Courtland Olds Diary, 1870


Courtland Olds Diary, 1870


January 1, 1870

Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript





[1870 Calendar and chart of postage rates]

[continuation of a chart of dates of moon phases, including November and December 1870]


I have been at home all day too-day but Charley has been off enjoying himself. I have a considerable respect for that old adage All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This first day of the new Year I have spent well, for I have been as busy as a nailer{?}, fixing up fences &c. The weather is still beautiful, too nice to last long. I have been writing my letter to My Friend F. W.{?} S. too-night. I have been happy too-day--happy in the saviours love. Glory be to His holy name.


The past day very rainy so much so that mother and I have neither of us been able to leave for Divine Service. Notwithstanding this it has been a day of considerable proffit to my poor soul. I have been reading the Memoir of Father Reeves, the Methodist Class Leader. His first written covenant is as follows. "O Lord, I am thine, save me. If thou sparest me this year, help me to glorify thy name; and if thou takest me, take me to thyself. If thou I am thy unworthy servant--W. Reeves. These words I can also subscribe as the expression of my inmost heart. C. C. Olds.


Again we have had another stormy day. But instead of rain we are now having snow. The weather has also become a good deal colder. Charley and I have been sharpening axes and my carpenter tools this afternoon &c. Too-night I went down to Smith's. We arranged our School accounts satisfactorily, with but little trouble. I have too-day been somewhat tried, and tempted but in going to the Lord with my difficulties, I was not only delivered, but He gave me a glorious victory over my enemies. Lord help me to be steadfast & immoveable.


Charley has been drawing up wood too-day. Mother and I went to Dover for visiting purposes this morning. We took dinner at Francis Marr's and had our tea at Miss H's. Found the people about Dover in quite a state of excitement about the proposed Norfolk Railroad. A week ago they were mostly all against the proposed line but now almost to a man in favour of the project. I posted my letter to Frank too-day. I have thought of having a sale next Fall, unless Farming seems more favourable.


Charley has been spliting and drawing wood too-day. While I have been making a bin for oats &c in the drive barn. I finished it and helped Henry cut some wood towards night. I went over to John Mans too-night to finish making up our School accounts. There is a blessing which I have greatly desired in the Lord and it remains still the desire of my heart. For this blessing I have often went to Him but it has not yet come to pass. I have determined, until the Lord gives it me to make it the burden of my prayer and supplication.


We have all hands been cuting and spliting wood too-day. This afternoon the threshers came and set up their machine so that too-morrow we expect to thresh. Too-night I have finished straitening up our School accounts for the past year. Still my cry to my God is, "I will not let thee go until thou bless me." He that has placed in my heart this desire is able to fullfill is alone able to fulfill it, and I will not cease to plead His exceeding great and precious promises, until the blessing He has promised has been bestowed upon me.


We have been threshing too-day: Got one part of the job done--the pease that grew in the Ten acre Field. Besides this we moved the machine and set it up ready for work in the old barn. We threshed out one hundred bushells of peas. I went over to the M.{?} (W.?} Church too-night where they have commenced a protracted meeting. There did not seem to be a very good influence, but then perhaps it will grow better, as this was the first effort. My experience of yesterday still continues, with the same earnest pleading.


I sent Charley off to Mill this morning with a grist of chop. Mother and I went out to Dover after dinner. While there I called on several friends and had a good time. We Amongst the rest Miss Scott and Anne D. We took tea with Miss Langs{?} and enjoyed our visit much. It is said that the families of earth retain a family likeness throughout. There is another family of which Christ is the older brother. Should there not be a family likeness? Surely it is the privelege of Christs followers to have the image and {illegible}scriptiond stamped upon them.


The past has been a fearfully stormy day, and withal exceedingly cold. Notwithstanding this I have been to meeting no less than three times. I heard the new {illegible} preacher both morning and evening. He seems full of earnestness and Zeal for Christ and apparently is very anxious for the prosperity of Zion; But I noticed a considerable coldness in the church members. Bro. German preached this afternoon. We had a pretty good time together in the Lord. I have still the same hearts desire & still I do not fail to ask of the Lord this blessing.


Charley has been cuting wood too-day in the wood house. It has been snowing most of the day. I have been busy as usual. I went over to John Mans this evening to tea and afterwards went to meeting at the church. It seems to be improving a little in interest. There was one forward, and two who rose for prayer. The sermon, from "What shall it proffit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul," was very earnest and practical. And the prayermeeting afterwards was also quite a season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.


I have had my men drawing up wood too-day I went out to Dover myself to vote against the By Law for Bonus{?} of $200,000 to the proposed Norfolk Railroad. The weather too-day has been very pleasant, too much so to last long. I attended the meeting again too-night. Some of the members have become quite earnest, and I hope that good will be done. Religion is in a very backward state amongst our neighbours and there is a glorious opportunity for a manifestation of the wonder{illegible} praise of God. His spirit seems to be amongst us, and wh{obscured} the spirit of the Lord is there is {illegible}


Charley has been cuting wood too-day in the woodhouse, on account of the rain. I attended School meeting too-day. I got through with my part of the business all right, But instead of geting liberty at the close of my first time I was re-elected. We went up to John Matthew's too-day to dinner and had a great dinner and a "musical time" generally. Some of the neighbours beside us were there. Too-night I attended the meeting as usual. It is certainly increasing in interest. Souls are being converted.


Still the weather remains stormy and cold. This forenoon we worked in the woods. This afternoon, as soon as we could get ready ma and I went out to Dover so as to be at the tea-meeting. I expected to have seen my friend S. M. S. too-night but was doomed to disappointment. I was relieved however in receiving a note from him stating Making his reasons for not Coming. He expects to be able to come in a week or so. The tea-meeting was a decided success. There was a large number of people there. Proceeds were about eighty dollars.


We have been threshing too-day. Finished up with the exception of a few oats which we intend to thresh with the flail. We had an exceedingly cold time for our job, but it is over now and I am not sorry. "Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord & do good; --> {continues on bottom of opposite page}

and He shall give thee the desires of thy thine heart. Commit they way unto the Lord and trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."


It has been raining nearly all day to-day. We have had one of the most sudden and extreme changes in the weather that I have ever experienced. Yesterday was as cold a day as we have had this Winter and to day it has been as warm as Summer. Unckle Homes and wife came to dinner too-day notwithstanding the rain.


This has been a day of exceeding high and exalted privileges. Such as can be given only by a divine hand. We went out to church in the morning and heard our dear Bro. German deliver another one of his truely evangelical discourses, such as do the soul good. The Lord blessed me in hearing. Subject, The mind that was in Christ. My soul has since then been crying out 'O for more of the mind that was in Christ." Our Old pastor & wife W. {illegible} Laird took dinner with us too-day. We all took tea at Bowlbys, Where he christened {illegible} Carpenters baby. Bro. Laird preached too-night to a full house.


The weather still remains very rainy. It rained all of last night and the greater part of to day. Charly and I have been making preparations for killing our beefs. This afternoon Mother and I went out to Dover to be at Mrs. Lang's party. We had a rough time geting there on account of the water, which was over the road in some places to quite a depth. We spent an exceedingly pleasant evening with our friends at Mrs. Lang's. Came home about eleven and had a pretty cold ride. Quite different from going out.


Charley and I killed a beef too day. This is my first effort in this line. Got along all right. Henry and Charly cut wood this afternoon. To night we had a party of young folks {illegible} Dover and among the rest was a young man from near Wellington Square Station who is acquainted with Frank Springer, Ed. Sovereign, Miss Scott Miss Annie{?} &c. Miss H. B. and several others were also here. We had a pleasant evenings visit from them. Still as in other days my whole desire is entered in God.


I have had Charley cuting wood & spliting to day. I went to mill this forenoon and while the grist was grinding I went over to town. Took dinner at George Hall's. Afterwards I went down to the port for a skate. I had several of my friends to acompany me and had a fine time. Miss Bessie Scott was one of the company, also Jont.{?} Carpenter, Hellen Bowlby and Annie Douglas. With the latter one I had the pleasure of skating most of the time. I got home in pretty good time with my grist although the roads are very rough. The weather is very beautiful at present & I hope it will continue.


Charley and Henry have been cuting wood. I have been busy at taking care of the beef besides some other jobs. The weather still remains beautiful but it begins to wear the appearance of a storm. I went over to the Advent protracted meeting to night. Their meeting has become quite interesting. Souls are being wrought upon and saved. It is a cause of gratitude to God that He is visiting our neighbourhood. O, may it be a glorious visitation, and not cease until scores of souls have been converted.


We have all hands of us been cuting and spliting wood to day. The weather is still very beautiful although somewhat cold. I was over to the meeting again to night. The feeling is very good and still sinners are comeing home. I have had some precious seasons in prayer to day especially this morning, when the Lord blessed me. I am striving still to live a life of perfect faith in his name. He continues from time to time to give me most precious assurances of His favour.


I have had Charly cuting wood too-day. My mother and I went out to Dover and got there about noon. We went to Mrs. Hall's according to previous engagement to make them a visit. I went away after dinner for a skate. Was fortunate enough to have the Company of Miss Scott. Enjoyed my skate splendidly. Last night before retiring I was favoured with an unusually precious season in prayer. Yea I cried with all my heart with refference to a certain blessing "I will not let thee go unless Thou bless me. Direct {continues onto next page}

ly the answer "C{illegible}.{abbrev. for Courtland?} As a prince hast thou power with God.


Spent most of the forenoon in reading "{illegible}shon's Sermons" together with my Bible. In prayer The Lord still blesses my poor Soul. He has given me more than ever the strength to claim, as my own, the blessing which I have so long desired. Not only by right of purchase but by right of promise. Bro. J. Harris of St. George preached our missionary Anniversary Sermon this afternoon. It reminded me a good deal of old times to hear him. I attended meeting too-night.


We cleaned up some cloverseed this forenoon. Instead of saving two bushells as I expected there will be four. Mother and I went out to Dover this afternoon to make a visit at Sovereigns. I went down to the Silver Lake for a skate about four and was unexpectedly favoured with Miss Bessie Scott's company. Of course, I enjoyed it. Attended missionary meeting to-night. We had on the Deputation Revd. George Fergeson, John Wakefield and Rev. James Harris. The Speeches were excellent and the meeting quite a success.


It snowed all of last night and most of the past day, but most of the past day this afternoon we cut wood again. I went over to the meeting to night at the church. There was an excellent influence and my own soul with many others was blessed. Still there are sinners coming hence to Jesus. How delightful to see them fleeing from destruction. It makes my soul so glad. Lord, surely thine arm is not shortened that thou canst not save for still thou savest sinners.


I have had Charly spliting wood in the woodhouse to day. I went out with the team to move Henrys things up to Mrs Coppways house. We had as much as we could do to get the job done. I wanted to have got home in time for meeting but could not. My soul longeth yea even fainteth for the blessing of the Almighty. The petition of my heart is continually going up to Him, and, thanks be unto his name the witness of my acceptance is not witheld. I cannot doubt His word.

THURSDAY, January 27, 1870.

My man has been spliting wood to day at the woodhouse. We had our Missionary Deputation to dinner to day Revd. John Wakefield {illegible}. W. German and George Ferguson. We spent also a pleasant and proffitable afternoon with them. Our Missionary Meeting to-night was quite a success. The speeches were good especially Bro. Wakefield's of Simcoe. Captain McFell was Chairman. He acted well in his office. The deputation are staying with us all night. I have been looking for F. W. Springer to night, but I looked in vain.

FRIDAY, January 28, 1870.

I have had Charly drawing up wood to day. Mother and I went out to Townsend after our ministerial brethren had gone, to make Robert Colvers a visit. We had rather a pleasant time. The weather is quite cold but very clear and pleasant. "I know that I shall reach the hights and depths of Jesu's love, and that soon I shall be His fully and entirely. I feel that I am fully consecrated but faith sometimes trembles. But I will strive to press on with all my heart for I do know that strength will come bringing rest & peace.

SATURDAY, January 29, 1870.

Charley has been drawing up wood to-day as usual. I have been cuting and spliting at the Wood-house. There was once a building of stone erected. The mason put in just one stone which was soft and in course of time that stone crumbled away and a hole was left in the wall. It so hapened that the stone was directly under the beem that supported the roof or rafters. This of course fell in and the building was a ruin all from one stone. So with our lives. One single stone of our character may ruin the whole.

SUNDAY, January 30, 1870.

This morning my mother and I went out to church at Dover. Our dear Bro. German preached this morning. Also this evening he preached again to us. We took dinner at Miss Howells. I went to hear Rev. Mr. Wilson of Caledonia preach in the Presbyterian church this afternoon. After the service was over I went over to Scott for tea, with the girls. Mary Thompson was there, and Andrew {illegible}. I do not altogether believe in keeping such company on the Holy Sabbath.

MONDAY, January 31, 1870.

Charley has been threshing peas &c. to day. I cut wood this forenoon. Just before dinner I was surprised a little to see my friend George Ferguson of Port Rowan. He is on his way down to his fathers at Milton and wants me to accompany him. After consulting Mother and giving the matter a little consideration I concluded to go with him. We got started about two and had to stop at Jarvis to get the horse shod. Got down to Mrs. Thompsons about six o'clock where we put up for the night.

TUESDAY, February 1, 1870.

This morning as soon as possible my friend and I left Thompsons for Hamilton. I left him there, at Dr. Ferguson's and went on to Nelsons. I got there in time for dinner. Spent the afternoon pleasantly talking with these kind friends. I felt myself highly favoured in the privelege of conversing with E. although not as private as I could have wished. I was glad to see her looking so well. Frank was home and we had an old-fashioned chat together.

WEDNESDAY, February 2, 1870.

This morning about nine I started for the Square where I promised to meet Rev. George Furgesson and take him up to Milton We had a prosperous journey and arrived at our destination about two o'clock. We found excellent sleighing most of the way for which we were hapily prepared. I left the buggy at Springers and took their cutter. I was quite pleased with George's father and Sisters. They are certainly a very interesting family. Spent the evening very pleasantly.

THURSDAY, February 3, 1870.

Bro. Furgesson & I started for the Square Station this morning as soon as we could get ready. His sister Belle went with us. I left them at the Station from whence they went to Hamilton and I went back to Springers. Spent the afternoon there and to night went with Frank & His two Sisters to a social at the first brick house on the mountain west of their place. There was a big turn out and the Social netted something like forty six dollars. Got home about twelve.

FRIDAY, February 4, 1870.

This morning as soon as convenient I started for home from Springers. Left there all right. Drove over to Hamiltons and made a call at Dr. Furgusson's. I have formed a very favourable opinion of Mrs. Dr. F. I received there my companion brother George F. and we made tracks for home together. We took dinner at Caledonia and fed our horse. Arrived home just as the sun was seting. We conversed a good deal, while on the way, about matrimonial matters, and I for my part felt myself much proffited by the conversation.

SATURDAY, February 5, 1870.

My friend stoped with us last night but went off in good time this morning. I have felt rather blue to day after my visit. Perhaps it should not be thus with me, but still so it is. I went out to Dover to-day on business, after the mail &c. The weather is very beautiful at present. I have again been indulging myself with doubts with refference to a certain matter. But these doubts are beginning to pass away and again I am beginning to enjoy a most precious assurance that all is well.

SUNDAY, February 6, 1870.

My mother and I went out to Woodhouse church to the Quarterly Meeting. We had a very cold drive but the service was very proffitable to the Soul. I was greatly benefitted by it throughout. The presence of the Lord was manifest. We went to Bro. John Gilbert's for our dinner To night we came home to Dover and stoped to Church again. I have this day I have entered annew into covenant vows with my Redeemer. It is the highth of my ambition to be entirely conformed to His image and likeness.

MONDAY, February 7, 1870.

Charley threshed some peas this forenoon and this afternoon we have been sawing and spliting wood out in the woods. The weather is very beautiful. I want to record a circumstance which has taken place during the last week. While away the Lord has been trying my faith with refference to a certain matter. The desire of my heart seemed farther from being accomplished than ever. But since coming home the Lord has again renewed my hope. He has again said I will give thee the desire of thine heart.

TUESDAY, February 8, 1870.

The boys and I cut and split wood again this forenoon. This afternoon I had to take mother out to Dover on another visiting excursion. We went to see Josie and Mrs. Ryerson this time. Spent the evening pleasantly with them. Blessed are the pure in heart says Christ for they shall see God. Not that they must wait for for Heaven to have the promise realised--it is fulfilled now. The good do see godliness everywhere. Where the bad man sees evil, the good man sees good and noble qualities.

WEDNESDAY, February 9, 1870.

We have been at the wood business again to day. Have been cuting up a big oak on the new-ground. Frank Wilson and his mother came out in time or dinner and staid with us until after tea. My experience in Jesus is still most precious. I feel that more than ever before my life is hidden{?} with Christ in God. By the grace of God, my consecration was never more perfect; nor the witness of my acceptance more glorious. I feel that I have brought all the tithes into the Storehouse & joyously wait for the promised blessing.

THURSDAY, February 10, 1870.

Charley has been spliting wood to day etc. My mother and I went up to Simcoe and gott there in time for dinner. We attended preaching in the W. M. church this afternoon by George Furgusson also this evening by Rev J. Wakefield. They are at present holding a four day meeting, with preaching three times each day. The meeting will be turned into a revival effort or rather protracted service, if prospects seem favourable. Thus far It seems to be rather a dull chance for a revival, but still they may have one.

FRIDAY, February 11, 1870.

We have all been at work at cuting wood to day, back on the new-ground. The weather has taken quite a turn since yesterday from being very cold to quite warm. It looks now like rain. Life is indeed a conflict. The foes of humanity seem lurking in at every turn to seduce and destroy the hopes of the Christian. My prayer is still for that blessing which the Lord has promised me. Although I believe His word yet it seems that I cannot help being harrassed with doubts and and fears concerning the matter.

