James Cameron Diary, 1884
Date Created
Is Part Of
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Mr James Cameron Island
1st of January 1884 New Years Day Fine E Wind sun shining Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons took Dinner Randolph stopt to help them to Thrash tomorrow I put out a Few Bushes Water Rising on the Marsh Fired a Few shots this Morning put in the Bottom of the stack John H and Leander
2nd Randolph at Hamiltons E Wind snowing Drifting Blowing hard Frosty
3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853 cold Frosty W Wind Blowing hard Blustery Blizzardy cut a Waterhole for the cattle
4th cold Windy Gordon and Randolph came from Hamiltons Sent a Bottle of Wine with Gordon to Mrs Hamilton took a Letter to me from Dan it came on the 23rd with 2 Dollars in it for his Aunt Gordon to my Bladed Knife
5th cold Windy cutting stove Wood
6th Epiphany Fine cold
7th The Water is Raising near shore Drew the 2 Boats and canoe up as the water is near them
8th Hugh Anns Birth Day 1866 Randolph and I to Summerstown Bought of John Summers 2 Tickets paid for 1..50 the other on credit 50 cents Bought Needles 5 Thread 5 oil 60 Bought of P Purcell 1 lb of Tea 25 paid paid for needles and Thread EW turned stormy Drifting Blowing snowing a awful night stopt at Hamiltons John Went to Cornwall to mill did not come Back to night Heard Bella Wright Departed or Mrs Annan
9th came home high EW Brought 2 Balls of Yarn for Gordons sox
10th Began to Draw hay from the upper Field
11th Drew the Rest of the stack cleaned the pipes EW snowing went for a Load of Wood
12th Fine EW Frosty Drew some wood
13th Fine EW Snowed hard Frosty
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 14th 1884 Fine turned Frosty cutting Stove wood cut a Basswood on the Bank
15th very very Frosty W Wind the Islands all snow very close this morning the air-hole before the Door shut up greatly with this Frost
16th Went to the Bush very Frosty Fine W Wind Drew some Wood snow Deep in the Bush My Feet stands no Cold
17th Randolph Went to F Covington turned stormy south West W Blustery Drifting paid Mr Long for Boots. 1..50 got Leanders Boot Fixed 10 cents sold his Rats 1..60 Lunch at Minkler 10 sweetys 2 cents got 2 pens from Mr Long got a Ride Down on a Load of Hay to jo Ducquets got an Almanack and 6 cards from Mr Congdon cold some chopping in the Bush
18th cold Drawing Wood snowing Drifting Wind changed to East Began the hay on the East side of the Barn yesterday Blustery
19th E Wind Cold Drifting Blizzardy Blustery Weather a very cold month since it came in as we have a Saturday Moon change
20th E Wind cold Frosty
21st St Agnefs W Wind Frosty cutting hay in the Barn chopping stove Wood John Summers shot himself and a Big Fire in Cornwall
22nd W Wind Drifting snowing Sun Draws water
23rd Fine Turned stormy EW Drifting snowing cutting stove Wood
24th Charlie Tuppers & Jim McDougall's Birth Day Snowing Blowing Drifting Randolph to Mr Purcells for Tea
25 the Mill at Hamiltons got 2 Papers from Dan Jim McDougall fo ashes 22 Bushels 1..76 Told Mr Duncan the Bailiffe was Dead and Long John was Dead and others Duncan Murchison Dead gave Jim McDougall the Hide to sell for me (Flora Murchison and Thomas Jack and so on)
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 25th 1884 Robie Burns Birth Day W Wind cold Frosty cutting in the East Mow snowbirds Lots of them Northern Lights Merry Dancers to night cut a Quarter of Beef to Day snowing Drifting Blowing E Wind changed to West to some hay cut a Beefhead Great Banks snow all around
27th Fine cold E Wind
28th Stormy E Wind Frosty
29th Fine Kind of soft put in a stack of hay from Back of the Barn taking the snow of the sheds
30th E Wind Rain went to Hamiltons snow Deep and Water on the ice under the snow this is a January Thaw got 2 Bushels of Oats From Hamilton First time to crofs with a Horse heard old Mrs McMartin up the Front Departed wind very high to night changed to the West Raining
31st Rain turned Fine W Wind Went to the Bush to Break Roads as the snow is very Deep Thawing parts of the Feild Bare lots of water on the ice
