James Cameron Diary, 1880
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 5 1880 Crofsed got a Ride up and Down from J Hamilton council at Camerontown Charles Craig Elected for counciller Brought over 5 lbs 10 lz of Butter to Mr Ward Bought 1 lb Tea 60 cents RR Relief 25 2 spools of Thread 10 cents Matches Got a Phamplet from Dan Got 3 Papers from AJ Baker the ice very slippery put on my creepers a very fine Day E Wind some cold to night James Grant treated me at Summers
6th Raining some and Hail E Wind
7th E Wind Fine Cold Went to J Hamiltons to help them with Thrashing Grant and Dunn Mill Thrashing Oats Heard Cunningham at the Depot was Dead
8th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 14 years old to Day me at Hamiltons John Went to Cornwall to Give Back a Book he never signed for 12..50 cents fine Frosty & Wind
9th a Fine Day E Wind a Social at Charles Craig's to night made near 20 Dollars Thrashing Wheat wind changed to West to night and High
10th Fine high West Wind Finished the Thrashers at 12 O clock came Home some Big cracks and Bursts in the ice Tuesday the 6th I heard the ice crack or Burst acrofs the River Down Below Rofs'es Island it Burets there every year very slippery Walking for the Road are all ice Hard for Cattle to go to Water
11th Sunday very Cold through the night commenced Rain
12th around the yard and Barn Turning the canoe see the Big White owl
13th Digging the snow of the pile of wood Before the Door cleaning the pipes East Wind
14th E Wind went up to the Bay cut Down a Dead cherry Tree in the Grove cutting stove Wood
15 a very fine Day West Wind cutting Wood ice cracking a Great Deal William McLeod Departed
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 16th 1880 Fine ice slippery Went to Hamiltons E Wind a Little snow Fixing the crack at the Head of the Island John Hamilton to Cornwall about his Book Lost 1 of their pigs a social at Akin's to night and a Dance at Barretts
17th Fine Day snow soft Drew some Wood William McLeod Buried to Day E Wind 2 sleighs with Lumber passed up Before the Door they must come from Lancaster
18th Gordon Came Got an Almanack from Dan From Toronto Gave Gordon a pair of sox and a pair of mits Fine E Wind some Drops of Rain Water on the ice
19th I went to F Covington to Get my Boots Fixed Water on the ice Rained some E Wind Fine Lots of Ducks Flying Bought 2 Bars of soap 4 sticks of Licquorice pipes got a Ride from Christopher Laroque up to Mill Mrs Suple sprained her Foot seen Lucretia Macilwain
20th Wind snowing Drifting Freezing put the marsh hay from the stack in the Barn Stormy
21st St Agnefs Day an unfortunate DAy Breaking Roads Drew some Wood seen 1 Cutter crofsing on the Lancaster Road none crofsed this some time a Fine Day W Wind to Day
22nd Princefs Louise Leaves England for Canada E Wind stormy Rained and Hailed chopping stove Wood cutting Hay Black and Blary a Hard Fight about even Broke on a pail or Tub of Butter
23rd Rainind south West Wind soft Blustering Snowing Fine Drew some Drags
24th Charles Tuppers Birth Day West Wind chopping stove Wood all our Marsh Hay Done some Cold
25th Robie Burns Birth Day Fine Day E Wind
Sunday 26th crofsed to Hamiltons with the Mare for the First time I took her acrofs took 20 lbs and 3 oz of Tallow to Mr Ward Left the Hide at Hamiltons they will take it up got 6 pairs of Boots from AJ Baker Bought Matches and pipes 4 cents for Flour & a Bag of Potatoes from J Hamilton took over My Wheat and 5 1/2 of Corn Randolph and I Made 3 Trips acrofs to Day had Dinner & supper at Hamiltons
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Mr James Cameron Island
Jany 27 1880 Raining E Wind Drew some Drags soft chopping Hay in the Mow Lots crofsing on the East Road
28th W Wnd a Heavy squall or 2 came passed to the South A Fine Day Broke 2 Pains of Glafs in the the Window seen some Ducks in the air hole went to the Lower Point a Good Deal of Travel on Summers Road commenced to Freeze some to night soft all Day chopping Stove Wood
29th Tommy Jack & Gordon here Brought Down the Ram Fanned my Wheat 2 1/2 Bushels Filled my Bag so I had 4 Bushels Took my 2 Boxes Down that I had my Wheat in Went up to Mr Wards with the Hide 52 lbs at 7 cents Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb of Tea a Fine Day E Wind Toms Dog Towser stopt all night Told Mr Ward to put 25 cetns toward the Social Heard an Indian Lost his Team of Horses crofsing up at Grey Creek
30th Went to Mill cold E Wind Went to Hamiltons took the Dog with me 4 Bushels of Wheat 5 1/2 of Corn very cold going and coming got home at 10 Clock Bought 5 yds of Cotton for Tom at Mr Long's in at Tyo's Got 2 almanacks at Mr Congdons after getting hom it got Warm John came Down with my Grist a Big Social at Summers's that Mr Ward is Making Wind changes to the West Raining and Blowing very hard to night it will be a Put Back to the Social
31st Last Day of the Month Fine W Wind snowed some in the morning cutting Wood split some Rails Found a nest in the stable Loft 4 Eggs in it
1st of February stormy W. Wind
2nd Fine Drew some Wood
3 Stormy E Wind snowing Drifting 4th Cutting some Wood Drew some Drifting W Wind some cold) ( on the 2nd Candlemas Day the Bear comes out to Day he will see his shadow)