SATURDAY, February 12, 1870.

We all cut wood this forenoon but this afternoon Henry and I went out to Dover. I called on Bro. German and had quite a chat with him. The weather has become quite cold again. My whole Soul is almost continually going out in prayer to God, for the accomplishedment of that event which my heart hath desired so long. "Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it" I find but little sympathy except it be with Him who is touched with the feeling of my infirmities. He takes my burden.

SUNDAY, February 13, 1870.

My mother and I went out to Chruch at the village this morning. We heard our dear Bro. German preach. Went home with him and after dinner I went up to Woodhouse Chappel Also, to night I heard him preach again. His text to night was from Isaiah. For Wisdom and knowledge shall be the strength of thy times &c. The burden of my prayers is still for the desire of my heart. I thought that this thing would never come to pass but God has renewed His promise to me so often that I cannot doubt his precious word.

MONDAY, February 14, 1870.

I have been working in the shop this forenoon at saw filing buggy fixing &c. I have had Charley threshing out peas and tearing down the strawstack &c. This afternoon mother and I went out to spend a few hours with Mrs. Beaupres according to a previous engagement. Had a pleasant visit. It has been raining to day and still the weather is still continues quite warm. My life, what is it what has it been? I have so often failed to discharge my duties and my progress Heavenward has been so slow that my past life seems almost a blan{k?}

TUESDAY, February 15, 1870.

We cut wood this forenoon but this afternoon I did not help but worked in the shop. Towards night my mother and I went up to Simcoe to hear Rev. Mr. Ormistons{?} Lecture on his travels in Europe. We found the roads very bad. The weather is now quite warm. & it thaws most of the time, hence the bad roads. The lecture to night did not meet my anticipations, although it was very good. Ormiston is upon the whole a very good Lecturer. His style is good and gestures excellent But there is no comparison between him & Punshon{?}.

WEDNESDAY, February 16, 1870.

Henry went to Mill for me to day while I have had Charley spliting wood at the house. I have been working in the shop &c. We had a lot of visitors to come just before dinner Bro. German and wife with Miss Howell. I have been visiting with them most of the afternoon Enjoyed it much. Had some conversation with my Bro. G. about that matter, which, these days, has much of my attention and most of my prayers. I do feel to thank God for friends to whom I can open my heart. Sympathy is a great want here.

THURSDAY, February 17, 1870.

Charley has been threshing peas spliting wood &c. Henry went out after a grist & brought my sister home with him. I have been working in the shop--making a buggy-wheel. It is my first effort at waggon making and I am succeeding pretty well. It is well to live in the sunshine of God's favour. And to hasten as quickly as possible past{?} the darkness of despondency and doubt. "Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee". How precious such promises to the burdened and weary Soul.

FRIDAY, February 18, 1870.

Charley has been threshing peas and drawing down the straw-stack. I went out to Dover to attend the adjourned Quarterly business meeting of the circuit. It was the first meeting of the kind that I ever attended in the capacity of an officer of the Church. All passed off very nicely. The days pass quickly by one by one. The season allowed for our life work become more and more limited. We have indeed no time to spare by the way. But if we would make our life work a success it must be an unceasing work.


To day Charley has been helping John Matthews thresh and I helped too this afternoon. I cleaned off the buggy this forenoon and made preperation for our proposed trip to St. George. I have unfortunately caught a very bad cold by some means or other and to night feel rather blue. Mother and Sisters family have gone up to Wilkinsons to night and I am staying at home. Am enjoying my loneliness much in prayer & meditation.


The weather has been very cold to day. So much so that we have not ventured away any where else to meeting. Bro. German was here to dinner. He brought Miss H. with him. She wants to go with ma & I up to St. George. Bro. German gave me a letter of introduction to a friend of his at present attending The Hamilton College. This circumstance has done me good because I take it to be a token of God's favour. It came unsolicited & unexpected, but I fear unmerited. Our meeting this afternoon was a good one throughout.


The weather was very cold this morning I had almost given up all hopes of getting started on our jurney. How ever after or rather, towards noon it seemed to get a little warmer. We started--Mother, Miss Howell and I and got to Boston in time for dinner. From there we came to Brandtford and are staying with Mrs. Hoyt over night. We have an exceedingly cold ride. My prayer is will God give me strength that I may endure all things with all meekness.


We have been visiting and looking after little matters most of the day such as geting photo's &c. Towards dusk we started for St. George and arrived at Bro. Harris's about dark. Our friends were away from home but made their appearance in an hour or so. We have had an exceedingly pleasant evening with them. The past has been a day of considerable happiness in Jesus though some of my associations made me feel that I was among those who were strangers to His love. My Soul longs for the association of kindred spirits.


We spent a very pleasant forenoon at the house of our friend. After dinner Bro Harris and I went out for a drive. This evening I went with him to his protracted meeting at the Bethel Chapel. We went through Harrisburg. The meeting was rather interesting. Souls are being saved. Seasons of sweet communion are still granted me, and my will is becoming more & more lost in His will. He knows the desires of my heart & He alone can give.


Mother and I started for Dundass about nine or ten. Our visit at St. George has been a very pleasant and agreeable one throughout. It did not take us long to go down to Dundass Found our friends there all well. I went down to the Plains Chapel with Bro. {illegible} to attend a Missionary Meeting there. This also was a pleasant little trip. Met with my old Friend Benjamin Clement, also made the acquaintance of several others. Among the rest Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry of the latter I formed a high opinion.


I remained in Dundas until about three o'clock. Started then for Nelson via Hamilton. Took Maggie Laird to Hamilton & went from there to Nelson alone. Got there about dark. Found them all well. I went with them to meeting at the church. Heard Rev. Thomas Jeffry preach The sermon was splendid, and the prayer-meeting also was a powerful season of refreshing. I did not enjoy much, my visit as it seemed that my presence was not altogether appreciated or desired. Especially by {name obscured}


This forenoon I spent mostly at Springers but about eleven I went down to Ed. Sovereigns Frank and Emily went up to Jerseyville just before I started. I did not feel very comfortable about it, but then it is my desire continually, to commit all my way unto the Lord that He may direct my paths. As I have asked the Lord to lead me in this matter I consider that he has lead me and that by those paths which are most for my own good and His own glory. O Lord, give me, I pray thee a meek & trusting spirit. For Jesu's Sake.


This has been a stormy sunday, so much so that we did not venture away from the house. Spent the day at Mr. Sovereigns near Wellington Square. Tried to spend the day proffitably, and hope that its influence will be for good to my soul as well as of those with whoom I have been associated. My mind with refference to a certain matter has been changed and from doubting the promises of my Father I am again rejoicing in the hope that even yet the desire of my heart will not be witheld from me.


I left Mr. Sovereigns this morning for Dundass Arrived at the latter place about eleven. The snow was pretty deep and the waggoning heavy. We left Dundass after dinner for home. Met with some little accidents on the way but did but fortunately not very serious. We stoped at Mrs. Canfield{?} in Jarvis to warm & while there she got tea for us. Of course we enjoyed our little visit much. We found the roads at home quite different from what they were down below. There has been rain here, not snow


I have had Charley to work at cuting wood and threshing peas Most of the forenoon I spent in running arround trying to get some one to help me kill a beef which I thought to take to Hamilton to-morrow. Failed in my plans and this afternoon have been geting ready to start after the Bull to morrow. The weather still remains cold and I hope it may too for a couple of days at least. I have not before felt my whole soul go out in prayer to God for that blessing which is the desire of my heart in a more remarkable way than too-day.


I started for Nelson this morning with the teem and sleigh after a Durham Bull Calf, which I bargained for with Mr Springer. I took dinner at Caledonia and arrived at my destination about sun down. Nothing unusual hapened me on my trip down only that the weather was exceedingly cold. I went with the family to the meeting, which still continues. One of local preachers of the circuit Mr. Breckan{?} preached from It is the duty of Men to pray, and not to faint. The text was a word in season to my poor soul.


I started for home this morning with the Bull about eight. My heart is weary of this sadness which has come upon me again despite my efforts to shake it off. It seems impossible that the Lord sholud lead me as I have been lead of late unless it be for some good purpose. I know that his hand has been over me for good continually, and still I cannot doubt that my steps are ordered of Him for my own good and to his own glory. Lord take me and use me to thy glory and help me to be perfect continually in thee.

FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1870.

I have not felt very comfortable after my journey down below. Got a fresh cold and it makes me feel bad. I have been working in the shop most of the day. Charley has been to mill this afternoon. Went up to Wilkinsons to night to spend the evening. Captain McFell and his wife were there. We had a very proffitable evening's conversation about religious matters. Was blessed with another precious season in prayer with refference to that thing which is, The desire of my heart.


Charley and I cleaned up a grist this morning, of chop. I took it out to the mill and ma went along with me. We had dinner at George Hall's and had a pleasant visit with Massia{?}. I called to see my Bro. German and had also a proffitable season in his company. Was pleased to hear that the special services at Woodhouse were prospering nicely. May the Lord pour out upon that people abundant showers of blessing. Looking to Jesus still striving to hang myself on His exceeding great and precious promises.

SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1870.

Read one of Punsh{illegibler} sermons this morning. Remained at home until the afternoon servicer We had Bro German here to dinner. His sermon this afternoon was from I will not let thee go intil thou bless me. The sermon was excellent My soul was proffited by hearing it and my heart was made glad in hope of His favour My prayer to day has been very precious to my soul. The Good Lord seemed so near and that to own and bless. We had a good turn out this afternoon and our class-meeting was unusually large and interesting.

MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1870.

Charley has been busy arround the barn to-day tearing down the straw-stack threshing peas and so on. I went out to mill this afternoon with another grist of wheat. Brought back a grist of chop in its place. I am doing enough of this work now to last a while. The sleigh goes pretty well now, and this makes it a very good opportunity. I called at Bro. German's a little while and had a proffitable interview with him about certain matters. it does me so much good to converse with him.


I have had Charley drawing up wood to-day while I have been working in the shop, Finished up the buggy-wheel which is my first effort at waggon-making. Mother and I went over to Browns to spend the evening. It passed very pleasantly. "Happy is the man, beautiful as an object of contemplation, who feels himself, and who is, fortified as in an impregnable castle by habits of strictest virtue, and of the firmest faith in God! Trials come to him, sometimes betraying him, but he can say: 'None of these things move me.


Charley has been spliting wood &c. to day I took ma out to Dover on a visiting expedition. We took dinner with Mrs. Coppway and afterwards I visited or rather called at a number of places. Amongst others at Mrs. Sovereigns where I had a great time with Mrs. H. Sovereign and Annie Douglas who was there helping make a quilt. We took tea and spent the evening at Walter Olds The past day has not been one of my brightest day yet my strength is all in HIm.


My man has, as usual been spliting wood at the House. I went up to the blacksmiths this forenoon to get a tyre set on the new wheel which I have been making. Got it done all right. How needful that the moral structure of our life ben be not not neglected even for one moment. It is said that every action or thought of a man no matter how small is followed by its influences either for good or for evil. And that influence, or rather the result, may be lasting as eternity.

FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1870.

Charley finished thresthing the pease to day. I have been working at a harrow which I have just commenced making. The past has been a very cold disagreeable day. To night we have had Captain Mcfell and wife to visit us. The question arises in my mind, for what am I living? Am I endeavoring with full purpose of heart to live for God's glory? The question no sooner comes than I can answer it in the affirmative. I do want to be a blessing for my fellows, a light which cannot be hid.


The past has been a fearfully stormy day, & still it continues. Charley and I cleaned up the pile of peas which Charly has been making all Winter. This afternoon he has been threshing out some oats with the flail, while I have been working in the shop. "What is our life at its {longest?}? What are the schemes upon which we must set our hand? We grow old while we yet feel young. Our bark that glided sweetly along the shores of life quickly gets out into the rapids beyond which are the roar and the foam of the great Niagara."

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1870.

The past has exceeded all other days this winter for snow. We have now nearly a foot but it is drifted a good deal. This is the day of the Hagars vill Church opening but we could not even think of going, on account of the storm. Have spent the day in the house reading & writing &c. Have had some most precious seasons with my God. How true those words of the poet. "With thee conversing we forget All time and toil and care. Labour is rest and pain is sweet If thou my God art here." The burden of my prayer is still, for that blessing which the Lord has promised me.

MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1870.

Charley has been busy tearing down the straw stack &c. too day. According to invitation mother and I went down to Jarvis this forenoon, and took took dinner with Mrs. Canfield. Met there with Miss Annie Thompson a young lady of whom I have heard a good deal. Was not disappointed in my Ideas of her. We went on down to Hagarsville to attend the tea-meeting. Before it came off there was a sermon by Rev. Mr. Grant (Presbyterian). The tea-meeting was a decided success the proceeds all told were $1.000 one thousand dollars

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1870.

Charley has been threshing oats too-day. I have been busy at sundry jobs. We had visitors out from Dover. Mrs. Hall and Kate Riddell. I had to spend part of the time with them of course. Kate is quite a fine girl, in a good many respects. To night there came an old brother, to stop with us, by chance. He proved to be a good old man--a local preacher of our own body. His name is Henry Fox. He lives near Toronto. I was quite proffited with his company.


It stormed this forenoon more like February than March. Charley has been threshing oats &c. this afternoon I went out to Dover this af Bro. Fox went out with me. I took him to Wilsons and to Mrs.{?} German's. At the latter place there happened to be a lot of my young lady friends in to tea, I was induced to stay with them. Had a very pleasant little visit with them. Among others were Annie O.{?} & Helen {illegible}. I attended a lecture and Concert to night in the town hall. The lecture was on Affrica Livingstons travels &c by Charlton of Lyndock.


Charley has been cuting and spliting wood. I have been working at my new harrow which I want to get done in time for the springs work. The weather to day has been as stormy as ever. The snow has got to be quite a depth "Feel deeply humble. Am so unlike Christ! And yet I dare not look at self, but keep looking to the Lamb of God. One look of penitance and faith to Him our present Saviour, is worth more than hours of self-abasement, or years of trying to make ones self better."

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1870.

Charley has been cuting and spliting wood too day &c. I worked in the shop this forenoon and this afternoon have been spending the time very proffitably as well as agreeably in visiting with our old friend Rev. Thomas Woolsey. He & his wife came in time for dinner. Towards night we started for Woodhouse meeting. Called and took tea at father Philip Austins on the way. Bro. Woollsey preached to night. The meeting was an excellent one. A score or more were forwar{word cut off}


Bro. Woolsey started away from us with wife this forenoon. I have enjoyed his visit very much. I went out to Shands this morning to see him about the boy which I have about hired. Went on to Dover & took dinner at Mrs. George Halls. Got a bag of Liverpool Salt and went over after Annie Douglass to go home with me. Succeeded in my project & have had a pleasant visit with her. I have been unusually busy to-night. I made brine and put it in the meat, &c.

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1870.

I went out to the Port this morning to meeting, and took my friend Annie with me. Had a pleasant and proffitable conversation with her about religion and matrimony or the necessity of two being agreed on that one point. Bro Thurlow{?} preached. After service I went over to Bowlbys to dinner and got home from there in time for the meeting. Bro. German preached to us from the fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy". He did not spare any one in this matter but exposed Sabath desecrations generally.

MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1870.

Charly has been cuting down the strawstack and drawing out some manure to day. I went up to Simcoe this afternoon to see about changing my cloverseed for another kind. I purchased the "life of Lady Maxwell". I was pleased to hear of their having a good and a successful meeting at Simcoe after all. I am told that there have been some additions to the Church already and most of them young men. My desires are still all centered on God who alone can fulfill them

TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1870.

The boy whom I made an agreement with a while ago came to day and comenced work. I have hired him for one month, on trial at seven dollars per month. Charley and I have been cuting wood and the like to day. "God give thee power to get wealth". Who can doubt it? Who gives wisdom, understanding, skill, bodily strength, and health? Is it not God? And without these how can wealth be acquired. To God the wealthy man must account for the manner in which he hath expended the riches which God hath given him."


We have all of us been geting up wood in sled lengths to day. I find that this is about the handyest way after all. We dispense with a great deal of handling as well as runing back and forth from the woods. How narrow is the way we are called to walk in if we would enjoy constant communions with God! Yet it is surely consistent with every lawful situation and ocupation in life. I Feel His presence as much when at my work as when any where els. Bless God!


Worked again, this forenoon at geting up wood in sled lengths. The boys have been at the same work this afternoon. I went out to Dover this afternoon on business. Saw Bro. German and had from him news of a glorious revival at present going on at Woodhouse. He says that the alter is crowded with penitents, many of them heads of families. I have great reason to thank God for a manifestation of His favour which I have had, this day to overtake me.

FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1870.

We have been all of us, engaged at sundry jobs to day. The weather is still very cold and backward, indeed, more like February than March. I was down to see Mrs. Newcombe to night and have by the blessing of God been permitted to make some arrangement with her as well as with some others of a very satisfactory nature. It does do me so much good to have it in my power to pay my debts. He says, Owe no man any thing &c.


The boys have been cuting wood to day &c. I went to town this morning with Brown's. The roads are pretty bad. I took out my cloverseed and left it at Martins's. Purchased a couple Bushells of another kind, besides a couple bushells of the Alsyke{?} seed. I took dinner with Homer and Charlotte to day they have been on a trip down to Wellington Square and have just got back. She reports having seen E. S. and having had an introduction to him &c. Of course they are all well.

SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1870.