1st of February chopping stove Wood W Wind
2nd Candlemas Day if the Bear dont see his shadow it will be a Fine year cloudy E Wind snowing the sun peeped a Little out about 10 oclock but could see no shadow Went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers a spool of Thread 5 paid Ward got the pay of the hide from James McDougall 3..50 gave him a Dollar for to end the Globe heard about Thomas Jack being sued for 400 Dollar scrape (Woman) hide Weighed {illegible} stopt at hamiltons all night
3rd I came home from Hamiltons Fine E Wind
4th Frosty Windy E Wind Drifting cutting Stove Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 5th 1884 Grinding the Axes E Wind Raining hailing Working at the stick in the ice at the shore cutting hay in the Barn Randolph making a hand sleigh the Foxes is Barking around in this soft Weather\
6th cutting the ice around the stick got it Loose got it pryed up a Little but had to Leave it with the Drifting E Wind Kind of Thawing snowing Teams goind on the Kit Kit Island Road to Day
7th Got the stick out of the ice to Day Fine Day
8th Gordons Birth Day Went to the Bush E Wind Randolph crofsed for the Globe it did not come Bought Tea 25 cents paid Heard Richardson and 3 men got Killed on the Rail-Road Gordon Working at Mr P Purcells Mill J Summers getting Better
9th E W Snowing Hailing Went to Hamiltons got a Ride up to Summerstown with J Hamilton Bought of J Summers 100 Wt of Flour 3..50 on Credit Bought 1/2 lb of Tea 25 Spool of Thread 5 cents paid this got 2 Buttons to be Returned Seen the Rev Mr Cameron after coming from the Carnival seems to e a very Fine Man John Hamilton Drove me Home Got the Globe for the First one Brought over a pair of sox for Gordon to Hamiltons Got the yarn that was Left Back not cold
10th Randolph Hugh Ann Livinia went to Mr James McDougalls Fine W Wind
11th E Wind some Frost Drew some Wood south 1/2 of E Mow Done Began to cut on the North East side
12th E Wind Drifting Fine Hailing to night Blowing the youngest of the 3 calves got Fast in the Manger not very well
13th in the Bush Gordon at Mr Purcells
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 14th 1884 Valentines Day Raining W Wind
15th EW Drawing Wood
16th Randolph crofsed for the Globe EW Fine ice Slippery an Indian here Lewis David Bought Tax 5 cents at Mr Wards
17th Gordon here EW and Indian passed up the ice a Fine Day traded pipes
18th James Hugh's Birth Day 1855 W Raining Raising the stick of Timber at the River men in a cutter passed down to the Little Island their Fishing EEls
19th E Wind Fine Thawing went to the Bush 2 Indians came for ash for oars Peter David then an Indian and a Boy came Down the ice and went around the north side A man crofsed over to Frasers the south side Looking for a Friend of his named Donald Frasher heavy Rain to night and high Wind
20th High W Wind Rain Snowing Drifting
21st Went to Summerstown Bought of John Summers 100 Wt of Flour 3..50 1/2 lb Tea 30 stopt at Hamiltons all night stormy to night Church 50
22nd Broke on the stack of 5 tons Broke the sleigh Burtons Burnt out
23rd Randolph crofsed took a sack of the Flour from Hamiltons Bought of Mr Ward a Testament 10 cents paid
24th Fine and cool
25th Randolph Went to F Covington with my Boots to get Fixed 35 cents Buttons 20 cents 2 yds of overalls stuff 36 got a Ride Back from J McDougall and he crofsed over from McDougalls
26th I went to Williamstown Brought Wine and sugar Fine
27th Ash Wednesday in Williamstown
28th in Williamstown
29th Stormy in Williamstown Cold very stormy Drifting
1st of March St Davids Day the Festival of the Welsh stormy the Lottery at J Summers to night My Prize a pair of Boots
2nd in Williamstown
3rd Came from Williamstown stopt at J McDougalls the First Time that ever I was there Randolph at Summerstown got John B{cut off} 5 cents got the paper
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Mr James Cameron Island
4th of March1884 Went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 100 lb of Flour 3..50 1/2 lb Tea 25 cent Bought 2 spools 10 cents paid spools West Wind Drifting Blustery got a Ride up from J Hamilton and he Drove me Down home to the Bay Tom took Down my Flour and I Left it there got 2 Bushels of Oats from Tom to Day Randolph took it home got the Prize My Ticket Drew a Pair of Boots John Summer's Wife went off to Day