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feb 3rd 1880 John Angus Married to Day Most awful stormy Day high East Wind and Snow Drifting Blustering I did not Water the Cattle to Day the First they mifsed since I first Watered Cattle An Unfortunate Day
4th cutting Wood Drifting Drew some W Wind cold
5th Cold E Wind cutting Wood
6th Drawing Wood Gordon and Tommy Jack here told me about John Angus being Married
7th an Unfortunate Day Cold E Wind cutting stove Wood
8th Gordon's Birth Day 1863 High High West Wind Drifting Blew the Water out of the air-hole away Down in the Bay cold to night
9th Unfortunate Day cut some Drags West Wind very Frosty the air-hole is shut up to Day the one up in the Bay the one at the Sturgeon Island is got short and narrow to Day and it will Get a Pretty hard one to night as its Freezing very hard cut a Waterhole for the Cattle Tied Maud tonight as she opens the Door of her stable
10th cold Frosty Windy E Wind went to Bush cut one tree Down
11th Ash Wednesday Tom Jack and Gordon came Brought me a Bag of Potatoes Gave them a Bag of Corn for seed Drawing Drags a Fine Day
12th A Fine Day Randolph Drove me up to Hamiltons I went to Williamstown Got a Game Law Bill from Dan Wind High Thawing hard I went to Williamstown seen John Angus's Wife for the first time
13th Came home John Angus Drove me out to Roses Fine Day Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb of soda 4 spool of thread 15 cents credit Bought Matches paid for Matches took supper at Hamiltons Got a chunk of cheese from Mrs Hamilton Ice slippery snowed to night Janet McDonell poorly with Rheumatism old Mrs Nicholson poorly
14th St Valentines Day Drew some Drags Fine Blowing
15th Gordon came a Fine Day speaking to Gordon about the sugar Bush
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feb 16 1880 crofsed to Hamiltons Went with John up to Mr John Craigs took Dinner there Bought of Derushie a Darning needle Got a Gazzette the Almanack and 5 Globes from Dan the MMP crows came Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 Bushel of Salt comb Candlewick a Bll 4 cents
18th James Hough's Birth Day 1855 A Fine Morning I went to Hopkins turned to Rain and W Wind Lots of Water on the ice coming home First Time of me being in the New Hotel Got 10 cents from Jim so I would have a Treat for the first time I was there Jim 2 Treats seen a Large Pike Mr Kibby caught this morning Weighing 14 lbs some oz Tried the Ice where there going to Build the wharf
19th Young Henery Bosell here for the Sugar Bush Frosty Fine W Wind
20th chopped Stove Wood Tom Jack after 1 1/2 inch Auger got it Going the Ice from Lancaster up around Frashers Point a Horse Runaway acrofs to Fort Covington Wrights chopping and splitting Rain
21st crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb of Tea 60 2 spools of Thread 10 cents Races to Day and yesterday in Dundee Gray Charlie Lost as the Race was sold Donald Cameron Took a appoplectic Fit coming to Summerstown stopt at John Hamiltons all night
22nd Washingtons Birth Day Sunday Came From Hamiltons a fine Day
23rd In the Bush chopping Firewood Randolph and I Fine Duncan Cameron Departed at Summers's Summerstown Burried in Williamstown
24th chopping Fine
25th Duncan Cameron Buried to Day Drawing Wood
26th Crofsed to Summerstown Met Miles Leclair and Jaco Bl{illegible} going to Fish EEls Bought of Mr Ward castor oil 10 cents Tax paid Kerosene oil Matches paid Got 3 pipes from J Summers got papers from Dan Races in Lancaster Fine Day Water {illegible}
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feb 26th 1880 William Morris Archy Smith and Rodney Briggs here to night about 9 or 10 oclock coming from Lancaster with a Load of saw Dust their Horses got in and Drowned stopt till Morning
27th Jim Hopkins and Charlie and Waggoner and Bill Jacky Smith and Rodney and I went Down with Jims Team and got the sleigh out and Towed up chopping Stove Wood Fine water on the ice Lots of snow Birds crows Gilbe Laroque came over from Hopkins on the Road to got to Lancaster
28th Seen 3 Wild Geese to Day Raining Fine went up to Bush went to the Lower Point cut an oak tree not feeding much to the cattle as they are out in the Feilds Picking saving the Hay
29th Intercalary Day Fine Began to Blow and Blowed Hurricane of West Wind
1st of March snowed Fine Splitting Rails and Troughs
2nd Chopping Wood Fine
3rd Went to Salmon River Fort Covington Bought 6 yd Cotton cents 3 yds Flannel 90 cents 4 yds of Calico 28 Matches 1 cent soda 10 {cut off}ap 6 High Wines 30 cents Sold 14 Rats at 11 cents for 10 Rats for 5 1/2 centa a Dollar & 32 cents Got 1 Dollar from Vin Ice Pile Going up hard frost Last night coming home Lots of Water on the Ice Fine Day Jim Hopkins cutting ice for his ice house had a Treat from Judge Wilson and very old Friend Mr Meurs Election yesterday F Covington
4th Gordon Came to cut Wood for Sugar Bush made some Trousers
5th Gordon crofsed snowing some Made some Spoils
6th Ice opened Draw in Wood splitting Rails snowing some Horse crofsed Summers's Road Randolph and I to Head of the Island
7th Dog Went off
8th Put the sheep in the Barn cutting Brush Frosty E Wind Fine
9th cutting Brush cold
10th set some Traps for the Mink cold E Wind
