a noisy place as the trains go right through the center of town our second day we drove 171 miles. Expenses were $10.21 also Bot a pair of shoes for Alan £2.50 total $12 71
Nov 17th Sunday. Rained hard in the night but only sprinkling this morning Had breakfast same place as supper Nesbitt Cafe all Got weighed. Mother 128 lbs myself 137 lbs Doris 51 lbs Charlotte 59 lbs Alan 40 lbs. Breakfast cost $125 {he means $1.25} Gas $1.76 on leaving Sunbury 9.30am we crossed the Susquehanna River over a toll bridge cost 10¢ it was certainly a fine bridge we have decided to go on the opposite side of the river so we will not have to go through Harrisburg which is a large place the capital of Pa. driving along the river as far as Harrisburg. not a very nice day raining most of the time, must be a little milder here as some of the trees still have some leaves on. the river must be half a mile or more wide some places. when nearly opposite. Harrisburg saw the Pa. Railroad car works & yards. hundreds of cars & engines there