=== SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1870. === I finished sowing one field to day with barley. The five acre lot east of the house. This afternoon I went out to Dover on business and to attend the meeting of the Quarterly board. The first regular meeting of the kind, I think, that I ever attended. There was lively times for a while amongst some of the brethren and the business of the meeting could not could not be properly closed up on account of deficiency of in the ministers salary. Another effort is to be made and another meeting held. === SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1870. === This morning I went out to attend the Quarterly Meeting Service at Dover. The love feast was a delightful season from the presence of the Lord, The sermon, too, was excellent and the attendance large. My soul was much blessed throughout this service. But, alas! To night my heart is sad with the remembrance of a partially misspent day. Some of the Lords own reserved time has been missimproved. My priveleges have been glorious but oh now little my life has reflected his immage. How little the gratitude that I have felt toward my Heavenly Father.
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