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 11 1880 Cold E Wind a Sleigh with one Horse crofsed to Frashers on the South Side passed the Foot of the Island and came Back Drawing Wood
12th On this Day of Month Dell McMaster First came to the Island cold and Fine a Buggy went up one Driving and 2 Men Trying the ice and a Dog along with them the Buggy came Back and crofsed at the Head of the Island on My Road where they Landed on either side I Dont Know
13th E Wind Drew some Firewood to the camp Randolph and I no Birds nor Ducks though the ice opened so Early very frosty time this is the Earliest it ever opened here But Good going outside of the holes a Sleigh one Horse an Indian Came Down the ice crofsed at the Foot of the Island Got a squirrel in the Trap set for Mink a Good Lot of Travelling on the Lancaster Raod
14 Sunday Cold in Morning The Baby Born Stanley E Wind
15th Fishing EEls got 1 Bait for the Mink
16th E Wind morning Fine turned stormy I crofsed A Tyo and Tom Frasher crofsed at the Head of the Island where crofsed in the Morning all Broke up J Hamilton drove me up Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb Tea 60 1 lb of soda 10 Castor oil 10 Pail 25 Soap 2 Bars one 7 and the other 9 on credit Tax paid Matches 5 Met Tom Frasher and made him go Between the airholes ice Back
17th St Patricks Day Janet McDonald Departed Dan McGreggor and Bill Hosesworth here sold Maud 20 sold Nory 14 Dollars 34 Dollars for the 2 went up as far John Hamiltons John sold a cow a Fine Day Got 20 Dollars and John Hamilton will get the Rest as he is Going up
18th Crofsed Got 14 Dollars from John H Bought of Mr Ward {illegible} lbs of Barley a paper, pins & Sweetys Settled up to H Paid all I owed him to Day continued
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Mr James Cameron Island
18 March 1880 a sale up at Russels Viponds a Bee Exchanged my Pail Gave Gordon 17 cents Donald Cameron Poorly Mr Ward at Cornwall
19th Janet McDonald Buried to Day Drew some Wood a Fine Day Randolph Tapt 7 Trees
20th First Day of Spring Fine snowed some Heard Wild Geese yesterday James Grant here with an account of 3..33 cents But I am of opinion he owes me Drew some stones to the wharf took some of the sugar Bush Rigging to the Bush Tapt 9 Trees Fixing the Jumper Fine snowed some E W and South Wind
21st Palm Sunday Fine W Wind 4 Men crofsing on the ice crofsed above the Head of the Island came Down the River
22 Livinia's Birth Day a very fine Day Drawing Firewood took home 3 pails of sap
23rd E Wind Fine turned Stormy very Large Flakes of snow coming Down heavy Cutting stove Wood ice opening some
24th cleaning the Double Barreled Gun chopping Stove Wood
25th Annunciation of Virgin Mary sawing Stove Wood W Wind Blustery
26th John H B Day Good Friday Drawing a very Fine Day W Wind Fishing EEls Lost the axe in one of the EEl holes Drew some wood cleaned the troughs Tapt 2 Trees some wild Geese
27th Fine Wind high some of the Jambed ice going Down not opening well with hard Frosts every night
28th Easter Sunday the Sun Did not Dance this morning but a Fine Day
29th Gordon came to Tap Tapt to Day
30th Boiling some {cut of} Gallons of syrup
1st of April all Fools DAy Gordon Crofsed Bought of Ward Handle 10 1/2 lb Tea
31st St Bath{illegible} & 2 Boys in Sugar Bush took Dinner at Head of the Island Got a Game law from Dan
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Mr James Cameron Island April 11 1880 Snowing Blowing Drifting Boys in the Bush sugarin of what they Boiled yesterday Feed of the stable Loft Fine North West Wind
12th Tapt some Trees Wrote a song Down
13th in the Bush Bad with a cold
14th Some Thunder for the first time 2 Boys in the Bush
15th all the Children in the Sugar Bush E Wind
16th A Steamer went Down and the Princefs Louisa came from Dundee to Summerstown High E Wind Sugarin in the Bush to night Raining Hailing South E Wind very unwell Light Lit up on Cherry Island to night Yellow hammers Came Peewits Came shot at a flock of Wild Geese Fixing some Stones at the wharf the Duck began to Lay made 32 bs of Sugar tonight
17th Princefs Louisa went Down
18th Our Duncans Birth Day Randolph Bismarck and I Down to the Kit Kit Island
19th cut a Runner for the Jumper Mr Dunlop an Mr Derushie the Fisherman came Gordon crofsed to the store Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 30 1 lb of soda 10 3 lbs of nails 15 Box of Matches 15 Brought Handle Bottle of Radways 25 95 cents
20th Making a Runner for the Jumper Windy
21st set a hen Hatch Taking away the Banking from the West End of the House Mr Derushie and Gordon set a net Fine and Windy Put the Tobacco Seed in Dish for plants set the Back Marsh Lines Drew some stones to Wharf Mr Hills Ligh and Mr Johnstons in the Ho{illegible} light up to night for the First and Mr Hamilton s
22nd at the Banking putting out manure
23rd St Georges Day Fine Day
24th Jennie Calved Wrote a Letter for Gabriel Derushie
25th St Marks Day Wind Rain all Kinds of Weather
26th Raining the Windy Gordon crofsed took over all his sugar
27th Drawing Rails Making Picquets Murdock Murchisons Wife Buried to Day Mrs Currie to Be Buried tommorow Alexandra went Down Lemays Fishing on the Kit Kit Island Building a Tent
