Franklin McMillan Diary, 1930


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1930


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


April 10 - December 31, 1930




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Burlington, Ontario

Date Created

April 10, 1930

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


Front cover with yellow sticker "1930"

[Inside front cove]

Season 1930

[First page]

April 10th Arrived home this afternoon. weather is fine. Alan broke his arm on arrival.

April 11th Men working at hot beds theyare just fiishing painting and the look {really?} good.

April 12 uloading 5th and {las cow of mannure?}

Sunday april 13th Fine + warm home. All day alone

Mon april 14th {illegible} ready to spray heads 7 galo emulsion to a tank everything out of order only got 2 tanks on

April 15 Very cold and windy {illegible} got one tank of spray on

April 16 still cold + windy still spraying. managed to get don. but very windy

April 17 Cold + cloudy in the morning. Nelson {ploughing?} affternoon.

April 18th {Soud?} friday fine {illegible} and slated uncovering Shawn Berms

April 19th uncovering Shawn Berms look fain but rows very light

April 20th Easter sunday Bright but cold. Strong east wind had {sev hammando} for supper

April 21st Runing the {illegible} Turned sick at noon. Dysentery I guess and every body with colds too.

April 22nd very cold. uncovering SB {Shawn Berms}

April 23rd Colds this AM. Froze an inch of ice. Thermometer 26 at 8 oclock.. at 10 am ground covered with snow real {squall} Gnawing manure off Shawn Berms

April 24 still cold froze ice again this AM

April 25 Started uncovering shawn Berms again slotted a few days it was as cold and funny felling hunk. Sick stomach

April 26th a little milder today Nelson {Ploughing man?} uncovering Shawn berms. My self doing nothing feel no good

April 27th Sunday home alone weather fine

April 28th Smith slate work again. Uncovering Shawn Berms yeh.

April 29th fine + warm slated transplanting tomatoes in front boxes.

April 30th {Fine bed?} planting tomatoes in boxes {4400} weather fine and warm

April 30 May 1st Transplanting tomatoes yeh. Had a big shower this morning. Had an examination by the dr. says to quit {wak?} for awhile

May 2nd Very windy today planting tomatoes and also planting cukes more showers + a thunder storm in the afternoon with hail as large as marbles.

May 3rd Strawberry plants arrived 12000 cost $51.00 for the plants $10.30 duty + $2270 {illegible} total $8450. They look pretty good.

Mat 4th Sunday fine + warm

May 5th Planting Strawberries with the planter done about 10000 today. very warm need rain {badly?} too. Cut 2 {ears?} asparagus for the {buist}

May 6th Planted out Cabbages 6000 this morning. very warm today a few of the early plums coming into blossom, strawberries planted yesterday look cooked. planted 20lbs {Davis Way} beans and put 1 ton of 4-16-8 fertilizer on raspberries and cut 8 {lohts?} asparagus.

May 7th + 8th + 9th still digging and planting strawberries also planted early corn and pumpkins. nearly done up. got two teeth pulled.

May 10th finished planting strawberries about 6 acres.

May 11th Sunday fine and warm

May 12th finished transplanting tomatos and planted 2 ozs cauliflower seed and 4 ozs bush vegetables marrows.

May 13th Watering {illegible} and started whoe strawberries

May 14th Light showers will do a lot of good men clipped horses chew wood and look stranger to get overhauled

May 15th still a few showers hoeing strawberries

May 16th Hoeing strawberrries

May 17th Colder today planting potates and replaning strawberries filling up.

May 18th Sunday cloudy and cold all day.

May 19th Rain all day biggest this spring also very cold. about 40 and 45 all day.

May 20th Clear and little milder. replanting strawberries yet. thousands dead of the first planting, bad roots and guess. warm weather then

May 21st Fine and warm men hoeing strawberries.

May 22 Very warm today hoeing strawberries

May 23rd warm about 90. Started planting out tomatoes.

May 24th a big change very cool today planting out tomatoes.

