr Genie went off Gave him one of our axes Bismarck's Birth Day Dug a small Hole for Water on the side of the shore on the Pitt Point George Dick and Benway came From Montreal John H crofsed to Summerstown for George Leander set a Line
20th Fine Day Dan Spink here Larue here Dug Dug a hole in the side of the River yesterday to get spring water Minnie came Dan Spink put her acrofs
21st Raining some Mowed a Little cut Brush Leander got a sturgeon Thund and Lightning Rover yowling to night Windy
22nd Fine W Wind Mowing in the Back Marsh and oakfield making coils in the Back Marsh Lucias to Butter 1 1/2 Narciss and Benwa here for Milk Gave them a Lot of cucumbers George and Benwa went off to night
23rd Finishing the Big Marsh hay stack with what hay we have cut but we will put more on it yet a Good Deal of shooting Hawks plenty Got 2 EEls this morning
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Mr James Cameron Island
24th Augt 1893 Rained cut a Log for a Trough Broke their night line
25th cut the oats John not well some Rain cows inside in Daytime Horses in at night Taking in the Ripest of the Beans sowed some Hayseed in the oakfield
26th Wrote a Letter to George Charron from his Father sent Letters to Summerstown P.O John Went Miss Fraser and Miss McDougall here Going to put in the oats as it Looks like Rain put in the oats
27th John Morris and Wife here Gordon and Tommy Rose here Rained some Leander went to Lemays John to Hopkins Point Billy Morris sent me a Fine square of Tobacco
28th John went off Tommy Rose went of Leander Went to Dundee with a Tub of Butter Rain Thunder and Lightning 46 lb of Butter 8.28
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Mr James Cameron Island
29th of Aug 1893 E Wind Heavy Rain Heavy Rain a very stormy E Wind Broke corn and Tobacco Lots of Water in the cellar put 20 pails out to Day
30th Dan Spink here with Gordons close and 6 Dollars and 2 cents Mowing in the Front Marsh Lots of Water in it Making coils Narcisse to Lancaster Leander came from Dundee 200 of Flour 4 Tea Towels 15 Shirting 2.25 Tobacco 95 Matches 10 Shoes 1.25 starch 10 castor oil 10 Rained to night
31st Fine Water high over 200 coils of hay out in the Water Gordon Went to Lancaster Bought 2 shirts crossed to Summerstown Leander for thread and Powder cutting Brush in the upper Field Letting the Water run at the Wet place this Big Wind put Down Lots of nuts and a Fine Maple Tree
1st of September St Giles Day Fine putting in hay of the oakfield Broke the Jumper John Nicholson here Took in corn and Beans Took up onions Hunting Ducks commenced
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of Sept 1893 Rain Fixed the Jumper Gordon at it Ground some of the Tools Got a Sturgeon on the Line High NW Wind Water Falling
3 Dan McMasters Birth Day 1846 Hard Rain Gordon Crofsed to Summerstown
4th Fine cut the corn and Pulled the Beans Husked the corn Gordon to Summerstown
5th John Angus B Day 1850 Fine Gloomy put the Hay in From the Back Marsh {illegible} the Barn Floor and Stable loft Finishing off the Big stack in the upperfield Arquet here for Butter
6th Fine Day Made a stack of Marsh hay cut and coiled 40 coils on out edge of the Marsh Gordon and John and Stanley
7th Rain hard Thunder and Lightning East and West Wind very squally cool Water Falling shelled the Beans all that was in the corn
8th Fine Making North side Fence of The Tobacco John H Went to the Point Leander went for his Gun paid 25 cents Lemays came home Narcisse to Butter 1 Dollar
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Mr James Cameron Island
9th Sept 1893 Fine put the cornstalks in the Barn Made a stack of 40 coils in the Marsh cutting Brush in the upper Field the Indian here for a Dollars worth of Butter Lewis Bosell passed to the shanty
10th John H and Annie went to Dundee Fine 4 Men here From Valleyfield Looking for Grapes put up their Tent in Bell-Bay one of Them Lalonde Curvett Their names Gordon and I went up to Their Tent Treated us wind Raised high from the East
11th Fine Day putting out manure in the Grove Windy took in some nuts
12th Fine Gordon to the Fair in Williamstown Took up 4 Rows of Potatoes for the Pigs Boiling them Bacons Wife here for Butter Lucias for Butter Narcisse got a Dollar John H and Annie came from Dundee Bought 9 yds of Ticking 1..62 got the Loan of a Dungfork Heard the Rocket was aground Fair in Williamstown
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Mr James Cameron Island
13th of Sept 1893 Fine Day cut some Brush and Weeds on the Sturgeon Island Boiling Potatoes for the Pigs Leander helping Dick Fair in Williamstown
