Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


November 15, 1929 to April 10, 1930




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Burlington, Ontario

Date Created

April 10, 1929

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Yellow sticker on front cover} 1929 & 1930


Part 1930

Nov 15th. Set off about 830a.m. for Orlando Florida weather turning cooler strong wind from the West, also cloudy. looks like rain. arrived at Niagara Falls about 10.45am had to pay $15.00 to get car bonded. the American Consul in Hamilton told us we did not need it got baggage examined and left about 1130 The sun started to shine a little now - but it is still cold and windy. had our dinner sitting in the car to cold to get out. we were alongside a river arrived at Batavia N.Y about 2p.m stayed about

half an hour Bot 2 waists for Alan 50¢ 2 cups 10¢ Gas 23¢ a gallon here bot 5 gallons $1.15. Country around here mostly farming weather still cold and windy. Crossed the Genesee River at Avon. N.Y. about 3 p.m. at Avon saw a sign reading (The Jolly Farmer. Its an Inn) next town was Lakeville a summer resort on Lake Conesus. about 15 miles from Lakeville had to detour and go by Dansville instead of Springwater to get to Wayland, saw no fruit since we left Buffalo only a few apple trees around Batavia. and the only vegetables seems to be cabbages. good view around Dansville hilly. but good roads. arrived at Dansville about 400pm. called on Maloney Bros. Nurseries there. where we buy our fruit trees. Saw Mr Maloney himself he was very nice and seemed glad we called. Hilly from Dansville to Wayland. NY. arrived there about 5p.m. Stopped here for the night at the Bryant House. Cost $300 {he means $3.00}. car storage 50¢ had supper at a Cafe was hungry had a good big steak. our supplies cost $1.90 Alan made friends

and got some free gum Bot some stamps & cards 15¢ our first day we made 176 miles. Expenses were $22.30

Nov 16th. Saturday. saw ice on sidewalk this morning Breakfast $125 {he means $1.25}. 5 gals Gas $1.00. The scenery better today rolling country hills. rivers & creeks. Weather a little cool but sunny. drove along the Cohocton River for some time crossed it three times Arrived at Bath. at 950am. it is an old town, looks old fashioned with old frame houses with large trees shadeing the streets saw some. buggys here saw Lake Salubria had same summer houses on the shores. took a picture. took picture of the Cohocton River near crossed the river the fifth time at Coopers Plains a small place crossed it again at Painted Post - which seems to be a manufacturing place a large plant there called the Ingersoll. Rand. Co. rows of frame house. here exactly alike only different colored paint. some fancy colors too. (Blues, Yellows, etc) after a while we crossed the Canisteo River, and in a short time, we came to the Tioga River

and drove along the side of it for some time. Crossed into Pennslyvania about 11 a.m. the scenery fine around here hilly with lots of rivers & creeks. crossed over an old wooden bridge that was covered over. Mansfield. Pa. next stop. we ate our dinner there in Smythe Park. was cool, but sat in the sun with our overcoats on. Bot some milk 11¢ Bread 10¢ 1/2 lb Butter 35¢, and started on one of our chickens they were cooked dandy also spent 60¢ for films here. After leaving here we started to climb this is the old Susquehanna Trail at the highest point on the road they had a Park. Called Trail Top Park at 2140 feet elevation best scenery so far here small streams aplenty. Packhouse Run one of the streams elevation 1704 feet. passed a small Village called Trout Run. took a snap of the creek here - over another creek. Wolf Run then over Lycoming Creek crossed it about 8 times before we arrived at Williamsport, abbreviated on the sign boards to Wmsport, it was 52 miles from Mansfield to Wmsport. Wmsport is a large

manufacturing place stopped about half an hour and looked around bot a big bag of peanuts for 25¢ Next town was Montoursville about 5 miles named after an Indian Andra Montour. guide & interpreter next place Muncy. seems to be all Indian names here. making better time here a grand road, nearly straight, and good and wide. arrived at Sunbury Pa. 42 miles from Wmsport at 530p.m. after dark hard to find a place to stay in a strange place after dark. stayed at a Tourist place the room was full of stale Tobacco smoke. they burnt incense in the room while we where out to supper, it made some mixture of smells. Room cost us $400 {he means $4.00} car storage $1.00 Bot cards & stamps 30¢ we both had steaks for supper, but not as good one as the last, cost for supper $1.50. Sunbury seems to be a dirty smoky place. I guess the name means, the sun buried in smoke seems to be a Railroad Junction or Divisional Point. dozens of trains in the yards along the Susquehanna River the largest river we have seen yet.

a noisy place as the trains go right through the center of town our second day we drove 171 miles. Expenses were $10.21 also Bot a pair of shoes for Alan £2.50 total $12 71

Nov 17th Sunday. Rained hard in the night but only sprinkling this morning Had breakfast same place as supper Nesbitt Cafe all Got weighed. Mother 128 lbs myself 137 lbs Doris 51 lbs Charlotte 59 lbs Alan 40 lbs. Breakfast cost $125 {he means $1.25} Gas $1.76 on leaving Sunbury 9.30am we crossed the Susquehanna River over a toll bridge cost 10¢ it was certainly a fine bridge we have decided to go on the opposite side of the river so we will not have to go through Harrisburg which is a large place the capital of Pa. driving along the river as far as Harrisburg. not a very nice day raining most of the time, must be a little milder here as some of the trees still have some leaves on. the river must be half a mile or more wide some places. when nearly opposite. Harrisburg saw the Pa. Railroad car works & yards. hundreds of cars & engines there

several small places they had no bridge to cross the river. but had little boats. old flat bottomed ones. with Paddle wheels. We leave the river at a small place called Lemoyne road kind of tricky around here got lost and had to inquire the way. We take the Lincoln Highway from here to Gettysburg. ate our dinner on a side road about 5 miles from Lemoyne had to eat it in the car as it was still raining first place was Hillsburg only a small place mostly pasture land here. and some Cabbage patch. must be lots of Dutch people at York Springs saw a few small peach and apple orchards. are making good time on the road here, it is wide & straight with a few low hills. Picked up a guide outside of Gettysburg. he took us around the battle. where the South & North fought the deciding battle of the Civil War. we drove 17 miles around it. the guide said there was 57 of roads in all and 15000 acres of land, that there was 849 monuments & statues

costing 7 1/2 millions. all but a few erected by the North in honor of Officers & Battalions by each state they came from. we only saw a couple erected by the South one of Gen. Lee. and one of Carolina Brigade saw some of the positions of the army. Round Top Oak Knoll. smaller Round Top. Culps hill. where we climbed an observation tower & saw all the battlefield it was cloudy & misty and couldn't see very good. There are five towers. The cannons are all supposed to be in their original positions (hundreds of them). They only had two (2) breech loading cannon in the battle they came from England & would shoot 4 to 4 1/2. miles {last word added in pencil} all the rest had to be loaded from the front. and would only shoot 2 1/2 miles. One of the biggest monuments was the Pennslyvania cost $500.00, also saw the Federal Cemetery a large Monument in the centre & the soldiers buried in a semi circle around it. a long strip of stone with each ones name on. (a grey stone) and the unknown soldiers have a small white stone each. we saw some of the old breast

works they put up. Saw a couple of old houses in the town with the old cannon balls still sticking in the brick walls. also Saw Gen Lees monument a large one with him sitting on his black horse. also the McMillan woods where the South buried their dead. they removed them a few years later and took them to Richmond Va. also the old McMillan house where some of the officers stayed. Paid the guide $300 {he means $3.00}. Room $300 {he means $3.00} Supper $1.40. drove 118 miles today. Stopped at Mr & Mrs Caldwells 461 Baltimore Street near Jenny Wade house they were very nice it poured rain just after we got in the house. they lent us umbrellas to go to supper. Expenses today $10.41

Nov 18th Monday. Breakfast $1.10 Films 30¢. took a couple of snaps of the little Park in the square in the center of the town there was a couple of old guns some flowers etc. Still cloudy but not raining went out of Gettysburg by way of Conferate Ave so we could get some snaps. took snaps of Gen Lee. McMillans House & the Guns along the Avenue.

we soon crossed into Maryland. rolling country here. with a few hill. getting milder saw some red roses in bloom a funny outfit passed us a bus shaped like a Zeppelin hooked onto and drew by a car in front. not very much cultivated land around here. Sun coming out and quiet warm when we reached Frederick. passed the {106F?}. Home saw Barbara Fritchies home took a snap. also the State school for the Deaf. after about half an hour stop. we left Frederick at 11.30am. Bot some milk & Bread 22¢ and 5 Gals Gas $125 {he means $1.25}. ate our dinner at Mt. Top. Tourist camp. windy & cooler here. have about 35 miles to go to get to Washington. nearing there we started to see lots of darkies. and the day was getting warmer & sunny. we came in by Wisconsin Ave to Penn. Ave turned off Penn. at New Hampshire to Mass. Ave it is a swell street large stone houses & mansions of all description every block or so there is a circle. with a statue in the middle. we parked in front of the Union station. went through the station. took a look

at the Post Office right next to the Station and walked a couple of blocks to the Capital. (we all had our overcoats off for the first time) Paid a guide 50¢ and was shown through the building. saw the Senate in debate. it is a lovely building. as it was nearly night we started for Alexandria 5 miles out of Washington were we are to stay for the night. crossed the Potomac River over a long bridge We stayed at Mrs McGraws Paid $3.75 for room Car storage 50¢ Supper $1.50 Ice Cream 20¢ Cards 10¢ Total expenses $94 21 only drove 93 miles today

