File #4462: "Olds, 56.pdf"



=== SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1870. === Charley still keeps ploughing. Will is also to work as usual. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to see about geting a new plough, or my old one repaired. Concluded that the latter way would be the most economical, as he offers to make it into a new one for $12. They that observe the first Commandment says Dr. Clark--"See God in all things--think of Him at all times--has his mind continually fixed upon God--acknowledges Him in all his ways--who begins, continues, and ends all his thoughts, words and works, to the glory of His name". === SUNDAY, APRIl 17, 1870. === We could not go away from home today on account of rain. We were disappointed this afternoon in not having our minister. We had a good prayer meeting however, and this made up partly for the disappointment. I met with a precious idea not long since, in Dr. Clarkes' remarks on the Lord's prayer. Speaking of--"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" he says that as the holy angels do not mingle iniquity with their loving obedience in heaven so He teaches us to pray that we may do his will on earth". And yet many would have us believe that this is impossible.

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