File #44145: "James Cameron 1893 Diary 29.pdf"



{page one} Mr James Cameron Island 28th of Sept 1893 Fine E Wind Taking up the Lower Peice of Potatoes Began to Plough a in the upper Field Boiling Potaoes for the Pigs put the Potatoes in the storehouse Gordon came some Drops of Rain Lots of Towing to Day a Good Lot of shooting to Day 29th Michaelmas Day Fine E Wind Ploughing in upper Field Randolph came from the Fair in Malone went off this Evening Making Feed for the Pigs 30th Last Day of the Month very Fine Day Took up the rest of the Burbanks a Lot of Them Rotten as they are Mixed with other Potatoes Ploughing shot a Black Duck took 3 of the young Ducks out for Decoys to night some shooting to Day Gordon cutting Brush above the Lane crofsed to Summerstown in the afternoon Narcisse to 5 lb of Butter 1st of October Ionia's B Day 1883 Fine the 2 Girls and Stanly went to Bill Craigs and to Hamiltons Gordon and Leander to Plum Island (Alexis) 2nd Fine Ploughing cut a Few stalks of Tobacco Gordon went to Hunt cows Broke in the Turnips to night Rocket down on Sunday {page two} Mr James Cameron Island 3rd of Oct 1893 Fine High E Wind Gordon went to Work for Donald Angus Took up the Potatoes at the Gate cows salted made a Barrel of sour-crout Fishermen to Lancaster Burning Brush Fence Blackbirds at the Beechnuts Birds eating the Black cherries Dick to Montreal 4th Fine E Wind commenced to Rain Gordon crofsed Leander and Annie to Dundee a Lot of shooting Fixing Feed for the Pigs Stanley not well Paul Gray and his 2 Boys camped on EEl Island Fishing Bought of J Tyo Tea 2 Dollars 5 Gall of oil 40 Putty 5 Boots 1 cinnamon 20 Mustard 30 Broom 25 Tobacco 30 shot 24 Powder 20 Ticking 25 Fine salt 60 By credit to Balance 2..81=10.50 To 44 lb of Butter 8.80 Eggs 1.70 Stopt in Dundee to night 5th Fine W Wind Catherine Munroe Buried to Day Dick came From Montreal cut more of the Tobacco hung up what I cut Before some to cut yet Fixing Irons John H cut some Marsh hay 6th Fine E W Stanley and I went to get a handle made by Paul Gray on EEl Island put hay in the new stable
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