May 25th Sunday cold about 55 this afternoon. 32 at 5:30 this a.m. with a light white frost.

May 26th Planting tomatoes very cold light frosts and guess no damage here. Had to start spraying no good no pressure.

May 27th still cold plating tomatoes and got on 6 tanks of spary. a little milder tonight. looks like rain.

May 28th, cold and showering. spraying and hoeing strawberries.

May 29th, 30th and 31st. Windy and cold, frosts nearly every morning but not heavy to do any damage here. Spraying and hoeing strawberries, 27 tanks on now about 3 more to finish seems and be lots of cherries and plums and quite a lot of pears.

June 1st, Sunday warmer but very windy from South Wests.

June 2nd, finsihed spraying and planting tomatoes about 18000 in all.

June 3rd Planted out about 12000 peppers very warm and windy.

June 4th. Planting {illegible} marrows and peppers still very warm, finished planting about 15000 peppers in all.

June 5th men all hoeing cultivating and ploughing very warm over 90 had an examination at the Ham Clinic no report yet.

June 6th cooler today a few light showers hoeing new strawberries lots of them dead they say.

June 7th very cold west windand cloudy.

June 8th Sunday Cool

June 9th Hoeing and cultuvationg

June 10th showering heavy all day and cool

June 11th bright but cool got 3 more teeth pulled. picked first strawberries 4x36's sold at - 13er point

June 12th fine and warmer planted out cauliflower yesterday. ground in good shape but plants very small

June 13th the picked 14x36 strawberries sold at 10 at 20th 30, 18th, at 17th

June 14th fine and warm, men hoeing bushes, blackberries in full bloom now fast white . am afraid that they will be no good though

JUne 15 Sunday fine and warmer

June 16th a few light showers in the night and this morning picked strawberries in the rain sent 2 v crates to Toronto by our truck at 10 oclock sold at 10 00 25et {at 23 - et bat 18 th and down 700 20th 10et?} 2th crates noon, at 15 crates at night, 63 crates in all.

June 17th Bid slimey in berries down to 7et pint in Toronto

June 18th sold here today 102 crates to scott at 83/4 et and 25 to Davidson at 84

June 19th Showery and cold only picked 55 x 36 strawberries today. sold at 8 3/4 ets. June 20th cool. again picked 111 crates strawberries.

June 21st Dean and his boys out to stay a couple of days

June 22nd Sunday fine and warm

June 23rd our biggest picing of berries 196 and 27 crates

June 24thno picking today

June 25th Only 96 crates strawberries today and nearly done picked 2 {illegible} Richmond cherries and 2 of white sweets ripe very early this year

June 26th showery about noon. continued most of the day. picked 7 {illegible} Richmonds at 60th and 5 white sweets at 75 th

June 27 cold and cloudy and high winds picked 68 crates strawberries 20 crates Richmond cherries 14 crates sweets 75 4 white

June 28th Fine and cool {illegible} cherries again got on 6 1/2 {illegible}

June 29th SUnday fine and warmer. went to La Salle Park for a couple {illegible}

June 30 Very warm nothing picking on account of the

holiday tomorrow men still spraying takes 11 {illegible} to go our cherries

July 1stpicked 42 crates strawberries 55 Richmond cherries sold Scott at 57th 11x6 sweet . Big rain about 1 ochlock. lasted nearly all afternoon pickes all soaked.

July 2nd picked 77 Richmond cherries sold 45 of both 55th to shipped balance to Toronto sold at 30 to 44 ibs pre 11 etc.

July 3rd Picked 30 Richmonds and 10 sweets today

July 4 finished Richmond cherries had 205 x 11 baskets cut 6 crates cabbages sold at 90 x 20 black cherries at 75th

July 5 no picking today men hoeing old strawberry beds ... a little warmer looks like rain today picked 45 fruits ropes yesterday for the first sold at 254 fruit.

