=== TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1870. === The boys have been working at the wood pile again to day. I went up to Simcoe this forenoon and found the roads very bad indeed, worse than I ever remember seeing them before. I settled up some little accounts in Simcoe and came away better spirited. How tenderly does our Heavenly father care for His trusting confiding children. O Lord 'give me grace that I may render unto thee all the glory as well as my life--my all. I have manifested a rebellious ungrateful spirit to day. But may the Lord have mercy upon me. === WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1870. === Charley fixed up some fence along the Side Road. This afternoon Henry helped him saw wood with the cross-cut saw. I have been working at my harrow as hard as possible all day. I am geting it pretty well done. O, how thankful I am that I am not always required to walk without the glorious presence of the blessed Redeemer. Some days I get well nigh discouraged but the past has not been one of those days. He has of a truth annointed me with the oil of gladness above my fellows
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