14th Drew some sticks for a stable putting out manure Gordon came from the Fair
15th High Wind Heavy Rain Thunder & Lightning Set a new Line Taking in some Butternuts and some of the Garden stuff
16th Windy Heavy Rain hailstones Thunder Lightning cutting the Length of the sticks for the stable 18 by 30 Letting the Water Run at the Wet place
17th Windy Raining all Day
18th Fine Working at the stable put up the crossed with the Boat
19th Working at the stable
20th Fine Windy Minnie Gordon and Leander crossed to Summerstown Taking up the Potatoes at the corn and they have the Rot The Burbanks Franky Laplante Wife a young son on the 19th
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st of Sept 1893 Fine St Matthew Day Last Day of Summer Taking up the Potatoes above the House 30 Wrote a Letter to George Charron from his Father Gordon cutting the Door of the stable
22nd Autumn Begins John Morris and Wife Billy Morris and Wife came took up 30 Bushels on the 21st (Dick and Leander to Dundee)
23rd at the stable John Morris and Billy and 3 of Frashers came and George Bosells son Lewis and Gave us a Good Lift with the Top sticks Billy and Wife and John H went ot the Point took John Morris's Boat Down Rain to night
24th Fine Windy John and Wife went home took a Bag of Potatoes Took 3 lbs of Butter part pay for the Hay Rain to night Gordon went to the Glen
25th Raining Gordon came took up the Burbanks in the Garden
26th put 50 Bushels of Potatoes in the cellar to Day Gordon chinking the stable thats 80 Bushels in now got a sturgeon Fair in Malone to Day
27th very Fine Day Gordon crossed with the small Bun put 50 Bushels in to Day Thats 130 Bushels in the cellar
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of Sept 1893 Fine E Wind Taking up the Lower Peice of Potatoes Began to Plough a in the upper Field Boiling Potaoes for the Pigs put the Potatoes in the storehouse Gordon came some Drops of Rain Lots of Towing to Day a Good Lot of shooting to Day
29th Michaelmas Day Fine E Wind Ploughing in upper Field Randolph came from the Fair in Malone went off this Evening Making Feed for the Pigs
30th Last Day of the Month very Fine Day Took up the rest of the Burbanks a Lot of Them Rotten as they are Mixed with other Potatoes Ploughing shot a Black Duck took 3 of the young Ducks out for Decoys to night some shooting to Day Gordon cutting Brush above the Lane crofsed to Summerstown in the afternoon Narcisse to 5 lb of Butter
1st of October Ionia's B Day 1883 Fine the 2 Girls and Stanly went to Bill Craigs and to Hamiltons Gordon and Leander to Plum Island (Alexis)
2nd Fine Ploughing cut a Few stalks of Tobacco Gordon went to Hunt cows Broke in the Turnips to night Rocket down on Sunday
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Mr James Cameron Island
3rd of Oct 1893 Fine High E Wind Gordon went to Work for Donald Angus Took up the Potatoes at the Gate cows salted made a Barrel of sour-crout Fishermen to Lancaster Burning Brush Fence Blackbirds at the Beechnuts Birds eating the Black cherries Dick to Montreal
4th Fine E Wind commenced to Rain Gordon crofsed Leander and Annie to Dundee a Lot of shooting Fixing Feed for the Pigs Stanley not well Paul Gray and his 2 Boys camped on EEl Island Fishing Bought of J Tyo Tea 2 Dollars 5 Gall of oil 40 Putty 5 Boots 1 cinnamon 20 Mustard 30 Broom 25 Tobacco 30 shot 24 Powder 20 Ticking 25 Fine salt 60 By credit to Balance 2..81=10.50 To 44 lb of Butter 8.80 Eggs 1.70 Stopt in Dundee to night
5th Fine W Wind Catherine Munroe Buried to Day Dick came From Montreal cut more of the Tobacco hung up what I cut Before some to cut yet Fixing Irons John H cut some Marsh hay
6th Fine E W Stanley and I went to get a handle made by Paul Gray on EEl Island put hay in the new stable
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Mr James Cameron Island
7th of Oct 1893 Rained some high W Wind Gave a stick to Arquet to make a handle Narcisse paid to Day what he owed Tied up Tobacco
8th Fine Day Gordon and Leander went to Dundee Bought a pair of Rubbers Tobacco pipes 8 so 4th
9th Fine commenced to Rain Hail Thunder and Lightning high Wind Ploughed some down on the hill North side and Taken out stones
10th H.A B Day Fine cool Wind Monica here for Butter got none Ploughing Digging up stones Taken them to the Bank on the north side Took one of the Pigs out of the pen Boiling Potatoes for the Pigs a Lot of Ducks this morning
11th E Wind Fine John H putting out manure Stanley and I went Fishing got 15 Digging stones out of the yard
