File #4432: "Olds,26.pdf"



=== TUESDAY, February 15, 1870. === We cut wood this forenoon but this afternoon I did not help but worked in the shop. Towards night my mother and I went up to Simcoe to hear Rev. Mr. Ormistons{?} Lecture on his travels in Europe. We found the roads very bad. The weather is now quite warm. & it thaws most of the time, hence the bad roads. The lecture to night did not meet my anticipations, although it was very good. Ormiston is upon the whole a very good Lecturer. His style is good and gestures excellent But there is no comparison between him & Punshon{?}. === WEDNESDAY, February 16, 1870. === Henry went to Mill for me to day while I have had Charley spliting wood at the house. I have been working in the shop &c. We had a lot of visitors to come just before dinner Bro. German and wife with Miss Howell. I have been visiting with them most of the afternoon Enjoyed it much. Had some conversation with my Bro. G. about that matter, which, these days, has much of my attention and most of my prayers. I do feel to thank God for friends to whom I can open my heart. Sympathy is a great want here.

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