5th Took in the Last of the stack a very fine Day Drew some Wood Randolph went to Hamiltons for the Flour left there Brought over a Board I Promised her for her Cheese Box seen Crows to Day
6th E Wind changed to West snowing Went to Mr Jo Ducquets took Dinner there Randolph and I Charles Rose there Drawing sawdust for the icehouse Bought H Wines Fine Day Making a Runner for the sleigh the Weasel killing our Hens Wrote a Letter for to send tomorrow to Williamstown
7th Randolph went for the Mail got it went up to Purcells Posted the Letter for Williamstown the storm commenced near morning
8th shovelling shown cows did not go to Drink to Day stormy Drifting EW
9th stormy EW Drifting Began the hay on the sticks though there is a Ton in the the East Mow yet
10th Kind of Fine Drawing away snow out of the yard all the Doors all shut up with snow awful Bankings of snow this is the worst storm we had yet Drew some wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
11th of March 1884 Wind Drifting and snowing some Hail turned soft went to the Bush seen a Drove of Cattle crofsing
12th On this Day of the Month D McMaster {illegible} came to the Island Fine turned to Raining W Wind very high took down the snow some Drew some Drags Clearing away snow from around the Stable and shed water coming into the stable with the snow melting and Rain shovelling snow
13th Making Troughs cutting stove Wood Fine
14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 Mr Hugh Munroe here I crofsed to Hamiltons with him to see the Bull he wants to buy him Randolph crofsed for the Paper Bought of John Summers 1 lb of Tea 50 con credit
15th a Fine Day Randolph went to Fort Covington to get his Boot and Leanders Fixed 26 cents Bought Court Plasters 10 Canday 5 cents got a Ride From P McDougall I crofsed to Summerstown took Dinner Tea with Summers and he has a splendid House The First Time I was in it Bought a Pipe 1 Mr Charles Craig here wanting to Buy a Cow I stopped at Hamiltons to night
16th I Came from Hamiltons this Morning good walking on the ice Minkey calved to Day Ducks Flying West
17th St Patricks the Festival of the Irish snowing hailing Raining Fine Wind Mr J McDougall came to see if I had ashes as he is going with a Load to Fort Covington Randolph crofsed to see Mr Craig to Tell him about the cow he is to come to see her
18th Princefs Louise Birth Day 1848 working the stick of Timber out of the ice at the shore Mr Jo Douquet and John Bone here took the big cooler I got from him Looking at the cattle
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Mr James Cameron Island
19th of March 1884 The very Rev Mr Cameron and Mr Hamilton here Took Down the names of the children Read the 8th chapter of Acts and Prayer Gave all the children Sunday school Papers He seems to e a very Fine Man Fine E Wind Drew some Wood turned to Raining in the Evening and snowed some through the night this is the Last Day of Winter
20th This the First Day of Spring stormy in the Morning EW Snowing Drifting and Blowing Turned Fine and very Warm the Buckley Taurus and Brindle had a Battle to Day Put a Fire in the Double stove to Burn out spoils
21st Mr John Tyo and Mr Douquet here Bought 5 Head of Cattle 75 Dollars a Fine Day Had a Bottle of old Rye Randolph went with them to Drive the Cattle
22nd I crofsed got a Ride from John Hamilton to F Covington Bought a pair of Boots for Fernandez 1..50 Bought a pair for Livinia 1..50 10 yds of Calico 80 yd of overalls1.8 Tea Pot 25 snack 10 pipe 1 Tobacco 9 Treat 25 John Drove me Down ice Soft Oxley calved Paid Summers 10 Dollars
23rd Raining seen Wild Geese the Boys Killed a muskrat with the Dog