July 6th Sunday fine and warm

July 7th Picked 91 cherries sipped 66 north at 85th and sold 25 at - 75th and 22 x 6 qts black sweets at 754,,16 beans at 50th

July 8th 59 x 11 monts today 85th 23x 6's blacks. 4 beans

July 9th 78 cherries, 26 beans 29 x 6 sweet cherries black

4 crates prasps and 12 x 6 green peppers. the first of the season sold at 604 - {illegible} 6 qts.

July 10 Picked 262 cherries today prices 65 to 85th 15 beans at 40 and 50th

July 11 Only picked 98 {illegible} cherries and 3 crates rasps 25 {illegible} beans today 40x

July 12th picke 86 cherries for Scott at 70x and sen 7 rates Rasps to Toronto sold at 184

July 13th Rain and cool. another thunder storm in the night

Jult 14th Picked 416 x 11 cherries today and 6 crates cabbages

July 15th picked 314 x 4 cherries and 22 doz Cabbages. 14x11 pepper 21 crates Rasps sold at 13th

July 16th Picked 409 cherries today getting ccheap sold 150 to Scott at 624. 105 {illegible} at 654 balance north at 80th, 35 qts a dozne

July 17 Only picked 208 cherries today and 3 crates Cabbages

July 18 only picked 77 cherries shipped north a few at 80 but mostly 75th 5 cabbages and 11 beans picked one six quart of Tomatos and 1 x 11 Cucumbers for the first 11 days ahead of first picking last year. weather very warm.

July 19th Sat picked 13 crates Rasps - 106 x 11 cherries 65th 90 x 6 qts for Davidson 45th 25 for Scott 35th

July 20 Sunday very warm was down to {Hicks?} for tes Uncle Dave arrived yesterday a week.

July 21 Very busy 465 x 11 cherries from 67 1/2 to 75th 20 beans 40 and 45. 8 {illegible} 75th 8 crates 50th

July 22. Picked 33 crates Rasps 223 x 11 cherries today

July 23 Picked 2 and 3 x 11 cherries at 65 - 67nand 75th . 170 x 60's 42 1/2 15 crates cabbages - 50th 11 {illegible} 60 12 beans 40. worked till nearly eight oclock.

July 24 picked 175 cherries and 14 crates rasps very warm

July 25 vry warm and day only picked 54 cherries and a few beans and {illegible} strawberries crop totals was 374 x 36 pints and 412 x 275 quarts about half as many as last year and prices lower 12 1/2 at {illegible} last year and 11 et this year

July 26 picked 16 crates rasps and 142 cherries

July 27th. Very warm had {Grandma?} B - out for a {illegible} of cherries

July 28th terrible hot and day plants all wilting picked cherries a few rasps 21 bskts {baskets} tomatos shipped north at 90th also picked first plums Shiro (5) bskts at 70th and first vegetable marrow also first sweet peppers

July 29th cooler today. but no rain. a beg turn over at yesterdays Dominion election. Last term the Liberals Had 110 Seats. this year time Conservatives have 138 seats. Was at Mr Robt Allen's funeral some crowd there. he died suddenly Saturday morning

July 30. no rain yet and very warm picked a last 40 tomatoes sold at 90 754

July 31st picked one crate black berries for the first and 20 x 4 cherries

Aug 1st. Han a run on cabbages today 53 crates for Scott and Bullock, at 50 and crates - 80 tomatoes at 75 north and 60 crates to Deades. 29 cucumbers 55 andvery hot day yeh. finished picking cherries 39.5 x 11's mont 205 x 11's Richmonds 310 x 6's mont 160 x 6 sweets prices pretty low from 654 to deades 75 and 85 north

aug 1 beans done also had sold 232 {illegible} at from 35 to 11 504 {illegible} totaled $100.00

Aug 2nd nothing doing today. very warm also finished picking raspberries yeaterday had about 140 crates.

aug 3rd Sunday very warm had slow blow over and went for a icnic

aug 4th very warm yet picked 170 tomatoes, 92 plums, 15 cbbages

aug 5th no rain yet every thing gettting worse. Tornatos. Worst we ever had rough and day rot. picked 177 lohts, 36 plums 13 lohts apples and 17 Hamper apples.