The past has been a fearfully stormy day mostly snow and wind from the East. Mother and I have not been away from home to church as a consequence. It has been a proffitable day to my soul, however, in my reading and devotional exercises. I have commenced reading the life of Lady Maxwell and find it to be an exceedingly interesting book, much calculated to encourage and strengthen the followers of Jesus. It delights me to read the lives of such holy persons & leaves the desire to go & do likewise.

MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1870.

We have all been to work to day as usual. I have been busy at the Harrow. The boy shoveling roads, spliting wood &c, & Charley has been threshing oats this afternoon. This forenoon he went after my Sister. We had quite a snow storm yesterday and to day there is more than eight inches of snow on the ground. I was down to Smiths this morning. We concluded to send off for a bushel of Norway Oats, together. I have not felt as much of the presence of God to day as in the {word obscured}

TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1870.

The boys have been working at the wood pile again to day. I went up to Simcoe this forenoon and found the roads very bad indeed, worse than I ever remember seeing them before. I settled up some little accounts in Simcoe and came away better spirited. How tenderly does our Heavenly father care for His trusting confiding children. O Lord 'give me grace that I may render unto thee all the glory as well as my life--my all. I have manifested a rebellious ungrateful spirit to day. But may the Lord have mercy upon me.


Charley fixed up some fence along the Side Road. This afternoon Henry helped him saw wood with the cross-cut saw. I have been working at my harrow as hard as possible all day. I am geting it pretty well done. O, how thankful I am that I am not always required to walk without the glorious presence of the blessed Redeemer. Some days I get well nigh discouraged but the past has not been one of those days. He has of a truth annointed me with the oil of gladness above my fellows


The boys have been working at the wood again to day, While I was busy at my harrow the forenoon. Mother and I started for Woodhouse this afternoon. We found the roads fearfully bad: At our place we had to drive through the creek, (at Allan Culvers) on account of the dirt being washed away from the end of the bridge. The water turned out to be very deep, so much so that the horse had to swim a little way. Fortunately we both walked over the bridge & Providentially escaped.

FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1870.

We went to the Woodhouse meeting last night. It happened to be the last one. Bro Berman preached from "Come thou with us and we will do the good" &c. As the immediate result of the meeting twenty five have already given in their names as members on trial, Several of these heads of families besides a number of others who it is expected will yet join. Praise the Lord for his goo[d]ness. My own experience continues to be that of trial and temptation, And yet, Praise God, I am still kept from being utterly cast down by His almighty power.


The boys have been working at wood spliting to day. I have been busy at my harrow. The weather still remains quite cold & backward. How extremely varied is the Christians life. At one time his path lies through the sterile and barren waste, where he must depend entirely upon the miraculous gift of God for support with "the bread of Life sent down from Heaven. At another time he is permitted to walk through valleys of fertility and delight, where nothing seems wanting to delight his soul.


We had to remain at home to day on account of the bad roads. and We were, however favoured with our own dear minister bro. German. He took dinner with us and preached this afternoon. Our congregation was of course, small but after all we had a good time. I have just been reading Dr. Clark's remarks upon Moses, and his mission. What a glorious example of piety and constantly confiding trust. How typical of Christ and his mission was his life and occupation.

MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1870.

Charley has been working at the strawstack and Willie spliting wood. While I have been finishing up my harrow. Have just finished up reading the writings of Moses, the Pentateuch. In reading it I have had constant recourse to Dr. Clarks Commentaries. This last named work has been of great benefit. I am following his direction in going from the Pentateuch to the four Gospels. This, he says, is of all others the most proffitable way of reading the Bible. Then the reading of Joshua is to be followed by the Acts.


The boys have been working at the wood to-day. I went to Dover this morning with the waggon after cloverseed, some barrels &c. Took my sister home also. Had dinner with Geroge Hall. I have for years, had a desire which God alone can fulfill. He has tried my faith much in withholding from me this blessing but still, after all the language of my heart is, In life or in death, I dare not trust myself to choose but I can trust Him who is to wise to err, too good to be unkind. I cannot but believe His promise is true.


The weather has become warm again and now seems much like Spring. The boys have been busy to day as usual. H. M. Bucher{?} in one of his Lecture-Room Talks says "I think there is no intelligent, experienced Christian who has lived a long life of faith and trust in God, who does not testify that it is good to draw near to God, and his God, and ask for the things which he really needs. And yet probably no true Christian has not seen a mysterious pause between asking & recieving: No wonder his faith sometimes fails. No wonder that he sometimes thinks that God will not answer prayer.


Still the beautiful weather continues and I hope soon to get to work again on the farm. The boys have been busy to day as usual. I went up to G. Matthew's this afternoon to see about some repairing &c. Coming back I stoped at John's. They told me that Leonora would go to the H. L. College week after next, if they could get some means of geting her there. This news pleased me much and rather than not have her go I would take her myself.

FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1870.

The boys worked at the wood this forenoon, this afternoon we went to work fixing fences. The weather still continues very beautiful and warm. I have been writing a letter to my friend Miss Velmia Horlon who is at present at the Hamilton Female College. One says--'There is one single fact which one may oppose to all the wit and argument of infidelity--viz: that no man ever repented being a Christian on his death bed". A weighty argument indeed.


William did not work this afternoon but went to Dover. I took mother out this afternoon. We went by the old plank or{?} the Dog's nest way, and found it very bad. My readings of the Word are attended with greater benefit to my poor Soul of late than almost ever before. In asking the Lord to help me to behold beauty in His Law I have not asked in vain, but in addition to this blessing he makes me very happy with His own love in my heart.

SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1870.

Mother and I went out to Dover this morning for meeting. Heard our dear bro. German preach in the morning from the last few verses of the 12th Chap Hebrews. This afternoon heard the Baptist minister from Villoria{?}, Rev. Mr. Cox. He preached from--They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.' Bro. German preached again in our own church from 41 ver. XII chap St. Matthew, The men of Ninevah shall rise up in judgement with this generation and shall condemn it, because they repented &c.

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1870.

We have been busy at geting together our booms to day succeeded in geting two of the best ones to their places. We also altered the old bull and some hogs before noon. I have still an inward conciousness of being altogether the Lord's. O, how precious to have ones will altogether lost in His will. It requires sometimes, hard fighting with the world, the flesh and the devil to live such a life of faith, and yet I find that I am only happy when my trust is all in Him. Lord grant that I may do thy will on earth as angels do in heaven! amen!

TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1870.

We have been busy to day as usual at sundry jobs, and expect to start the plough to morrow. The weather still continues delightful and dry. Speaking of the power of a word, ones says--"Many a spirit as calm as the Summer lake, has been agitated like a sea upturned by the tempest, never again to enjoy repose, by the power of one word. Many a jentle word has fallen softly upon an acking ear, and ascending the stairway of the soul, it has nestled in some lonely recess of the heart, and will live forever there."


Charley has been ploughing to day for the first. The ground is in nice order where he is working. I have been busy at sundry jobs, & so has Will. It has looked like rain this afternoon but now it has passed off and there is every appearance of a drought. Dr. Clarke says--when a man works, in whatever lawful occupation he may have, with an eye single to the glory of God, His every act may become an act of worship. What a privilege.


Charley has been ploughing again to day. I went out to mill with a grist of chop, the last, I hope, for this Season. I recieved a letter from my friend Velmia Horton who is now at the Hamilton College. The weather continues beautiful and warm and to night it rains. Little disappointments and trials still cross my path but not without leading me, more than ever to put my whole trust in Him whose arm alone can save me.

FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1870.

The boy and I have been taking out the potatoes to day. I found them not saved as well as usual, there being a good many rotten ones. Took out about thirty two bushells. Charley has been ploughing to day. "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want: He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou are with me" &c.


Charley still keeps ploughing. Will is also to work as usual. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to see about geting a new plough, or my old one repaired. Concluded that the latter way would be the most economical, as he offers to make it into a new one for $12. They that observe the first Commandment says Dr. Clark--"See God in all things--think of Him at all times--has his mind continually fixed upon God--acknowledges Him in all his ways--who begins, continues, and ends all his thoughts, words and works, to the glory of His name".

SUNDAY, APRIl 17, 1870.

We could not go away from home today on account of rain. We were disappointed this afternoon in not having our minister. We had a good prayer meeting however, and this made up partly for the disappointment. I met with a precious idea not long since, in Dr. Clarkes' remarks on the Lord's prayer. Speaking of--"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" he says that as the holy angels do not mingle iniquity with their loving obedience in heaven so He teaches us to pray that we may do his will on earth". And yet many would have us believe that this is impossible.

MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1870.

It has been raining to day so that we could no do much. The boy and I went to Jarvis this forenoon & this afternoon he worked with Charley cleaning up oats. Cousin Leonora is to start for the Hamilton St. F College tomorrow-morning. There seems to be something so mysterious in the present position of that matter which has been so constantly a subject of prayer with me for the past four years. And although it does seem to be more unlikely than ever before to be brought to Jesus, yet strange to say, when I take the matter to the Lord, He invariably gives me the richness of my acceptance, and the especial assurance that His most precious promises shall be fulfilled.


The boys have beren fixing up fence most of the past day. Mother and I went out to Dover towards noon and such roads I scarcely ever saw in all my life. I was over to Bro. Germans this afternoon While thre I had a little conversation with him about that matter which I mentioned last night. For some little time I have desired to open my heart to him in this matter. After all I could not derive much benefit from the interview. It seemed so hard to express my whole mind so that he could understand me. O, how thankful I am that it is not so when I go to God.


To day It has not been fit to work out on account of rain. The boys fixed up fence this forenoon this afternoon worked arround the barn. I have been working in the shop most of the the day. There has been in my mind the past day a good deal of uneasiness and doubt because some things do not come to pass as I would wish. But this I know is not right. I ought so to trust in the Lord that my soul might be like Mount Sion which cannot be moved. Lord help me to do all that thou requirest!


The boys have been fixing up fence to day. It is so weat that we can no nothing else. I have been working at a new wagon-rack and am geting it nearly done. This morning on rising my first desires were for a fresh plunge in the fountain opened up too sin and uncleanness. I felt a lack of strength but on making the effort found that my strength was renewed, as the eagles. The result of my interview was, another victory over the enemies of my soul. Had also at noon another precious season when I was even more than ever filled with His Love.

FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1870.

Started the plough again to day in the potatoe patch, in order to save time. I have hired Will. D.{?} Courtney six months at seven dollars per month. This with his month on trial will make seven. He wanted me to keep him another month or until he could get another place, by the year but this I could not do. How varied are the means which our Heavenly Father uses to promote our spiritual growth. To day secret prayer has been, of all other means most beneficial, while on other days the greatest blessing comes from reading the Word &c.


The boy and I worked at trimming the willows on the Big Flat this forenoon. while Charley has been ploughing all day. I went out to Dover this afternoon. Found the roads in a fearful state. Recd. word of the Norway Oats which Smith & I sent for, an agreeable surprise. The day has been just like a summer's day. My path seems beset on every side with difficulties. So numerous and formidable do they appear that I sometimes feel very much cast down and discouraged. Thank God, He is my covert from the storms and tempests of life.

TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1870.

Started the plough this morning but found the ground too weat even on the Slice hill. The boy & I have been working in the orchard trimming trees &c. while Charley has been busy at different jobs. Another happy day has passed. Happy because of the presence of my master. Happy because of the inward consciousness that the life I now live in the flesh, I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. The language of earth cannot, even faintly, describe the blessedness of such an existence. Neither could the worldly understand it.


This forenoon Charly and I got a couple of booms from Walters' place. This afternoon we comenced farming in earnest. Sowed four bushells of barley and got it nearly harrowed in. Mr & Mrs Hall came out this afternoon and made us a visit Sold them a cow for thirty five dollars. Diligent in business and fervent in spirit{s?} serving the Lord. This is my mottoe, and I am striving continually to fulfill all its requirements; & I find that by the grace of God alon[e] is possible to even partially to succeed.


Still we are fortunate enough to be able to continue our work at seeding. I sowed an additional five Bu. of Barley this afternoon in the field next to McBrides. The weather has turned colder, and appears to be more settled. Still the Lord sees fit to suspend the accomplishment of precious promises. Although this seems hard, yet I cannot doubt but that he does all things well. What I know not now I shall know hereafter. Then also shall we see Him as He is.

FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1870.

The weather continues fine and we are at the seeding as usual. I finished triming trees this forenoon and this afternoon set out a lot of little apple trees of our own raising (about twenty). Went out to night after money for the minister but did not succeed in geting any. I have been trying to get William Wilkinson to take charge of the class in my stead, in the absence of the Captain. But he does not seem willing to act. In this case it appears to be a duty which I cannot neglect.


I finished sowing one field to day with barley. The five acre lot east of the house. This afternoon I went out to Dover on business and to attend the meeting of the Quarterly board. The first regular meeting of the kind, I think, that I ever attended. There was lively times for a while amongst some of the brethren and the business of the meeting could not could not be properly closed up on account of deficiency of in the ministers salary. Another effort is to be made and another meeting held.

SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1870.

This morning I went out to attend the Quarterly Meeting Service at Dover. The love feast was a delightful season from the presence of the Lord, The sermon, too, was excellent and the attendance large. My soul was much blessed throughout this service. But, alas! To night my heart is sad with the remembrance of a partially misspent day. Some of the Lords own reserved time has been missimproved. My priveleges have been glorious but oh now little my life has reflected his immage. How little the gratitude that I have felt toward my Heavenly Father.

MONDAY, MAY 2, 1870.

The beautiful weather still continues and we are trying our best to improve it. Finished sowing the field next to McBrides, and got it nearly done. I sowed a half bushel of the Norway oats in the same field. Feel truly ashamed of some thoughts, words and actions which have proceeded from me this day. What a humiliating downfall! Although I do desire in all things to please my God--yet there are within me the remains of sin which seem even yet to triumph of over The Spirit of my Redeemer.

TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1870.

I finished sowing Grass seed in the field by McBrides and now we have thirteen acres all done but a little rolling and furrowing out{?}; We started another field to night. "Without Christ." How awful the present and eternal import of these words. And yet how many there are who seem satisfied with the beggerly elements of this life. They will feed on husks although a feast of Good Things is prepared, without money and without price. Take away Christ and you deprive the Christian of his most precious hope.


The weather has become very warm and Showery. We have not, however, been hindered from our work at seeding. We are now working in the field west of the woods which we hope to get done to-morrow. I am waiting or God to come for me said a little sick orphan boy to a jentleman who found him lying in some long grass with his eyes turned upwards. He took Father, Mother and little brother up to his home in heaven, and now I am waiting to go too, for mother told me that God would take care of me, and she never told me a lie. Yes! said the jentleman, God has sent me to take care of you. What a beautiful lesson of truth.

TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1870.

We have finished another field of seeding too day. This makes about twenty two acres. I went down to Jarvis after the plough which I have been giting made over new. One family, on earth and in heaven. Such are God's children All one in Him. Many have finished the work of which God gave them to do, and have gone down to recieve their reward, and to dwell with Christ. Many are still waiting and doing the Masters work, expecting ere long to join the sanctified in Heaven.

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1870.

We are now having a very weat time. It has rained nearly all day and rains still. The boys have not been able to do much. Mother and I went out to Dover this morning and I was in a great way to get back on account of the seeding, but it did me no good after all. "And he spake a parable unto them, to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint. This passage has again been a word in Season to my soul to day. The Lord has made me to feel the need of a certain blessing but only in Him.

SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1870.

On account of the wet weather we could not do anything on the farm to day. I sent Charley to mill with a grist of wheat While I had the boy pulling or digging out stumps. This afternoon Mother and I went down to the New Credit{?} Mission where our friend Rev. Thomas Woolsey{?} is stationed at present. Mrs. Coppway came to go with us. We found the roads very bad but got there all right and found our friends all well and in very comfortable circumstances.

SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1870.

I have to thank the Lord for glorious priveleges to day, such as but seldom fall to my lot. This is Mrs. Woolsys Quarterly Quart Meeting day an occasion which I never before witnessed amongst the Indians. Bro. Woolsey preached first, secondly we had Love-Feast and lastly the Sacriment. Many of the Indians were very happy in giving their experiences and throughout the meeting I enjoyed it gloriously. This afternoon we went to see old Mrs. Jones Rev. Peter Jone's mother who is 96 years old.

MONDAY, MAY 9, 1870

We came home this forenoon and found the roads a great deal better. Found everything all right. Charly was ploughing and the boy geting out stumps. I went to ploughing this afternoon with all my might, in order to make up for lost time. Our girl has got into the notion of leaving us through the instrumentality of certain evil disposed persons. I hope, however, that in the Lord; He is my guide in matters of all kinds. I do not fear what man can do unto me.

TUESDAY, MAY 10 ,1870.

We are ploughing still, although the ground is very wet. Unckle Homes is doing a little job for us to day, plastering up a door in my bedroom. This afternoon I have been cleaning up the yard, burning brush &c, while the boy has been ploughing in my place. The weather, is, I think geting settled again. I am trying to take that matter to the Lord, with reference to the hired girl. I have always found Him a very present help in times of trouble and still I feel that no other can deliver.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1870.

The boys worked at ploughing again to-day, in the ten-acre field. I have been busy working arround the yard all day geting things straightened up a little. The past, has been a happy day. I feel that my desire to live and move and have my being in God, even while I tabernackle in the the body, is being realised in a glorious measure. Isnt this a wonderful prvelege, and yet it is mine. The Lord has been leading me too day in a remarkable manner.

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1870

Working still as hard as possible at our seeding. We are now sowing the Ten-acre field and hope to finish it to morrow. "By the attonement of Christ for our sins heaven is opened to earth, and heaven opened on earth. The church militant and the church triumphant become one and the whole heavenly family in both, see and adore their common Lord. Neither the world nor the church nor the world, is left to the caprice of time or chance. Wherever we are, praying, studying, hearing, meditating His gracious eye is upon us".

FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1870.

We did not succed in finishing up the ten-acre-field to day as I anticipated yesterday. But it will take two or three hours longer. Saw Mr. Tisdale this afternoon, our new neighbour, who has lately purchased the Mandeville place. I think from his appearance that he will make an agreeable neighbour, as well as a thrifty farmer. He lacks one thing which is, of all others the most necessary to make a perfect man. He does not profess religion, unfortunately for himself.

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1870.

We finished up the ten-acre-field to day excepting clearing out the furrows. Besides this we cultivated up about four acres of wheat in front and I sowed most of it with barley. I went out to Dover to night and drove our two three-year-old colt to the buggy for the first time. Our girl Catherine left us to night in a very shabby way. But I hope that it will be for the best. Many of disappointments await us but I do hope that I may say with St. Paul, "None of these things move me.

SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1870.

If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him. We cannot serve two masters. O that I may serve Him with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength. We had our dear minister with us to dinner to day, besides several others who wanted to stay to our meeting this afternoon. There was a large turn out as it hapened to be the funeral sermon of James Dean's wife lately deceased. It fell to my lot to lead the class this afternoon. Had much liberty in performing my duties.

MONDAY, MAY 16, 1870.

We finished harrowing the field in front this forenoon and this afternoon commenced on our last field the New Ground. I spent most of the forenoon looking and enquiring after a girl but my efforts, so far as I could see, were fruitless. By our girl leaving us we are left in a helpless fix. Mother is not at all able to do our work, without help. Mary Jane is with us now. This is a great help for the time being but she cannot stay long.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1870.

I sowed a part of the new ground to day and we got it nearly harrowed in. This afternoon mother and I went off in search of a girl. I left her at Jarvis and went on down to Dick's. Found some consolation in the prospect of geting one of their girls to help us. One Says: --"In heaven, all Gods servants will be satisfied with his dealings and dispensations with them, and shall see how all conduced like so many winds to bring them to their haven; and how even the roughest blasts helped to bring them homeward".

WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1870.

Charley and I have been ploughing in the new ground to day. Got along very well. To morrow we hope to finish ploughing if all is well. I have had the boy doing some little jobs to day. There wre some men here to day with a new kind of roller & I was foolish enough to take ten dollars stock in the concern. The weather continues very beautiful and quite warm. Mrs. & Mr. Hellzer{?} were here to tea to night. My religious experences is not so bright as usual.

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1870.

We did not quite finish the ploughing The new ground to day as I expected, but we almost acomplished it. The boy has been digging stumps and doing chores. "Hold up, hold on, hold on, hold out, hold fast that which you have recieved; Still watch, still pray, still believe; fight and run that you may obtain: it is but a little while, and he that comes, will come and will not tarry; it is but a little while and your warfare is accomplished and your iniquities shall be everlastingly sepperated from you: your sins and sorrows, tears and fears, fled and gone--gone forever and you meet with an unspeakable award". {illegible}

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1870.

Still the days go flitting by, one by one. How truely as some one has said "Time and tide wait for no man." Surely the man is as one walking in "Egyptian darkness" who does not put his trust in God. It is not for us to know what a day or an hour may bring forth. But if our will is lost in the will of our Makers, then is our life hidden with Christ in God. Here, and here alone is pure and unalloyed happiness found in time and in eternity.

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1870.

Charly harrowed the last of our barley this forenoon and this afternoon he and the boy went to Solomon Austins Raising. Mother and I have been out to Dover and up to Woodhouse after a carpet. It rained while on our way but not enough to do us much damage. It is splendid growing weather now. What I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter. What a consolation! All that He does with us is for our good, and yet it is only by faith that we know it.

SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1870.

Mother and I went out to Dover this morning to meeting. our Bro. German preached. Mary Jane went out with us too and is going to stay until after Queens Birth day. I felt so unwell that I did not get any good of the service in the church. We went home as soon as possible, and I spent the remainder of the day in my bed. People talk of true greatness, but alas, how slow they are to see where these elements are found. Are they not treasured up in the Christians heart as jewells rich and {word obscured}

MONDAY, MAY 23, 1870.

The past has been an uncomfortable day with me, bodily. Have felt quite unwell, so much so as to prevent my doing any kind of work. The boys have been doing some little jobs, such as planting potatoes &c. To night they killed the veal. We have had some very heavy showers of rain to day and last night and everything is growing splendidly. It is said that the word Husband means literally "the band{?} of the house, and wife means a weaver. The husband is supposed to bind the household together {illegible} band does the {illegible}

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1870.

This day is Queen's birthday, and we, of course, had to observe the usual custom. All hands of us went out to Dover. There was a great crowd present but all that I saw was the people. This I enjoyed a good deal as I came across quite a number of old friends. besides I became acquainted with several fine intelligent looking young ladies which pleased me even more. I took dinner with some of my friends, the Sovereigns on the Hill and had a pleasant time generally. I can still say and I hope I always may that my delight is to do the Will of God.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1870.

Charley has been ploughing the potatoe ground yesterday, or rather to day. The boy has been helping me plant potatoes corn beans &c. I went out to Dover this morning after my sister as our hired girl has not as yet made her appearance and mother cannot possibly get along alone, at present. Bro. German sent after his cow this after-noon. I am to have twenty five dollars for her. She is quite small but a very do good little cow for milk. I think that he gets her at a bargain But then it is to a minister.

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1870.

The boy and I have been cleaning out some furrows in the ten-acre field to day &c. Charly has been preparing the potatoe ground. Have heard, through the day, several rumors of "fenians" through the day and to night I was told that our volunteers had a fight with them down at Ridgeway & killed thirteen. I have been unusually blessed in prayer too day. My desire has fervently gone up to God through his dear Love. The assurance that His exceeding great and precious promises should never fail was never more glorious.

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1870.

Bro. German came out to day after his cow, she having got away last night and came home. We have all of us been busy at planting our potatoes and corn which we hope to finish to-morrow. There continues to be quite exciting news about the Fenians, from different points. There are symptoms however that it will be a short-lived raid. This is as I would wish it. But it will be of great expense to the country notwithstanding. I am happy in my Saviour.

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1870.

The boys and I finished planting the potatoes and corn to day or rather this forenoon. This afternoon the boys washed the sheep, While I went up to Woodhouse after Ma's carpet which Uncle Holmes has been weaving. Stoped in Dover on the way back for the mail and some other little matters. Henry came home with me. I feel greatly discouraged to night as I do quite often. I do not wish to doubt the promises, but notwithstanding this my faith is sometimes weak.

SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1870.

I went over to the church this morning and heard Mr. Ebersoule{?}. He gave us a very good discourse. We had our dear Bro. German with us to dinner to day. I esteem as such a prvilege to have the minister stop with us. He gave us, as usual, an excellent discourse. It seemed again to be my duty to take charge of the class. In fulfilling this obligation I was greatly blessed by God. His presence was manifested in an unusual manner, to the joy of our souls. Bro. {illegible} was with us after a long absence.

MONDAY, MAY 30, 1870.

Charley has been rolling the New Ground Barley field to day. Will Has been cleaning out ditches &c. While I sowed a lot of grass seed this forenoon. This afternoon Mother and I went down to Jarvis. I went on down to Dicks to see about a hired girl but was doomed to be disappointed again. How mysterious are the paths by which we are lead. It seems impossible to understand the dealings of God with us. But He says "What I do thou knowest not now but shall know hereafter.

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1870.

Charley has been rooling barley again to day. We finished up about twenty acres to night. I have yet one small piece and then we will be done. I went off this morning after Fanny Banister to help us. She came this afternoon. I called on the minister Mr. Ebersoule who lives at the corner of our place this morning and had quite a pleasant and proffitable talk with him about that which lies nearest my heart, the religion of Jesus. Nothing delights me so much as this glorious subject.


I have had Charly ploughing to day or rather this afternoon and this forenoon he finished rooling the barley ground. I took my sister home to night after tea. "When I look upon the {illegible} of the great sages Addison{?}, every emotion of envy dies in me. When I read the epitaph of the beautiful every inordinate desire goes out. When I meet with grief of the parents on the tombstones, my heart melts with compassion. When I see the tombs of parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must {illegible]


Charly has been ploughing again to day and got it nearly done. The ground has become very hard and dry. This afternoon we have been blessed with a little sprinkle of rain. Our folks are cleaning house now and I will be glad when they get done with it. The Conference at {illegible} is now in Session and from the reports they are having a Glorious time. The delegates from the {illegible} Church are the Dr. Lowry{?} & Dr. Lindsay {illegible} England {illegible} Jarvis Guild{?}.

FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1870.

Charley finished ploughing the peas{?} ground this morning. I sowed it afterwards and to night he had got it about done except rolling. I was up to George Matthews this morning to see about geting the old waggon repaired. I am living in constant expectation with refference to a certain blessing which the Lord has permitted to become the desire of my heart. It is not because I see any outward token of His favour that my hopes are so bright; but because of the sacred nearness to Him which I enjoy while in communion with Him about this matter.


The boys have been drawing out manure to day for the first. I went out to town towards night. Stoped at Bowlbys and put in my horse on account of the bridge accross the dam not being completed. I stayed all night on account of rain. Who can say, that the Lord does not do all things well. True it seems hard to walk by faith, sometimes, and not by sight. Yet Lord I beseech thee help me that I may not forget that thou hast said, "What thou knowest not now thou shalt know hereafter."

SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1870.

I was weather bound last night in Dover so that I stayed all night at Bowlbys. Came home this morning as soon as possible. Went to hear Mr. Ebersoule this morning. This delightful day of rest has passed, thank God, not altogether without proffit to my poor soul. Have had some deligthful seasons of communion with Him when I felt to an unusual degree the glorious presence of the Master. I am seeking continually that the desire of my heart may not in any way be mingled with iniquity.

MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1870.

The boys have been drawing manure to day from below the horse stables. I have been doing little jobs most of the time. This afternoon I had some visitors and this kept me from my work. Mr. Isaac Austin was here, just from Kansas. "In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust. let me never be put to confusion. Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me and save me. Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort; thou hast given commandment to save me for thou art my rock and my fortress."

TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1870.

The boys were at the manure drawing this forenoon as usual while I worked at sheering sheep. Got them all done to night. My flock only consists of twenty old sheep now besides the lamb so that I can sheer them in a day with out much difficulty. We had some friends here from Simcoe to day Mrs. Murphy & Mr James A. Lyons. The drouth still continues although not without indication of rain. The purchase of the Redeemer's blood is still the cause of much gratitude & joy.


We comenced our Statute labour to day. Got five days done, out of fifteen which I think a good beginning. The drought still continues although it looks like rain occasionally. The Psalmist says--"One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life." What a glorious desire--to dwell with God in his own home with his own people perpetually. "To behold the beauty of the Lord which The bible says is His Holiness." "And to enquire in His temple. Seeking to know His will in all matters."


We worked on the road again this forenoon. This afternoon we were blessed with a delightful shower. I went to Dover to night on horse-back. Found the roads quite muddy. Received a letter from my old friend F. W. S. to night which was very unexpected. I[t] did not however contain anything specially interesting more than this, that all were well. This circumstance makes my heart exceeding glad in the Lord, because it seems to be a token of his favour.

FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1870.

It rained nearly all the forenoon, and we gladly took a rest. This afternoon we have been working in the roads as usual. To morrow we hope to finish up this work. It is a happy omen to see the churches of Christ drawing nearer together and presenting an unbroken {illegible, crossed out} front to the enemy. This unity of spirit is an evidence of the presence of the Holy Ghost among the churches. On the day of pentecost the church prayed with an accord & note the result. Will not the present union lead to the same outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1870.

We worked on the roads again this afternoon or rather this forenoon and this afternoon after we had worked about an hour it comenced to rain and we have had a splendid shower. Mr. & Mrs. Hall were here to day on a visit. He took the cow which he bought a while ago. "But none of these things move me, neither count I any life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have recieved of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God."

SUNDAY, JULY [sic] 12, 1870.

Another holy day has past, but alass! I have to mourn that it has been in a measure misspent. These are the days in which we are not to think our own thoughts or speak our own words, days to be consecrated wholely to God and the six days work with its cares and toils forgotten. Thank God! I have still the witness of my acceptance with Him notwithstanding the associations of the{?} day, which were in a great measure unavoidable. Our service was dropped on account of John Stephensons burial. Our minister attending it.

MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1870.

The boys have been drawing out manure to day from the barn-yard. I have been hoeing corn most of the day. "In spite of the world the flesh and the devil have faith in God. Trust in Him; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. Think of past experiences of His mercy, recall the many promises of His word. Consider His ability willingness and truthfulness, and trust Him with all your interests for time and eternity." O, for a perfect faith in Him who is to wise to err to just to be unkind.

TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1870.

Still I keep the boys at the manure and expect it to be a two week job for them. I cultivated out the corn myself. My past experience has proved over and over again that without a momentary trust in the all atoning merits of the Redeemers blood to cleanse me from all sin, the evil one will creep into my soul and beguile me into some evil path before I am scarcely aware of my danger. I am trying to trust Him with a perfect trust with His grace assisting me, continually:


We are at our manure hauling still. I felled{?} the lach{?} for ma this morning and went to Dover afterwards after Mary Jane. The roads are very muddy. Though my desire continually is to lead a holy life yet "while I would do good evil is present with me". I am sometimes discouraged but O there is an all sufficiency of grace for all my need. What a joy! He is my reffuge from the storms{?} and ills{?} of life. My experience to day has been variable and unsatisfactory.

THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1870.

Our manure hauling still progresses slowly. I have been working myself at hoeing corn most of the time. But as we have had visitors, Mrs. Laings{?} and Mrs. Hall, my time was partially taken up in their company. "Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High. And call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me." To do his commands is my hearts desire in all things for His precepts are my delight.

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1870.

Charly did not work to day but went off with Brown & Smith up to Windham Hill and I have been hoeing corn & the garden's stuff. To night I went out to Dover with my sister. "Shew me thy ways, O, Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. Remember O Lord thy tender mercies, and thy loving kindnesses; for they have been ever of old." XXV Psalm.

SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1870.

Charly has been drawing out manure again to day. and the boy has been helping him most of the time. Mother and I went up to Simcoe this after-noon. I got a book to day which I have been wanting to see for a long time. "Daniel or Face to face with God. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? --Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thy heart wait I say on the Lord.

SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1870.

Mother and I went out to town this morning to meeting but ma did not feel able to go after all. She has taken a very bad cold. But I went. Another one of God's own days has past but alas! I cannot render a good account of its precious moments. I have not spent it altogether with an eye{?} single to His glory. I have squandered God's own time to no purpose and the remembrance of my time is grievous unto me. I feel that I have forfeited my right to that blessing which God in His infinite mercy & goodness has promised me.

MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1870.

The boys are still hauling out manure. I have been taking a load of wheat to Dover. I turned it into Mr. Halls store-house and intend to take an open receipt for it until I see fit to sell. This has been a day of the severest conflict, and even yet the storm is not over. I have endeavored to flee to the Rock of my Salvation but my efforts have apparently been in vain. I have not yet the witness of my acceptance, and I am almost in dispair with refference to the blessing which has been so long the desire of my heart.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1870.

Still the boys are hauling out manure Will helps me part of the time, to clean up my wheat. I took out another load of wheat to-day and got another load cleaned up ready to take in the morning. "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." How carefully should these words be considered. There is to be no dependence placed in the arm of flesh but our trust must ever be in the arm of Omnipotence. Yet how natural it seems to exalt ourselves.


I have been drawing out wheat again to day which job I finished up to night. Have taken out altogether almost thr two hundred bushells. The boys have been drawing out manure as usual. One truly says--"There is everything in the habit of religion. It is indispensible to Christian effort that one has a closet, a special place for prayer. I put it to my Christian brethren weather every one has not some particular place in his {illegible}. "I cannot pray by myself with half the comfort, if I have not my own little place". How needful that we commence this habit in youth and follow it to old age.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1870.

The boys are at the same work yet. I have been busy geting ready for haying, which I want to commence to morrow. Mother has had a lot of visitors to day. My sister and Mrs. George Hall; Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Tisdale. This is accounted for, partly by our having plenty of strawberries. In reviewing the religious experience of the past day I see nothing that I have cause to regret having done neither do I feel condemned for having gone astray from following the Master. It is all by divine grace.

FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1870.

The boys have been drawing out manure to day as usual. This afternoon Mother and I went up to Simcoe and came back by Dover. I mailed a little note to F. M. S. while in Dover. We had a couple of pumps put in this morning. One in the well by the door and the other in the cistern at the barn. This is a great convenience which I don't see how we have got along such a great while without. I am geting ready now for a trip down to the {illegible} W. F. College.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1870.

I comenced haying to day. Had one of the Ball's O{illegible} mowers and find it a great improvement on the St. George Machine. Charley went to help Tisdale get up his hay this afternoon. I cut most of the field by Brown's to day. My devotional exercises to day have been delightful as well as proffitable. The cloud that almost obscured the Seas{?} of righteousness from my view at the beginning of the week has now quite past away & I am abiding under the shaddow of the Almighty.

SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1870.

Our dear Bro. German preached to us this afternoon. Unfortunately there was a small congregation and he had almost to preach to a house full of emptiness. The Class-meeting was good although very small. Had considerable liberty by the grace of God, in talking to my dear fellow classmates. I went out to Dover to night to meeting. After Service, two young ladies came home with me--Miss Bessie Scott & Miss Annie Douglas. They are going with me to morrow.

MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1870.

I started on my trip down below, but feel rather dubious about leaving home in the midst of haying. I have been intending to go down so long, however, that I can scarcely think of giving it up under any circumstance. Annie & Bessie came down with us. I enjoyed my ride down very much. We arrived at Jont{?} Carpenters about nine and had our tea there. Have thought to day a good deal concerning the matter of a companion, but still I would be lead of God.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1870.