Monday 19th. Tuesday. Slept last night in a house of Antiques the old lady herself about 80 a real old Southern old maid whose family has gone broke. the beds we slept in old solid walnut 204 years old, also tables Bureaus etc the same age she said. Started out early & got Breakfast $1.05 Gas 95¢. and left for Washington again to see more of the sights. Saw Lincoln Memorial. & went up Washingtons Monument it is 555 feet high & you up an elevator you can see all the city from there. saw the White House. Museum Cards 15¢

buildings etc. left Wash. again at about 1030am stopped at Alexandria. Va. again and saw Christ Church & sat in the pews where Washington & Lee used to sit, cost 20¢ Got more film 60¢ then on to Mt Vernon about 10 miles farther, saw Mt Vernon Radio Station we often got it at home. saw Geo Washingtons old home on the Potomac Rivercguess it was some classy place in its day. saw all the old furniture etc also where he is buried. Cost 75¢. into hilly country again. saw Roses & Cosmos out in bloom had our dinner by the roadside. East Bot bread 10 Milk 25¢ here had to pay 10¢ for the bottle. Butter 1/2 lb 30¢ weather warm now. passing through old battlefields, must have done lots of fighting around here. Reached Fredericksburg in the afternoon, did not stop on to Richmond, Va. 60 miles from Fredericksburg arrived Richmond about 430pm Got some more Gas $1.10. Richmond a large place decided to go on to Petersburg about 25 miles farther on and stayed at the Kiligray Hotel. Cor {Corner} of Franklin & Jefferson sheets. Supper $1.95

Room $2.00 Total expenses $9.35 drove 157 miles today.

Nov 20th Wednesday. Breakfast at Petersburg $2.00 Gas 23¢ a gal here got 8 gals $184 {he means $1.84} got first oil here 2 quarts 60¢ chilly this morning. lots of woods here small scrub oaks mostly saw our first tobacco it was drying in the field in small cocks like hay. only it sat on a little platform and a stick out the top for Ventilation. took a picture of a field of it. saw our first cotton this a.m. The soil here near the North Carolina border is red. like brick dust. stopped at South Hill about 11am got some eats for dinner 55¢ Crossed into North Carolina about 1130am soil mostly white sand now instead of red. the woods are mostly scrub pine here. and cotton & tobacco fields. in patches here & there in between. Lots of cotton now. Crowds of darkies picking it. and lots of trucks & wagons drawing it in to the towns, ate our dinner in a pine wood near a darkie Cabin had company two dogs and a cat. made 90 miles before dinner

Getting warmer saw a butterfly & a bumble bee Lots of waste land passed a small peach orchard Got lost in Raleigh. went North a mile or so towards Durham but soon got straighened out took a picture of the State Capital. Got Gas. 7 gals $1.61 Saw first palm trees here. Back in wooded country again with lots of cotton & Some Corn in between woods. crossed Cape Fear River near Lillington where we stayed for the night at the Kiliegray Hotel. Rooms $3.50 supper at hotel $200 {he means $2.00} drove 187 miles miles today Expenses $12.10 today

Nov 21st Thursday. Started before 8a.m. this morning Paid storage for car 50¢ & 2 gals Gas 46¢ bright clear morning pretty rough country around here. stppped at Fayettesville for breakfast about 30 miles. Breakfast $150 {he means $1.50}. went shopping Bot 4 pairs of stockings for 88¢ & Madge bot a pair for 19¢. Post stamps 25¢ took a snap of the square on our way again at 935am. more leaves on the trees now. the next place was Lumberton 33 miles. which is a cotton & tobacco market. saw a couple of crosses (signs) along the highway saying

there had been a fatal accident there. put up as a warning. next stop was Dillon we bot some eats 97¢. We are now in South Carolina stopped at Lotta to buy a can opener 35¢ ate our dinner in a woods by the side of the road. Passed over Mars Bluff Toll Bridge 50¢ saw first Spanish Moss grey stuff hanging onto the trees. Lots of swamps & between them scrub pine woods. One swamp was miles long and the road built up about 10 & 15 feet for about 5 miles with about 5 long bridges trees each side of the road standing in water mostly dead and half dead looking some dismal place Kingstree the only place any size until we reached Charleston it was after dark when we arrived there they wanted $12.00 for a room at the Francois Marian Hotel we did not stay. but got a room at the Charleston Hotel for $4.50 tip 25¢ supper $150 {he means $1.50}. today our longest drive 245 miles Expenses were $11.85 & Gas & oil $2.10 total $13.95

Nov 22nd Had Breakfast $1.20 went shopping bot childrens stockings 15¢ pr. cotton & voile for $371 {he means $3.71} car storage Gas & tail light bulb $168 {he means $1.68}

drove to the ocean front and saw the Park took a couple of snaps, weather cold & cloudy looks like rain. quiet a lot of palms here also saw first poinsettas, all bush & swamp to Walterboro bot eats 35¢ and eat by the roadside about 80 miles from here to Savannah, Ga and swamp most of the way some country. Had a flat tire right in front of a Garage here. Cost $218 {he means $2.18} fix tire & get gas left Savannah about 4pm took a snap of the Capitol Bot candy 20¢ Raining now. going right across a swamp. both sides of the road, Spanish Moss hanging on the trees every where went about 35 miles from Savannah and was then pouring rain. So we stopped at the Maryans Hotel, a frame shack right in the bush. pigs, cows & chickens running around (the kind that has feathers on) there was a Telephone Construction gang staying there. Room £2 00 Supper $1 75 Car storage 50¢ made 170 miles today Expenses $14 02 one of the men gave the girls in fact all of us some sugar cane first time Madge & the children had tasted it. they did not like it very much.

Nov 23rd Saturday left before breakfast. this a..m. Gas. 75¢. not raining now, but a real Scotch mist. some places for miles they have sand bags along the highway. each side to keep the road from washing. Wonder where they got all the bags. Held up at a R.R. crossing by an old Wood burner Engine hauling logs. also took a snap of an old wood burner log loader. stopped at Brunswick Georgia for breakfast, drove about 45 miles to there. Breakfast 90¢ nobody hungry I guess Film 60¢ Took a walk down to the water saw a couple of boats. took a snap of one loading resin. also a snap of the Main Street and one of the State Building very cold here & cloudy right on the Atlantic coast. still swamp after leaving here saw a big Gasoline Refinery plant just outside of Brunswick. took a picture of an old Wood burner engine at Kingsland about noon getting out of the swamp. more like dry land now. pine trees & palmetto under them Crossed into Florida about 12.15pm. Madge says it doesn't look or feel any different. as it is still cold & cloudy

Had sandwiches, pie & coffee before we reached Jax. {Jacksonville} at a road stand cost 70¢ arrived in Jax at 215p.m. walked around the Park took a couple of pictures. then we walked around the city. & hunted up a room at the Carlis $2 00. rested awhile & went out to supper $185. Walked around the center of town to see the sights. saw a nice park in the center all lit up with lights. Bot a couple of Handkerchiefs at Cohens for 10¢. Jax seems a nice place now & seems busy at least lots of cars and people on the streets and some very fine buildings & churches. drove 130 miles today Bot cards, paper & stamps 20¢ The place we stayed at the Carlis is on the cor of Market & Adams Sts Expenses only $710 {he means $7.10} today

Nov 24th Sunday. Left Jax about 9a.m. Raining a little now, weather still cool. not much cultivated land all bush (pine) first place was. Green Cove Springs if you didnt watch for it you would not have seen it. about 2 hours and a Gas Station. was stopped by State Troopers. dont know what they wanted. Went over a big toll bridge at Palatka cost 35¢ Gas at Jax cost $1.65 Breakfast cost $1.50

a few small orange groves here. The next place was DeLand. weather clearing up and getting warmer. next place was Sanford which look like quite a place now but we did not stop. weather still warmer. every body has their coats off now. Lots of flowers all kinds. Stopped at noon near Palatka and had Hotdogs, pie & Coffee $1.10 & got 5 Gals Gas at $1.05. arrived at Orlando about 3.p.m. called on Mr & Mrs Hollingsworth at 428 Amelia St West. he walked me all around hunting a house. got one at 440 N. Hughes St about 2 blocks from his place they seem very nice people. moved right in the house but had to go to the restaurant for supper. as we have no gas. lights or water. found an old lamp to see to go to bed. Supper at Orlando $1.90 Expenses today $7.55

{Side note} Gas on trip cost us. for 82 gals. $18.81 & oil 95¢. Repairs 90¢ for 1600 miles

Nov 25th. Went to Breakfast at the Restaurant. then went down town with Mr Hollingsworth, called on Gas office $5 to get gas turned on. Also $5 each for water & lights registered at the Chamber of Commerce. went to the Packing House

got 3 dozen oranges 15¢ a doz 1 doz grape fruits 20¢ Busy rest of day trying to clean up & unpack house is pretty dirty needs a lot of cleaning weather warm about 70.