24th Went to Summerstown Bought of John Summers 100 Wt of Flour3..50 Tea on Credit 5 lb 2.. pair of Braces 50 soap 35 pipe 1 2 spools 10 paid this Bought of Mr Ward pail 25 RRR 25 Tobacco 10 Shingle nails 7 ink 3 axe handle 15 Bought of J Hamilton 100 Wt of Flour 3 1/2 Burying Old Mrs Shetla to Day Andy Cameron wanting to Buy the Bull 19 Dollars I want ice all Water and slush Teams crofsed to Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of March 1884 Lady Day Annunciation of the Virgin Mary a Fine Day warm Took the sugar Rigging to the Bush cutting and piling stove Wood Wild Geese and Ducks Plenty Blackbirds Robins came ice opening around the Points
26th Raining E Wind Went to go acrofs the ice is so slushy we turned Back piling Manure cutting Stove Wood Black Ducks came Wild Geese Plenty cant fine any holes in the ice laying on the ice John Hamiltons Birth Day 1876 change in the Eclipse on the sun Neptune in Conjunction with Venus
27th Tapt a Few Fine
28th Tapping Fine soft
29th I crofsed to Hamiltons heard Tom had to pay 300 Dollars Woman Froze some last night Randolph Boiled 12 pails of sap
30th Fine
31st J McDougall here came to tell me he could not take the Bush But that I could have all the rigging gave him a Bottle of Syrup and a Bottle of Wine the Boys crofsed with him for the Pot Randolph Leander Fernandez he came to the Head of the Island and went Down for me to go to Salmon River Horse and Cutter and Donald John went to Douquet took Boat from the mouth of Salmon River John Bone Rod Briggs and one of Bills Boys went up Bought of M{illegible} 10 yds Calico 80 Buttons 4 Doz 28 Basket 10 Thimbles 10 Bought of Smallman 6 yds of Cotton 48 Bought of Mr Burdo Bag 25 2 Tin Basins 20 1/2 lb Tobacco 20 Matches pipe 1 Gordon here to Day Gave him my vest Randolph Bought a Hat from him 75 cents Got a Letter from Narcifse Sharo
1st of April all Fools Day I crofsed to Summerstown Went to PO with a Letter to Narcifse Charo care of Mr William Dubois got my Paper Bought J Summers pail 25 Paid this Bought of Mr Ward 2 Doz of Herrings 50 cents Paid this
2nd Chopping Wood at the sugar camp Fine
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Mr James Cameron Island
3rd of April 1884 snowing Tapt 60 Trees gathered 34 pails chopping Wood at the camp
4th This is the Day those Men was to be Hung at Regina Boiling and sugared of about 27 lbs a Feast for the Boys Fine sap run some Tapt some Livinia came to the Bush to sugar off
5th Boiling
6 Ice opening Palm Sunday Lily calved a Fine Day sugared off
7th Running Killed the First snake snakes coming out of their holes running well
8th Boiling running well running over Stanley and Rowena in the Bush
9th this Day of the Month I was Married 1862 suggared of Twice to Day
10th Boiling cutting Wood Blowed hard and Fine
11th Good Friday Fine snowed Rain sugared Twice W Wind
12th ice Going Down water high put out the Boat Lots of Rubbish going Down Tapt 16 Trees Frost Last night the Frogs commenced their music
13th Gordon and Willie Rose here Randolphs hat
14th 3 Men Passed up in a Boat and went Back P Purcell's Sale to Day Fine E Wind clearing out the cookhouse Boys Boiling in the Bush Piling Stove Wood
15th Sugared of 43 lbs Rained E Wind Went out in the Black Boat
16th EW Rained some made a Gallon of Syrup Rowena Made 2 lb of sugar cleaning out the cellar cutting the ice out of the Milkhouse Drawing sticks of the Potato Field Grenada's First Trip out of Dundee swallows came got a Rat put a Lock on the shanty Taking away the Banking
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 17th 1884 at the Banking piling Wood at the Door pushing away loos ice at the shore
18th Our Duncans Birth Day E W Foggy Raining Went to Summerstown had Butter Bought of Mr Ward Salt a sack 1..10 3 Doz of Herring 75 1/2 lb Powder 10 1/2 lb Tobacco 12 1/2 Blue 5 thread 25 Hats 40 Bought of J Summers 10 yds of Cotton I paid this Heard John Barrett Departed in Winnepeg heard Mary Boui Peter Grants sister Died about the 9th or 10th Stopt a Hamiltons to night Took 50 Wt of Flour
19th came from Hamiltons Working at the Banking got Papers from Dan Randolph got a Pike in the Marsh Boys gathered 15 pails of sap Fine EW
20th Foggy Fine
21st Ginny calved Boiled the sap a Gallon of Syrup heaping up manure Windy Frost to night
22nd Windy some Grains of snow Tapt 13 Trees got 6 pails of sap set some of the Front Marsh a Fire near Shore a Bother Keeping the cattle from the Bush Randolph shot a squirrel Water commencing to come in the cellar