Aug 6th. Picking tomatoes and plums. very hot

Aug 7th no rain yet picked 131 tomatoes shipped 60 plums and picking for {illegible} Jam {illegible}. sold him plums at 24 all except {illegible} at 1 1/2 all

Aug 8th first load to {illegible} 203 x 11 {illegible} plums. picked 223 tons sold 142 at 454 shipped 81 north at 60 and 6 crates Lawtons 17 plums and 100 x 6 qts plus Red Jams to Scott at 22th

aug 9 Saturday picked 154 tons and 122 plums for {illegible} for monday a.m.

aug 10th a big change in the weather. cool this morning. 66 at 10 a.m.

aud 11th a big day today 214 tons at 454 314 lums at 404 some peppers, cabbages, cucumbers, etc. fair and cool. saw the big {illegible} R.100 over here from England

Aug 12. weather fine and cool a big day but everyhing getting cheap.

aug 13. Tomatoes 30 to 40and picked 250 {illegible} plums at 30 and oicked 530 lohts in all also 100 dozne corn and 5 crates blackberries

aug 14 a light shower this a.m. and a thunder shower at 5 p.m. picked 150 tomatoes and 200 plums.

aug 15 took 261 plums to {illegible} this a.m. 215 ready to go tomorrow a.m. sold Scott 130 {illegible} 70 tomatoes and shipped 64 tomatoes and 8 crates Lawtons.

Aug 16 Saturday only shipped 26 tomatoes and sold Scott 100 plums

Aug 17 Sunday fair and cold was down to Johns for Supper.

Aug 18th A busy day. 30 lohts tomatoes at 30 and 35th. 11 red peppers

3 red peppers at $125, 7 cabbages 3 marrows crates and 423 lohts {illegible} plums

Aug 19 180 tomatoes 388 {illegible} plums also 25x6 {illegible}, 47 cucumbers at 254, 7 {illegible} peas at 604

Aug 20th 256 tomatoes today sold at 404 balance at 35th

Aug 21st another busy day. 275 tomatoes at 35th at 45th {illegible} 60th 46 {illegible} peas at 60th. finished {illegible} 222 lohts

aug 22 picked 378 lohts tomatoes sold at 35th and 40th. 20 {illegible} plums 60th also shipped 48x11 red peppers to Toronto. sold 10 at $100 38 at 75 {illegible}, finished corn, had 360 dozne sold for $80.00

Aug 23rd finished {illegible} favorite peas 122 ohts thus year sold at 50 and 60th

aug 24th cold and rainy

aug 25th picked 315 Tomatoes at 38 and 40, 60 plumes at 50 and 60th. 34 cucumbers 5 cauliflowers $100 crates

Aug 26th 231 toms today {illegible} in {illegible} 30 th and 40 and over 110 plums.

Aug 27 177 lohts tomatoes today and 168 plums 40 red peppers 854 and $100 13 crates cauliflowers sold at 50th 30 {illegible} peas 60th

AUg 28 not so busy only 137 tomatoes and 125 plums 57 cucumbers

Aug 29th nothing doing today. only picked 61 lohts tomatoes today men hoeing strawberries

Aug 30 went to Toronto and men hoeing strawberries

Aug 31st Sunday fine home all day

Sept 1st not so busy but picked about 300 lohts

Sept 2nd not very many orders only about 100 lohts. picking tomatoes for canning factory

Sept 3rd sold Scott 390 plums {illegible} Duks {illegible} and {Reine Clauds?} at 40th and shipped 34 lohts north only 44 tomatoes north 30th. 15 {Barttett?} peas

Sept 4t hardly any tomato orders only 25 lohts at 30 and 44 plums at 50th, 22 {illegible} 60th, 32x11 cabbages to Toronto sold at 30th. sorting peas for panning a lot of small ones 140 plums to {uptons?}

Sept 5 only shipped 10 plums and 15 tomatoes 17 peppers north shipped 50 red peppers to Toronto. 128 {illegible} Tomatoes to canning factory 142 plums to uptons 43 {illegible} peas to cannes.