12th Fine E Wind Mowed some in the Back Marsh Burnt some Brush heaps above the Foot of the Lane Boiled 2 pots for the Pigs Leander John H and Stanly went to Fish to night John H crofsed to Summerstown for Mail got a Letter addressed to Minnie
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Mr James Cameron Island
13th of October 1893 Fine Day E Wind Drew Beans for the Floor of the stable Drew a short peice of Ash for Oars putting out manure set Fire to a couple of Brush heaps in the oakfield
14th very High south East Wind Blowing a Hurricane the scow at Alexis Island Drifted over here Dragged her anchor over the shoals with the heavy Gale of south Wind Broke some Limbs in the Grove Tied the scow up in the Bay the 4 Boys I went up and took a chain and a peice of a Rope that was Tresh cut by some one where it was tied at Alexis Island there is 3 poles and a Big coil of Rope a Gangway a Board or 2 tin pail a pully Block sail all close-Reefed some water in her put the anchor around a Basswood Tree Rained hard a Rainbow wind changed West 2 Indians passed up stopt at the scows John H watched them Taken the Tops of the stacks the Wind high Wind to night
15th High Wind Rained some
16th Fine Windy Genie came Gave him 5 Dollars to take 300 of Provender and 100 of Flour from Cornwall Drew some wood put out manure Mr Sticklers Boys here taking the scow
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Mr James Cameron Island
17th of Oct 1893 Fine W Wind Narcisse to Montreal cut the Late Tobacco Trimmed all the apple trees Lucias got 8 lb of Butter yesterday Dick got 5 lb to Day put the Horses in Last night White Frost unfortunate Day put some Boards up in the cookhouse
18th E Wind John H crofsed to Summerstown St Luke Day Bought Tobacco Leander shot 3 Ducks Ducks getting more Plenty Mr Genie came from Cornwall had 300 of Provender and a 100 of Flour and a File The Rocket got aground going in to Lancaster
19th Fine E Wind cleaning out the stables put some Manure out putting stones under the new stable Mr Genie here Leander shot 8 Ducks a Lot of Shooting to Day Began using the Provender
20th Fine putting out manure Arquet here for Butter Genie Fishing to night 2 Men camped in Bell Bay
21st very Fine Mr Genie went off Gave him a pair of Tame Wild Ducks 1/2 bushel of Butternuts John H and Stanly Took a Boat From the Island above Christees Boiling Potatoes
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Mr James Cameron Island
22nd Oct 1893 a Very Fine Day Leander Gordon Annie went to Dundee Bought 6 lb of Tobacco pipe Braces caps 1 pair Shoes 1 lb of Pepper 50 cent of Gingam Cotton 18 yrds calico 95 Shoes A Lot of Shooting John Morris Bought a single Barrel Breech Loader Charlie Creamer came with Gordon and Leander John H and Dick to Ross I
23rd Livinia's (Sissy) Birth Day 1868 A Fine Day Picked the nuts at the River Tree Took up the Turnips in the Garden Leander and Charlie at Ducks John Morris Mary Annie came had 100 Weight of corn John had his new Gun plastering some Rained some to night set the Line with John H got a Pickerel
24th Our Hugh's Birth Day Rained some putting Manure on the Garden the 3 Boys went Hunting Wrote a Letter for Narcisse to send to George Howard has a Bee to Day and a Dance to night Gordon came for them all to go J Morris and Wife Charlie Creamer Leander and Annie Donald John McDougall here and Alex Frasher Lightning and Thunder to night and Rain
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of Oct 1893 My Birth Day St Crispins Day all Shoemakers Day Fine Windy not many Ducks John Morris Men and Charlie went off Made a Bargain with them to Dig a Well Narcisse Bought a Tub of Butter 68 years old to Day
26th E Wind Cool Mr Genie here going to Cornwall Left us his shovel Moses Lemay and Mr Bacon here Gave them a pail of Buttermilk a peice of ash Leander shot 2 Ducks the Corcican and Magnet went Down
27th Fine W Wind some Rain Mr Genie came from Cornwall a hunter Drowned at Charlies Island setting out Decoys heard so Narcisse went for Hunters at Lancaster not many Ducks Plastering the new stable
28th Fine Ploughing the Potato above and Below took out some Big stones Mr Genie went off the Hunters got our Bun paid 50 cents St Simon & St Jude Hunters went of no Ducks
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Mr James Cameron Island
29th of Oct 1893 Windy Hailing
30th Gordon and Annie went to Dundee Bought a of Tyo soda 25 1 pair of shoes 1 Dollar 5 yds shirting 50 Pepper 30 Towling 50 nails 25 Gordon Bought a pair of overalls 85 paid Johnny Charlie came had the Rigging for Digging the Well 2 shovels Ropes and pullys crowbar Gathered and Filled a Bag of Butternuts for Dan