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 2 1880 Gordon came from Hamiltons Had Potatoes Buchwheat Flour 2 Canoes of Indians EEl Fishers stopt in the Tent and when they went of stole some Boa{cut off} in the Bush
3rd Drawing Stones to the Wharf
4th Foxby calved to Day Low Sunday Fine Got 1 of my Traps cut of the ice there is 4 of Them Froze in the ice all winter Gordon took his Boat from the head of the Island Down to the Door
5th in the Bush some Rain some Snow Randolph Made a cacke of his own about 9 lbs a Good lot of ice Going Down A Big Jam Struck on the head of the Island
6th a Fine Day The steamer Sparry's First starting out to Day Mr Smallman putting out Manure 3 Indians came to ight Day an Qark{illegible} Fixed the Canoe put it our Bismarck and I went to the Sturgeon Island shot at a White Owl Did not Get him too far off
7th Livinia not well Blowing hard Indians here cant Fish cold Rain piling Firewood at the Door Made an Axe handle
8th Indians went off Gordon Sugaring in the Bush piling Wood at the Door a Big cake of Ice at the Door went off Wind high West
9th Blowing hard I went up around the Island Found a Canada cent at the Head of the Island set Fire to some of the Marsh at the North side of the Island Gordon and Randolph Sugaring in the Bush a Bother watching the Cows from going to the sugar Bush New Moon to Day those Planets is in conjunction with the Moon and other Planets and Sun that Makes a change in the weather
10th Boiling in the Bush Drawing Logs to the Bank Drawing Big Stones from the East End of the house E Wind hailed to night
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of April 1880 A Fine Day crofsed to Hamiltons Left my Canoe went to Summerstown Paid Charles Parisha for Flour I got from him crackers 3 cents Crofsed on the Steamer Sperry The Com O's First Trip to Day to Summerstown Mr Woods and Robert Baker on Board went up to Waggoners Hotel as they thought they Flagged her Bought of 3 Pairs of Boots 5.25 Bought of Mr 8 yds of Linsey 1.. Cotton 9 1/2 yds 1..4 yds of overalls stuff 60 cents Thread 2 cents Bag 28 cents Bought of J Lemay Flour 1..90 1/2 lb Tea 20 Soap 25 cents Broom 10 cents 20 cents Tobacco 5 Bought of Tyo 25 cets Billy Bowen took me Down stopt at Lukes all night
29th Got my Canoe Luke Fixed it and I came home Found a Decoy Duck a Fine Morning turned windy I Just got home in time as my canoe Lukes bad Borrowed from Hamilton 1 Dollar when going on the Boat sowing Wheat at Hamiltons Planted hills of Potatoes in the Back Garden Raining Blowing 2 Tow Beauty went Down
30th Snowing Blowing Trimmed the apple trees Before the Door Trimmed the Hicory the calves Pasture 2 Tow Boats Went Down and up
1st of May Algerian went Down Windy Blowing hard old Man Grinding {illegible} Found a Tick and a Broom on the Back Sugar Bush. Marsh set some Fires where it would Burn chopping stove Wood Lots of Snow on the Mountains hard Frost Last night very windy Time cold Raw
2nd a Fine Day
3rd Fixing Canoe claning the Milkhouse
4th set a hen to hatch with 10 Duck Eggs there is no Drake with her But the Rooster so I am going to try them
5th Making soap I crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 25lbs of corn meal 50 cents on Credit, 2 spools paid 1 lb shot paid 1 lb of nails paid John Summers 2 spools of Thread 10 cents have got Letters for Gabriel Derushie got a Bag of Potatoes at Hamiltons Randolph and I took Dinner there.
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Mr James Cameron Island
6th of May 1880 Taking the Banking out of the cook house took the Box of Ashes out at the Soap Ascension Day Cold Windy Drew a Load of Wood for the old man
7th setting Fires on on the Pitt Point Burning the Ticks went with the old man to his nets North East Wind Got a crane in the Big Trap
8th Fixing the calves Pasture Fence Trimming Trees put the 3 calves together in the East Stable East Wind Lighting and some Thunder this evening
9th Mr Burdo the Fisherman came to Day to Fish with Mr Dureshie
10th Digging the Garden
10th Planted 147 hills of Potatoes Dug the East & North side of the old chimney
12th the Lemays here from the Kit Kit for 3 Boxes they Left since Last Fall Making the calves Pasture Larger
13th Killed Spottys calf put the carcafs Down in the swamp
14th Working at Fence
15 Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 50 lbs of Flour 1..75 1/4 lb of Tea 8 1/2 Bought of Ward Bread 28 cents Salt Peter 3 1/2 Bushel of Potatoes 15 sent yesterday for 1/2 lb Tea to Lancaster 25 got 4 Loaves from him 25 cents Mr Lemans wife the Baker at Dundee Departed yesterday Pete Grants Daughter Brought a mefs of Pike to J Hamiltons got the Plough AJ Baker moving his Barn Mr Patterson On the Front move the Rest
16th Gordon and Tommy Rose here
17th First Ploughing Planted a Strip of Potatoes
18th Ploughing
19 Fixing Fence Drawing Rails
20th Planted 23 Rows of Corn Harrowing tried the Peice at the Lower Point its Rather hard to plough a Fine Day The Spartan went Down with colours up Fixing the Gate Mosquitos commenced they are Bad Ticks plenty
21st Making Garden Fence
22nd Planted 8 Rows of corn
23rd a Fine Day high West Wind
24th Queens Birth Day sent Gordons shirt to Hamiltons with Mr Durasher Got a Letter and 2 Papers from Dan with 2 in it.
