=== SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1870. ===
To day Charley has been helping John Matthews thresh and I helped too this afternoon. I cleaned off the buggy this forenoon and made preperation for our proposed trip to St. George. I have unfortunately caught a very bad cold by some means or other and to night feel rather blue. Mother and Sisters family have gone up to Wilkinsons to night and I am staying at home. Am enjoying my loneliness much in prayer & meditation.
=== SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1870. ===
The weather has been very cold to day. So much so that we have not ventured away any where else to meeting. Bro. German was here to dinner. He brought Miss H. with him. She wants to go with ma & I up to St. George. Bro. German gave me a letter of introduction to a friend of his at present attending The Hamilton College. This circumstance has done me good because I take it to be a token of God's favour. It came unsolicited & unexpected, but I fear unmerited. Our meeting this afternoon was a good one throughout.
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