Remained at Jont's{?} until afternoon when Annie and I started for Hamilton expecting to attend the concert at the W. F. C. I went immediately to see cousin Nora but failed in my object as Dr. Rice said, the young ladies were preparing for the Concert. He gave me two tickets however for to night and to morrow night. We went to the concert and enjoyed it splendidly. The young lady performers did their work well, although they seemed to be a little bashful, some of them.


Drove over to the city again this morning and took Dora S. with me. Spent the time in doing a little business also in visiting at the College with some young ladies. Nora Velmea{?} Harlon{?} & Miss R. Wallace from Elna{?}. My friend Mr David Horton was there too. We had a good visit together. Dora & I attended the closing exercises to night. I was greatly delighted with it. Saw Dr. and Mrs. Philp. Alice said that Frank had not yet recovered from the chill fever.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1870.

Nora, Dora Sovereign and I left Hamilton for home about midnight last night and got home about six in the morning. We got along very nicely. Found Bro. Thomas Woolsey here from the new credit mission. He came Monday and was taken sick after he got here and could not go home since. Found them all well excepting Fanny who has given up work and left us on account of her ill health. I have spent a very sleepy day to day.

FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1870.

We had quite a rain last night. Eough to prevent us from working in the hay to day. As yet we have only about three loads in which we got in yesterday afternoon. We have been working to day in the corn and potatoes. I went off this afternoon in search of a girl but came home as I went. The Lord blessed me with a renewed assurance of his favour with refference to that thing which has so long been the desire of my heart.


We finished up our field of hay this forenoon. The field by Brown's. This afternoon there was a shower of rain which prevented us from doing any more in the hay. We had Mrs. German here this afternoon also Miss M. Howell. Trials and diffulcties will appear but to overcome them what can we do of ourselves. My path seems very dark at times, but an occasional ray of light reveals itself through the {illegible} of the Word.

SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1870.

We all went to Dover this morning to church. Got there in time to hear the sermon but not the text. But I found out afterwards that it was from the following "And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it". The sermon contained much of the marrow and fatness of Christs gospel. My soul was particularly happy when the subject of the Christians equality with the angels and with the Church triumphant was mentioned. It is a glorious th{illegible} indeed, worthy of our most devout gratitude to God.

MONDAY, JULY 4, 1870.

Working in our hay now. Fine weather has come again and I hope it will continue. Henry commenced work to day. He is going to work for me through haying and harvest, by the day. I am to give him the going wages. The ways of God are not our ways, if they were, how much better it would be for us. Yet my soul is fixed. I would continue to say: "I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. This morning a little disappointment occured when, for a time, I felt that all these things were against me.

TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1870.

Working still, as hard as ever. Making some progress too. Thanks God. I am fully satisfied that without His blessing we can do nothing even in a worldly point of view. Last night we were visited by an abundant shower of rain. Today we finished cuting the Big Flat and besides we got in four loads. one of my horses is quite sick with the distemper. This prevents us from driving with two teams as I intended. Henry has been helping us again to day.


It rained most of the forenoon so that we could not work at the hay. This afternoon however we got at our work. We are now geting the 'Big Flat' pretty well under way and we hope to finish it to morrow. We had Mr. Ebersoule to see us to night. I am now reading in my Bible the last of first Samuel. It contains some beautiful lessons of Godliness and forbearance. Such examples are indeed worthy to be followed. Lord help me, to love my neighbour as myself.


We could not do much this forenoon on account of rain, but this afternoon we went to mowing and went to town after tea. Mr. Hall was here to day. He brought us good news about the prospects of a railroad. The probabilities now are, that we will soon have three roads instead of our {illegible}. The Great Western Air line, the Great Southern and the Port Dover & Hamilton Road. It would be a strange turn sure enough if all these roads were to be built in a year or so. I do hope they may.

FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1870.

We have been working all day to day in the hay. This forenoon we cut the little piece of flat below the house and this afternoon we have been drawing in from the Big Flat. To night just after we had finished our milking I had to do a job which I hope never to do again. The bench on which we had our bee hives upset and broke up the honey and left the hives in an awful state. For a time I was much perplexed but soon went to work and fixed up the bench as well as I could & put the hives up again but in doing it got stung badly.


The past has been a fine day for hay-making. Of course we have improved it as much as possible. We finished up the 'Big Flat' this afternoon. Altogether we took about sixteen loads of hay of that field. Rather a small field for fifteen acres of ground. I am still trying to live in hope of the blessing which God has so often promised me. The assurance was renewed again this morning, on reading "He will withold no good thing from them that walk upright."

SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1870.

The past has been a day fraught with priveleges and blessings. I went to hear Bro. Ebersoule preach this morning and this afternoon Bro. German preached. We had a very good congregation. The sermon was excellent. And then our class meeting afterwards was unusually a season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. It was my privelege under God to recieve a new member {ontrial?} to day. One of whom I had but little hopes, but he has been drawn by mercy & power of God to seek salvation. It was Andrew Smith, a man more than fifty years old.

Monday, July 11, 1870.

We almost finished geting in our hay this morning before the rain came on. Since the rain commenced there has been a vast amt. of water fallen. I went out to Dover this morning after a girl of whom we heard last night. The Lord has prospered me in this matter and has sent us a servant without whom it is almost impossible to do. We have been geting ready for the harvest this afternoon. My heart is still happy in Jesus, and I feel that my life is only complete in Him.

Tuesday, July 12, 1870.

The rain yesterday has made the ground very wet. We have had to leave our haying and to day we have been cuting thistles. Another day has past with its toils and trials. The Lord has been with me to day, and my soul has been happy in Him. Surely in His presence there is fullness of joy, and pleasures for ever more. Besides there is in my soul such a marvellous feeling of security from all the blighting ills of life, when my trust is stayed in Him. "For ever here my rest shall be close to they bleeding side."

Wednesday, July 13, 1870.

We all cut thistles this forenoon. This afternoon Charley went at it with the mower. While Will and I have been working in the corn. "And the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin". What precious news! Surely it is sweeter than the sound of gushing waters, and more precious than tidings of deliverance to the captive exile. And yet how few of sin stricken mortals regard with any delight such glorious truths as these. What a proof of our depravity.

Thursday, July 14, 1870.

This morning we finished drawing in our hay from the Flat in front of the house. After we got this job doine we got the reaper ready for work, and I went arround the wheat field a couple of times. I went out to Dover to night on a little business. Mr.{?} Hall gave me a check for fifty Dollars, on the wheat. Our friend and Bro. F. Woolsey came this morning with Miss Woolsy. They stayed with us most of the day. The Lord is with me still.

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1870.

To-day we have been into our harvest, with all our might. Mr. Tisdale helped us with his boy. We got our eleven-acre-field about two-thirds done and nearly up in shock. We find the wheat quite as good as we expected, and it is so plump that it shells now although the straw is green. "The fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, faith, goodness, temperance." This is the fruit that God expects. Shall we not strive with His grace to do all He expects of us?

SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1870.

Our calculations for today were reversed by rain. We have been cuting thistles &c. most of the time, or rather the boys have, while I have been working at my waggon-rack. "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God." "Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds." "Make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereoff." This doctrine does not agree with human nature consequently it requires great grace to fulfill it.

SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1870.

My mother and I went out to Dover this morning to meeting. Mrs. Coppway went with us. She having been visiting us a few days. We heard our Bro. German preach in the Presbyterian Church. His text was these words of Moses. "I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the Bush is not burned." He spake of the Church of God as representing the burning bush and the turning of the sinner from darkness to the light of the gospel to the turning aside of Moses: Moses He said was one of the most highly favoured of all mortals.

MONDAY, JULY 18, 1870.

The ground was so wet this forenoon, that we could not get to work at our wheat. The boys cut weeds &c while I worked at my rack. This afternoon we finished cuting the field of wheat which we commenced last Saturday or rather Friday. Tisdale and His boy helped us. Mr Hall was here to dinner. He said that our railway prospects were still brightening. This has been a day of sweet rest to my soul though many thoughts have arisen to cause me to doubt His word.

THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1870.

Charley and Will went to help Tisdale to day, in His harvest. I have been binding and seting in shock most of the day myself. "I am the true vine and my Father is the Husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away, and every branch that beareth fruit, he pruneth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." What a precious relation is this, to exist between us and the Son of God. The branch is always the same nature as the vine and the fruit also must be the same.

FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1870.

We went to work this morning in the field in front of the house. The wheat there is prety ripe too, but not suffering. It rained again most of the forenoon, so that we could not do much. But this afternoon we finished cuting the piece, and got it mostly up in shock. Mr. Lang was here to day from Dover to buy my wheat which I took in lately. I told him that he might have it and at $1.10 c. per bushel and I have been sorry ever since that I did it.

THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1870.

We have been cut wheat to day in the orchard or rather the boys have. I haave done but little on account of the great blunder I made yesterday in selling my wheat to that man. I went out this morning to settle up and thought that the matter was through with but Henry came out again to night after me. He said that they were going to sue me for damages in not paying the storage. But I soon straightened this with the help of of my Deliverer.

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1870.

Charley and I have been cuting barley with the reaper to day in the field by McBrides. Got it done in time to get in two loads of wheat. Henry has been helping me again to day. Night before last we were visited by an unusually heavy and severe thunder storm. One of our nearest neighbours had his barn burnt with lightning (Solomon Austin) He had only just got it finished & his hay in fortunately he had it insured for a considerable amt.

SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1870.

We have been able to draw in with two teams to day and by so doing have succeeded in geting in all the wheat excepting one load in the orchard. There have been about twenty six loads, in all. Neighbour Tisdale has kindly helped me to day with his boy & team, hence our success, with the blessing of God, has come. How pleasant it is to have good neighbours. I have been very happy to day in Jesus. He has favoured, with His presence all the day long, to the joy of my poor soul. Precious Saviour!

SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1870.

The weather has been exceedingly warm to day. This afternoon however we have had another thunder-shower which has somewhat cooled the atmosphere. This was the day for our service and in the absence of our dear Bro. German who has gone off on a two weeks tour through the States, we had Bro. Smith of Simcoe to preach to us. He is one of our local Preachers. I was sorry that the congregation was so small as this is the first time that our good Brother has been with us.

MONDAY, JULY 25, 1870.

We had another rain last night & yesterday. The ground has been so wet that we could scarcely work the reaper this afternoon. We made out to cut most of a five-acre field of barley however. Henry turned out the barley in the field by McBrides, & we hope to get it in to morrow. Our girl Lizzie{?} Leffler went home to day but Fanny Banister came in her place soon after or rather before she went. Our harvest this year is not so heavy as last but the wet weather makes it tedious work.

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1870.

We have been able to draw in barley this afternoon. Got in four loads besides one load of wheat from the orchard. To night it has every appearance of rain, but I hope it will not come this time. Charley has been helping Tisdale most of the day. In reviewing my Christian experience for the past day I see much to feel sorry for that I have done, both in thought, word, and deed. This is too much the way with me continually. What a mercy if I get to heaven after all my {illegible}.


We had a heavy shower last night and another one to day and now it is very wet. We have not done any thing to day of any account. I have been making preperations to thresh to-morrow. We have had Bro. John Gilbert to visit us to day with his wife. I have still with me the presence of my Divine Master, which makes my heart exceeding glad in Him. I feel that He is directing my steps, though many times I am fearful and unbelieving.

THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1870.

It is again my privilege to record another instance of the goodness of God in the success which has attended the labours of the past day. I know that there can be no prosperity with His peculiar blessing. We have been threshing to day, and have got our job done for this time. We threshed two Hundred and Sixty Eight Bu. of wheat and fifty Bu. of barley. It has been a very favourable day for our job. It was so wet that none of us could do anything at our harvest. The barn is empty now, for Bales.

FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1870.

Judging from appearances we are now going to have fine weather again. I do hope that it may continue. But the Lord knows best. We have been geting in barley to-day or rather, most of the day. Finished the field by McBrides excepting the raking. Henry has been helping us. One of the companions of my childhood days has come to our neighbourhood, Minerva Flanders. She does not look at all like she used to. She is very unwell with the Consumption.

SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1870.

We have been working in the barley to day. Got in our two first fields excepting the raking of our field. I made a stubble rake this forenoon and this afternoon have been using it. The weather is still very fine. How glorious are the paths of our Creator, and His footprints--who shall not see them. Our own frail frame how fearfully and wonderfully is it made. Besides everything which our eyes behold all tell us that we have a great God, & that He is good.

SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1870.

My Mother, Sister, and I went out to Dover this morning. We heard the Rev. H. Craigie (Presbyterian) preach in our Church. I heard Rev. Mr. Cox, the Baptist minister this afternoon. We took dinner at Mr. Halls. Feel very much the need of a Companion in Christ, but more especially in these holy days. It is in my heart to observe these days and to do in them no evil. But under present circumstances I find it impossible to keep out of such Company as I do not desire.


We comenced cuting the ten-acre-field to day. It was not all ripe, but near enough to do it no harm. Henry helped us again to day. The weather is becoming warm again and to night it felt like rain. My experience the past day in Christ has not been the brightest, but rather one of the darkest of my life. I am thankful that such seasons are not without proffit to the soul. If they were not how irksome would they be.


Henry and Will have been helping Tisdale to day. Charley has been helping him this afternoon too. The weather is still very fine and favourable for our harvest work. Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers is a divine injunction & they who transgress the laws of god are almost sure to reap the consequences. Solomon one of the wisest of men sinned in this respect; and only see the terrible fall that followed it. And even now there are examples.


We had another rain last night also to day so that our harvest opperations are suspended for the present. I sent Will to mill with a grist of wheat to day. We have been fixing the road through the woods to day, besides some other little jobs. The thought came to night--How pleasant must be the life of the man of fortune. Of course this is a suggestion of Satan. Then followed a counter suggestion which made my heart leap within me for joy. How much more substantial and real the happiness of the man who lives {for?} God.


The weather is fine again and we are making some progress in our harvest. Henry has been helping us again to day. I have hired a man (House) to cut the new Ground Barley by the job. He comenced today. We have been drawing from the ten-acre-field to day. I have met with a loss lately. Old Nell's colt, a yearling, some how or other got cast{?} under the fence along the creek and in getting up kicked himself fence and all into the creek, where the colt drowned.


Still we are permitted to continue our work harvesting. Got the barley all in from the ten-acre field excepting the raking. Henry has been helping us to day as usual. There has been about ten loads on the ten-acre field. I am geting a little tired of work and begin to feel the need of a rest. But there is a provision made thank God! The day is at hand when the weary body may have rest, and the hungry soul be fed with manna from on high. But I have been fed even to day with this manna. Withoutit how s{illegible} would my disspirtual{?}


Still the Lord gives us fine weather, and we are trying to improve it. We have been drawing in barley to day from the new-ground to day got in four loads & one from the ten-acre-field of rakings. We had some folks from Dover to take tea with us to night Mrs H Sovereign and Dora, with her beaux. I feel thankful that the Sabbath of rest is so near at hand. The hard work and warm weather of the last week makes me feel much jaded and weak{?}. but we hope soon to be done with our harvest and then we will not work as hard.


Thank God for the Christian Sabbath. The past has been one of precious memory, from the presence and blessing of the Most High in my poor Soul. We have had our dear Bro. German to take dinner with us. He has just returned from his visit down East. He gave us an excellent discourse this afternoon and afterwards we had a good class-meeting. The Lord gave me a considerable liberty in discarging the duties of leader. Took a little subscription from the members for the ensuing years "ministers support."


We comenced cuting oats this morning with the reapers but had to give it up and go at it with our cradles on account of its being beaten down in all directions. The crop will be pretty fair although hurt some with rust. I find cradling to be pretty stiff work especially when the grain is down so bad it makes me feel prety tired to night. "All hail the power of Jesus name. "Yes my soul says, Crown Him Lord of all.' I thank God that I have strong confirmation of the power of Christ to save to the uttermost. The Father, Son, & Holy Ghost withnesseth that I am saved".


We cut oats again this forenoon. Henry helped us again to day. Charley Will and I got in a couple loads of barley. We had Unckle Peter Wykoff and Aunt Eliza to see us to night or rather this afternoon. Aunt Eliza is apparently as full of Christ as ever. O what a blessing when old age comes, to be as ripe fruit, ready for the masters use. Such examples are few and far between. Lord help me if thou seest fit to prolong my days to become a perfect man also{?} in Christ Jesus, Amen!


Charley, Will and I have been geting in barley most of the day from the New Ground. Got in all excepting the rakings. There will be twelve loads in all. Henry has been cuting oats. The fine weather continues and affords us a fine opportunity for finishing our harvest. One says--"When we obey God, we always find our reward either sooner or later--just as surely as light comes with sunrise. When we trust God He never deceives us. When we pray to Him with faith, with perseverence, with submissiveness, and with a single eye to his will--He answers us."


The boys, Charley & Henry have been finishing the oat cuting to day. I have been raking the new ground barley field and had quite a serious job of it too. Bro. German was here to night and took tea with us. had a pleasant & proffitable chat with him about matters and things in general. He has a good deal to tell about what he saw and heard while away. He appears to have had a good time. He is even anticipating another visit to the same places and invites me to go with him.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1870.

Still we are at work in our harvest but now we hope soon to see the end of it. We got in two more loads this afternoon one from the new ground (rakings) and the others from the front fields. I went out to Dover this morning and took Mother. "Tallyrand" the great French statesman and diplomitist just before his death is said to have written the following. "Behold, eighty years passed, away! What cares! What agitation! What anxieties! What ill will! What sad complications! And all without results, excpet great fatigue of mind and body, and a profound sentiment of discouragement with regard to the future and disgust with regard to the past." How different to this from Paul's exclamation at the close of his earthly career.


