works they put up. Saw a couple of old houses in the town with the old cannon balls still sticking in the brick walls. also Saw Gen Lees monument a large one with him sitting on his black horse. also the McMillan woods where the South buried their dead. they removed them a few years later and took them to Richmond Va. also the old McMillan house where some of the officers stayed. Paid the guide $300 {he means $3.00}. Room $300 {he means $3.00} Supper $1.40. drove 118 miles today. Stopped at Mr & Mrs Caldwells 461 Baltimore Street near Jenny Wade house they were very nice it poured rain just after we got in the house. they lent us umbrellas to go to supper. Expenses today $10.41
Nov 18th Monday. Breakfast $1.10 Films 30¢. took a couple of snaps of the little Park in the square in the center of the town there was a couple of old guns some flowers etc. Still cloudy but not raining went out of Gettysburg by way of Conferate Ave so we could get some snaps. took snaps of Gen Lee. McMillans House & the Guns along the Avenue.