Nov 26th. Warmer still about 80. Cleaning house all day. went shopping lot of things we will have to buy. Knife Spoons Forks Knives Towels etc.

Nov 27th A light shower this morning very warm today over 80 still shopping. sat on the Verandah till nearly 10 oclock in my shirt sleeves it was almost 75 then

Nov 28th. nice & warm yet went over to Sunshine Park. met some of the Bowlers in the afternoon went to Lake Lorna Doone & Park. nothing doing it is a bathing place and closed up in winter. took a picture saw a darkie fishing said they were not biting only had one fish looked like a little rock Bass. Saw Tinkers Field Ball Park where the Cinncinnati Ball team practises. took a snap by the Lake.

Nov 27th weather about the same went down town and got my hair cut for 20¢ all prices here 20¢ up to 35¢ higher

in the afternoon went to Lake Eola & Park. it is in the center of town. very pretty. There are 4 swans & 100s of wild ducks in it. a band stand over the water. and loud speakers were broadcasting music when we were there.

Nov 30th A change in the weather oh it is cold was 45 this a.m. and never got above 50 all day. Went to the packing house after some grape fruit. 20¢ a doz. The men there said oranges no good this year on account of so much spraying with Calcium Arsenic. tney certainly are no good, and I am disappointed, they have no taste, no juice and are like wood. even the skin has no orange color went down town to get some papers. they stated very cold north. down to 11 above at Buffalo & 16 below zero In Winnipeg put up our little box stone in the morning it felt good. Bot a load of wood half pine & half oak. for $3.50 a strand they call it think it would take about 6 loads to make a cord it is cut 1 ft long

Dec 1st (Sun) Getting milder again by noon it was over 60 and by night nearly 70 - went for a walk to Sunshine Park and to Concord Lake & back and Visited Mr & Mrs Hollingsworth for a while

Dec 2nd. Real hot again went down town to see about getting Madges watch fixed one wanted $5.00 another $7.00 did not leave it. drove out to Park Lake very nice a drive way all around it & some very nice residences faceing it. took some snaps of the swans

Dec 3rd Heavy shower last night & cooler today down to about 50 this morning. was in the Sparton Radio shop. they say they go fast here.

Dec 4th. Colder still. this morning 40 at 8a.m. sunny all day but still cool did not get much over 60 all day went to Lake Lucerne it has a drive around it. and have has fine residences. with large oak trees facing all around it. lots of ducks & 4 swans in it. Took a couple of snaps.

Dec 5th. Cool again this morning but getting warmer about 70 at noon in the shade and good and hot in the sun got a paper the Herald for the first one today. said they had a big snow storm on Sunday Dec 1st & temperature down to 12 in Hamilton took a drive around saw a few lakes. Lake Davis, Cherokee. Como. Lawsona

Emerald, Weldona, & Fern Lake. a small one with Banana plants around it, went back to Lake Eola, met a Mr & Mrs Wilcox from Hamilton

Dec 6th. Fine & warm went shopping bot a suit of clothes $24.00 also a tea kettle & alarm clock. (some variety eh).

Dec 7th. Got a letter from John complaining about the Indians says it has been cold. & about 6 in of snow. drove around the west end of the town. did not see much. only a nice school on Colonial Drive. ended up at Lake Lorna Doone.

Dec 8th. Sunday Madge & the girls went to church & we went to Lake Eola in the afternoon. Raining at night

Dec 9th. Fine & warm again today Went out Central Ave West. saw large orange groves at Orange Heights. then near Winter Garden. we saw acres of Lettuce growing. and also fields of strawberries lots out in blossom but one man was picking or at least had a bunch of negros picking we stopped to talk to him said he was getting $1.00 a quart F.O.B. here. they were extra fine sample very large. he allows no runners & plants about 6 inches apart and two rows close together then a path about 20 inches wide. said he

planted them in August the mans across the road wasn't near as good he did not plant until October. says they pick until May and should get 9000 qts per acre. Went on to Lake Apopka they have boats to rent there for fishing also saw acres & acres of Lettuce & Cabbages. Cabbages just about ready to cut.

Nov 10th. Had two callers today in the morning a Mr Potter from Freeman called. I wasn't home think he must be Jim Potters son. and in the afternoon W. E. {Emonz?} who is in Lakeland called. for a few minutes

Dec 11th. Mr Harry Potter called again. I cannot place him but he went to school same time as I did & knows everybody around Burlington. he has only one arm his left one. and drives a Packard car. says he has had it 8 years & drove for over 132000 miles. he has sold his business & retired & comes down here every winter for his health. went to Sanford today saw the River St Johns & the piers. also a Zoo with a few birds & animals in it. More showers

Dec 12th Drove out to Winter Park & saw the Brewer place.

its house faced on a lake of course. the grounds was very nice with Palm trees & a few flowers the rest was a drive around the ground. through palm trees. live oaks etc most of them covered with moss. went on through Winter Park & turned off the highway to Longwood and about 1 1/2 miles farther saw a big tree. a cypress. it is over 50 feet around the trunk. & must be 150 feet high came home Altamonte.

Dec 13th. Drove a few blocks around and up Colonial Drive saw a few more lakes and ended up at Lake Dot only a few blocks from our house. they have a few wild ducks & three swans saw a man fishing for bass he did not catch any. said he caught two the night before.

Dec 14th. Went to the Chamber of Commerce picnic to Rock Springs about 20 miles went through Apopka there was a big crowd they supplied free coffee & Barbecue, there was a large spring there it made a stream 8 or 10 feet wide in places one place you could see the fish the water was as clear as crystal.

Dec 15th Went to Eola Park & listened to the organ recital Broadcasted Weather fine.

Dev 16th. Took it easy today went shopping and sat awhile at Lucerne Lake.

Dec 17th. Went to Wekiwa Springs. about 5 miles from Apopka. The springs feed a small lake and a river or Creek running from it. There are lots of cat fish in it some would weigh 10 or 12 lbs. they would come to the top of the water and eat bread out of you'r hand. Had a row on the river it was about 20 feet wide and all turns & curves Big rain here today with a regular tropical jungle along each side

Dec 18 Went shopping and sat in Eola Park for a while.

Dec 19th. Cooler today cloudy and a drizzle of rain. had to light our fire tonight.

Dec 20th Cool today all day. down to 37 this morning.

Dec 21st. still cool. down to about 40. went Christmas shopping at Woolworths.

Dec 22nd Sunday. Cloudy with a few showers. and a real heavy one about 5p.m. with slight thunder and lightning. went to the Organ Recital in the afternoon.

Dec 23rd Real cold this am below 40. cloudy and a cold wind blowing.

Dec 24th. Cold again today. white frost this morning. out buying Christmas things. took a walk at night to see the Christmas Trees at Lake Eola and the bright lights at Central Ave & Orange Ave. where they broadcast music while you wait for the traffic signals.

Dec 25th. Christmas Day cool & clear. white frost. went to the cafeteria for a turkey dinner it was fine. then all went to the show the Talking Movies and ended up by having strawberries for supper.

Dec 26th. still cool another white frost. but warmer by noon. had Mr & Mrs Hollingsworth for supper.

Dec 27th. A lot warmer today. went to Lake Eola for a drive.

Dec 28th. Fine & mild started out for the East Coast. went out Colonial Drive East for about 40 miles there was nothing much to see, the same flat country. scrub trees and such like. the first place was Indian River City a few stores. and a few large residences

& hotels along the Indian River next place was Titusville 5 miles north we crossed a wooden bridge here. over 1 1/2 miles long. over the river. the water looked shallow only a few inches deep some places. then over a sand and coral road for about 15 miles so rough you could hardly sit in the car. We walked over the sand about 100 yds to the ocean beach took off our shoes and waded in the surf. the water was cool. but the sand was nice. back home the same road. 120 miles in all. got home about 6 oclock

Dec 29th. Sunday. Fine. cool in the morning but warmer in the sun. went to the Auditorium and heard the Festival Choir sing carols etc.

Dec 30th. Left about 930 for Silver Springs, by way of Apopka. next place was Mt Dora then Eustis seems to be a lot of oranges grown there. the next place of any size is Belleview which was quite a place. from there to Ocala not much to see only vacant land mostly bush. there is a big lake near Eustis and we counted 39 lakes in all on the way there Ocala quite a nice

looking place. Silver Springs about 6 miles East of there. cost us $6.00 for one hour in the glass bottom boat. they have 5 boats and all full of people going. Scene 1 they called Mammoth Rock Ledge looked like the side of a mt. dropped from 15 feet of water 50 ft deep, next was the great Cavern 65 ft long 12 ft wide largest spring in the world 550 million gallons of water daily then the Reception Hall 40 ft deep. all kinds of fish here the Bridal Chamber 81 feet deep you could see bottom as clear as if it was only one foot deep. and a few more caves etc. all kinds of plants. fish. turtles etc some large logs and an old boat. they said they have been there until they are turned into stone. came back same way as far as Leesburg. then came South around the Lake instead of north. think it is shorter way Lost our way in Apopka took the wrong road and came away around by Ocoee it was about 9 miles farther it made the trip 194 miles

Dec 31st taking it easy today after our long drive yesterday.

Jan 1st. They seemed to have been some celebration last night. lots of noise any way.

Jan 2nd nothing doing taking things easy weather fine.