23 Took away the Sugar Bush Rigging as the cows is hard to keep from the Bush
24th Mr McDougall and Catherine here a Fine Day Gave him a Cake of sugar
25th St Marks Day a Fine Day The Steamer Charlotte came up Randolph went to Salmon River Bought on Credit From Mr Bordeau a pair of Boots 1.. Sack of Flour 1..30 a pair of Boots for himself 1..10 Rowena's Boots Fixed 15 cents Left his own to be mended 2 1/2 yds of Cloth 57 cents Mr Hills and Johnstons Lights Lit up to night a very fine Day E Wind
26th Mr Genie came Fine Randolph crosed oil pipes Laces 40
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Mr James Cameron Island
27th of April 1884 Mr Genie went off E Wind Gordon and Tommy Rose here a fine Day
28th high Wind Keeping in the 2 Bulls Raising stones and Ploughing cold to night took away the Banking from the shed north side heard Thunder tonight J Hamilton Lit up to night snowed through the night Dan McLean Departed
29th crofsed with a Letter to PO for Genie Postage 3 got Paint and oil for the Bun Stove a Hole in the Big Boat turned Back and took the Bun speaking to Robinson about the Bull
30th Ploughing Painting Fine Day Ogdensburgh Boat came Last night to Dundee stopt at Jo Duquetts Wharf all night Lots of ice going Down to Day
1st of May St Phillips & St James Lots of ice going Down Leander and I went around the Island The steamer Grenada coming acrofs Turned Back a Little way and Let the steam whatever was wrong I dont Know yet the John A or Hiram Calvin going Down in the a Raft the First this Season set Fires cutting Brush
2nd very high Wind West Painting the cubboard Door Windows
3rd cutting and Grubbing in the upper Field made the Fence at the Wet Place Let out the young Bull W Wind very high The McArthur went Down with a Raft
4th Fine Randolph Went to Christies Stanley Leander Sissy and other 4 went to Sturgeon Island Grenada went to Lancaster with a party of Masons
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Mr James Cameron Island
5th of May 1884 Fine Day Went to J Hamiltons with the Boat to Fix it Heard Dr Dickinson Departed last week
6th Fixing around the shanty putting stones here the water is wearing the Bank E Wind Alexandra Went Down First trip
7th Fine E Wind some Rain Blew hard Went to Fort Covington Bought of Smallman Flour 3 Boots 1..30 Fine salt Matches 15 Doz of Cups 4 Saucers 80 Red stuff 15 Bought of A Tyo Lime Tobacco 35 Cucumbers 5 Bought of Mr Long Hooks 2 pails 5 Pipes 2 Brush on credit 3.5 got the Strainer Kettle Mended 20 3 yds Calico 24 Warm Syrup 25 hoarhound 1 paid Randolph Boots 85 took Dinner at Mr P Buchanan Old Mr Congdon Taken on the Boat Grenada from Cornwall Bought of Tyo Flask 30 Sale at Elliots Mr Burdo's store closed got papers from Mr McCartney sailed going and Coming south Wind
8th The Bohemian First Trip the Fishermen Came Rain E Wind Fine Mr Congdon Buried to Day Randolph making a Harrow
9th putting up Manure Fixing the Logs aroun the Door commenced to rain to night Boats aground Tugs Lots of Tugs going to Day
10th Raining Windy N West ice going Down Wild Geese plenty on Plum Island
11th Bohemian went up Leander & Hugh Ann went to Hamiltons Fine Windy Rained some Phillip got the Black Boat to go to Bosells some ice Going Down
12th Harrowing First Planting Potatoes Ploughed the Garden and the Bean Place Fine Let out the calves in the yard they went with their Fish 1st Time
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Mr James Cameron Island
13th of May 1884 Planting Potatoes Ploughed in Drills Phillip to the store took my Paper from the Office Fine E Wind Rained to night Tying the Bull Buckley out put the Ring in his nose John Tyo scowing his cattle yesterday and to Day to scowing his cattle yesterday and to Day to Alexis Island Wild Geese Plenty
14th High South West Wind the Grenada did not come out from Dundee Walter Bakers Girl to Be Married to Day Fine cold some Drops of Rain cuting Brush in the upper Feild Fixing the calves Fence a Race the Bohemian & McArthur the McArthur took Down a Raft
15th Found a stick of Oak Randolph to Charlies Island