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of May 1880 crofsed to Summerstown Brought a mefs of Fish to J Hamilton Bought of Mr Ward 25 lbs of oatmeal 75 cents 25 lbs of Cornmeal 50 cents Brush 30 cents on credit to 1 Calfskin and Muskrat 1/2 lb Tea 30 Soda 1/2 Bushel of salt 25 1 lb of nails3 cents for the skins 3 lbs of Rice 15 cents Paid Worm Canda 10 cents Paid Blue paid Calico Paid 3 1/2 yds of Calico 39 cents Got a Bag of Potatoes and seed mixed at J Hamiltons
26th Planted some Potatoes Before the Door and Planted the Last of the Corn on the West Side of the Peice
27th Ploughing the Peice at the Barn harrowed it Corpus Christie
28th Planted 115 hills in the Peice at the Barn corn up Potatoes up seen Bugs on the Potatoes Mr Durocher making a smoke house Gave him some Boards Fine Weather
29th Royal Oak Day Fine East Wind shearing the sheep Mr Burdo Went to Ogdensburgh cleaning the corn of Weeds Tethering the 2 Bulls Found a cent in the corn Paid
30th Grand Procefsion
31st trimmed some of the oak Trees
1st of June Rowena's Birth Day 2 years old to Day
2nd crofsed with J Hamiltons Ram a Fine Day
3rd White Washing
4 Went to Na Houta's Island
5th 3 Indians chiefs here John Isaac or Wetya's Christie John Surwates Michael Solomon and Francis Got money from the Fisherman for Fishing
6th Rodney Briggs here
7th Hoeing Windy
9th Our Mary's Birth Day
10th I crofsed to Summerstown Mr Tuthill and Mr Howland here to night Bought of J Summers yds of Calico 94 cents 2 lbs of Rope 30 cents Powder at Wards 40 on credit 1/4 lb of Tea and 1/4 at Wards paid the Colt swam to the Genie Island Eggs to Hamiltons
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Mr James Cameron Island
11th of June 1880 Hoeing
12th hoeing and cutting Weeds
13th Sunday Gordon and Tommy Rose here Gave him a spear and Jack Raining
14th cleaning out the Barn
15th Mr Heron and Mr Hopkins Americans here stopt all night
16th Hoeing and putting out Tobacco plants
17th Went to Little Island Mowed some Weeds Tied the Mare to a stone at the Sugar Bush
18th Let the 2 Bulls go McNabb and Royal Charlie the Mare got Fast with the Rope she was tied with and strangled herself
19th Covering the mare with Brush put out the stove
20th First Day of Summer a Fine Day Rain Thunder and Lightning to night
21st the Longest Day and the shortest night Went to Dundee with 2 Tennets of Butter Bought 100 Wt of Flour 3..80 100 lbs of corn meal 1..35 Tea 40 1 Pan of Bread 25 soda 8 Tobacco 20 Matches 15 Tub 20 Basins 40 Blue 5 Eclectric oil 25 pipes 3 Dipper 10 cloves 2 8 yds of overall stuff 1..12 Smoothing irons 2..78 2 yds of shirting 22 Paid what I owed on the 28th of April 2..50
22nd Hoeing and Weeding Potatoes came from Luke Bowen's this morning Rained some this Evening
Our Dans Birth Day 23rd Hoeing Corn and Potatoes small shower Fine Weather a Good many Boats Passed up and Down to Day the Duck left her nest after 4 Weeks being on and no chickens Lost the scissors or cant find them whereever they are Gave Hugh Ann 30 cents
24th St John Baptiste A Day Midsummer Day Mr Norman Abrams here for his colt swam him acrofs to Hamiltons Island Weeding the Potatoes in the Tobacco place Fine Warm Writing for the old Man Mr Gabriel Durocher Paul Jo son here yesterday Promised Bushel Baskets to me.
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of June 1880 Finished hoeing the corn very warm Thunder windy and Fine West Wind Randolph set a small Line got 2 EEls and a Perch St Batteau here for his Pay from the old man Dr Durocher for fishing Weeding the Onions
26th Warm a Pic Nic at Hamiltons Island Mr White Dr Bergin and Dan McMaster
27th very warm
28th Raining Fine Windy Put out 70 Tobacco Plants Randolph Got an EEl at the Potatoe Bugs
29th St Peter Windy at the Potatoes
30th Randolph and I crofsed to J Hamiltons Brought Pike EEl Got a Bag of Potatoes Bought of J Summers RRR 25 cents 3 yds Calico 33 cents Paid Bought of Mr Ward comb 10 cents Gave Mr Derushie 25 cents for a Knife to take from Tow{cut off} Bohemian Broke and Canal
1st of July Dominion Day Gabriel to Montreal with Fish
2nd East Wind went Trowling Randolph and I went to J Lemays Tent took what we thought he would value most 2 Lines snoods hooks oil can pail pitcher net Decoys Quilt saw oar paddle Tin Basin Left Lots of things as my Canoe Leaks
3rd Keeping the 4th of July the Yankees Fine
4th Sunday Jim Hopkins is here yesterday
5th Our Johns Birth Day 1803 - 77 years
6th Commenced to mow around the House and Barn put in some to Day
7th Mowing the Grove the old man Gabriel came away for a Week as he was sick the St Francis up the First Trip since she was Broke since the Bohemian Broke the Locks
8th Burdo to Ogdensburgh cut a {illegible} for them Down at the Tent Leander's Foot sore
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Mr James Cameron Island
July the 9th 1880 Mowing
10th Randolph crofsed to the store Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea Tobacco 10 cents Got a Basket of cakes from J Hamilton Randolph stopt all night
11th Randolph came home
12th of July Orangeman's Day I crofsed to Summerstown Bought 7 yds of Calico 77 cents John and I up to the store Dishaw here for some of his things I took from the Kit Kit towels Bought of Wards salt 15 cents stopt at Hamiltons all night
13th high E Wind came home
14th cutting and putting in hay