Jan 3rd Very warm drove to Kissimme about 20 miles. saw the Zoo not very much. and the Park was a prune. The town is only a small place & looked dead.

Jan 4th. Could not get the car unlocked. had to take it to the Garage. a new Lock & Labor cost $7.{?}5. went to dentist yesterday morning. have a pain in my face he did not seem to do any good

Jan 5th. Sunday drove the folks to Sunday school & church. Kind of cool today.

Jan 6th Fine again today Charlotte & Doris went to school. they have just a fraction over a mile to go

Jan 7th. Fine & warm nothing doing went over and had a game of shuffle board.

Jan 8th. went to school for the girls and went for a ride towards Winter Gardens. went to stop at the side of the road and got stuck in the sand managed to get on again but something wrong in the rear end of the car took it to {cheap?} Garage will get it tomorrow

Jan 9th Cleaning up in front of the house. Got car back they claimed drive shaft beat & gears chipped in rear end. cost $42.00

Jan 10th. Stiff this morning after raking the yard, played shuffle board again guess we will have to join costs $1.00

Jan 11th Sat. Started for Daytona Beach - started out No 3 highway going north. the same way we came here at first. the first place is Winter Park about 5 miles it is quite a nice place some nice homes there. then a small place called Maitland around here they grow acres of ferns they have a Lattice work roof over them and sides around them the same some have acres in one block all covered they ship the ferns north at this time of year the next place is Sanford, and the other side of it. there are thousands of acres of celery. at all stages of size. some just planted and some ready to ship. we crossed the St John River then and on to De Land Orange city. was there one time when we were here before 20 years ago and waited half a day for a train one house and a station

then and not much now. pop. might be a thousand but it looks dead as ever from here to DeL and same old flat. deserted country buildings falling down etc. De Land quiet a nice looking place turned East from here and nothing at all for 20 miles only trees & swamps. arrived at Daytona about 1130am crossed a bridge and drove about half a mile to the famous beach where they have the Auto Races. it sure is some beach. it was about 200 feet wide. some time wider as it changes with the tides. and they say you can drive for 30 miles on it. we drove for about 5 miles on it. it is hard and level and the car hardly makes a mark on it. 50 miles was about all our car would do. a cold wind but sunny when we arrived but about 130pm it clouded up and started to rain. so we drove around the city a little and started back home. Stopped at Sanford to have another look at the Zoo. saw one of the old boats loading freight there asked the man if

the City of Jacksonville was still running he said it was in Jax tied up. had quit running about 1 1/2 years ago it was the one we came on from Jax to Sanford 20 years ago. he said it run on the River for over 40 years arrived home about 530p.m. 147 miles in all.

Jan 12th Sunday. The folks all went to Sunday school & church. had a shower after dinner. called at Mr & Mrs Hollingsworth after supper.

Jan 13th Went fishing with Mr Hollingsworth to Lake Adair. neighther one of us got a bite all the afternoon still they say the Lakes are full of fish but I never see any body catching any.

Jan 14th Got a hair cut this am. on Church St 20¢. bot a fish line & hooks going fishing tomorrow to the ocean with Mr Dixon, Mr Main and a Mr Howard.

Jan 15th. up at 4a.m. left about 5am. for Canaveral Harbor. out Highway No 22 East to Indian River City. about 40 miles then down South about 18 miles to Cocoa. they got a pail of ice here to keep the fish across a toll Bridge here cost 25¢. over the Indian River. to Merritt Island then about 10 miles across

the Island to another Bridge across the Banana River. it was 1/2 mile long these rivers are all salt water here and rise & fall with the tide. the country is small islands but mostly water & swamps. the toll to cross this bridge was 40¢ then about another 10 miles to Canaveral Harbor over rough & Sandy roads when the boom was on they had built sidewalks and put up electric lights for miles out from Canaveral now the lights are broken & sidewalks buried in sand. they say they sold thousands of lots at a big price think any one would be crazy to buy in such a place on arrival there we found about 2 houses and a restaurant. and a wharf out on piles about 100 feet into the ocean. also found out we could not buy any bait to fish with we were to buy schrimps they catch them their but the sea had been rough and no fishing boats out for two weeks past. so no fishing. on the way back we stopped at Cocoa Beach a big Hotel there but nothing in it but a Restaurant in one corner for fishermen I guess. the city hall & Chamber of Commerce shut up tight. then back

across the islands to Cocoa. no bait there either. Cocoa. had some nice residences along the old highway along the Indian River. we drove on South to Eau Gallie, stopped for Gas & Mr Dickson bot some oranges had to go to the grove for them and the man picked them off the ground and charged him 25¢ doz for them. Mr D. said we would not have taken them if he had knew he was not to get them off the trees. from here to Melbourne a few miles. some nice homes here. and some higher ground along the river. from here we turned west on Road 24 towards Kissimmee for about 40 miles we saw one Vacant house. two or three nigger shanties. saw a few herds of cattle. passed about 6 cars on the road. saw a few niggers fishing in the ditch by the side of the road. (bad fish too) saw a few hundred cranes, white ones & grey ones a few herons. some turkey buzzards. miles of swamps. other miles of palmettos etc. had about 20 miles of bad road rough only made about 10 to 20 miles an hour on it. Passed through

Narcoosee a small place supposed to be a clique lives here. all tall men. we never saw a soul as we went through. then over to Orlando about 190 miles of a drive and we never took our fish lines out of the car got home about 3.p.m.

Jan 16th. Had a thunder shower last evening rained pretty hard. and is still cloudy this a.m. went through a Canning Factory with Mr Dickson. down near the Railway Station they were canning Grape fruit. must have been 200 women working. mostly niggers. there were paying 85 cts a crate for grape fruit, and are trying to get the farmers to grow them green Beans are offering 2 1/2 ct a lb went from here to the Stock Exchange. it was all dutch to me. getting cool this evening

Jan 17th. a little cool this a.m. but soon warmed up. drove down town shopping. saw an Ontario car. the owner came from Fort Erie.

Jan 18th. warm & windy this a.m. got car greased and oil changed. went down town to the Bank. got caught in a rain storm and it is still raining hard this afternoon and continued rain nearly all day

Jan 19th. Left Sunday today am for the Bok Tower at 940am out Orange Ave south on Highway No 2. through the Village of Pinecastle & Taft to Kissimmee. the other side of Kissimmee saw the Rochester N.Y. Baseball training grounds. then we had to Detour a couple of miles over a rough sandy road. on through Campbell, Loughman & Davenport. three villages. to Haines City. only a small place, one big Hotel called Dade Hotel there. next place Lake Hamilton nothing only a big packing house. next place Dundee. a small place. then Lake Wales. all the way from Haines City to Lake Wales the most prosperous section we have seen. the ground is higher and more rolling with a few knolls. and thousands of acres of Grape fruit and oranges. as far as you could see in all directions could see the Bok Tower from here. on arrival had to 25¢ for Parking. as the grounds were given to the public by Ed. Bok Editor of Ladies Home Journal (he died about two weeks ago) it was a big brick & granite tower with a carillon of Bells. 71 Bells. they where played when we were there, the grounds were nice all planted with trees & shrubs. arrived back home at 6pm. 131 miles.

Jan 20th Holiday today. Lees Birthday. (Mine ditto) went to the picture Show Gold Diggers. the first we have seen with the colors. it was fine. the colored pictures seem more natural. a. big air meet here today so went out in the afternoon about 4 oclock. there were all kinds of planes. flying for prizes. but it was a bad day. cold & foggy. then had a big time at supper. surprised with a fishing rod. the only trouble I dont know how to fish with it. and a big blow out for supper. Steak & strawberries.

Jan 21st. Fine & warm nothing doing called on Mr Hollingsworth to see about fishing Madge went to the Dress Parade at the Auditorium.

Jan 22nd Went fishing with the new Casting Rod. never got a bite and now we hear we have to get a License to fish cost $3.00 for this county or $10.00 for Florida.

Jan 23rd Went to lake Apopka fishing with Mr H. the lake was pretty rough & the weather cold so we fished off the wharf. got 11 pickerel or pike weighed about 1/2 lb each Mr H got a bass and 2 pickerel

(Alan fell in the water and got soaked) had 3 for supper they tasted fine. but pretty boney.

Jan 24th Cool again this am. down to 50. The Goodyear Tire Co Blimp has been flying over town all morning. taking city officials up for rides I hear.

Jan 25th. Cool again today 50 this am. now at noon it is 60 in the shade but warmer in the sun.

Jan 26th. Sunday. Doris' 8th Birthday Fine & warm went for a walk in the afternoon and had Donald Mayne in for supper.

Jan 27th. Went for a drive out through Winter Park through Maitland and Altamonte & Longwood. to the big tree. took another picture of it. on the way back we turned off at Altamonte to Sanlands Golf Club past it to Palm Springs it was quite a nice place. there was a spring and the people had built a swimming pool they charged 25¢ to swim 25¢ for renting Suit 10ct for cap 15¢ for towel, they had the grounds fixed up nice with picnic table, some small bridge across the stream. all among Palm trees, it was about 15 miles from Orlando. Very warm this p.m. tonight after supper it is about 75.

Jan 28th. Very warm today drove around and took a few pictures. Called at the school for the girls and sat in Eola Park.

