File #44276: "Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 35.pdf"



the Island to another Bridge across the Banana River. it was 1/2 mile long these rivers are all salt water here and rise & fall with the tide. the country is small islands but mostly water & swamps. the toll to cross this bridge was 40¢ then about another 10 miles to Canaveral Harbor over rough & Sandy roads when the boom was on they had built sidewalks and put up electric lights for miles out from Canaveral now the lights are broken & sidewalks buried in sand. they say they sold thousands of lots at a big price think any one would be crazy to buy in such a place on arrival there we found about 2 houses and a restaurant. and a wharf out on piles about 100 feet into the ocean. also found out we could not buy any bait to fish with we were to buy schrimps they catch them their but the sea had been rough and no fishing boats out for two weeks past. so no fishing. on the way back we stopped at Cocoa Beach a big Hotel there but nothing in it but a Restaurant in one corner for fishermen I guess. the city hall & Chamber of Commerce shut up tight. then back
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