15th St Swithens Day Went to Dundee Got Mr Burdo's Boat Bought of Mr Long hayfork 50 cents Bottle of oil 25 Rakes 15 1 scythe stone 10 cents Bought of Burdo 1 scythe stone 10 Bought of 1 lb of Tea 40 Starch 10 soap 10 cents Butter Tub 25 Tobacco 5 Fine salt 20 cents Hops from Mar 15 hair pins 5 cents Essence of Peppermint 10 pan of Bread for Mr Burdo 25 cents Got 2 Forks fixed at the Blacksmith 40 cents Got the Present of a Book from Mr Tuthill of Fort Covington Brought my clock to Get Fixed Brought Mr Tuthills his cup he Forgot went he was down Fishing Got a Lot of Papers from Mr Baker
16th Mowing and Taking in
17th Mowing AJ Baker Wife not ver well
18 Writing for Mr Durushie
19th Fernandez Birth Day 1874 Mowing
20th at hay
21 Mowing
22nd crofsed to Summerstown Calico 4 yds 25 cents Hugh Ann Bought of J Summerstown 1 scythe 90 cents
24 George Renshaw here
25th Fine
26th storm of South West Wind and movd the Barn Broke Down cherry Trees hicory Butternut Basswood Levelled the corn Flat on the Ground Broke the End of the Cookhouse in
27th Mowing some
28th Raining and hailing Mr
29th Mr Dishaw here for Butter, Got Plain saw Pitcher
30th Putting in 40 cocks Peter Back here
31st Traded for Horse with Peter Back
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Mr James Cameron Island
Augt 1st 1880 Mowing
2nd Minnie's Birth Day 1864 Lundy here Brought the Clock and 1/2 Dozen of Tin Pans Got a Plug of Tobacco Gave him a stump of Pine for Fishing Raining some and Wind
3rd Mowing
4th Making Cocks and mowing Burdo settling Got 7 1/2 Dollars from Mr Durushie Dissolved Partnership hime and Burdo in Fishing
5th John Hamilton and Mifs Jack here I crofsed with them Tom and I went to Find the Horse Got hime up near Cornwall
6th Randolphs Birth Day 1867 I went from Hamiltons to St Regis on the steamer Sperry Passage going and coming only 25 cents went to Hoganburgh in Mr Fultons store took Dinner at Peter Trees seen Mr Powell Miss Jack and Gordon came Down home with me and she Rowed the Boat all the way Down Mr Howland here Fishing Lost his Bottle which he Greatly Lamented
7th Taking in hay and Poles Mowed a Little
8th Bushie came Went to the head of the Island
9th Got a Bark Line from Bushie Traded Knifes Gordon and 2 of Roses here on Sunday yesterday Gave him my Gold Buttons Got 50 cents Found a knife that had Been Lost for 22 years
10th Annie Jack and Gordon here with a Letter for Burdo to my care
11th J Lemay here for Green{illegible} Gave it to hime Peter Back here Gave him a 1..50 cents to have no more to Do with his Horse Roy McDougal Departed
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Mr James Cameron Island
Augt 12th 1880 The Greatest heat I Felt this summer its most awful hot this same Date in 1876 was also very hot Randolph to Summerstown salt 15 Bread 25 soap nails
13th some fire at the head of the Island had to get pails to put it out very windy A Drudge went up
14th Went to Dundee with 32 3/4 of Bul{illegible} Bough Flour 0 lbs 1..87 1/2 Graham Flour 90 cents Tea 25 Tea 20 soda 8 cotton 1..10 shot 12 1/2 Tub 25 paid for the clock 50 paid for the Basins 1/2 Doz 1..35 ..1.50 pipe 1 Got 1/2 lb of 50 cent Tea from Is for the corn stopt at Lukes had supper Mrs Burdo here the Avrills Down with their steamer a good Breeze sailing acrofs to Day
15th Sunday a Lot in the Long Black Berries of those folks on Hamiltons Island
16th Mowing Plums Ripening
17th putting in Hay on Poles
18th James McKenna here to trade a Horse went Down at night with the old Man to take up his Box of Fish out of the Water Mowing on the Lower Point
19th Bismarcks Birth Day 1870 Raining before Daylight heavy Thunder and Lightning Windy fine rain West Wind
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Mr James Cameron Island
22nd Augt 1880 Sunday Mr Burdo & Peggy Bosell and Burdo here got Butter
23rd Putting in hay
24th Warm Mr Scroyer came yesterday Let out the calves from their Pasture
25th Mowing in the upper Feild
26th Mowing Gathering
27th husking Corn
28 at Corn husking corn Mowing
29th Emmanuel Morris here came Last night Mrs Burdo Peggy and Mr Burdo here
30th Mowing
31st at hay
1st of September cloudy
2nd putting in hay
3rd Dan's Birth Day {illegible} Randolph and I to Fish at Christies
4th Drawing Wood
5th John Angus Birth Day 1850
6th Mowing in the Back Marsh
7th Put in some
8th Mowing Back Marsh
9th putting in hay
10th Mr Genie here I went to Hamiltons at their Thrashing stopt to help them Randolph came home had Mr Scryer Boat
11th at Hamiltons Gordon came Down with me stopt all night
12th Gordon and his Mother went to Mr Luke Bowens and the Baby a very warm Day I crofsed with Gordon to Mr Hamiltons
13th at hamiltons Finished the Thrashing
14th came home Gordon put me to the head of the Island got the Loan of the scythe Tom Ploughing for Fall Wheat Spreading manure yesterday and commenced Ploughing
15 Mowing
15th Dan Married to Day to Mifs Jane Sandfiled McDonald of Lancaster Fine Windy
16th Mowing and Gathering
17th put in 104 cocks of marsh hay
18 Randolph crofsed Bought salt Bread pipe Matches Drawing Wood put in 36 cocks Bismarck and I
19th Sunday
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 20th 1880 Digging Potatoes at the Barn shelling corn
21st cut the Tobacco cut some on the Last of the cornstalks put them in
22nd Took in the stove at the Potatoes