We comenced work this morning as usual but soon had to quit on account of rain. The remainder of the day we have not done much. I went out to Mt. Zion this afternoon to attend the Quarterly meeting. Got through with the business of the hour without any very serious difficulty arising. The salary of our minister for the coming year was fixed at seven hundred and sixty dollars--the same as last. I went to Dover afterwards.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1870.

According to previous arrangement Mother and I went up to Mt. Zion this morning. Bro. German preached but I am ashamed to say that I did not get there in time to hear the text nor to hear all the sermon. He preached before the sacriment and love feast contrary to the usual order. We went home with Bro. David Sterling after meeting for dinner. I have not enjoyed this Quarterly Meeting as well as I could wish but I must say that the fault is all on my side.

MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1870.

We all bound oats this forenoon, but this afternoon we had to go at something else as the oats got too dry and tender to bind. So we went to ploughing after dinner with one team and drawing out manure with the other. The dry weather lately has made the ground pretty hard, but we can manage to plough it. Have been passing through another season of trial and temptation which has come upon me more from my own weakness than anything else. Lord have mercy upon me.


Our oats have become so rotten and dry that we can only bind them when the dew is on, so we work mornings and evenings. Tisdale is helping us & we hope to finish up to morrow morning if all is well. We have been drawing in barley in the middle of the day. This also we hope to finish to morrow. Charleys time is out to day I believe and He is going to help me for thirteen months longer at twelve dollars per month. This will put us about through with our seeding next fall.


Our work is still so mixed up that it seems as though we were not doing much. We have still some oats to bind and some barley to get in. I have been off to day after the threshers a couple of times but still I do not know when they are going to come. Our friend E. H. from Dover was, or rather is here on a little visit. The result of this intimacy appears to be rather serious, especially to me. I do not know how soon I may be deprived, in a manner, of my only companion, my dear mother, by it. Thy will be done, O Lord, Most High!


Charley and Will have been geting our manure to day on the wheat ground. I have been off nearly all day seeing about threshers. Expect them to come Saturday. We do not seem to make much progress with our seeding. I will be glad when we can get through with our other work a little so as to give it all our attention. I am Conscious of having been lead this day by my Heavenly Father in the work which he has given me to do. There seemed to be trouble before me this morning but He has delivered me from it.


Still we as busy as ever and yet our work does not seem to go forward very fast. I went out with a load of barley this afternoon to Dover. One Says--"Whatever puts a man into company with God, makes him happy; for "in His presence there is fullness of joy" As one cannot come to the fire without being warmed, he cannot come to God without being blessed. An impalpable spiritual influence goes out from all associations in life, which makes us catch the spirit of our associates. This is preeminently the case in our intercourse with God." O, how desirable this intercourse.


We have been threshing to day. A little sooner than I expected although they told me that they would come to day. Had some difficulty in geting hands but with the blessing of God succeeded at length. Got the job done about dark. My life this day has been a wonder unto me. Never have the has Divine guidance and blessing been more apparant unto me. Have been beset on every side with difficulties and yet the Lord has delivered me, to the exceeding joy of my poor soul.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 1870.

I went over to the Advent service this morning. Heard a very good discourse on the necessity of Christian perfection. Our own Dear minister Bro German was with us this afternoon and preached from-- And now abideth these three Faith, Hope, and Charity, but the greatest of these is Charity. We had a soul stirring discourse some of which I would like to record but cannot do it justice in this little space. We had our beloved Class leader with us again to day Captain McFell & of course had a good class meeting.

MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1870.

Charley has been helping Alex. Man thresh this to day. Will and I got in a couple loads of oats this forenoon. We had one load to upset with us -- the first upset this year. This afternoon we went over to help Tisdale thresh and had a very dirty time of it too. Howr--{however?} got done for this time for which I am very thankful. The kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Hence it is that they alone who hunger and thirst after righteousness can be filled.


The past has been a prosperous day in my work by the blessing of my Heavenly Father. We have succeeded in geting in our oats, of which we had twelve loads in all. Charly has been ploughing. In spite of all I can do, my thoughts are much upon that matter which has so long been the desire of my heart-- viz. a companion in Jesus. Some days my faith is strong and I feel that the matter is safe in His hands; for I have not ceased to ask, in it, His guidance and blessing for years. Then I am at other times well nigh discouraged when I think of the fact that there is no prospect of this ever coming to pass.


We had a very heavy rain last night which was very much needed. It was so wet that we could not plough this forenoon. This afternoon, however we got at it again with both teams. I am so thankful that we finished up our oats last night. Our friend E. H.{?} is with us to night. He gave news us news of a great battle between the French and Prussians a day or so ago in which it is supposed that 180,000 men were killed. It was a terrible battle.


The boys have been ploughing this forenoon and this afternoon on account of rain have been cleaning up barley, for market. My dear friend, J. H. German with his friend Rev. Mr. Miller took dinner with us and spent the afternoon. Also our honored and respected friend E. H. is still with us. I thank God that he gives us such friends -- O, what a blessing! Yet it is altogether of Him. I desire with all my heart that these blessings may all redound to His Glory.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1870.

The boys have been ploughing again to day in the front field. I have been pulling peas most of the day. The weather has become quite Cool again. I have been thinking that our work was geting pretty well along but when I think a little more it seems to me that we are very much behind. We have not more than four of our twenty four acres wheat ground ploughed yet. Besides we have a lot of manure to put on our wheat ground. I think we will have to omit the latter and put it on the barley &c.


We have had our two ploughs going most of the past day. To night we went out to town with a couple loads of Barley. Put it in the old Bowlby store house with the permission of Mr Hull. I helped John Matthews thresh to day. Still another day with its abundant duties to perform trials and temptations to face, has past. Without sustaining grace I know that my cause would be altogether hopeless. Lord help me more & more

SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1870.

Mother and I went out to Dover this morning. Heard Bro German preach in the morning and I went over to the Presbyterian Church in the afternoon Heard one of their ministers from Ayer. Took tea with the Scotts, and enjoyed it, as a matter of course. We stayed to the night service and by so doing were obliged to stay all night on account of the darkness and rain. I did not spend the night very comfortably as I felt uneasy about home matters.

MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1870.

The boys have been ploughing again to day. One of our young heifers was missing and I was all the forenoon in geting her. Found her in the strawstack at last. We came home this morning from Dover and found that it had not rained anything like as much as it did at Dover. My mind is quite unsettled still with refference to the matter of a companion. Taking{?} the present position of this matter as my guide under my Heavenly Father I know not which way to turn - only as He leads me


Charley and Will have finished ploughing the front field to day. I have not done much myself in the way of work but have been helping Peter Gilbert clean up some seed wheat. After we had done this we went out in search of some Deil{?} Wheat for seed. Succeeded at last in finding some at Cline's. O Lord, I look to thee for guidance still. Though the way by which thou leadest me seems dark yet I know that thou art to wise to err to good to be unkind.


One year ago to day we were sowing wheat. To day we have been doing the same in the front field. Mr Hall, and Marsia were out th here this afternoon. What think ye of Christ? Is He not King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, having all power in His hands! Yet He became our ransom, Priest, and King, as well as our eternal portion{?}. What glorious portions and inheritance has fallen to the meek and lowly followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The boys have been harrowing in wheat to day & I have been sowing most of the time. Abraham Smith was here after seed-wheat. He and I cleaned and put up thirty bushells. I sold it for nine shillings and six cents per Bushell. It is truely said that "two cannot walk together unless they are agreed." They must must be agreed both as to the ends and the way. I have even myself seen many witnesses to the truth of this old saying.


Still trudging along doing what we can, but after all our work does not go forward as fast as I could wish. We have almost finished the front field. Charley has been ploughing, but the ground has become so hard in one field that he had to try another. -- Sold another lot of seed wheat today. Seventeen Bu. Circumstances have changed--The Lord has been leading me by a way that I knew not. And yet the way seems dark. But still He says "What I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter.{"}


Will and I finished up, or nearly, the front field this morning. Just in time for a heavy rain. Charley and I went out to Dover to night This week has gone by so quickly that I have lost all track of the time. This morning I thought that it was Friday or Thursday instead of that it was Saturday. My time has been so very constantly occupied accounts for it. As times wears on the more it seems that our life is but a shaddow that passeth soon away" & a handbreadth.


Ma and I stayed at home to day. It being the day for our own service, and then ma is about sick with a cold almost unable to go out. Bro German preached to us this aternoon. We had an unusually small congregation. But I trust that those who were present, were not the less abundantly blessed. It fell again to my lot to take charge of the class, but I never before felt more my unworthyness as well as utter helplessness to the work well without the blessing of God.


Charley and I have been ploughing to day. I sent Will up to Caleb Matthews to help them thresh. My Soules Wheat is still going off for seed. Ten bushellls and a half more went away to day. "What a man soweth, that shall he also reap. The righteous shall inherit glory; but shame shall be the promotion of fools. A man may deserve hell by a wicked life; but he cannot merit heaven by a good life: because he cannot do good but through the grace of God; and the merrit belongs to the grace by which it was wrought."


Still we are trying to keep the plough going and have succeeded to day. The present is a splendid opportunity for seeding, the weather is so fine. I sold seven bushells more seed-wheat to day. Bro German was here this afternoon. One says that "the diligent, prayerful student of the Word has an illuminated Bible. To time is made known the word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God to meet the souls necessities. He alone receives day by day his daily bread."


We have made very good progress in our seeding opperations the past few days. The fine weather still continues although there are many threatenings of a storm. If it continues fine we will finish up next week D. V. {Deo volente} In going over the field back of the barn to day I found a couple patches of "Rag Weed." I have never known it before this fall. But now that we have found it out I intend to do my best to keep it out of the ground. It is said to be a very noxious weed.


I had to go out to Dover this morning after a Doctor for my mother. She has been unwell for some days and as far as we know we judged that the fever which is so very prevalent now was geting hold of her. The Doctor said that if we had waited a little longer before sending for him he could not, in all probability have saved her life. I have again a very precious assurance that all, all! is well in the hands of Jesus. Like oases in the desert are those delightful seasons to my soul Lord Continue them, amen.


Mother has been quite sick but is geting a little better or so the Dr. says. I was up with her a good part of last night to give her her medicine. Still the weather is favourable for seeding, although it threatens rain sometimes. Our dear minister came out this afternoon, Miss Howell also came and is going to stay a little while with us. Of the Bible it is said "it is its {own} interpreter. LIke the sun it reveals itself. It is God's book therefore it cannot be sectarian. No gift of the Common Father is sectarian."


We are still making some progress in our seeding. It takes more work than usual, this Fall to prepare the ground. The wet Summer has made the ground hard and it ploughs up in great big lumps in places. I finished sowing the five acre field east of the house to day but did not get it furrowed out. Charley has god the ten acre field about ploughed so that we can go right on sowing. My mother has got almost well again of her illness.


The Lord answers prayer! Glory be to His name. I was just thinking of the many incidences in which He has condescended to hear my own humble petitions. Surely these are proofs of His own truth and goodness. There remains another blessing besides many others which I have received in the past, which my soul still desireth of Him, with a great desire. It seems still to be very far away, but still there never seemed to be a time when it was more needed, & yet I know that he withholdeth his good things from "men that walk uprightly.


Charley finished up ploughing the ten-acre-field today. I went out to mill with a grist of wheat and chop this afternoon. Went to settle up with Mrs Stephenson and unfortunately had a few unpleasant words which I regret very much. I was not pleased with her manner of squaring up accounts & told her of it, but was very sorry for it afterwards. Such a course as I pursued was not right for a Christian, for to "bear all things" is a scripture injunction.


Our girl Fanny Banister has been sick to day, with the same fever that ma is just recovering from. Mother is not able to do anything yet, so I have been house-maid, cook, and dish-washer. I find that when one does house work he cannot do any thing else. I sent Charley out to night after my Sister. If she comes I will be in a measure relieved. We are moving along slowly with our seeding. Hope to get it done in about three days.


Charley has been drawing manure on the ten acre field to day and Will has been harrowing most of the day. Mr. & Mrs. Beaupre{?} took dinner with us to day. We had quite a pleasant visit with them. I have been able to work a little to day out of doors. It is a very great convenience to have a kind sister so near by, especially when in such a fix as at present. I am again in possession of great peace & my soul is happy in Jesus.


I finished drilling half of the ten acre field this forenoon. We have adopted a new plan in puting in our wheat, of harrowing after the drill. It seems to be a great improvement on the old plan. Mr. Thurlow was here to day looking after stock. He is going to buy my lambs or rather, has bought them at about one two dollars & twenty five cents per head. Mr. Fulton one of our neighbours sent me a pup to day according to previous agreement. A fine one it is, too.


We hoped to have finished our seeding to day but failed on account of rain this morning, I am affraid that we are a little to late, as there is every appearance of a heavy East Storm soon, and the field is not quite all sown. Have had a number of men here to day after cattle, sheep, hogs &c. Sold three little piggs, and have partly made a bargain with Mr. Wo{illegible} to exchange sheep. He lives on the Old Graham place which is a light sandy soil making a good change.


This forenoon we finished our seeding. I feel thankful that this job is done. It has lasted so long that we are about ready for a change. We have put in about 24 acres in all. Sister had to leave us this morning. I walked out to night and brought the horse home. Still the days wear away, almost unconsciously, to me. I am trying to improve their precious moments diligently, for I know that their precious opportunities will soon be over.


Mother and I went to day down to the Camp meeting below Jarvis. Was surprised to hear the Rev James Grey from the Wellington Square Circuit. Would have liked it much if I could have had the opportunity of asking about some of my friends there but could not. We came home directly after the afternoon service in order to do our milking &c. Our friend E. H. came just as we got home. The sessions to day have not been of the highest order in some respects but then the Lord was there.


The boys have been working at the Cloverseed this afternoon or rather all day. The weather is very favourable for such work & promises to continue so for a time. Don't know that I have ever felt a more perfect resignation to the will of God with refference to the matter of a Companion than at present. Thank God for a trusting spirit. May it never depart from my mind. O Lord! Which ever way He leads me I want to be Content.


I have been with my dear mother, away to the Hultsville{?} Camp Meeting to day. Have enjoyed it much and my soul has been blessed. They are having an excellent Camp meeting. We met with Rev. James Grey of the Wellington Square Circuit who was on our circuit about twenty three years ago. I asked after the wellfare of my friends down there and He said that they were all well. He remembers being at our place when on the circuit distinctly besides incidents that happened him.


Charley has been mowing cloverseed on the Big Flat. I went down to look at it this forenoon and was surprised to find it quite a good crop; an agreeable surprise of course. I was off most of the forenoon after a girl But had very poor success. To night I went out to get my sister to come home with me for a few days, but failed here too. Fortunately Ma's health remains good notwithstanding the work, and by this means we get along in a manner.


Mother is alone still and as a consequence my work is almost double. We are, however, geting along very well so far. Will and I finished drawing in the cloverseed from the field by Brown this morning while Charley has been cuting all day on the big Flat. Our work still progresses slowly and if nothing serious takes place we will get through by Fare time after all. These days are wonderfully mixed with joy and sorrow &c.


I went out to Dover again this morning after my sister, to come We have been working in the Cloverseed to day. Mother had some visitors whom was my old friend and companion Mrs. Greggs or the Minerva Flanders of my boyhood days. Was somewhat disappointed this morning in hearing that the price of Barley had fallen ten cents per Bushell at one jump The weather continues quite warm and very pleasant with some signs of rain.


It rained last night so that we could no draw in cloverseed to day. The boys have not been doing much. We had visitors from York State today. Mrs. & Mr. Pratt. They came with their daughter Mrs George Hall and our friend E. Hall. We had a very pleasant visit with them, of course. I am in doubt just now what course to pursue in future. If it were not that the whole matter is in the Hands of God, whose directions I ask, I would be quite uneasy considering the turn which matters have taken.


On account of rain we have not been to meeting at all to day. It makes the day long and dreary to be absent from all the means of grace. How graciously the Lord has provided for all the wants of his Children. No matter where we are we may ask and recieve of His abundant fullness. I wrote a letter to Rev. Thomas Woolsey this afternoon. We expect to have him & His lady with us in a few days. He wrote some time ago to that effect. The Lord is still my helper.


I have been drawing out barley to day. The boys have been helping me most of the time. Took out two loads but might have taken three had I started a little sooner The price is down at present to sixty five cents per Bu. I am not selling it but taking open receipt which I will have filled if the price is likely to go down again, and the money taken up. Have passed through many trials to day and am ashamed to confess that the tempter has come off victorious & I have sinned. Lord have mercy on me.


Took out another load of barley this morning. The price seems to be falling fast. One of the buyers offered me 68 cents per bu for my barley and I feel almost inclined to take it. Will has been off to the picnic to day. Charley has been busy as usual. My pathway is still at times lined with trials and temptations, almost at every step. My life is not altogether conformed to His immage and likeness. And yet such is my inmost desire.


Charley went off to help move an old neighbour James Brown away to his new place in Windham. I finished the Peach picking this forenoon and this afternoon mother & I went out to Dover and from there to Simcoe. Came home direclty home and our friend E. H. came from Simcoe with us. I left the managing of my Barley into this hands last night and he thought best to let it go. So the whole crop is sold at about 68 cts per Bu.


We had to help Tisdale thresh this forenoon. I was not there all the time but was home cleaning up barley{?} which I took out this afternoon. The weather has now every appearance of rain. I was in to Miss{?} Wilson's to tea to night. Had a pleasant hour with them. I called{?} up with a neighbour to night Robt. Man Jack{?}, an old Ofc. & came out on the safe side but he about eight dollers in my dibt. To day has been a happy day. Glory to Jesus.


