Dec 23rd Real cold this am below 40. cloudy and a cold wind blowing.
Dec 24th. Cold again today. white frost this morning. out buying Christmas things. took a walk at night to see the Christmas Trees at Lake Eola and the bright lights at Central Ave & Orange Ave. where they broadcast music while you wait for the traffic signals.
Dec 25th. Christmas Day cool & clear. white frost. went to the cafeteria for a turkey dinner it was fine. then all went to the show the Talking Movies and ended up by having strawberries for supper.
Dec 26th. still cool another white frost. but warmer by noon. had Mr & Mrs Hollingsworth for supper.
Dec 27th. A lot warmer today. went to Lake Eola for a drive.
Dec 28th. Fine & mild started out for the East Coast. went out Colonial Drive East for about 40 miles there was nothing much to see, the same flat country. scrub trees and such like. the first place was Indian River City a few stores. and a few large residences