16th at Fences
17th cutting Brush
18th Randolph to Alexis Island and Round Black Island Found a Tin Stove in the Water
19th Went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward a Herring Barrel 25 Took Dinner with John S Summers Randolph and I Fine to Pens 2 got a Scotch paper
20th Planted Potatoes in the Back Garden Finished Making the soap
21st Warm Went to Hamiltons to Fix the Boat John in Cornwall
22 at the Boat Ascension Day Holy Thursday Bought of J Summers Tax 10 cents Raining Windy came home set a hen to hatch
23rd Planted Potatoes Pumpkins cucumbers up at the Cherry Tree the Sounding Place
24th Queen's Birth Day Ploughin corn Growing Makind Bon Fires to night
25th Fine
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Mr James Cameron Island
26th of May 1884 Planted corn the Barn Harrowin the Potatoes Fine
27th Fixing the Milkhouse Peter Tree and Wife here Piling Manure cold
28th Fixing the Cookhouse cold North Wind Lots of ice and snow under the Manure in the Barnyard
29th Royal Oak Day or Oak Apple Day Windy
30th W Wind Cold and Fine Went to Dundee with a Tennet of Butter Sold to A Tyo 20 cents Bought of Tyo 100 Wt of Flour Tea 3 lb 1 cornmeal 60 Tobacco 18 Pipe 25 Plug 5 Raisins 10 2 Packages of Soda 16 12 Boxes Blue 15 Saw 75 crackers 10 paid Mr Long for Brush 35 2 lbs of Nails 25 2 pair of spectacles 50 Lock 10 Bought Smallman 3 yds of Calico 25 Bought 2 Tubs 40 Paid Jo Lemay 1 Dollar on the Watch got a Ruster & Bull-Ring from Bill Returned Tyo's Flask
31st Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Got a Paper from the Rev Hugh Cameron in the office the Presbiterian got 2 Globes screws 2 cents Bought Bread cutting Brush put ashes on the Potatoes and corn a Big Fire somewhere up the Front an Indian and a Squaw here its James Grants Barn children set it a fire The Fosters
1st of June the Glorious First of June Rowena's Birth Day 1878
2nd {illegibel} Lancaster
3rd Went to Hamiltons Heard Isabella Chisholm's Departed Buried to Day cleaned the Boat so to paint her on the inside came home sheared the sheep
4th Washed the Wool Fine working around the Barn Old George the 4ths Birth Day Went to Lancaster with the Wool 20 lbs Gave him 1 Dollar on the Wool
5th Francis Wife here and Daughter
6th Went to Summerstown Hamiltons shearing their sheep Bought spool of Thread 5 A Letter from Gordon
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Mr James Cameron Island
7th of June 1884 John Summers and Tommy Rose here Trowling Treated me and Left me the Remains of the Bottle Went to Hamiltons for the Bo{cut off} wrote a Letter to Gordon 5 Went up in the Waggon with John and Tom Drawing stones to the Bridge took a Ladder to Mr Charles Craig's
8th Fine seen Genies going up in Front of the Island going to set out the Buoy at Francis Island
9th Our Mary's Birth Day 1813 Fine high E Wind Water Raised Lashey Came setting Fires to Brush Heaps a Lot of Boats going to Day Weeding Potatoes Hens Rooted out all the Corn must put Beans in it
10th Making Jumper Fine EW set Fires to sugar Bush ashes put some Paint on the inside of the Boat Let out Buckley (the Bull) Potato Bugs Bad Grubs Bad
11th Working at the Jumper
12th Fine Rained hard got a Line from Narcisse Wind high Working some at the Jumper
13th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown paid Mr Ward for Narcisse 65 cents Bought 2 Hats 1/2 lb Tobacco 12 1/2 cents Fixing snoods for a Line took over the Big Boat EW
14th Went to Dundee & Fort Covington Bought of Mr Long a suit for Randolph 6 Dollars paid 4) 52 yds of Cotton 4.. ten yds of stuff 120 salt Peter 5 1 lb of Tea 25 Brought 25 Bought of A Smalldon pipe Tobacco 5 cents 20 Calico 25 Bought of A Tyo 3 sacks of Flour 4..50 soap 25 crackers Tobacco 1/2 lb 15 Bought Tin Pans 1..50 Tin pans 45 Butter Tubs 70
15th Fine
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Mr James Cameron Island
16th of June 1884 Put hay at the End of the Potatoes so we would not {cut off}il the hay with the Plough hoeing Potatoes
17th Went Down sunk in the Rapids Bought Mr Ward Hoe 60 stone 8 Thread had 6 Doz Eggs