Jan 29th Went down town and Paid Gas Bill $4.40 Water $1.00 Electric Light $2.70 Electric Lights & Gas very high here. Electric Lights 99 a.K. at home we have 125 K for $2.00 a month. Gas 20¢ 1000 100 feet here 10¢ I think at home. Got Charlottes teeth cleaned after school $2.00. Heavy rain about 1p.m. and showered nearly all afternoon.

Jan 30 One of the very roughest days since we arrived down to about 50 at noon today, cloudy and a strong wind blowing. too make matters worse Alan and I have colds.

Jan 31st. Another cool day but some sunshine today. they all claim this is an exceptional winter here. so much rain and cold.

Feby 1st. warmer today but heavy white frost early this morning

Feby 2nd Sunday. warmer again today the folks went to Church & Sunday school. in the morning and in the afternoon went to Eola Park to see the Casting Competition some of them could hit the can pretty regularly

Feby 3rd. Fine & warm. took a few snaps of Sunshine Park, & getting ready to go fishing tomorrow.

Feby 4th Went fishing to the Indian River at Titusville 45 miles. got 65 yellow tails. little white colored fish. also caught about 40 Blow or Toad fish. when you throwed them on the bridge they swelled up like a baloon they are no good. It was warm, but very windy. no body got any large ones.

Feby 5th Rained in the night & this am. very heavy

Feby 6th Cold & cloudy got a License $3 25 to fish. Rained again in the night.

Feby 7th. Cold and Raining hard again. They say it does not rain here. and sunshine every day. but this makes it the 16th day it has rained so far since we arrived in Florida.

Feby 8th. Fine & bright and warmer also. so we decided to go to Lake Apopka fishing. went out the Highway North as far as Lockhart and turned East West straight across to Johnstons Landing. arrived about

11 am. Had a fine day caught 17 pickerel and 1 bass. Cost us 50¢ for fishing on the dock and 70¢ for minnows got home about 5 pm.

Sunday Feby 9th. Quiet cool this morning. had to light a fire for a while but getting warmer & clear & bright sunshine.

Feby 10th. Fine & warm nothing doing.

Feby 11th Alan 5 years old today. went fishing in Lake Dot. did not catch any.

Feby 12 Fine & warm went to Lake Apopka. fishing got a boat for 50¢ day and 85¢ worth of minnows and we had a good time feeding the needle fish. only got three small pickerel.

Feby 13th. Getting ready to go on a trip to Miami expect to go in the morning

Feby 14th. Left Orlando at 715a.m. out highway to Indian River it was foggy nearly all the way to there then the sun came out and it was warm arrived Indian River 915 a.m. turned south here. first place of any size was Cocoa took a picture of a hotel here. along the river on the old highway here. it twists and turns along the River the scenery along the river here was fine went through Rockledge. nice

homes here. passed through Eau Gallie. a small place and Melbourne a larger town examined at Mico to see if we had any oranges or fruit. as they have no Mediterranean Fly south of here. Mico about 20 miles south of Melbourne. arrived at Vero Beach 1115am had dinner in the Park got a bottle of milk 23¢ Got Gas £1 15 oil 25¢ at Fort Pierce. Stopped again outside of Stuart to see if we had any Spanish Moss they dont seem to have any down here. passed through some small places. Gomez, Olympia, Likely, Jupiter, Kelsey City, Riveria then we arrived at West Palm Beach about 230p.m. Got rooms at the 6th place we tried at the Alma Hotel price $5.00 and 25¢ tip. free parking on the street in front. started for Palm Beach took a couple of snaps at the waterfront then crossed the bridge & through Palm Beach city to the shore spent about one hour here the children went in paddling lots of people in bathing suits. getting tanned seems to be a regular business saw Portugeuse men of war blue balloon like fish trimmed with pink. something like an octopus. the bathers afraid of them. if you get stung by them. they are very bad saw the largest hotel in the World called the Poinciana has 1100 rooms

1600 Employees Dining capacity 1640 at one Sitting. Private yachts anchored in basin all winter most wonderful looking houses & hotels. perfectly gorgeous. Real Millionaires place. Took three pictures on the beach. Back to West Palm Beach by another bridge One way streets here both up and down and cross streets you have to watch your step. driving. streets narrow and crowded. Lots of palm trees here. but all the large ones are leaning and lots propped up. effects of the big wind storm a couple of years ago. saw the effects along the road too, whole groves of trees flattened out. Supper $200 {he means $2.00} cards 10¢ total $8 75. distance 197 miles

Feby 15. Left West Palm Beach 835am Breakfast 85¢ Folder 10¢ could not sleep hardly all night. noise of cars & trains Ran into a big black cloud only got a few drops. but must have had a big shower ahead of us. as the road way was soaked. Through Fort Lauderdale 1010am. Got Gas $1.20 took picture in the Park. Arrived at Miami about 11am. Drove over Venetian Way. Bridge to Miami Beach. about three miles it was mostly built up land with a bridge at the deepest place for boats to go under. the rest had mansions built all along the sides. one place they Called the Venetian Canal

water right in front of the houses. with boats & landings. also Islands built in the bay. with mansions on them. Had a drive around then had dinner at a Cafeteria at 1145am. Cost $2.19. Paid 10¢ toll to cross bridge spent a couple of hours on the beach. children had a sun bath and were in the water hundreds of people on the beach in bathing suits & beach pyjamas. Back to Miami by the other bridge called the Causeway. wide enough for about 5 cars each side and double street car track down the middle Got a room at 6th Ave & Flagler Sts. with Scotch people $5.00 a man we met on the street took us around he said $6.00 but the lady said $5.00. so he lost his $1.00 commission and was mad. Got cleaned up took a street car down town cost 28¢ each way fare. Took snap of Royal Palm Hotel. remembered it when I was in Miami 20 years ago. Took snaps on Flagler St the main st. saw the private yachts in the basin some bunch of them. Had Supper at Cafeteria $210 {he means $2.10}. Candy 25¢ Ice cream 30 Films 60¢. Cards 10¢ Got back about 7pm. very busy town & very warm tonight. Very noisy too Total today $13.10 & drove 84 miles.

Feby 16th. Heavy rain in the night cooler and still raining some this morning. left about 8am had breakfast on the way to Coral Gables. drove around Coral Gables. some very large buildings (holets etc) and some nice homes. it was raining and we did not stay long. took 2 snaps. Paid 25¢ for 6 big oranges. and loaded up with Gas 5 gals $115 {he means $1.15}. Started on the Tamiami Trail. the first 30 miles is as straight as a string with a canal alongside with lots of people fishing in it the highway goes right across the Everglades. at 930a.m. in desolate swampy country. with groups of Cypress trees about 6 feet high Lots of birds, cranes & Herons. White, brown & white grey. grey & blue. dark blue birds with long legs & short necks. turkey buzzards coots. blackbirds. thrushes fish jumping out of the water in the canals an' plants on the trunks of trees (mostly cypress trees) with red & yellow flowers look like Pineapple plants after about 75 miles the road curves north. to go up the other Coast of Florida some palm trees now Rain stops about noon Passed a fig big farm with acres of tomatoes planted then sections with long coarse grass. Passed 4 South West Mounted Police

Stations. (motor cycle) Jungle each side of the road. Palm & Cypress trees and by noon saw some pines again Last M.P. station called Palm Hammocks. Ate our sandwiches by the roadside Breakfast & Sandwiches cost $2.40. Passed through three small villages after dinner Naples. Bonita Springs and Estero. then into Fort Myers this is where Edison & Ford stay. took picture of Royal Palm Hotel and also of the highway lined with Royal Palms. they are a different kind of palm than any place else the trunks are smooth & look as if they were wound with tape. and near the top they are grey & smooth. after leaving here it started to rain again by the time we got to Punta Gorda 25 miles north of Fort Myers it is raining hard so decided to stop It is only a small place on Charlotte Harbour - one very large hotel called Charlotte Harbour and one we stayed at called Charlotte Bay Hotel Rooms cost $6.00 here tip 25¢. had supper at Cafe $135 {he means $1.35}. Gas $105 {he means $1.05}. Total today $12.45. still raining hard. went to bed about 8 oclock. nice & quiet here for a change. Drove 184 miles today.