31st Fine Halloween or Holy Eve Began the Well to Dig John Charlie Leander Gordon Mr Creamer and Wife and Billy and Wife and Mary came Got some Ducks Tried for EEls in the Mud Leander & Billy Got 9 for the First time cracking nuts Keeping the Halloween sent a Bag of Butternuts to DMM The Temple St James Street Montreal The Fishermen took them to the Depot and to pay the Freight on them Fishermen went home for a few Days John H and Stanley went to Rofs Island got 2 Ducks Mary and the Girls went to Summerstown Boug Lamp chimney Got a Letter From Bismarck Got Gokys pic to night Roses Boat
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Mr James Cameron Island
1st of Nov 1893 The Harvest Month of Death All Saints Day Fine Day shot 4 Ducks Working at the well a great Lot of Shooting Billy and Wife Mr Creamer and Wife went off Mr Genie came to night Banking some at the West End sheep came home for the First time Gordon and John H went to Fish with Mr Genie to night
2nd Fine Day All Souls Day Drawing stone for the well Fixing a Tub to take up the Ground Leander got a Bad Blow with the Derrick Falling and struck him Fishermen Back from Montreal
3rd On This Day of the Month Granda Departed 1857 Fine Working at the well
4th Fine a Lot of Shooting at the Well Randolph came John Hall took him here Mr Genie and John H went a Fishing to night
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Mr James Cameron Island
5th of Nov 1893 The Gunpowder Plot Guy Fawks Day Fine Gordon crofsed Going to Montreal Tommoro John H put him acrofs Johnnie Charlie and Leander to Dundee took 1/2 Doz of Ducks
6th Putting manure on the Tobacco Place and it is Thick The Boys came from Dundee to night Boiling Potatoes for the Pigs not many Ducks windy
7th Helen's B Day Fine Working at the well The Boys at Ducks in the mornings went to the upper Point some Beechnuts
8th Fine New Moon cames in Giving corn to the Pigs now all the Provender is used out of the Barrel Digging at the well some water coming in small
9th Prince of Wales B Day Fine at the Well
10th Water came commenced to stone Drawing stones Charlie Johnnie Leander and ellen went to Dundee
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Mr James Cameron Island
11th of Nov 1893 Fine Drawing stones 7 Feet 5 inches in the Well to night Mr Genie came had his Gun Fixed a Lot of shooting to Day sawed a Hicory Burning the Marshes
12th Martinmass Day Windy Fine Boys Hunting
13 Fine Mr Genie went off Finished the well to Day
14th Fine Fishermen went off Killed the 2 Pigs and they are Fat Johnny Charlie and Randolph Leander John H and Stanley at the Pigs cut the Pork to night Lots of Boats going to Day Fine some Rain to night
15th Windy the 3 Boys went to Rofs Island to hunt Johnny Salted the Pork Put it in the East cellar made a Fence around the Marsh hay stack some Grains of snow windy Drew some Drags
16th Windy Johnny Turned with the wind being too high Took a Bag of Potatoes Live Duck cut an oak for a Roller Snow on the Mountains
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Mr James Cameron Island
17th of Nov 1893 Fine John Morris went off turned windy the Boys got 2 Ducks Drew some Drags Windy to night
18th High Wind Boys went to the Kit Kit Island got no Ducks Rocket went up did not call at Lancaster John H and Stanly sawing Dry Elm stove wood churning Big Marsh Fires cool John H and Stanley Plastering the south side of the new stable put a Handle in the axe Put 2 Pails of Water on the Pork Barrel for Brine Sharpened the old crofs cut saw Fixing a Roller for the Sleigh
19th Fine Windy snowed to night
20th a Fortunate Day the Boys hunting got 4 Ducks Oliver and another man hunting Down at Charlies Island cut some in the Back Marsh
21st on This Day of the Month D M Master Departed Senior 1846 Leander Randolph and Charlie went to Dundee Charlie took 8 Ducks with him
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st of Nov 1893 They did not come home to Day Rained some to night E Wind
22nd Fine E Wind Plastering Rained this Evening Let the Water run some at the Wet Place John Hall here with my axe handles to make me more
23rd Windy Randolph and Leander Annie came from Dundee had the Tongue of the Sleigh cost for ironed 1.40 Bought of Tyo 3 lb of Tea 1 Dollar put a Window in the Stable cool no Boats went to Day Thanks Giving Day
24th Fixing stones under the stable Began putting Felt and Boards on the West End of the House Put a Large Window Glass in a Boat out on the shoal getting sand the Grenada came to her cold Windy