18th The Ever Memorable Battle of Waterloo Young Ducks at Hamiltons
19th Working at Tobacco plants {cut off}00 Ground
20th Randolph came from Hamiltons put out Tobacco plants & Turnips Weeding Potatoes
21st put in First hay pic nic Randolph to Pic nic Mowed calf Pasture took ashes home Narcisse down with Captain Rankin
22 Our Dan's Birth Day
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Unfortunate Days
Mr James Cameron Island
January 7 Days 3rd, 4,6,13..14..20..21
Feby 7, 3" 7,9,12..16..23
March 8 Days 1,,2..3..8..12..16..28..29
April 2 Days 24..25
May 5 Days 17..20..27..29..30
June 8 Days 3..10..17..18
July 4 Days 3..10 ..17..18
August 2 Days 15..20
September 2 Days 9,,16
October 6 Days 4..9..11..17.27.31
November 4 Days 3..9..10..21
December 2 Days 14..21
{on right hand side written vertically} 4 Days for Shaving Thursday Friday Monday Wednesday and mauspicious the other 3 are Evil
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Mr James Cameron Island
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 1st 1884 cutting Marsh Hay
2nd I making a stack
3rd D McMaster's Birth Day 1846 Fishing Let in the Cows
4th put 30 cocks of Marsh hay in the Barn
5th John Angus's B Day 1850
6th Fishing Livinia not well very warm time
7th Randolph and Leander to Mr Jo Ducketts
8th our Tame Ducks taken away 8 of Them cleaning Tobacco the Buds
9th Phillip crofsed Bought a Bottle of Pain Killer Stanley not well shot a Duck Made Fence around the stacks Barnhart with a Raft of Boards
10th very hot pulled the Hops and Beans shot 2 Ducks
11th Mr J McDougall for the Boat Mr Heron here Windy shot a Pigeon Mowing Marsh shelling Beans
12th Mrs Burdo here and Mrs Lesperance Took out the Big stone at the Door as its in the way
13th Drawing Wood
14th Took Apples of the Grove Tree
15th Drawing Wood Randolph for Mail Bought crackers and Matches
16th Windy
17th cutting Marsh hay cutting Tobacco
18th Went to Hamiltons for the 2 Rams J McDougall came home with the Boat Took home their sugar Pot
22nd First Day of Fall sun crofses the Line Equinoxial Gales
29th Michaelmass Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 1st 1884
Tonia Birth Day 1883
Hugh Annes McMaster B Day 1844
Livinia Birth Day 1868 Hugh's Birth Day
4th James B Day
25th 31st Halloween
Harvest Month of Death
November 1st all saints Day
2nd all souls Day
7th Helen's Birth Day
9th Prince of Wales B Day
11 or 12th
Martinmas Day 25th St Catherine Day
30th St Andrew's Day The Festival of the Scotch
21st of November D McMaster Senior Departed 1846
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Mr James Cameron Island
17th of Nov 1884 Went to Dundee very Foggy on the River Gave to Mr Long 2 Tennets of Butter to Amount of {illegible} $7..19 " 18 " 37 to Cash 5..12..19..6..8 To Randolph To Balance on Boots 50 Knife 30 Scotch cap 70 To 1 Sack of Fine Salt 6.5 2 pair of Hinges 30 1 lb of Wrought nails 7 Rope 23 Axe 90 2 lb of cut nails 8 1 lb of Powder 40 3 lb of shot 25 paper of needles 5 cash 1 1 Bit stock 80 Auger Bit 30 all this settled Bought on credit 53 yds of Cotton at 9 cents a yard 4..77 Bought of Mr Smallman Flour 3 20 yds of Calico 1 12 yards of Calico 1 oil 15 Settled with Alexander Tyo up to this Date Bought of A Tyo crackers soda 8 1 Box of Blue 5 1 Box of Blue 10 Pipe 50 1 Doz of close pins 4 Matches 8 Thimble 2 paid all this Bought of Mr Long Broom 25 paid this Windy stopt at Luke Bowens All night Traded Caps with Billy
18 came home
19th chopping cutting Brush in the oak Feild
20 Brushing
21st On This Day of the Month D McMaster Departed 1846
22nd J Hamilton J Craig T Jack and Mr Adam's here after their Ram's took 1 of Them Let the other high EW
23rd Sunday Windy
24th Bohemian Went Down on her Last Trip chopping on the Pitt Point Found a Weasel in a Dead Tree Dead
25 Snowing Windy put in cattle to night a steamer went up to night
26th The Massena stopt with the ice on the Mouth of Salmon River Turned Back to Jo Ducquets Warf stopt all night a steamer went up Feeding Cattle
27th Massena Broke the ice in to Salmon River came out to Day snowing
28th Randolph crofsed for Ma{cut off} Bought of Mr Ward on credit a Lock 25 no Lights up to night to 2 spools of Thread 10 paid this Diptheria Raging