Sept 6 saturday picking plums and peas for cannes and 48 pepper for Scott

Sept 7 Sunday fine went to Hammlton saw {Wileoys?}

Sept 8th sold scott a load of plums and pepers and shipped 90 lohts {illegible} stuff north and picked more peas for cannes

Sept 9 Got another load of plums to Cannes 75 {illegible} peas also only a few orders 29 loht Scott got 40 red peppers 65

Sept 10 Last of {illegible} gone 137 bushes in all. picked over 100 lohts cucmbers at 21 crates 60x6 Red peppers 105x11 red 27 greens. 59 plums 16 cauliflowers.

Sept 11 fine and warm took 116 {illegible} tomatoes to factory picked 146 {reme clauds?} 13 red peppers and 12 crates cauliflower

Sept 12th finished {reine clauds?} plums 1208 lohts sold Scott 50 tomatoes at 274 without covers and 60 eppers shipped 46 lohts fruit north and davidson got 101 plums.

Sept 13 picked 53 cucumbers at 20. 25 tomatoes 30, 9 cauliflowers $11.50 20 green peppers 304 a shower about 3pm Sept 14 Sunday fine and very warm had {Wileons?} for dinner

Sept 15th warm with a few showers shipped 41 tomatoes 4 peppers 2 cauliflowers 36 plums north. Scott 15 red peppers 3 cauliflowers, Davidson 81 Grand Duke plums and shipped To Torono 66x11 red sweet peppers

Sept 16 Showery picked about 150 lohts Smith still drunk have not seen him since Sunday.

Sept 17 finished grand dukes plimes (148) and picked 17 plums 7 cauliflowers 158

Sept 18th picked Howell pears for Davidson 73 bushes at $100 per bush and 55 more red peppers for Toronto 35 at 60ht, 20 at 50 th

Sept 19th picked 134 lohts peppers today sold greens at 30, reds 50 and very warm

Sept 20 no orders today

Sept 21 Sunday went down to the beach

Sept 22 fine and warm no orders North, sold Scott 35 peppers and 5 cauliflowers 35 shipped 110 Cauliflowers 10 red peppes to Toronto

Sept 23 Not many rder sold Scott our peaches 63 lohts at 50th

Sept 24 sold Davidson 68 cucmbers 20th 13 dills 40 shipping a laod of peppers and cauliflowers to Toronto.

Sept 25 showery today picked 25 peppers and 2 cauliflowers digging potatoes very small

Sept 26 a few more showers picked 200 lohta peppers today sold Scott 35 reds at 40 and 50 green hot at 25 and 81 green sweets 30 shipped 34 reds to Toronto and 7 cauliflowers

Sept 27 cold, men hoeing strawberries only order 5 crates cauliflowers

Sept 28 Sunday cool and cloudy had {Heatts?} over in the evening.

Sept 29 picking peppers and cucumbers

Sept 30 cool and picking peppers, hoeing and ploughing

Oct 1 picked peppers sold a few to Scott at 27¢

Oct 2nd first white frost of the season no harm done finished picking plums 23 plums

Oct 3rd to 7th fine and cool light white frosts still picking Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers

Oct 7th to 15th weather very fine an warm. slower all in bloom yet. fruit and vegetables all gone only puppers and pumpkins no sale for either had my {illegible} {illegible} out on Sat (oct 11th) {illegible} very sore yet

Oct 18th Change in the weather cold with gales from the west and first snowflurries of the season.