23rd put in some hay on the cornstalks
24th Went to Lancaster with the Wool paid it 1..35 cents came home Indians on Susie Island had about 50 Rats caught in 2 nights stopt on the Squaw Island as the Wind is pretty high
25th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought 2 yds of Calico 28 cents Bread 28 cents Matches pipe Got apples at Hamiltons The old Man Mr Derushies son here from Chicago for to take the old Man up with him Offered all his Fishing Rigging to me for 30 Dollars The Princefs Louise at Pic nic on Dickenson Island to Day the Great Exhibition in Montreal these Days
26th Sunday J Hamilton Mrs Hamilton and Gordon here a Fine Day the old man and son here Gave his Pan and Broom to Livinia
27th Mr Derushie went off Windy taking up Rubbish from the Tent put out some Manure from Back of the Barn where we are going to build the stack Raining shelling corn
28th Mowing at the upper end of the Marsh
29th St Michael or Michaelmas Day very Windy Rain Fine Drawing Wood shelling some of the Loose corn and nebbins
30th Drawing Firewood Began to pile {illegible} went Down
1st of October Windy cutting the Last of the Marsh hay piling wood at the Door shelling corn at night pealing apples
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Mr James Cameron Island
October 2nd 1880 Crofsed to J Hamiltons took Breakfast John and I up to Summerstown i nthe Tot Fine Day East and south Wind Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 30 cents Pan of Bread 28 cents paid this Bought of J Summers 10 yds of Cotton 1 Dollar 14 lbs of Fine salt 14 2 spools of Thread 10 cents 1 pair of Boots 1..45 sold John Summers 8 Doz of Eggs at 12 cents 96 Got 2 Bags of Apples from J Hamilton sold Mr McPherson Below Lancaster 13 Bushels of Apples Mr Mowat from the Branch there Taking up their Potatoes Gordon and Tom a Good many Boats going to Day
3rd Fine Heavy Thunder and Lightning to night
4th Gordon came for Randolph and Hugh Ann to help Hamiltons with their Potatoes Raining and Wind putting out manure Bismarck and I
5th Haying in the Marsh piling Wood
6th at the stack Bismarck and I Windy Raining
7th at the stack Making cocks Windy
8th Finished the stack 3 1/2 Tons
9th Hugh Ann and Randolph Gordon came from Hamiltons Got about 10 Bushels of apples for Being working at the Potatoes Lent Gordon my short Gun at their Buckwheat at hamiltons Putting it in Elizabeth Hamilton up from Montreal
10th Hugh Ann McMaster Birth DAy 1844 Randolph Bismarck and I went to the Kit Kit Island Charles Island Rof's Island Gull and Lizard Island stopt at Scriers on the Sturgeon Island Found a Broad Board One of the spring calves Died to Day Fine W
11th Skinned the calf at Wood
12th cutting and Drawing Wood Mr Burdo the Fisherman here
13th cutting and Drawing Wood the Bohemian Began going Down the same Day she came up Randolph Watching Scryers tent while he is at Lancaster putting his Fish on the Boat Billy Bone here and one of Avrils
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 14th 1880 Fine West Wind turned to East Mr Scryer here Brought a Sturgeon Drawing Wood commenced to Bank the West End of the house Made a Round or 2 with the Plough Mowed a few cocks of marsh hay the cows stopt away one night Working some at the Tobacco Pealing apples and stringing some cut the Boys hair
15th Wind at Wood
16th Crofsed to Summerstown Randolph stopt at Hamiltons sold Butter to Mr Ward Got the cash 18 cents Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 Bushel of salt 25 4 Loaves of Bread 26 cents Pepper 1/4 lb of Pe 8 pipe 1 Bought of John Summers 6 yds of overalls stuff 20 cents a yd 1..20 spools 10 4 yds of Calico 50 John Hamilton Went Down yesterday to pilot the Hunting steamer to Point Muiza came up through the night By Land and Went to Cornwall to Day the steamer Emprefs of India went Down 2 men here wanting to Tent Nory Lafere and another Raining
17th Sunday Windy Got Paper from Dan of the Latter End of September Date
18th cutting Wood
19th Drawing Wood St Luke
20th at Wood Fanning corn ice this morning First ice at Wood
21st Made 2 Beetles at the Banking cold some Windy
22nd Fine Turned cold E Wind Raining A Good Lot of shooting a Good many Ducks went Down to Day in the Rushes Randolph and I Looking if there was any working of Rats
23rd Livinias Birth Day 1868,,
24th our Hughs Birth Day our Hughs Birth Day Fine
25th My Birth Day Fine
26th at Wood
27th at Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 28th 1880 Put 3 Bottom Logs at the East End of the house
29th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 1/2 lb of Tea 25 cents RR Relief 25 cents Bought of Mr Ward shingles nails 2 cents Matches 14 cents pipe 1 cents Got a Bag of Apples from Hamiltons Dishaw for Jo Lemays Decoys 7 of Them
30th Fine Mr David Baker's Wife Departed
31st all Hallows or Holy Eve Windy Raining Rodney Briggs and Johnny Bone came up from Tuppers Island hunting no Ducks no Grub Johny Bone Gave me some caps and shot Took Dinner cracking nuts Keeping the Hallo een the night Butternut since Last Year some Beech and Hicory and Oak and Hazael
1st Day of November All Saints Day very high Wind started to crofs turned Back Mr David Bakers Wife Buried to Day Billy Bones & Doctor Bridges Lanced Leanders Leg Kaming Treated me at ther Bo{cut off}
