May 12th Manser Welt Toronto 3347
20 " " " 2181
27 2334
June 2 2325
9 " " " 2349
28 CP Carpenter 4725
" 20 Cash Sales 650
23 Cash sales 5680
June 16 Manser Welt Toronto 11543
24 " " " 32055
July 1st " " " 21391
8 " '' " 2303
8 R L Scott Aldershut 74840
26 Davidson Baunlington 5200
15 A Bullock Bul 24065
18 L Roobinson Elmurale
21 Broum and Co Bame 425
Manser Welt Toronto 1449
[Inside back cover]
Standing order for Manure
Berry Covering 5 cars
nov 10th 12th - 14 - 16 - 18Hotbed 5 cars
Feb 1st and 10th Mar 5th mar 10 and 20th