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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of June 1880 Finished hoeing the corn very warm Thunder windy and Fine West Wind Randolph set a small Line got 2 EEls and a Perch St Batteau here for his Pay from the old man Dr Durocher for fishing Weeding the Onions
26th Warm a Pic Nic at Hamiltons Island Mr White Dr Bergin and Dan McMaster
27th very warm
28th Raining Fine Windy Put out 70 Tobacco Plants Randolph Got an EEl at the Potatoe Bugs
29th St Peter Windy at the Potatoes
30th Randolph and I crofsed to J Hamiltons Brought Pike EEl Got a Bag of Potatoes Bought of J Summers RRR 25 cents 3 yds Calico 33 cents Paid Bought of Mr Ward comb 10 cents Gave Mr Derushie 25 cents for a Knife to take from Tow{cut off} Bohemian Broke and Canal
1st of July Dominion Day Gabriel to Montreal with Fish
2nd East Wind went Trowling Randolph and I went to J Lemays Tent took what we thought he would value most 2 Lines snoods hooks oil can pail pitcher net Decoys Quilt saw oar paddle Tin Basin Left Lots of things as my Canoe Leaks
3rd Keeping the 4th of July the Yankees Fine
4th Sunday Jim Hopkins is here yesterday
5th Our Johns Birth Day 1803 - 77 years
6th Commenced to mow around the House and Barn put in some to Day
7th Mowing the Grove the old man Gabriel came away for a Week as he was sick the St Francis up the First Trip since she was Broke since the Bohemian Broke the Locks
8th Burdo to Ogdensburgh cut a {illegible} for them Down at the Tent Leander's Foot sore
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Mr James Cameron Island
July the 9th 1880 Mowing
10th Randolph crofsed to the store Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea Tobacco 10 cents Got a Basket of cakes from J Hamilton Randolph stopt all night
11th Randolph came home
12th of July Orangeman's Day I crofsed to Summerstown Bought 7 yds of Calico 77 cents John and I up to the store Dishaw here for some of his things I took from the Kit Kit towels Bought of Wards salt 15 cents stopt at Hamiltons all night
13th high E Wind came home
14th cutting and putting in hay
15th St Swithens Day Went to Dundee Got Mr Burdo's Boat Bought of Mr Long hayfork 50 cents Bottle of oil 25 Rakes 15 1 scythe stone 10 cents Bought of Burdo 1 scythe stone 10 Bought of 1 lb of Tea 40 Starch 10 soap 10 cents Butter Tub 25 Tobacco 5 Fine salt 20 cents Hops from Mar 15 hair pins 5 cents Essence of Peppermint 10 pan of Bread for Mr Burdo 25 cents Got 2 Forks fixed at the Blacksmith 40 cents Got the Present of a Book from Mr Tuthill of Fort Covington Brought my clock to Get Fixed Brought Mr Tuthills his cup he Forgot went he was down Fishing Got a Lot of Papers from Mr Baker
16th Mowing and Taking in
17th Mowing AJ Baker Wife not ver well
18 Writing for Mr Durushie
19th Fernandez Birth Day 1874 Mowing
20th at hay
21 Mowing
22nd crofsed to Summerstown Calico 4 yds 25 cents Hugh Ann Bought of J Summerstown 1 scythe 90 cents
24 George Renshaw here
25th Fine
26th storm of South West Wind and movd the Barn Broke Down cherry Trees hicory Butternut Basswood Levelled the corn Flat on the Ground Broke the End of the Cookhouse in
27th Mowing some
28th Raining and hailing Mr
29th Mr Dishaw here for Butter, Got Plain saw Pitcher
30th Putting in 40 cocks Peter Back here
31st Traded for Horse with Peter Back