25th St Catherine's Day Windy cool John H went for his Things to Grants Leander went for 3 Weeks papers got 3 Letters 2 for Gordon 1 for me Bought of Nicholsons 200 Wt of Flour 3.80 Rope 25 got a paper From Uncle Johns Girls for Minnie Grenada Last Trip
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Mr James Cameron Island
26th of Nov 1893 Fine West Wind Leander Randolph went hunting Killed 4 Ducks Ground Froze that sand-Boat aground yet
27th E Wind cold Putting the Boards on the West and North side of the House Drew up 2 of the Boats at the shore Set Fire in the upper Part of the Front marsh and up in the Bay high Wind {illegible} and Rain Thunder Earthquake about 1/2 Past 11 o clock
28th Rained wind changed to West water Low shot a Duck a Lot of odd Kind of Birds like Geese or Gannets went West a Boat Lifter came to the sand Boat to Day nailed on some Board cut a Hicory a Tug with 3 Barges went Down
29th Windy East changed to East Rained Drew some Wood Drew some hay for covering the Hen-house put some Bant{illegible} Drew up the old stove Plastering the Horse stable The sand Boat got off Randolph and Leander went hunting
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Mr James Cameron Island
30th of Nov 1893 St Andrew's Day The Festival of the Scotch Rained some W Wind Lights Lit up yet water Raising a Little no shooting
1st of December some snow Last night Boys working at the Floor and Door of the stable cold Frosty Fed the Heifers at the stack
2nd Windy Frosty working at the stable put 4 of the cows in the new stable to night put the Barrel in the cellar for Water in the Porch put the soap in the cookhouse House not Banked yet
3rd E Wind Snowing Drifting no Lights to night as we cannot see stormy no Boats
4th W Wind cold Frosty Turned and Drew up the 2 Buns 2 men up in the Bay Fired 5 shots Ducquetts Flag Flying to Day putting the Tongue in the Sleigh put in the Pig
5th E Wind Frosty Cold at Tobacco 30 Plugs and a sack of Fine Leaves Boys shot a Duck
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Mr James Cameron Island
6th of Dec 1893 St Nicholas The Festival of the Germans Fine E Wind Turned to the West a Blew very hard Drifted Banking the house Boys shot 2 Ducks of a curious Kind but good eating very windy the mare very Lame
7th W Wind shot 5 Ducks got 3 EEls Went around the Island Lewis the Indian here for Milk and Tea he has a Family in his house this Winter the Mare very Lame the hay Done on the Barn Floor
8th Randolph and Leander went to Lewis's for the Pig Leander to Summerstown Bought of Nicholsons Boots 3 Dollars Powder and shot 4 spools Salt nails working at the Floor in the stable Lewis the Indian stopt here coming from Lancaster took supper Got milk Shot a Duck got Gordons cap and neckerchief at Hamiltons
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Mr James Cameron Island
9th of Dec 1893 E Wind Fine Boys EEl Fishing Got 137 skinning them to night the Hay in the Barn in with the Level of the Rails Done sheep came home from the Bush
10th This is Leander's Birth Day 1872 W Wind high
11th cleaning the EEls and salted them Sawing stovewood shot a Duck the Mare not well working at the stalls West Wind
12th E Wind snow very Frosty made a Good Lot of ice put 9 of the cows in the new stable now the mare is going to Kick Frosty to night
13th W Wind very very Frost shot a Duck ice making and ice Breaking its made over to Christees Island to night the Mare no Better its very Frosty to night ice takes a Lot to night
14th ice Taken acrofs all over here But a Lot of air-holes E Wind Boys got 7 Ducks Went for EEls got 10 Water Rising some Took the Boat in the airhole to the Sturgeon Island Looks stormy to night Unfortunate Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 15th 1893 a Fortunate Day E Wind Drifting snowing high Wind to night Lewis and his Boy here sold him 3 lb of Butter 75 cents 8 lb of Pork 80 cents Gave him 7 Duck and a Pipe for nothing seen Fox Tracks
16th Stormy E Wind Drifting Grinding the axes The Mare Dead Wind changed this Evening West ice Broke up some cleaning 10 EEls Wind high to night The Mare Dead
17th Windy East Drifted
18th E Wind Frosty Drew the Mare up to the Wet Place Looking for the sheep did not Fine them snow deep in the Bush Seen a very Large Track a Wolf or a Lynx or a Large dog The Boys for EEls got 12 Lost the Axe ice Looks good
