File #4504: "Olds, 84.pdf"



=== MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1870. === The boys have been drawing out manure to day from the barn-yard. I have been hoeing corn most of the day. "In spite of the world the flesh and the devil have faith in God. Trust in Him; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. Think of past experiences of His mercy, recall the many promises of His word. Consider His ability willingness and truthfulness, and trust Him with all your interests for time and eternity." O, for a perfect faith in Him who is to wise to err to just to be unkind. === TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1870. === Still I keep the boys at the manure and expect it to be a two week job for them. I cultivated out the corn myself. My past experience has proved over and over again that without a momentary trust in the all atoning merits of the Redeemers blood to cleanse me from all sin, the evil one will creep into my soul and beguile me into some evil path before I am scarcely aware of my danger. I am trying to trust Him with a perfect trust with His grace assisting me, continually:

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