Feby 17th. nice bright morning started at 845am. Took a snap of Charlotte Harbour Hotel. it was some hotel seems if this would make a good harbor here. Through the same old kind of scenery as far as Sarasota 60 miles it was quite a nice place. took snaps of Court Bldgs next place Bradentown 15 miles farther. Got gas here $115 {he means $1.15} Took picture of the chamber of Commerce built out on the water. Went on to Piney Point 24 miles taking the Ferry here for St Petersburg arrived 11.15am Ferry was to leave at 11am but it was late so were lucky going across by the Ferry saves 49 miles of a drive around to St Petersburg Ferry left about 1130am was about 15 miles across Cost $1.55 was quite rough in the middle. Took picture of the children on it. it was cold put my overcoat on arrived about 12.30pm had about 2 miles to drive into St. Petes. Lucky to find a place to park. right in the centre of the city alongside the Park. Ate at a Cafeteria cost $2.65 St Petersburg seems to be a nice city. wide streets and up to date buildings with green benches in front of the stores to sit on. they were nearly all occupied too. the place

seemed to be crowded. they say there are over 200 millionaires there. Took snaps of the Snell Bldg & the Post Office. The Lock Boxes in the Post Office just under a balcony now front to it. Took a snap of the Benches in front of an arcade where we ate dinner. Took a walk bot some cards etc 55¢ also a walk through the Park lots of Pidgeons there There was a band there giving an open air free concert. Drove down and saw million dollar pier & some parks and then out Central Ave West saw the bridge you cross to go to the beach. but Took a snap here of the Jungle Country Club we turned north. through Seminole and Indian Rocks saw a few nice groves here - and through Belleair to Clearwater. it was quite a large town. then on snaps of the Courthouse and Sunset Point Tavern Then through Dunedin to Palm Harbour. where we Visited A.B. Coleman A.B. had just arrived from Burlington yesterday said they have had a real winter. Jim Coleman was there too. they took us out to their groves and gave us oranges lemons & grapefruit showed us a big thing would weigh 6 or 8 lbs color like a grapefruit

and like a pink Watermelon inside. some of them shaped like pears and some more round they called them Shaddocks they use the outside for peel and the inside for salads. They certainly had a nice crop of oranges & grape fruit and the best tasted of any we have had. Then on 5 miles farther to Tarpon Springs saw the docks with the Sponge boats tied up. streets very narrow down by the docks. and the men all seemed to be Greeks Got a room at the Stratford Hotel got. two connecting rooms $5 00. They are having a Rebecca Banquet and the place full of them. a hundred of them they had roast chicken too Had our supper at a Greek Cafe. cost $1.30 walked around town all quiet got two films 60¢ Candy 10¢ Back to Hotel. Rebecca's still going strong, speeches & music. Expenses today {$7.00?} Mileage 131.

Feby 18th. Left Hotel about 8am Breakfast. mostly toast 90¢ and punk too. took snaps of the open air theatre and city dock. Left 8.45 stopped at Palm Harbor took snap of the Packing house Back to Clearwater to Belleair. where we took a snap of the

Biltmore Hotel. they had a policeman at the gate to keep. outsiders out. it was some place. then through Largo to Gandy Bridge. took two snaps so one bridge about 3 miles filled in and 2 miles concrete bridge. cost 85¢ to cross it. a wonderful drive around the bay to Tampa for miles called Bayside Drive. Saw Tampa Bay Hotel looks the same as it was 20 years ago it is some Hotel. took 2 snaps of it. Had dinner $1.75 stamps Films etc 65. Gas $105 {he means $1.05} oil 25¢ on to Plant City 20 miles bot 2 quarts SBerries 15¢ a quart. they were not much good. 11 miles farther to Lakeside. went to Chamber of Commerce to get Mr Emerys & Mr Jardines address. located their houses but all away out of town for the day. saw quite a bit of the city finding their homes. drove to the Civic center took a couple of snaps. Lakeland seems a nice place. next place at Auburndale. they had a midway going. A Merry Go Round and a few side shows. Bot fluffy candy 20¢ from there to Lake Alfred and on to

Haines City here is the finest looking orange and grape fruit groves we have seen in the country. and lots of them too. miles of them. from here back to Kissimmee and then home. arrived about 6p.m. we made 756 miles with the car and 15 miles on the ferry. Gas for the trip cost us $7.15 for 34 gallons. it figures out 22 miles to the gallon and bot 2 quarts of oil 50¢. Trip cost us $54.35. also $5.00 to get 52 pictures developed and printed. but we had a good trip & no trouble

Feb 19th. Resting up today. In the afternoon things started again. Alan fell out of a Grapefruit tree and broke his right arm.

Feby 20th. Alan says his arm does not hurt we are having a time watching him so he wont hurt it again. Went over to the fair tonight only 10 cts at night. It is the Central Florida Exposition, as they call it.They had a fear good Exhibits of fruits. and chickens but not much else. but the midway seems to be the main attraction. they have Johnny Jones shows and it is quite good fireworks pretty good too

Feby 21st. Friday and the girls have a holiday from school. as a man here Carey Hand is taking all the children in the county in free. our girls went in with the crowd. had a free ride on an elephant and a ticket to a side show they went to see the monkeys

Feby 22nd. Taking things easy today. Had Mr House around to see us. he is back from St Petersburg.

Feb 23rd Sunday went out to Wekiwa Springs to feed the cat fish. Very warm day. Mother. Alan and the girls. got eat up with little flies. spots all over them I was too tough I guess

Feby 24th. Went to the Dr Edwards again. says Alans arm alright went over to Sunshine Park and watched them play very warm 85 in the shade

Feby 25th. Very warm. doing nothing all day.

Feby 26th Went fishing to Lake Eola with Mr House he got 6 Brim & 1 bass I got one bass my hooks too big. they tasted fine

Feby 27th. Went fishing to Lake Apopka. went out in a boat. caught nothing off the dock. caught 2 small catfish 1 dog fish 3 needle fish.

Feby 28th. Nothing doing had a big shower in the night

Mar 1st. Very warm again nothing doing. went over to the Park for a few minutes. Went to the picture show at the Auditorium whole family for 50¢

Mar 2nd. Madge and the girls went to church weather getting cold 56 tonight

Mar 3rd Real cold & heavy wind blowing down to 45 this morning. never got up to 60 any time today. had fire going all day

Mar 4th. Cold down to about 40 this a.m. fire going all day. wore my overcoat down town. feels like real winter. got weighed today 150 lbs.

{side note - 4 leaved clover attached to page}

Mar 5th. Heavy white frost this morning nothing doing too cold to go fishing

Mar 6th. not very warm yet. drove to Winter Gardens. got 2 boxes of strawberries 15¢. and they were not very fancy.

Mar 7th. Heavy south wind all day. but mild, and heavy rain about 4 p.m. went to the Circus at the Auditorium is was pretty good. more like a Vaudeville show than a circus.

Mar 8th clear & bright today but cool with a strong west wind blowing

Mar 9th Sunday. Sunny but cool. went to the Band

concert at Lake Eola.

Mar 10th 11th & 12th. Mostly fair but not any too warm not as nice this month as Feby. Fishing at Lake Eola Mar 13th got enough Brim for a meal.

Mar 13th went fishing with another fellow to Lake Louise. about 3 mile north lots of big fish jumping out of the water only had a couple of nibbles but I caught a turtle Raining in the afternoon

Mar 14th. Cloudy & cool all day. Heavy rain in the evening came down in floods some thunder & lightning see by the Hamilton papers Paris won intermediate. Hockey championship and Hamilton won from Varsity of Toronto 3 to 2 for the Senior 6. Ha.

Mar 15th. Cloudy but warmer this am. Drove out to Tinker Field to see Cinncinnati practise ball but they had stopped {side note} went to Picture Show Rialto.

Mar 16th Sunday went to Lake Eola to Band Concert. but it was cool & cloudy

Mar 17th. More rain today went to school for the girls it has rained more or less every day for weeks

March 18th. Saw the Cinn - Reds practising today they had about 40 men in uniform. some bunch of big fellows. they done some slugging.

Mar 19th. Went to the big Ball game today. Connie Macks. Philadelphia Athletics. last years World champions. and Cinncinnati Reds. Phila won 1 to 0. they got 7 hits Cinn 3 hits Lefty Grove & Rommel pitched for Phil. and Frey & Eckert for Cinn.

Mar 20. Drove out to see the Airplanes. had the road blocked by sign 50 cts to get near the airport. Parked alongside of the road. The Stunt flying was good. also saw the Parachute drop. no rain today for a change

Mar 21st Fine today went to the picture show at the Rialto.

Mar 22nd. Raining again today. West Toronto won the Junior 6. H.a. Hamilton still in the running for the Senior Alan Cup - beat Iroquois Falls & Ottawa. tried to get some more grape fruit at the Packing House could not get any. got some on Orange Ave at 50¢ doz. Round Beefsteak 454 lb here and Alfafa Hay $45 a ton. It has rained 21 days so far this month. and 20 days before since we arrived. so 41 days some of them only a sprinkle and some a regular pour down.

Mar 23rd Went out to see the Spouting Well. it was a 10 inch pipe sunk at the Edge

of a Lake for 70 feet then drilled 300 feet. it had wore a big hole. and the water running into the pipe from the Lake caused a kind of whirlpool. and the air went down the middle it blowed every 1/2 hrs today but they close it and keep the water out and it spouts the water out. Another big rain a real flood after we got home. dozens of cars at had their coils soaked and stalled.

Mar 24. More Rain showery all day & cloudy. went shopping for some presents to take home.

Mar 25th More Rain this am. cool & cloudy nearly all day. Got weighed 152 lbs now

Mar 26th. Fair but very cool about 50 this am. went to the Ball game. wearing an overcoat. Cinn. Reds beat Columbia 9 to 3. Eckhart & Ash pitched for Cinn. went to New England 5¢ concert at Auditorium. a real good concert (good singing)

Mar 27th. still cold. have a fire on this a.m. started to get ready for home.

Mar 28th. Another rainy day all day came down in torrents. has rained 25 days now out of 28 days this month.

Mar 29. Partly cloudy & cool.