Oct 19th cold with strong winds snowflurries regular hurricanes reported Sat and Sun with snow some places 2 friday

Oct 20th to 27th weather cool and cloudy some frost at night no rain

Oct 27th to nov 5th mostly fair white frost at night some fogs turning colder tonoght

Nov 5th to 11th weather fine and moderately warmer work about all done Smith pruning, ploughing all done shipped 18 crates Cauliflower on Nov 6th sold at $200 crates also shipped 75 peppers (not sold yet) not much sale for Them loaf lot. sold from 25 to 50¢ lohts 50¢ {illegible} for a {Feur Lorque Rod Sweets?}

Nov 12th to 24th Weather mixed cloudy and very foggy

Nov 25 turning colder work about all done prunning nearly done

Nov 26 and 27th very cold only 7 above xero {illegible} a.m. Smithes unloading 2 {illegible}{illegible} for strawberry canning

Nov 26 to 29th Cold and frosty

Nov 30 Sunday Had {illegible} out for the day weather rainy

Dec 1st and 2nd very cold {illegible} 4 from zero at 830 this a.m.

Dec 4th milder aain unloading {illegible} and canning strawbarries

Dec 5th mild and foggy had {illegible}{illegible} on Radio for an hour real good.

Dec 6th mild and rainy Sat up late had KFI Los angeles at 1:30 a.m. also had Diner Florida, Texas. 6 khohoma and St Petersburg Florida heard amos and ndy there at 7 oclock had 53 Stations tonight

Dec 13th Weather fine and not very cold Smith quite weak tonight

Dec 15th and 16th Very cold about zero the last two nights

Dec 20th milder the last few days finished last car of marrows today

Dec 24th weather has been a little cooler had a couple of inchs of snow today

Dec 25th Christmas Day down to Johns for the day it was a lovely day fair, not too cold and a couple of inchs of snof on the ground, light south winds blowing

Dec 26 and 27th milder and cloudy snow all gone again

Dec 30th fair and moderatly cold went to Hamilton lot a goose 32¢ a {illegeble} 14th {illegeble} $4.50

Dec 31st colder today started snowing about noon.

1930 Last of Varieties of plums for 1930

Shiros - 418x11's

Red plums 515x11's 100x6's

Abundance 33x11's

Burbank 2266x11's 25x6's

Bradshaws 138x11's

Lombards 45x11's

Greengags 376x11's

reine clauds 1208x11's

monarch 120x11's

Damsons 11x11's

Prunes 36x11's

Grand Duks 808x11's

Total plums 5974x11 qts 125x6qts

prices ranged at 2 crates a lb for greens and reds and th of a lb for Burbanks at Jam Factory Dealers prices about the same after paying for baskets. Prices up north about 10 crates a loht higher Pears for 1930

