=== WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1870. === To day It has not been fit to work out on account of rain. The boys fixed up fence this forenoon this afternoon worked arround the barn. I have been working in the shop most of the the day. There has been in my mind the past day a good deal of uneasiness and doubt because some things do not come to pass as I would wish. But this I know is not right. I ought so to trust in the Lord that my soul might be like Mount Sion which cannot be moved. Lord help me to do all that thou requirest! === THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1870. === The boys have been fixing up fence to day. It is so weat that we can no nothing else. I have been working at a new wagon-rack and am geting it nearly done. This morning on rising my first desires were for a fresh plunge in the fountain opened up too sin and uncleanness. I felt a lack of strength but on making the effort found that my strength was renewed, as the eagles. The result of my interview was, another victory over the enemies of my soul. Had also at noon another precious season when I was even more than ever filled with His Love.
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