We have not been able to work any out of doors to day on account of the rain. We cleared up our last load of barley this forenoon. This afternoon the boys have been clearing out the {drive?}-house and puting away the Reaper. This is doubtless our Equinoxical storm although it comes rather late. Have great joy and peace, with a trusting spirit such as God only can supply. He favours me with delightful seasons of intercourse with Him.


Took out my last load of barley this morning but did not get the business all settled up on account of not having all settled up weighed out. My mother and I went out to a party to night at Mrs. Sovereigns to night. There was a very nice company of friends together. It was the third anniversary of Charlotte's wedding. My experience to day in Jesus has been characterised by an unusual degree of fervency in prayer & desire for Divine guidance.


Mother and I have not been away from home to day, on account of our own service. Bro. German preached as usual from XXXIII Chap Isaiah 15th 16th & 17th verses. "He that walketh rigtheously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stopeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; He shall dwell on high, his place of defence shall be the munitions of rock, bread shall be given him: his waters shall be sure, thine eyes shall behold the king in his beauty, they shall behold the land that is very far off."


It rained until almost noon to day. My calculations were frustrated by this, for a time But not long, for I started after dinner. Jack Butler went with me to Hamilton. We arrived at the American in time for tea. We put up here for the night. Our trip down was not a very pleasant one, on account of the bad roads, but after all it only took us about seven hours and a half to get here. I have, as usual on such occasions as this asked for Divine guidance


I left Hamilton this morning before Breckfast and went over to Springers. Got there about nine. Found them all well excepting Frank who has been sick with the "chill fever" off and on all summer. I would scarcely have known him away from home I was kindly recieved and had a pleasant visit throughout the day mostly with Frank although I was graciously permitted by my Divine director to have a few words with E. F.{?} a privelege I esteemed above many. It could only from Him.


Frank drove me down to the Wellington Square Station this morning. I went down to Toronto soon after and came very near not going on account of the train being so crowded. Got down all right and had a good look at the Exhibition. After or rather towards night I went back to Oakville to stay all night. Found the folks all well. Had a pleasant visit at John Williams, where I stayed all night. The Williams have all left Oakville excepting Hiram & John.


I went to Toronto from Oakville this morning. First thing after geting there I went in search of Bessie Scott. I found the place where she was staying but did not find her there so I had to give it up after all. Had my dinner at the Hotel and afterwards went to the Fareground. Stayed there until nearly five when I made tracks again for home{?}. I got of[f] the cars at The Ignace. Waited a while for Frank but as he did not come I left for the Missionary Meeting & afterwards walked to Springer.


I Starded for home this morning about half past nine from Springers. Had a prosperous journey home. Got here about eight. Did something last night which I have not done for years before. Springers were all in bed when I got there and rather than disturb them I took a buffalo and slept in the barn. The roads home were bad. I learned after I came that there had been rain every day this week here. While in Toronto there has been none.


Comenced my usual routine of duties today. This forenoon we cleaned off the buggy. Started the plough to day for the first to do the fall ploughing. Mother and I went out to Dover to night. She did not come home with me. Seasons of darkness still cover my path and, doubtless, will as long as I live. In spite of constant efforts to trust all things to my Maker and to recieve every dispensation of His Providence with a thankful heart, I often find myself mis[trust?]ing.


My mother and I went out to the Port this morning, Heard Bro German. Took dinner at Mrs Halls. I attended the Baptist Church this afternoon where I heard Mr. Cox one of Spurgeons Students. He preached from the conversion of Paul. I took tea at Mr. Scotts. Had a very pleasant hour with them. More especially with Katie. Attended meeting again to to night. Bro German preached from the 51st Psalm. His sermon was delightful and full of the spirit of truth.


Charley is ploughing now. Will and I picked apples this forenoon and this afternoon we worked at the cloverseed. Got in one load although it was not fit to draw in. Took up a hive of bees to night. Had C.W.S. to help me. With refference to the blessing which my Soul has so long desired I am asking God to take away every vestige of the desire for it, unless it sholud, after all be His will, In the latter case I ask that it may become even more than ever the desire of my heart.


Charley still keeps ploughing. Will and I have been picking apples this forenoon and this afternoon have been working at the cloverseed. The weather bears signs of improvement. The [word omitted] has got arround at last to a dry quarter. Have much joy & peace in believing the promises seem to be mine, still though I have often forfeited all my right to them. It seems still to be the Will of my Father that the union which my soul has so long desired shall even yet be accomplished


We are still trying to keep the plough going but the days are geting so short that night seems to come before we have fairly turned arround. Mr Hurlow's man came after the lambs this afternoon. He got twenty two in all. We managed to save one of them for our own use. Still the weather continues to be wet and showery although yesterday I thought that a change for the better had come. I am enjoying precious seasons of communion with my God these days. Glory to his name.


Our work goes on as usual. Charley has been ploughing While Will and I have been gathering apples excepting this forenoon when I went up to Simcoe to take some butter kegs. All things shall work together for good to them that love God. This is a great consolation. When our pathway lies through the thick dark forrest beset with deadley foes on every hand. None other than the almighty power of God could deliver us from such dangers. Lead Thou me on!


Charley keeps the plough going still while Will and I have been working on the side road. There was about a day left of our statute labour and we have done to day a day and a half. To night Mother and I went out to Dover to attend a donations party to our minister Bro. J. W. German. There was a purse presented to him of nearly $400[.]00. I enjoyed the evening very much, some of my favourite young lady friends were there.


I stayed all night last night at Mr. Wilsons and slept with Frank. I stayed on account of rain. Came home again this morning and found the road very muddy. Went out again after dinner, all hands of us to see the show Township Show. I called to see some sheep on the road at Mr. Mr. Thurlow's place, which I have thought to add to my flock. Had quite a pleasant dinner at the Show but staid rather late and had a disagreeable job doing chores.


We have not been away from home to day It being the day for our own service. The weather is delightful, more like June than October. Our dear minister was present with us to day and gave us an excellent discourse from "The fowls did light on the carcases but Abraham drove them away. He likened the fowls to sinful thoughts which are always intruding upon our endeavors to worship God. Our only remedy is to do as Abraham did--drive them away. I have been much proffited by the sermon to day.


WIll and I went down to Thurlow's place this morning after some sheep. We brought home 15 which I paid three dollars and a half for. This increases our flock to about forty ewes. We all worked at geting in cloverseed this afternoon. Got in three loads. This did not take it all but there are about three loads left. Our friend E. H. from Dover came to night. I have enjoyed a goodly portion of the Love of God in my heart to day. Praise the Lord for his abundant mercy.


Will went away this morning to attend the show at Simcoe. Charley & I went this afternoon. We had quite a pleasant or rather, I did. Saw Ed. Carpenter who has just returned from the West. Also several others who I had wished to see for some time. The show, taken alltogether, was very good, especially the sheep and swine, which departments were first class. The horses to were good. But the cattle I would pronounce somewhat inferior.


Will and I have been digging potatoes to day while Charley keeps on ploughing. We comenced to dig in the field in front of the tennant house. Something remarkable has occured this season which I do not remember ever seeing before. We have had no frost since last Spring to kill, even tomato vines, until last night. And then we not ceased to have rain continually since Spring while East of us 50 or 100 miles they have had almost a continual drought.


We were visited last night by another heavy rain. Charly has not been stoped from ploughing however. I have been out to Dover with a load of wheat this afternoon. Sold it for a dollar per Bushell. The way often seems dark and drear in spite of constant efforts to "trust in the Lord, with all my heart." I stand in constant and Great Grace, such God alone can supply else I am not able to stand for a moment before my enemies.


Will and I cleaned up a load grist of chop and some wheat this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover on a search after some {stray?} money. I had the luck to get only about ten dollars. Took tea at Bro. Bermans & had a pleasant little visit. I thank God for the constant desire which He gives me to be complete in Him Doubtless He answers my prayers daily in witholding from me my heart's desire. Lord help me, that these trials be not in vain in thee{?}.


I went off this morning to pay something on a note which I gave for a horse last fall at a sale. Charley is still ploughing. This afternoon Will and I have been digging potatoes. I am now reading Ashworth's strange Tales from Humble life, and find it very proffitable to my soul. There is such a wonderful uniformity in the experience of every child of God. especially with refference to conversion and sanctification. Surely our Holy religion bears the impress of the Almighty.


Mother and I went out to Dover this morning to church. Bro. German preached an excellent sermon on the duties of parents to their children. He agrees perfectly with my ideas, in this matter. I was a good deal proffited by the service Felt that the Divine presence was with us. Had my dinner over at Bowlbys for the first time in a long time. Had a pleasant time with them but not according to what I desire, I like more of Religion and less of this world on these Holy days.


Charley ploughed this forenoon while Will and I worked at digging potatoes. This afternoon we all worked at geting in the last of the cloverseed. I am glad that this job is done it has lasted so long. Because He has all his love upon me therefore will I deliver him. I will set him on high because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.


The boys and I got in the remainder of the corn, and the corn-stalks this morning. The remainder of the day Charly has been ploughing while Will and I have been digging potatoes. This was Wills last day. I settled up with him to-night and paid him off, all but about three dollars. Our friend E. H. came last night to see us and stayed with us all night. Have just been passing through another dark season but God sustains me.


Charley keeps on ploughing still. I have been busy to day at different jobs excepting this afternoon when I went out to the Town line to pay a debt which I owed there. Strange things have taken place to day in my christian experiecne. Something seemed to ask me why I did not trust take God at His word with refference ot the matter of a companion, and to say also, that my hearts desire should yet be accomplished Then after all the thought came that after all it might be a temptation of Satan.


It rained again last night, quite a shower, consequently I could not go to mill as I had intended. Charley has been ploughing again to day. I have been gathering cider apples, husking corn &c. There has been a very heavy wind to day. How precious to know that ones way, though it may seem dark, is appointed of God. Hence all things shall work together for our good. But I find myself in constant need of great grace else I am not at all able to trust God or to take him at his word.


Charley has been ploughing to day as usual. I went out to mill after or rather with a grist of fifteen bushels for Miss Howell and some chop for myself. Found the roads pretty bad. An unusual incident has just happened me. Last night I read the last of St John where it speaks of Thomas the doubting disciple. Soon afterwards Something seemed to tell me that I had been doubting and that the dark season which has just past came from my own unbelief. Lord help me to believe with all my heart.


Charley is ploughing still. I picked up cider apples this forenoon. This afternoon our old friend D. W. Horton of North Pelham came, and of couse I visited with him. Mr. Cork came with him. They are staying all night with us. My prayers are being answered daily. The will of my Heavenly Father is becoming more and more manifest by the assurance which he gives me. My hopes have vastly brightened in a few days. I have now no doubt but that the desire of my heart shall be given.


The past has been been a happy Sabbath at home. It has not been our privelege to attend any public Means of Grace; yet I have been abundantly profitted at home while reading the word and holding Communion with my Redeemer. My life has been dedicated afresh to his service to day and prayer is that I may have grace to serve him with greater diligence than ever before. Also that my whole life may be hidden{?} with Christ in God.


Charley finished ploughing the field in front of the tennant-house to day. This makes about eighteen acres that we have done. The ground is pretty weat on account of the very heavy rains which we are having almost every day. Many changes take place in my enjoyment as a follower of Christ, almost daily. Yet after all I find that the current of my life is running steadily for the heavenly Mansions city. By the grace of God alone are all these things taking place.


My man comenced ploughing in the field back of the barn this morning. I have been to the cider mill to day. Succeeded in geting my cider made and in geting home again before dark. Went to De Con's{?}. Very precious have been my enjoyments to day. What a glorious privelege to that we may enjoy even foretastes of Heaven here. No matter what our surroundings nothing can prevent the promised blessing when we, like the disciples of old tary{?} at Jerusalem for the promise of the father.


I have had Charley making a ditch back of the barn to day with the horses & scraper. I have been doing a thousand and one little jobs to day myself. and have been all over the neighbourhood to do them, or nearly so. To night we have had some of our neighbours in to spend the evening with us. John Matthews & lady. Enjoyed their visit much. The weather is at present very beautiful more like Summer than the last Fall month.


Charley has been ploughing to day as usual. I finished digging the potatoes to day, besides doing some other jobs. To night I went down to Smiths on School business Got along all right. The weather is still very beautiful. Met with our old class leader Captain McFell to night He is home for a couple of weeks, I hope for good, His presence being so much needed at our services. I am trying to serve the Lord with gladness, still!


I have had Charley ploughing & making ditches to day I worked most of the forenoon at geting off water from the field where Charly is ploughing Afterwards ma and I went out to Dover. To night I was told by a friend that as soon as my mother gets married the will of my Father will be taken by Cunningham & I suppose he will have the place sold. He has (he says) found that the Will was not legally drawn. I very much regret that anything like this should take place, but the Lord's Will be done.


We are still ploughing in the field back of the barn. I went down to see Smith this morning to see him about a certain matter He thinks that there is no ground to fear but that the Will of Pas is all right. But still we will inquire into the matter a little farther as soon as possible so that we may know what to expect. If the farm is to be sold I dont wish to wait any longer in suspence. I am trying to put the result of this thing whatever it may be into the hands of my Heavenly Father.


My Mother and I went up to the Woodhouse Quarterly Meeting this morning. Our dear minister was on hand as usual with a word in season for the hungry soul. The service was conducted on, what is to me a new plan, by Preaching first & love-feast afterwards. There was a gracious influence throughout the service. Such as we have but seldom seen of or felt. We came to Dover to church in the evening and here to the word was precious and my soul was blest. Farewell blessed Sabbath.


Charley has been ploughing to day as usual. According to previous arrangement C. W. S. and I went up to Simcoe to see if there was anything in what Cunningham threatens doing. The lawyer, J. H. Ainsley said that the will could not be broken, if the witnesses had been properly sworn. As this was done before the probate could be obtained, we do not anticipate any farther trouble. But then we cannot tell what will happen.


We had the plough going this forenoon but this afternoon we have been killing some hogs. John Matthews has been helping us. Got three hogs killed, and dressed and two of them salted down to night. The other one I have sold to George Matthews. A certain writer has beautifully said--"God's purposes are ripening fast, unfolding every hour." How true! It is well that the future of our lives is hidden from our view. Truly we have an alwise Creator.


We had quite a rain storm last night. This morning Charley and I put up a grist of wheat for the mill. The remainder of the day we have been sorting over our potatoes and puting them away for the winter. The weather has become quite cold since morning. It is said that Christians who are longest in the fire shine brightest. This is a saying, the truth of which has often been proved. It is not strange that it should be so either. For the Son of man is does not forsake his poor afflicted ones.


I went out to the grist mill this forenoon with some wheat. Found the roads very bad. When going out I met Unckle Holmes and Aunt Mariah but did not get home in time to see them. Mary Jane came home with ma to night. Had an offer of ninty five cents per bushell for our last load of wheat and think I will take it. Cleaned it through to night alone. I have omitted reading the scriptures to day, on my to my shame be it said Lord pardon my sin.


I went out to Dover this morning with our last load of wheat. Let it go for ninety five cents. Succeeded in geting a little money to day. The first in some time. It turns out, after all, that the news which I heard of my brotherinlaw's intending to take brake pas will is false, or so says my Sister and Henry too. So much for mischief makers. I do not feel much nor at all concerned, because God will direct my path accord to His word.


Charley and I furrowed out the field in front of the tennant House this morning, Towards noon I went out to Dover to take mother & sister. We took dinner at Miss Howells. I attended the meeting of the Norfolk Woolen Mills Company this afternoon. It was decided to accept an offer made for the Companys property by a firm down East. It will ammount to about fifty percent of the whole stock of the Company.


Ma and I went out to Dover this morning to hear our old brother in Christ 'Father Messmore'. He gave us an excellent discourse from "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation". His discourse was animated, and as full of life and vigour as though he were a man of forty, instead of three score and ten. We had our dinner at Mrs Bowlbys after which we came home. I have enjoyed communion with God and fellowship of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to day.


Our first snow storm came this forenoon but it melted as fast as it fell or nearly so. We have not been able to work out any but have been working in the barn husking corn &c. I comenced a letter to Frank Springer this morning. To night I have been away on School business, down to Smiths. We finished making out the Assessment List. Godliness with contentment is great gain. So says the Word of God and the Christian can prove it at every turn of life.


Charley has got to ploughing again to day. he finished up another field this morning next to the road. This makes about twenty five acres in all that we have got done. I have been busy doing chores as usual. I have constant need of crying out in the words of the Cananitish{?} woman, "Lord help me'! Those words of Christ are indeed, "Without me ye can do nothing." But the prayers of the righteous availeth much Thank God, He hears my prayers Daily.


Charley still keeps the plough going, in the field back of the barn. I have been cleaning out furrows, and had a wet muddy job of it too. The weather is beautiful for this time of the year, Like September more than November. "In the presene of Christ we are strong, and safe, and victorious. In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead, and stripped of all besides, we are "complete in him". Surely we should learn to lean on Him alone.


Charley is still ploughing in the field back of the barn. I worked this forenoon at digging a ditch; and this afternoon Ma and I went out to Dover so as to be in time for the tea meeting. It commenced raining towards night but this did not prevent the people from turning out. They realised about sixty dollars. The object of the tea-meeting was to purchase a new organ for our church. I recieved a written opinion from our Lawyer about pa's will tonight.


Ma and I did not come home last night on account of the bad roads &c. Found things all right this morning. We are geting pretty well along with our ploughing. In a couple of days we hope to finish. The weather seems to be turning colder and looks now as though it might freeze up soon. The written opinion which we recieved last night sets aside all doubt with refference to the Pa's will. We now feel quite relieved It may after {all} go as intended.


