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Mr James Cameron Island
6th of Augt 1893 Randolph's B Day Fine Rained Thunder and Lightning J Morris Mary Minnie McIlvaine and Randolph came Birdy Dead
7th Mowing in the upper Field
8th Fine Mowing Peter went off Leander went to Dundee with a Tub of Butter Bought 50 of Flour 9 1/2 Doz of Eggs Tea 1 Scythe 60 shoes 1 shoes 1.25 Soda 20 Stone 8 Tobacco 70 overalls Thread shirting Pills calico cotton Genie and John Fishing Genie went off
9th Mowing in the upper Field Uncle Bill and Ellen came very Fine Day Making coils Gave Narcisse a Mess of Potatoes John and Leander went for the Parcel Got it at Ducquettes 3 of 1 (Jacket & vest) coat pants vest 2 pair of Shoes
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Mr James Cameron Island
10 of Aug 1893 Very very warm Fine Mowing in the upper Field very Warm Ryo Fishing with Narcisse
11th Began a stack hay out of the upper Field Finished the upper Field very warm 5 men went up to Raise Timber that sunk Goyett is the name of one of them From Laprairie seen one of the Fridays at the Head of the Island a Pic Nic at Hamitlons From Massena
12th Finished the stack commenced to cut the Front Marsh Raining
13th Fine N East Wind Leander John Annie went to Dundee John McPherson and Donald Angus here to see me
14th Fine Day They came home from Dundee Mowing in the Front Marsh and at the oakfield Warm Mr Genie came had a Kettle of Huckleberries Boys Fishing got 4 2 EEls 2 succors Windy to night not very well to night