Clapps favorite 122 lohts sold at about 50¢ and 60¢

Bartletts 150 lohts at 60¢

// Culls 87 // at 30¢ in Toronto

// Bushes 137 {illegeble} Cannes at 3 and 3 1/2 a lb

Howells 10x11 at 50¢

73 {illegeble} at $100

Duchess 6x11

17 bushes

{illegeble} 7 lohts

Kieffer 23 lohts at 30¢

Season 1929

Total sales








Oct 27 Alan Davidson Ban $ 7300

27 alan Davidson ban 3565

27 upton James Ham. 68638

Oct29 DS Letster Barkstos 8400

31 HM Shaw Trout Greek 7200

31 R J. Scott Aldeslut 1475

R.t. Aumstory Buktalls 285

Haie Rus Broeebudge 13914

G Senclair Coilles 3790

A E Johnston Sunduge 585

Nov 5 manear Welt Toronto 4746

11 C P Corpeuter Winone 655

12 Manear Welt Toronto 2419

15 J W Treyer Buktalls 1200

17 Manear Weltt Toronto 3926

Dec 3 Manear Welt 2927

3 Hutetusion Burs Bradlidy 3570

18 Canadian cannes Brand 27875

24 CW Sharpe Buktalls 310

29 A P Wonod Tollentorn 1000

Cost Sale 16764


Oct 2. 9 Davidson Bul 25510

4 Msm Rallop Cookstown 225

4 Wm Peek Bulstalls 15232

7 M Well Toronto 4339

Oct . J D Steward Thomton 6375

{illegeble} W V {Fuy?} Thomton 1755

Sumpson Tottenham 285

H Rumi Tottenham 4345

Oct 14 John Saso Bame 5116

F D Caneille Bame 25.00

G. W Mehus Beeton 25.70

Manser Welt Toronto 48.56

6 Davidson Bud 174.30

15 C Pearpenter {Wuinona?} 21.50

22 Wilson Hamilton 22.02

22 R. J. Scott 197.05

22 Manser Welt 1257

15 S. R. Trading Co 6100

22 JR Coure Cookstown 4500

25 PJ Maum Breadlidge 7550


Sept 9 Ham and co port {Cauling?}

9 D S Litster Buktalls 11145

9 Manser Welt Toronto 32.23

11 A Davidson Bul 19130

11 T monkmaw Cookstown 2860

12 J W Troyer Bukstalls 6305

10 T.S. Trewslton {illegeble} 4952

15Manser Welt Toronto 7323

22 R J Scott Aldebet 33392

22 C P Capenter W mona 825

23 Manser Welt Toronto 3132

A A Johnston Sumdridge 7897

J D Wisdom Allandele 785

R T Armstrong Bukstalls 515

25 C P Carpenter W mona 15725

25 A Davidson Bul 10704 27 C W Sharpe Bukstalls 17390

27 SJ Anderson Curstand 1030

30 M Welt Toronto 1490


Aug 20 Rhymal Hamilton 432

21 F D Canalla Banie 1875

21 WM Peek Buktall 12840

21 SJ Anderson Ausland 3325

22 P J Mauin {Breaebege?} 14825

Aug 23 R.J. Scott Aldestbat 65656

25 A Davidson Bul 15409

Sept 2 Manser Welt Toronto 6807

3 G Williamson Tottenham 400

4 G W Michols Beeton 11625

S Ruier Trading Co 9310

W.V. Fuy Thomton 3100

Sumpson Tottenham 4630

H Runin Tottenham 9475

J R Couse Cookstown 8770

Hare Burs Braeebridge 211.28

Sept 5 CP Carpenter Wimona 8607

6 R J Scott Aldersbet 36195

6 Hutehrison Braeebridge 33143


July 23rd A Bullock Bu 144.95

25 A Davidson Bul 17810

25 Upton Jam Co Hamilton 878.83

28 R J Scott Aldersbet 659.66

28 L Robinson Elmurole 16.45

28 Manser Welt Toronto 71.24

29 R L Scott Aldershut 2622

31 July Cash Sales 14160

Aug 7 D. S. Litster Bukstalls 9390

8 C P. Carpenter 9850

8 CW Sharpe Bukstalls 152.20

12 Allan Davidson 133.40

C P Carpenter 3618

MS Gallop Cookstown 1250

J F Cullingham Cookstown 450

15 Hare {Bire?} Braebridge 23749

15 T.S. Trenonth {illegeble} 67.25

16 A. Davidson Bul 300.90

18 R L. Scott Aldershut 59185


May 12th Manser Welt Toronto 3347

20 " " " 2181

27 2334

June 2 2325

9 " " " 2349

28 CP Carpenter 4725

" 20 Cash Sales 650

23 Cash sales 5680

June 16 Manser Welt Toronto 11543

24 " " " 32055

July 1st " " " 21391

8 " " 2303

8 R L Scott Aldershut 74840

26 Davidson Baunlington 5200

15 A Bullock Bul 24065

18 L Roobinson Elmurale

21 Broum and Co Bame 425

Manser Welt Toronto 1449


[Inside back cover]

Standing order for Manure

Berry Covering 5 cars

nov 10th 12th - 14 - 16 - 18Hotbed 5 cars

Feb 1st and 10th Mar 5th mar 10 and 20th

Transcription Progress



Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 1.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 2.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 3.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 4.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 5.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 6.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 7.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 8.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 9.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 10.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 11.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 12.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 13.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 14.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 15.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 16.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 17.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 18.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 19.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 20.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 21.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 22.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 23.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 24.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 25.pdf
Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 26.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1930,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,
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