19th a Fortunate Day Went to Look for the sheep Found Them took them home put them in to night Lewis's 2 Boys here Gave them 2 lb of Butter 50 cents is all paid now for the Pig Drew some Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
20th of Dec 1893 a Fortunate Day W Wind cold Drifting Frosty Filed the saw air-holes shutting up Last Day of the Fall
21st Unfortunate Day First Day of Winter Blowing Drifting snowed some Drops of Rain Broke on a Marsh hay stack Marsh hay done in the Barn a Weasel at the Barn chopping stove wood the colt sick seen Gulls Flying West seen a Cutter crofsing the Summers's Road Broke a Lamp chimney
22nd a Fortunate Day cold turned warmer at night hailing not ver well to Day
23rd Thawing Kind of Warm hail Rain the colt very sick Leander crofsed to Summerstown Bought a Bottle of Browns Panacea 25 got the Papers Giving stuff to the colt The Colt Died to night
24th Fine Leander and Randolph went to Dundee all Bad with La Grippe there Squirrel came to the Grove
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th Dec 1893 Christmas Day some Rain hail snow Foggy Randolph and Leander came shot the squirrel that came yesterday
26th Fine W Wind Drew the colt Down on the ice to the shanty opened him most awful Fat Put Poison Below the Sturgeon Island very cold to night St Stephens Day
27th St John the Evangelist Day Fine turned Foggy snowing Drifting Randolph and Leander Making a Handsleigh set Traps for the Fox
28th Windy Snowing Thawing Making Decoys Holy Innocents Day
29th Our Angus B Day Fine Warm a Great many Ducks Flying Down the Boys Got 2 Foxes to Day 2 EEls Fishers at the sturgeon Island set Traps Making Decoys Northern Lights to night
30th very Frosty Randolph went to Fort Covington Leander to Summerstown got a Parcel of Papers from Dan Bought Tea 30 Gordon came From the Shanty
Mr James Cameron Island
31st of Dec 1893 St Sylvester Last Day of the Year Fine Gordon and Leander went to Charlie Rose for the Parcel Charlie took it from the station the things that came 2 pairs of Pants 1 pair Boots Rubber carpet shoes 1 vest Ladies Tam o sh a Dress 3 Books and a Lot of magazine Ladies Journals Illustrated news
1st of January New Years Day 1894 Fine Lewis Lason here
2nd Fine EW Randolph came John H came Gordon went to Cornwall Randolph Bought an Axe split Hicory for axe-handles
3rd Allens Birth Day 1853 all of us Down Dead sick Stretch out with the La-Grippe
4th Wrote a Letter to Dan but did not put it in the office till some Day next Week
5th Gordon chopping
6th Johny Big Bill our John and Fernandez came
7th Johny and Big Bill went to Dundee
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- James Cameron 1893 Diary 1.pdf
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- James Cameron 1893 Diary 5.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 6.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 7.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 8.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 9.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 10.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 11.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 12.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 13.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 14.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 15.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 16.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 17.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 18.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 19.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 20.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 21.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 22.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 23.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 24.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 25.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 26.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 27.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 28.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 29.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 30.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 31.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 32.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 33.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 34.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 35.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 36.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 37.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 38.pdf
- James Cameron 1893 Diary 39.pdf