On account of the cold weather at present we thought best to put away our apples and potatoes to day for the winter. Charley has been helping me. He went up to Brown's to night It still looks like winter and feels a good deal like it too. Have felt an unusual degree of fervency of late in offering up my petitions to my Heavenly Father. Especially with refference to the blessing for which I have asked so long. Lord grant that I may desire it with no other than a Holy desire.


We remained at home to day, and as is usual with me it has been one of my happiest days. I almost invariably feel more proffited by spending these holy days almost alone in reading the Sriptures, good books and in devotions to God. I have been reading The Canticles to day. Dr. Addam Clarke says that this book scarcely ever interpred right by modern divines. All have an interpretation of their own according to their creed. He advises all young ministers to avoid preaching from it on account of its {illegible}.


Charley started the plough again this morning. The weather being quite favourable I have myself been busy cleaning out ditches &c. The work of God still progresses, nor is it strange seeing that He Himself has said, that His word should not return unto Him void, but accomplish that whereunto He has sent it. Glory to God for his goodness. He is hastening on the happy time when the nations shall learn wars no more. When the glory of the Lord shall fill the whole earth.


Mother and I drove up to Simcoe this morning. It was very cold too. Had our dinners at Murphys for the first time in a long while. I went to Well's this afternoon and had a couple of teeth filled. I also made a purchase of another pair of boots the first in two years. We both had a very narrow escape from being badly hurt to night when coming home but by the mercy of God we escaped without any injury. While I was opening the gate in the lane the horse ran the buggy against he gate post & upset it and broke the {till?}.


We went out to Dover this morning as soon as we could get things straightened up. Paid a visit to our dear minister and his wife. Had a pleasant season with them. Recieved a letter from my old friend H. M. S. to day. My fears of his being unwell were not altogether groundless. "Got home "all right" this time." Thank God. The question arises to night am I growing in grace & in the knowledge of the truth Daily? Lord help me For I am helpless indeed without thee.


Part of yesterdays snow remains on the ground and now it seems to be geting a little warmer. We are not doing much at present more than to get things in readiness for Winter. Our friend Mr. E. H. is visiting us at present. This afternoon there was an agent of the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company here with Dr McLean from Dover. I made application for a policy of one thousand dollars payable in twenty five years if I live or at death to my mother if I die before that time.


This forenoon we finished up our job of butchering which I always dread so much. We killed and dressed two hogs with the help of our friend John Matthews. This afternoon I took one of the hogs over to Dover to Bill Abram. Found the roads fearfully muddy. Our friend E. H. left us to night for a time. I cannot record any great progress to day in the Divine life. But thank God, I have still the same desire to follow only His ways of righteousness, while I live.


The snow that fell a few days ago has not all gone yet but some of it remains. The roads are geting very bad and it is nasty all arround. Charley has been threshing out some oats for the horses. I have been geting some repairing done ready for winter. I have long desired of God that He would give me a companion, and have often found myself murmuring because the blessing was not granted sooner. But now by the grace of God I am becoming more than ever convinced that He has lead me by the right path.


We have not been away from home to day, on account of the bad roads. This afternoon we were diisappointed in not having our minister present with us. But after all we had a happy season together in Jesus. How often are his words verified "Where two or three are met together in my name there am I in the midst". I have just finished reading Ashworth's strange Tales from Humble Life, and have found it a blessing to my soul. It is much calculated to increase the Christians thankfullness and gratitude to God.


Charley has been ploughing to day. If nothing happens we will finish up tomorrow. I have been myself at ditching, besides repairing up the house for winter. The weather is very beautiful now, and warm too. "Augustine has a strong saying that he tasted of the salt of God in his mothers womb: a forcible utterance of the fact that he was, by Monica{?} pledged unto the Lord ere he saw the Lord light, dedicated before he was born. Also the infant Bernard was early dedicated to the Lord and thenceforth regarded as a severant of the Master".


We went over to Peter Ryerses this morning, after his buck sheep. The remainder of the day Charley has been ploughing and I have been ditching. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace; whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. Such is the Christians legacy and none can take it from him but god himself. Is there any thing also to be compared with those things which we can desire. None but fools could say, yes.


Charley having finished ploughing yesterday we changed our work a little to day. We have been ditching most of the time. The weather is very beautiful and favourable for our work. "Verily His Salvation is nigh unto them that fear him, That glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring from the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven. Even Jehovah will give that which is good, And our land shall yield his produce. Righteousness shall go before Him, And shall direct his footsteps in the way." Ps lxxxv, 10, 14. This Psalm says Dr Clarke relates doubtless to Christs Salvation.


Still we are permitted to continue our work ditching, Charley and I. We almost finished up to night. I am so thankful that we have had this beautiful weather, It has been such an excellent opportunity to do this job. Dr. Guthrie{?} speaking of the "good fight" says: "No doubt it is a hard fight. I do not conceal or disguise that. How can it be easy for a man to overcome the world and crucify his own flesh? But if that is hard it is harder far, to suffer the pains of a lost soul, to lie down in everlasting burning. Oh! surely better lose a hand than have the whole body burn; better part with some darling sin than part with Jesus."


Charley and I have been busy as usual ditching, most of the day. This afternoon however we have been making a dam to stop water for winter use, of cattle Horses &c. The delightful weather still continues. It remains remarkably warm for this time of the year. It seems to me, that if there was ever an unworthy recipient of God's mercies and Blessings, it is me. But thank God! he permits me to know when I go into by{?} and forbidden paths, and makes the remembrance of my sin very grievous unto me.


My man has been digging out the cellar drain to day. I have myself been busy at sundry jobs. This afternoon I went out to Dover. By the kindness of our friend Tisdale we had a ride out and back I was disappointed in not receiving the barley money to day for I am now beginning to feel the want of it more than ever. My experience in my saviour is brightening. A dark season has again passed away to be followed with joy and gladness, when the mountains and hills break forth into singing, and the trees of the field clap their hands.


I went out to meeting this morning. We expected to have a sacrimental occasion but were disappointed Bro Germans family have been bereaved to day of an infant son. Hence our disappointment I went to Mr. Craigies Church instead. Heard an excellent discourse about the Celestial City. I had my dinner with Mrs. Ryerson. I have asked my Heavenly Father that I may have deliverance from such Sabbath influences as at present falls to my lot at times that I may be enabled to fulfill his commandment - "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy"


We have not done a great deal to day on account of rain. Charley has been ploughing for Tisdale while I have been doing little jobs as usual. "Trust in the Lord", said one of the Ancients, and though thou sail in the ocean upon a straw, thou shalt be safe This sounds like queer talk to the unregenerate but what however can we doubt its truth According to your faith, so shall it be done unto you. says the Saviour, the unchangeable, the first and the last. Yet after all it is impossible even to believe without His grace.


Charley is helping Tisdale plough now. I have been busy tinkering at different jobs for Winter. The storm last night and yesterday has passed away without the weather becoming any colder. How, says Dr. Clarke, can that family expect the blessing of God, when the worship of God is not daily performed? No wonder their servants are wicked, their children profligate, and their goods cursed! What an awful reckoning shall such heads of families have with the Judge in their great day, who have refused to petition for that mercy which they might have had for the asking.


My man is ploughing for Tisdale yet. I have been hoeing away grass and rubbish from the apple trees. Found quite a number barked this fall several of them past help. The mice are very bad this year worse than I have ever before seen them that I remember of. I have not yet grown weary in well doing, for my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. I feel that I am less than nothing without Him, but I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


Charley is still helping Tisdale plough. I have been fixing up the eve troughs{?} arround the waggon-house myself. Did not get my job quite done. The weather has changed somewhat and now I think it is going to be colder. I am now reading the Prophecies of Jeremiah. It seems to me, that this book, more than any other of the Old Testament Scriptures, reveals to us the awful consequences of Sin: as well as the dreadfully depraved condition of the human heart. God help me, that I may never depart from following thee.


Charley is helping Tisdale plough yet. He will probably finish to morrow. I have been out to Dover to day. Was disapointed again in not getting the money. I have hopes however that it will come soon. Was up to John Matthews to night to see about geting Leonora home. If the roads are at all passable they want me to go after her. The weather is still warm and the roads muddy. I am realising still the great peace of Zion's children. I am happy in the Lord.


Charley is still away with the team helping Tisdale plough. I am busying myself at fixing up arround the barn &c. The fine weather still continues. "Ministers do not always know when penetential tears are shed, Saints do not always visit the lowly garret and point the poor prodigal to Jesus; but angels are there. Every sob and every groan is carefully noted, and if not known on earth, they are all known in heaven." "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."


A change has taken place in the weather now we are having a cold 'East Wind storm.' We remained at home to day. Bro. Berman preached to us this afternoon. His text was 2nd Chap. Zachariah 13th ver. "Be Silent O all flesh, before the Lord: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation." He went on to show how the Almightly raised himself up in behalf of His afflicted ones to deliver them: Also to to answer the prayers of those who call upon him. For He is a god of truth and His promises cannot go unfulfilled.


The snow storm yesterday has turned into a rain and now again the weather is becoming quite warm. Charley and I have been busy at different jobs to day. "It has been said of the wife of Howard, the celebrated English philanthropist, that on a certain occasion when her husband--who had come into possession of unexpected means--contemplated a trip to London, she would not undertake the journey without careful inquiry weather the money could be expended in a way that would contribute more to the glory of God, and the good of His creatures." So should we all do.


This forenoon Charley and I cut wood or rather this afternoon. The weather is still as warm as ever and the mud geting as deep as usual. We must love God with all the heart, with all the Soul, and with all the strength, and with all the mind. This must be the guiding motive in every word spoken, in every thought entertained, and in every deed performed. With this we will loose our disposition to be man fearing or man pleasing, unless it be to their edification; to become all things to all men, if by any means we might save some.


Charley and I have been cuting wood to day for the little stove. The weather has, I think taken a turn for the better--rather, it is becoming colder. "As the spokes of a carriage wheel approach their centre, they approach each other; so, also, when men are brought to Jesus Christ, the centre of life and hope, they are drawn towards each other in brotherly love relationship, and stand side by side journeying to their Heavenly Home." How wonderful is the religion of Christ to give man holy purposes & desires.


We finished geting up the wood which we have been cuting this forenoon and this afternoon we have been piling manure in the barnyard. The weather still remains cold and has every appearance of Winter. Saw in the paper a notice of my old Friend Mattie Burke's death. Her husband lived in Bowmanville. His name is Prouth{?}. Dr. Clarke Says that a full free and perfect Salvation is the birthright of every son of man. What a pity that all do not claim it.


We have been cuting wood to day, with the cross-cut saw. To night I went down to help Miss Much{?} about arranging her prize book list. We sent away some eight dollars in money a while ago to the Education Depository for Prize Books. We have recieved sixteen dollars worth in return--a very fine selection of books they are too. There was a wedding in Dover yesterday. Andrew Lees an old school mate of mine and Mary Thompson were married in the English Church.


Charley has been piling manure and threshing oats to day. I have not been doing much of anything this afternoon I have been to Dover. Expected to recieve some money from E. H. but was again dissappointed. H. W. Beecher says that when fowls are shot at when on the wing they rise higher. So he says where troubles come up on you fly higher. And if they strike you yet fly still higher. And soon he says you will rise so high in the spiritual life, that they shall not be able to touch you.


We went out to Dover this morning to meeting. The roads were so rough that we were an hour and a half in going. Of course we were late for the service. Heard part of Bro. Germans sermon however I stayed to Sacriment afterwards. The influences of the hour were most precious, on account of the presence of the Lord. Had our dinners at George Hall's. Our Dear minister is having servere trials at present. He lately lost an infant son & now another is in a very precarious state of health.


We have been choring arround to day as usual. The weather is quite moderate and to night we are having some snow. Mother went up to Johns this afternoon and to night I went after her. Went over to George's to settle up. Got along all right, or without any trouble. I am enjoying great peace--Yes{?}, I can say that my heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. Have been reading some remarks of Dr. Clarke on Nebuchadnesers immage. They are much ahead of the Advent rendering.


Charley has been up to Georges geting the horses shod to day. I have been spiting wood. Bro. German came this evening with Sister German and spent the evening with us. I enjoyed their company very much. Kindred spirits are the company which delights my soul. Yet it is sometimes more proffitable than at others, this christian fellowship, or interchange of thoughts. But the time is coming when the many mansions will come to view.


We have been drawing out manure to day. This afternoon, however, I went out to Dover this afternoon and ma went with me. We took tea with Mrs. Wilson. We went out with the cutter but found the sleighing very bad. Miss Howell came home with us. "Life is a journey upon the edge of a precipice, and a step may launch us over, -- are we ready? But we may have Christ in us, the life of our life, & the soul of our soul, making our hearts stout and our hands strong, and our life joyous and useful."


Charley and I have been helping Tisdale thresh this foreno afternoon. This forenoon we drew out manure. The weather is exceedingly cold now, but promises to be more moderate soon. "Tis done! Thou dost this moment save. With full salvation bless." But this salvation is only for the moment. We are constantly dipendependent upon this blood and are constantly cleansed. As we live by breathing, so the Christian lives by believing. Our breath is the bond that unites soul and body; and faith is the bond that unites our soul to Christ.


To day Charley has been helping Tisdale thresh with the team. I have been attending our school examination to day. Our Superintendant was present with us. This afternoon we settled up with our teacher. The examination to day passed off very nicely. Nora Matthews came home last night from Hamilton. She is improved a good deal by her by being away. Hope that she may have the privelege of graduating at our College.


We worked at our manure hauling again to day, or rather this forenoon. This afternoon Charley went out to Dover. While I have been spliting wood &c. We had a quarter of beef at sent to us this afternoon, by Mr. Thurlow. The cold weather still continues, and it is as windy as ever. Mr. Smith was up to spend the evening with us to night. I am still in favour with the Almighty, on account of His wondrous mercy & am Happy in Him.


I went over to hear Ebersoule preach this morning. This afternoon we are favoured with an excellent discourse from our Dear Minister J. H. G. His text was "That ye also may be one even as we are one". There are some glorious thoughts in connection with this subject. As Christ was is one with God so may we be one with Christ. As He was beloved of the Father so also may shall His love be towards us. Through Christ. What a precious union: Who can fathom its length breadth & depth.


To day we have been celebrating Christmass. Charley has been up to Brown's. While we have had our accustomed dinner at home. I went after my sister this morning. Besides her we had Miss Howell & John Matthews family with us. The weather has been very cold and blustery. Last night we had quite a fall of snow. Nora was here to day and we had an old fashioned sing together. She is quite anxious to go back to Hamilton. Hope that she may have the {illegible} privelege.


Charley has been threshing oats to day with the horses. I went out to Dover before noon to take my sister home. We had a very cold ride. The wind has been blowing to day, almost a hurricain and the snow has drifted a considerable. "Let all the earth keep silence before him." "Let all be dumb. Let none of them dare to open their mouths in the presence of the Lord. He alone is Sovereign, He alone is the arbiter of life and death. Let all listen to his commandments & obey His precepts."

[NOTE: scan of Dec. 28 & 29 entries appears to be missing.]


The past has been a very stormy day. Surely the old year is going out like a lion. Charley & I have not been doing but little today. My life. Oh, what is it! What has it been ! I have tried time after time to drive the fowls away from the sacrifice but alass! How poorly are my feeble efforts crowned without success, unless it be by the pure grace of God. The greatest difficulty in the way seems to be, to look away from earth to heaven, for strength.


Charley and I have been geting out manure to day, as usual, from the barnyard. The weather has been very favourable for our work. Mr. & Mrs. Murphy left us this morning. I can scarcely realize that this is the last day of 1870, & yet it is so. By the blessing of God I have just completed reading the Bible through on my knees, the second time. Have never read the Holy Scriptures with so much proffit as during the past year. This I attribute to in a measure to Dr. Addam Clarkes commentary, which I have often referred to.


Still another year has gone, with its joys and sorrows, hopes and fears. Its many opportunities for good too, are all past, never to return. But, alas! how many of them are or have been unimproved! Besides, many mistakes have been made made, and sins committed which will continue to bring forth evil fruit, even though they have been repented of in sack-cloth and ashes. Thank God; he has not yet called me to render an account of the deed done in the body else my repentance had been to that of the rich man in Lazaruss' time. The prayer of the Psalmist is often on my tongue Lord spare me that I may recover strength to be no more before I go hence to be no more". But there is another side to this picture. During the past year I have been favoured with many very precious manifestations of Divine grace. Perhaps more than in any previous year has the blessing of the Lord been upon me. It is here, indeed, that trials and difficulties presented themselves at


almost every step yet according to my faith in the precious promises of God, deliverances have as often come. I think that I can say as truly, as at the close of any {former? for year?}, that I have made some progress, towards the cellestial City. Generally Speaking I have enjoyed the blessings of a full salvation, though at times, I must confess that the wrath and condemnation of God have been upon me, for sins committed, often willfully.


Received. Paid.
1 85
4 " Mother For rails{?} &c 1 05
8 " For Postages &c 55
11. " " Grubbing{?} Cemetry{?}. 1. 00
13 " Tea Meeting 75
18 " Hired Girl 1 00
19 Recd. for FLour 300{?} lbs. 126{?} 00
" " " Beefs hide 68 lbs. {illegible} {illegible}
" Paid Mr. Lawson on A/C{?} 3 74.
" " Miss Howell 4 00
" " John Nicol 2 00
21 Rec. For Peas 10 Bu. 4 00
" Pd G. Matthews 4 00
" Recd For beef 145 lbs. .
23 Missionary Collections 50
$13 74 $19 04{?}

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“Courtland Olds Diary, 1870,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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