Mar 30 Sunday cloudy & cold Hamilton lost in Alan Cup Semi Finals with Montreal. they won both games - scores 7 to 2 4 to 1

Montreal & Port Arthur play in the Senior Finals Montreal won and West Toronto & Regina in the Junior Finals

Mar 31st Cool this a.m. but fine all day. getting ready for our trip home

April 1st. Up. at 7a.m. Mr Dickson went to the Depot and got an inspector to watch us pack. so we would not have any fruit. on acct of the Med Fruit Fly. he sealed all our bags & boxes. said Goodbyes and left 10.45 am. drove out 3 miles found we left some of the childrens books & toys on the back verandah. had to go back. Left again at 1105am. Sep Speedometer at start reads 8968 miles It is a lovely day for a change. at Sandford 12 noon Had dinner at the open air stage on the St Johns River left 12.30p.m. took a snap of Celery field outside Sanford. next town De Land Orange City. then De Land quite a place. turned more easterly here. swamps nearly all the way now. took a snap of street sign in a Real Estate Sub. Division. 10 miles from Daytona. drove into Daytona and across the bridge to the famous beach we are told we are just in time as. Don Kaye. with his speedster Auto Racer. was on the beach. in about half an hour he went past. not. very fast. as he was slowing down when we saw him. but at least we saw him.

Got a double room at the Hamilton Hotel $4.00 tip 25¢ supper at Cafeteria $2.00 had a walk after supper Daytona is a nice place

April 2nd. Had breakfast a Cafe. cost $1.05. leaving for St. Augustine. Took snaps of the Park along the Indian River. and one of a pretty stone house before leaving Daytona left at 820 a.m by Dixie or No 1. Highway. Took a snap near Ormond of Highway, where it went through the bush. looked like real Jungle. we had some French Canadians from Montreal staying at the same Hotel in Daytona last night. we left first. this morning but they soon passed us. spent $105 {he means $1.05} for gas. and had to tip the nigger 10¢ for 3 or 4 sour oranges he pinched over the back fence and gave to the girls. nothing along the road but a few garages and a couple of small Villages all the way to St. Augustine about 53 miles. soon after 10. a.m. Parked on the main street. arrived just shortly before the Ponce de Leon Parade. took two snaps of the Ponce de Leon Hotel. which was a very large & very pretty hotel. with

fountains in the court and Palm trees all around the place also a snap of the Statue of Ponce de Leon. which also showed the large bridge across the river to the beach sat in a little Park in the square waiting for the procession. it seemed to be in sections. the first was the 1st Americans who were Indians. a lot of them on horses decked out in Indian suits. feathers etc. the 2nd section represented the Spaniards who came 2nd in history they were in Spanish Costume and led by Ponce de Leon. they were mostly on horses too. 3rd came the British who had possession for a while. they seemed to have dark suits with white collars & cuffs with knee high boots. and a flat topped black hat. finally the Americans in old fashioned costumes carrying lances. each section had a band. took a snap of a Hansom Cab. (the first I ever saw) then we had dinner at a restaurant $1.40 bot a folder 10¢ with some nice Views. then walked around the town saw the oldest house in U. S. took a snap of it saw some of the old streets & buildings

mostly all the old streets only wide enough for one car. some not wide enough for any Vehicle. only for walking took a snap of a nice house Called a Moorish Villa. drove a mile or so along the river to the old Fort Marion we paid 50¢ for a guide we wandered around for a while in an old museum then the guide showed us the old well in the yard. then into the rooms prisoners rooms. the old chapel cell next to it were the prisoners heard the service the dungeon and back of it another dungeon. to get into you crawled through a hole about 4 feet high nobody supposed to have lived more than 24 hours in here no air or no light (they turned the lights out and it was black). it was started in 1715 and completed in 1735. the walls were from 3' to 9' thick it also had a stone stair way leading up to the ramparts. we took three snaps. one on top of the Ramparts. one showing us sitting on an old Powder chest. in front of a door and one of the fort outside showing the draw bridge over the moat. we then drove a little farther to see the Fountain of Youth cost us $1.00 to enter

we saw a museum showing old fashioned furniture, guns, pictures, maps, writings etc. used by the Spaniards. we saw where Ponce de Leon. landed. on April 2nd. 1513. 417 years ago. we saw a little church about 10 or 15 feet square supposed to have been used then. also had a drink of water each from the Fountain of youth. which was under a nice little building the spring was walled up like a little well. the water was good. and pretty cool. took a snap outside the building. they said it was about the only water in Florida that had no sulphur or minerals in. left for Jacksonville at 245pm. 33 miles more to go. went through the smalls towns of. Magnolia. Sampson Woodland & Bayard. had Government inspector for Med Fruit Fly. by having every thing sealed at Orlando we had no trouble. only just after leaving had a blow out. and had to change tires. arrived at South Jacksonville. quite a large place. crossed the Toll Bridge cost 24 cts must have been a mile long. arrived at Jax at 430pm. Jax seemed very busy. tooked us a while to find the Carliss Hotel were we stayed on the way down. Room

cost us $2.00 films 60¢ supper $2.75. had to buy a new tire cost $7.45 had a walk around town window shoopping. some nice stores. Cohens was a whole square block. sat In Heming Park for a while. Charlotte not feeling very well got some Syrup Figs cost 35 cts. {Note in margin referring to an addition on following page} x Intended Visiting Wilcoxs but lost their address. Very warm did not sleep very good. too warm and we only had a 3/4 width bed. Speedometer at 9148 miles tonight only made 180 miles in two days.

April 3rd Thursday Madge & the children went shopping at Cohens. Bot Hat $1. 57 Coat $ 10.75 Girls hats $2.00 Sweater 79¢. Paid $1.05 for breakfast. I took two snaps one of Heming Park & Cohens store. one of a Miniature Golf Course. We left the Carliss at the cor Market & Adams St. got the car from the Chev. Garage. Gas and storage $2.80 Left Jax at 1045am. weather cloudy and windy still on the Dixie Highway through the amall towns of Dinsmore, Callahan & Hilliard at 1130am Very cloudy. crossed the St Marys River into Georgia. stopped and examined at border for Cattle Tick. too see if we had any hay. grass or Spanish Moss to carry it on. then about a mile further stopped again. another examination for Med. Fly. but they did not bother

us very much. stopped at Folkestone. Ga. Alan & I had pie & sandwich. raining now. the rest eat in the car through Ga. pine woods now. mostly small trees large ones all cut. through Uptonville. Racepond. to Baxley. Boz a doz. scab apples at 30¢. then run into a Rain storm. it was some rain came down in streams. & dark. could not see any thing. lasted about 15 minutes then slowed up. from Baxley to Lyons abut 33 miles nothing in between Clear & cooler here. getting hilly. and climbing. higher. land more cultivated saw lots of goats & razor back pigs along here. same barren country to Swainsboro. we stopped at a real old Southern home here for the night. were every thing that would hold dust was dusty. and every thing that could be broke was broken. Room was $3.00. Supper $1.95 had a walk around town only a small place a few stores. made a call at the town hall. made 196 miles.

April 4th Friday Had breakfast at the Greek Restaurant $1.30 and punk at that. Storage. Gas. and oil $2.17 took a snap of the house looks better in the picture than inside. Left at 840a.m. clear this morning & colder

spring here. Violets Daffodils & some peach blossoms about 80 miles to Augusta through Dellwood, Blundale Wadley, Louisville, Wrens. all small places. more of land cultivated. started climbing. hilly & more bush again. seemed to be crossing a ridge of mountains here through Blythe. all these towns under 250 population car working bad. will not climb. arrived at Augusta at 11am. on the way in drove through the negro section. some place. Augusta a large place between 50000 and 100000 pop. Got car fixed. (it was the points on the distributor) cost 50¢ Bot Bread 10¢ cookies 2 pks. 9¢ milk 20¢ quart. had a can Salmon. took a snap of the confederate statue on the main street. crossed the Savannah River into North Augusta and we are now in South Carolina. ate our dinner on the grass beside a school. took snap of a long row of workmens houses. which all looked alike. through Langley & Warrenville to Aiken got gas here $1.39 car working grand now. weather cloudy. more workable land here. Road for about 30 miles here to Monetta under repair. rough but hard through Batesburg. Leesville Lexington. the sun started to shine again at 3 pm

arrived at Columbia at 315p.m. Ch Columbia is the capital of S. Carolina is large city 100 000 or more. Columbia Union University is here. we drove around took a snap of it also one of the Capitol buildings. got some more films 60¢ The land around here is red like brick dust saw some Irises out in bloom. through Blythswood hit a dirt road here not very bad. there was about 33 miles of it. to Chester. Sunny bright afternoon. fields all ploughed some in fancy designs. for drainage I guess. soil fancy too nice and red. Stopped at Chester. S.C. for the night at the Howard Hotel cost $4 00. supper $2.15. tip 25¢ Had a walk around town about 2000 population the main part of the town was perched on top of a hill and sloped down in all directions. the streets and highways all curves & twists. The hotel seemed to be the only one in town and we parked car out in front. all night. travelled 230 miles today

