=== SUNDAY, February 13, 1870. === My mother and I went out to Chruch at the village this morning. We heard our dear Bro. German preach. Went home with him and after dinner I went up to Woodhouse Chappel Also, to night I heard him preach again. His text to night was from Isaiah. For Wisdom and knowledge shall be the strength of thy times &c. The burden of my prayers is still for the desire of my heart. I thought that this thing would never come to pass but God has renewed His promise to me so often that I cannot doubt his precious word. === MONDAY, February 14, 1870. === I have been working in the shop this forenoon at saw filing buggy fixing &c. I have had Charley threshing out peas and tearing down the strawstack &c. This afternoon mother and I went out to spend a few hours with Mrs. Beaupres according to a previous engagement. Had a pleasant visit. It has been raining to day and still the weather is still continues quite warm. My life, what is it what has it been? I have so often failed to discharge my duties and my progress Heavenward has been so slow that my past life seems almost a blan{k?}
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