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{first page}
Mr James Cameron Island
19th of March 1884 The very Rev Mr Cameron and Mr Hamilton here Took Down the names of the children Read the 8th chapter of Acts and Prayer Gave all the children Sunday school Papers He seems to e a very Fine Man Fine E Wind Drew some Wood turned to Raining in the Evening and snowed some through the night this is the Last Day of Winter
20th This the First Day of Spring stormy in the Morning EW Snowing Drifting and Blowing Turned Fine and very Warm the Buckley Taurus and Brindle had a Battle to Day Put a Fire in the Double stove to Burn out spoils
21st Mr John Tyo and Mr Douquet here Bought 5 Head of Cattle 75 Dollars a Fine Day Had a Bottle of old Rye Randolph went with them to Drive the Cattle
22nd I crofsed got a Ride from John Hamilton to F Covington Bought a pair of Boots for Fernandez 1..50 Bought a pair for Livinia 1..50 10 yds of Calico 80 yd of overalls1.8 Tea Pot 25 snack 10 pipe 1 Tobacco 9 Treat 25 John Drove me Down ice Soft Oxley calved Paid Summers 10 Dollars
23rd Raining seen Wild Geese the Boys Killed a muskrat with the Dog
24th Went to Summerstown Bought of John Summers 100 Wt of Flour3..50 Tea on Credit 5 lb 2.. pair of Braces 50 soap 35 pipe 1 2 spools 10 paid this Bought of Mr Ward pail 25 RRR 25 Tobacco 10 Shingle nails 7 ink 3 axe handle 15 Bought of J Hamilton 100 Wt of Flour 3 1/2 Burying Old Mrs Shetla to Day Andy Cameron wanting to Buy the Bull 19 Dollars I want ice all Water and slush Teams crofsed to Day
{second page}
Mr James Cameron Island
25th of March 1884 Lady Day Annunciation of the Virgin Mary a Fine Day warm Took the sugar Rigging to the Bush cutting and piling stove Wood Wild Geese and Ducks Plenty Blackbirds Robins came ice opening around the Points
26th Raining E Wind Went to go acrofs the ice is so slushy we turned Back piling Manure cutting Stove Wood Black Ducks came Wild Geese Plenty cant fine any holes in the ice laying on the ice John Hamiltons Birth Day 1876 change in the Eclipse on the sun Neptune in Conjunction with Venus
27th Tapt a Few Fine
28th Tapping Fine soft
29th I crofsed to Hamiltons heard Tom had to pay 300 Dollars Woman Froze some last night Randolph Boiled 12 pails of sap
30th Fine
31st J McDougall here came to tell me he could not take the Bush But that I could have all the rigging gave him a Bottle of Syrup and a Bottle of Wine the Boys crofsed with him for the Pot Randolph Leander Fernandez he came to the Head of the Island and went Down for me to go to Salmon River Horse and Cutter and Donald John went to Douquet took Boat from the mouth of Salmon River John Bone Rod Briggs and one of Bills Boys went up Bought of M{illegible} 10 yds Calico 80 Buttons 4 Doz 28 Basket 10 Thimbles 10 Bought of Smallman 6 yds of Cotton 48 Bought of Mr Burdo Bag 25 2 Tin Basins 20 1/2 lb Tobacco 20 Matches pipe 1 Gordon here to Day Gave him my vest Randolph Bought a Hat from him 75 cents Got a Letter from Narcifse Sharo
1st of April all Fools Day I crofsed to Summerstown Went to PO with a Letter to Narcifse Charo care of Mr William Dubois got my Paper Bought J Summers pail 25 Paid this Bought of Mr Ward 2 Doz of Herrings 50 cents Paid this
2nd Chopping Wood at the sugar camp Fine