2nd All Souls Day Gordon Left Hamiltons I crofsed for apples got 9 Bushels Potatoes 1 Bushel McCrimmon there John and Gordon over to F Covington yesterday Bought of Ward 2 cents of matches Heard Rory McDougall came home oil Forgot my Coat
3rd Scryer for Butter Borrowed the 1 inch augur Randolph and I to sturgeon Island Painted the Decoys
4th Paul Grey Jacob and 2 more Indians here lent them my EEl spear stopt here all night got 2 suckers
5th Guy Fawks Day Randolph Crofsed for the Wool got it at J Wards Got 2 Bushel of Potatoes from Hamiltons
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Mr James Cameron Island
Nov 6th 1880 Mr Henery Genie here a Fine Day Raining East Wind a Great Lot of Shooting Putting a Runner in the Jumper as I Broke one of them
7th Helen's Birth Day High West Wind Knocked Down Trees tore the Roof of the cookhouse the Traveller Let go 4 Barges and their in the Rushes
8th the Princefs Louise went for the Barge to the Kit Kit and towed her into Lancaster
9th Fixing the Door on the calves Place taking up some of the traps Windy
10th at Wood
11th Martinmas
12th Banking some
13th Drawing Wood
14th sunday Angus Cameron here Gave 2 or 3 Loads of shot snowing some fine
15th Randolph and I to the Kit Kit Scryer Left yesterday took home my augur
16th Went to see if I could Borrow a Boat stopt at Hamiltons up to the store
17th Went to Antwines seed if I could Borrow a Boat But I got Charlies Craig's Bun Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb Rice 2 cents of matches Tom Drawing Manure from Roses Got a Bag of Potatoes from John
18th Stormy snowing hard
19th chopping stove Wood J Hamiltons for the 5 Heifers Frank Laplante Ed Santinee and Tom had Dickinsons Cow Got Kind of Sick to night all night
20th not very well Randolph Drawing Wood Snowing Drifting Sparry Breaking the ice yesterday out to Lancaster to Day
21st On this Day of the Month D Meddo Departed 1846 no Boat out of Dundee today
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Mr James Cameron Island
November 1880 {illegible} Frosty cutting Stove Wood
23rd 3 Boats went up Hiram Calvin one of them Cold
24th no Boats to Day Drawing up Canoes and Bun Fish Boxes
25th St Catherine Mr Hill no Lights to night Taking Marsh Hay of the fine hay
26th a Fine Day seen a Steamer Below Rofs Island crofsing or Going Down Crofsed to J Hamiltons with 8 1/2 Bushels of Corn for them to take to mill for me Bismarck for the First Time to crofs to Hamiltons Randolph to the store Bought of J Summers 1/2 lb of Tea 25 cents 2 cents for matches at Mr Wards Got 2 Bags of Potatoes at J Hamiltons Got Yarn for Gordons sox Brown the 10 Balls of yarn to Get Twisted a Frosty night Floating Light no Light to night
27th cherry Island no Light cutting Wood Fine Windy a Boat with 3 in it to Lancaster
28th Sunday a Boat went Down at Day light this morning a Fine Day West Wind East Wind the Big White owl coming around Ducks Plenty
29th Drawing Wood
30th Tom Jack came for me to help him to skin a cow that Died cherry Island Lit up St Andrew's Day at Hamiltons to night
1st of December Stormy E Wind
2nd Fine Frosty went to Williamstown with 8 1/2 Bushels of Corn Tom Jack {illegible}
3rd came home Margaret Hamilton poorly a steam Boat went Down
4th 2 steam tugs went up to Day Fine
5th Raining turned Cold to night
6 St Nick Day Windy Cold
7th cold Frosty
8th Mr Ptolemy & Brother here Kind of astray on Christie's Island a very Frosty night took a small Breakfast Gave 50 cents Bought Ran{cut off} 6 Rats 60 cents had a Heavy Load of Licquors & Fixed the Chimney
9th Fixing the Handsleigh stormy Cold a sail crofsed to Summerstown
10th Leander's Birth Day 187{cut off} Freezing Ice going Down took acrofs to the south side
11th soft at Stove Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 12th 1880 soft
13th chopping Fine
14th crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Ward Tea Soda oil candy Glafs thread needles Pipes matches
15th Whitewashing
16th cold Blowing got a weasel
17th the Cat got in my Trap at the Lower Point Drawing wood
18th at Wood
19th cold ice going Down
20th Cutting Drags Frosty Drew the Bun Down from the Bay
21st First Day of Winter Ice took to Christie's south side
22nd Ice took acrofs Drawing Wood
23rd crofsed to Hamiltons Lots of air holes put a few small Bushes out very crooked
24th Cold Frosty and Fine cutting stove Wood
25th Christimas Day
26 Cold
27 Cold
29 our Anguss Birth Day
30th Cold
31st Frosty
1st of January New Years Day Broke on the Marsh Hay stack Back of the Barn Windy cold West Wind
2nd Fine soft Day Gordon here had 4 shirts to make I Gave him a Pipe seen a Fox crofsing
3rd crofsed to Summerstown Council Day Dan Frasher Elected Bought of Julia 1/2 lb Tea Matches Ann Spinks poorly Bushing the Road acrofs at Summerstown Angus Cameron and Thomas Summers A Fine Day cold to night Mr The Rev Dallerson Married Last Week seen in a Kingston Paper Bushing the Lower Road to Lancaster
4th very Frosty came from Hamiltons expecting the thrashers at Hamiltons Jim McDougall made a Track up the ice as he is going to take Bushes to Fort Covington a Ball in Williamstown to night Mrs Summers a Bee at Wood
5th Drawing Wood
6th snowing E Wind Warm Cutting Wood putting Marsh hay in the Barn
7th Drawing Wood
8th Hugh Anns Birth Day 1866
9th Cold E Wind
10th snowing stormy turned fine
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- James Cameron 1880 (14).pdf