File #44118: "James Cameron 1893 Diary 2.pdf"



{page one} Mr James Cameron Island 8th of January 1893 Fine Windy Annie B Day 1866 D Spinks here Livinia Senior very unwell in Bed 9th Wind very cold Light snow Livinia very sick Leander went to Lewis 10th W Wind Very Cold and Frosty Livinia a Little Better to Day sawing stove wood to Day Tuesday Broke on a Marsh hay Stack to Day Tuesday The Boys making Buckshot a very cold and Frosty night 11th W Wind very cold and Frosty Drifting Livinia Better to Day as she is up the White-Backed Eagle Flying around Frosty cold tonight 12th East Wind Frosty Drew stove wood cut a Quarter of Beef On this Day of the Month our Mary Auntie Mary Departed 1891 Frosty 13th Frosty cold Drew some Wood 14th cutting stove Wood Leander to F Covington to get his boots fixed 30 cents Bought John Tyo 3lb of Tea 1 a Bottle of Harrys 25 John and Billy Morris Drove Leander Home stopt all night 15th Wind went to Fish EEls got 1 Leander went with them put 2 shoes on the Mare as she will slip going to get her shod sent up a Tub of Butter Got 6 Dollars the Big Rout at Nicholsons about the Girl this week {page two} Mr James Cameron Island 1893 16th January W Wind Cutting Wood Leander at Dundee getting the Mare shod by Derushie 1 Brought a cutter Home gave Gordon a ride to Hamiltons 17th cool frosty Leander and Stanley went to Break some of the ice on our Road at the upper Point put some Bushes on the ice went to Hamiltons got the Papers took Gordons satchel with his shirts to wash 18th E Wind Fine Frosty drew some wood cutting stovewood Stanley got a bad fall coming out of the barn Fell on his face and hurted his head broke the rack of the sleigh 19th wind snowing a little Making a Rack for the sleigh this is the night of Ponds Ball at Hopkins Point Leander and the 2 girls went to it 50 cents paid about 30 couple 20th came From the Ball went to Dundee for the Bob-Sleighs cold some snow
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