File #44604: "Francis Goring 1790 Diary 24.pdf"



{page one} August 26th. 1793 Stolen out of my Garden a fine Shirt a Stock & a Muslin Cap. at Night ---------------- -------------- American Commifsioners that went to treat for Peace with the Northern Indians return'd here from Detroit without setting any thing with them. Gene'l I. Lincoln, Colo'l Pickering and Governor. -------------Sep'r. 4th.------------------ Invited the Neighbours to plow had 6 Plows & Teams plow 3 Acres -------------------Sep't.16th----------------- Mr. Adam Chrysler died this Morning -----------------11th------------------- Isaac Vroomans Wife died ---- Elizabeth --------------24th Dec'r------------ Old John Reed at 10 Mile Creek Died ----------Oc'r. 2d ------------------- James Hyett & family left this for the Colonies in a boat ------------------8th------------------ Sow'd 4 1/4 Bushels Wheat in the field that Rice Clear'd -------------------------9th--------------------- Sow'd 3 1/4 Bushels Wheat on Wheat Stubbles ----------------- ----------------- John Stacey 6 days work with Team 1-16- John Collard 3 days . . . do . . 1..4- Jefse Page Threshing 2 days . . 0..8- to {cut off} L3..8 {page two} Oct'r 12th. 1793 Kept no School from 7th to the 14 Lost 1 Week Threshed & Cleaned 14 3/4 Bushels Wheat &c ---------------------- ---------------- No frost till 15th. Octo'r to do any harm ---------------- Oct'r. 29th -------------------- Tuesday 29th Oct'r. A Soldier of the 5 Regiment was Shot at Niagara for Deserting his post, this is the first Execution known here ----------------Nov'r 1st & 2d------------ Left two day Schooling. working on the Road ----------------------------9th.10th.11th-------------- Left 3 days Schooling, lag weather 1 day, at the Funeral of Mr Lampmans Child, 1 day, & working Road 1 day. ---------------13th. Nov'r.-------------------- The first Snow this Evening about Shoe dep went off in two days. ---------------28th----------------------- An other snow that went away --------------Dec 11th.------------------ Sold David Secord my white faced Cow for L8..0..0. -------------------18th------------------------- A Snow and beun to fodder Cattle in earnest
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