File #44296: "Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 55.pdf"



Mar 1st. Very warm again nothing doing. went over to the Park for a few minutes. Went to the picture show at the Auditorium whole family for 50¢ Mar 2nd. Madge and the girls went to church weather getting cold 56 tonight Mar 3rd Real cold & heavy wind blowing down to 45 this morning. never got up to 60 any time today. had fire going all day Mar 4th. Cold down to about 40 this a.m. fire going all day. wore my overcoat down town. feels like real winter. got weighed today 150 lbs. {side note - 4 leaved clover attached to page} Mar 5th. Heavy white frost this morning nothing doing too cold to go fishing Mar 6th. not very warm yet. drove to Winter Gardens. got 2 boxes of strawberries 15¢. and they were not very fancy. Mar 7th. Heavy south wind all day. but mild, and heavy rain about 4 p.m. went to the Circus at the Auditorium is was pretty good. more like a Vaudeville show than a circus. Mar 8th clear & bright today but cool with a strong west wind blowing Mar 9th Sunday. Sunny but cool. went to the Band
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