April 5th. Saturday. Breakfast $1.25 socks 25¢ Hanky 5¢ took a snap of the main street the Hotel at the top. Leaving Chester 830am bright clear day and cooler. right in the

cotton district here but none planted yet weather too cold. late this year should have been planted two weeks sooner. thro. a more prosperous country now. lots of darkies & mules. saw many loads of cotton on the roads going to the mills or station. Rock Hill & Fort Mill nice looking towns 5 miles from Fort Mill we cross into North Carolina then about 15 miles to Charlotte. Population around 75 000. seems to be more of an uptodate town. stopped 35 minutes had a walk around bot some cards 5¢ Took a snap on Tyron Street one of the main streets also one of the Masonic Temple. out of Charlotte via Highway No. 170 thro Newell. Harrisburg to Concord. a larger place country more thickly populated here. Thro. Glass. Kannafolis to China Grove. bot sandwiches here for dinner 70¢ left again 1220 then on to Salisbury got on wrong road here went west around 16 miles had to go back. wooded country all day wirth some fields cultivated. next place Lexington 14 miles farther got wrong road again went 3 miles this time. through Welcome and Eller to Winston Salem. very hilly streets all up and down streets crooked and curved

an old fashioned place took a snap of the street coming in. Saw Salem College. still lots of darkies through Salem to Walkertown Dennis Walnut Grove. Madison. Mayodan. Stoneville. Price Ridgeway to Martinsville about 60 miles. Spend night at Martinsville at the Henry Hotel $5.00 supper $1.50 apples 2 lbs for 15 cts (1 orange 6 cts) Cough medicine 55 cts Have a cold now. it is built on a bunch of hills. streets very narrow. the place was crowded. it being Saturday night. we are in Virginia now crossed the line 15 miles back

April 6th Sunday. Raining hard nearly all night & still raining. I have a bad cold. Had breakfast at the Hotel. cost us $1.40. Set off a little after 9a.m. on Road No. 311 to Roanoke. driving not very good lots of hills & terrible curves all the way to Sydnorsville (. just a Gas Sation). Bot gas here $1.38. Curves & hills again all the way to Roanoke wonderful scenery but raining too ard to see any distance Seem to be crossing the Blue Ridge mountains to get into the Shenandoah Valley. Had dinner at Roanoke cost $1.30 on again through more hills. scenery would be grand if we could only see it. the road was through valleys one after another down hill. up hill. around

April 7th. My cold not much better. hung around until about 10 oclock. and then it was a nice clear. morning and decided to start. Breakfast 80¢ in a Greek place. it was rotten. more cough syrup 55¢. Films 60. Gas and oil $2.38 Just nicely on our way and it started to rain again. Took a snap of the main st. before leaving Staunton. Va. was the birthplace of Woodrow Wilson. president of U.S.A. still on Highway No. 11. on up the Valley through Fort Defiance. Fort Sydney. Burketown & Mt Crawford crossed the North River several times. the road was bad in places, doing repairing and widening and after the big rains the detours were deep in mud. they had convict gangs. doing the work. some of them chained together mostly negroes. all had guards over them with rifles then through Harrisonburg and Tenth Legion about four miles from here we turned East about 3 miles towards the mountains to Endless Caverns. we parked outside. went inside a nice building where they sold cards. souvenirs etc. bought our tickets cost us $4.50. joined a party with a guide went down about 50 steps. and started

under the mountain. it is all lit up with electric lights which makes it very pretty. went in under ground for over a mile through one Cavern after another. some big and some little. one large cave was used as a ball Room. one big rock in it is shaped like an old sleigh. here was were the musicians set. they said they took a Radio here and reception was perfect. one place a big rock weighing tons was hanging from the ceiling one cave Called Bronze Room the rocks were that color. one place had an underground stream running. about 90 feet down was lit by electric lights near the end was one of the prettiest of all called the Diamond Lake. a low Cave. with hundreds of little stalagmites and stalactites. which met in some places. and they were surrounded by water. they had them lit up with colored lights and they sparkled like diamonds. on the other side in another niche in the wall was the Palace of the fairies, was of little stalagmites from about 1/2 in to 6' or 8' inches high. they looked like Fairy palaces. when the lights were on they all sparkled

another pretty one was called Aladins Cave lit up with colored lights was very pretty. The guide said we had walked over 2 miles it took us about 2 hours and 15 minutes but it was worth seeing. it was not very warm down there they claimed it was the same summer. and winter. they claimed it used to be an underground River. they dont know how far it goes. a party took candles & went a couple of miles farther. but found no end. There are 30 rooms open to the public now. Had dinner at Newmarket. $1.20 then along the Shenandoah River through to Jackson Hawkinstown. Edinburg. Maurertown. Strasburg. Middletown. Stephens City. all small places to Winchester. have been seeing quite a few apple orchards. now. stopped a Winchester. took a snap of an old Civil War. Veteran Winchester is a great Historical town. 2nd oldest city in Va. Gen Morgan buried there. during civil war supposed to have changed hands 72 times Bot some oranges here 30¢. took a snap of the Blue Ridge mts near here. then on through Stevensville. Bunker Hill Inwood. had a big nose bleed and had to stop along the road. stopped at Martinsburg Va for the night. at Hotel Washington Rooms $2.50 Supper $ 1 95 cards 6¢ Candy 35¢. Drove only 128 miles today.

April 8th. Breakfast 85¢ Gas & oil storage $2.52. off at 815am. dull & cold a few flakes of snow. 15 miles to the Maryland line. took a snap there of the Potomac River paid 25 cents toll at the bridge between the two states at Williamsport. weather still cloudy & cold. then on to Hagerstoun a larger place about 25000 pop. seems to be a very old place. only about 20 miles in Maryland then across into Penn. at 925a.m. every thing more substantial up here buildings. streets & even the houses. bleak cold day coming to the mountains again. through the small towns of Greencastle. Marion. Guilford Springs. to Chambersburg a larger town stopped a few minutes bot some candy and Hankys. every body have cold now. then on to Green Village to Shippenburg to Lees Croos Roads. Walnut Bottom Dickinson. Moredale. to Carlisle Carlisle a very nice looking place. about 20 000 pop. took snaps of the Carlisle University. one of Louther Street. and one of the sign board. on leaving the town still on Highway No. 11 then on to Lemoyne. we stayed on the west side of the river. and did not cross and go in to Harrisburg. which is a big railroad & manufacturing city. took two snaps of

Susquehanna River thro. Marysville. Cove. & Duncannon took wrong road here drove 3 or 4 miles. had to return. weather very cold. Had lunch at a stand. Sandwiches $1.10 they had a big fire going in a stove it sure felt good. then crossed the Juniata River at Juniata a branch of the Susquehanna. followed on the West side of the Juanita River to Clarks Ferry then crossed to the east side of Susquehanna followed the same road now that we came down on last fall. weather very cold windy & snowing around Northumberland to Milton. and on to Muncy on to Williamsport were we stayed for the night at the Wenner Hotel near the Post Office Gas $2.00 Supper $1.15 Cards 6¢ Stamps 30 Razor & shaving cream 35¢ Rooms $4.50 cold & windy tonight. drove about {blank} miles.

April 9th. Wed. Breakfast $1.10 storage $1.00 Gas $1.50 Took snap of Post Office and left at 845am bright clear day. still cold. started into hills again. climbing all the time thro. Hepburnville. Cogan Sta. Trout Run. Steam Valley. to Buttonwood took snap here of the Mountains then a snap of the Tioga Valley. on to Liberty Sebring. to Bloss Mountain which is the highest point on the Susquehanna Trail on the Allegheny Mountains.

took a snap of the Sign stating it was 2140 feet elevation going to start down grade now. lots of snow and ice up here on to Tioga. along the Tioga River. crossed an old covered wooden bridge here. crossed into new york state at Lawrenceville Bot a film at Blossburg took a snap of icicles near their on to Painted Post. to Bath for dinner $1.25 took snap of Town Hall in Bath from the park. on to Cohocton to Wayland then West to Dansville North to Mount Morris very hilly. all along here. also lots of snow in the ditches some places drifts across the highway. from Mt Morris to Warsaw. worst hills on all our trip. big sign (electric) across the road warning to go down in second gear. the highway turned & twisted every way going down to Warsaw in the bottom then miles of it up the other side again took a snap of the children in a snow bank weather very cold here went on West To East Aurora. where we stayed for the night it is a dirty old place. as dead as a door nail. the streets and sidewalks all ice and snow.

Supper cost us $2.20 Rooms $3.00 in an old tumble down hotel.

April 10th. Breakfast $1.00 worst meal of the whole trip. Car storage & gas $1.75 left for Buffalo about 8a.m. Dull cloudy morning. arrived in Buffalo about 9am. every thing dirty & smoky. up main st to niagara square. then to the Peace Bridge did not have much bother crossed the Peace Bridge. had to pay duty on tire bought in Jacksonville but not much trouble with examination now back in Canada drove along the Niagara River to the Falls. stopped a while there took some snaps. still cold here. seems to be getting milder as we near Hamilton had to go by Hamilton as the Beach Bridge closed. widening the canal. had dinner at Martins Cafe in Hamilton about 1p.m. arrived home. started unloading. and Alan tripped and fell out of car and broke his other arm. so had another trip to Burlington to Dr Weavers. then to Hamilton to get it exrayed and put

in a plaster cast at the hospital. got home again good and tired. some way to end the trip. Speedometer read 8968 miles when we left Orlando and 10503 miles on arrival home. distance home 1535 miles. 1600 miles on the way down but drove some distance sight seeing.

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Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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