29th at stove Wood
30th St Andrews Day the Festival of the Scotch
1st Sunday in Advent
1st of December Keeping St Andrews Day our Patron Saint all the Boys had had shooting
a Pigeon came on the 25th
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of December 1884 Chopping Logs for Boards setting handlines for Perch
3rd Drew 3 Logs to the Grove put the calves in their own stable
4th put Hings on 2 Doors clearning the Trees and Brush away at he Tent Windy but Fine warm snow abou gone Freezing some to night not many Ducks but a great Lot went East this Evening in Flocks the Boys got a small Lunge and Pike 1 Perch in the Back Bay
5th a very fine Day clearing Brush on the Lower Point water low
6th Cutting and Brushing in the oak field Back of the Barn Randolph making a Board sleigh high E Wind got a Rat
7th West Wind Rained Hard to night snow some water Raised
8th snowing Blowing Brushing some Tied the Jennie put shafts on the Board sleigh a small Blue Bird following the cows and will light on their Backs and Keeps close to them when they a Feeding in the Field or in the Barn-yard he was here 3 or 4 Days last week Look like a small Blackbird
9th cleaned the Pipes
10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 Gave him a Silver Dollar cutting Brush a Boat crofsing to Lancaster Below Butternut Island Drawing Wood
11th stormy snowing soft Tied the calves went around the Island Lots of Dead little Fish Like minnows around the shore it must be those Fish they put in the River Like Whitefish or Manhattan
12th Drawing Wood
13th Cutting Brush in the oak Field
14th Fine
15th cutting on the Pitt Point scattered trees E Wind changed to High West Wind Drew some Wood Hay all Done on the Barn floor
16th a Boat Passed with 2 in it going Down to C Rankin
{first page}
Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 17th 1884 snowing calm Windy whitewashing Drew some Wood put out manure wind changed every way New Moon came in to Day Freezing to night
18th cutting in the Oakfield cows eating Brush a Light to night on the south side it Looks like a Fishing Light Frosty Fine some Windy ice made out Last night to the edge of the Rushes and a good Bit made in the Back Bay
19th Frosty Cold Windy ice a making though its Windy Drew some Wood
20th ice Took acrofs in some places North Wind changed to East Windy
21st First Day of Winter Snowing Drifting cold
22 E Wind Rained and hailed made a crust changed to West Wind and Blew very hard all night Turned to Freezing through the night Drew some Drags Shortest Day in the year
23 very cold and Frosty Windy put in a Part of a stack of Fine hay Broke on it to Day cutting stove Wood Leander seen 10 Wild Geese going West Randolph to the head of the Island seen a Fox Track made before the crust made water Raising near shore the ice must a Taken to Day Between here and Hamiltons
24th E W stormy Drifting snowing Cattle did not Drink to Day Broke a peice out of the new Axe Frosty
25th Christmas Day Fine Frosty West Wind seen the Weasels Track at the River Cattle hearty Good Fires nothing but Wine and its good 2 Mock-Suns this Morning and a Tail to the Sun air holes shut up pretty well with the storm Last night
{second page}
Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 26th 1884 Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons Randolph to the PO got a Letter from Dan got the Papers and a Record from the Rev Mr Cameron Bought of J Summers lb of Tea and Four plates the Prize Tea a Great many Dying with Diphtera Hamiltons cutting on Duncan G's Bush Timber for a Building Bought RRR 25 and Eclectrick oil 25 Kerosene oil very Frosty E Wind Mr Harpers 2 Girls and Mrs Laird came to Hamiltons seen George Annan at Hamiltons
27th Frosty E W Drawing Wood
28 Holy Innocents Fine Thawing
29 Our Angus B Day Fine E Wind Thawing Killed Buckley
30th Fine Thawing Drew some Wood put out Manure put in the rest of the Fine hay stack put the sawlogs on a Roleway
31st Last Day of the year Fine Thawing Raining E Wind now near all gone seen a Man crofsing summers Road My wrist very sore ice getting Bad Randolph put bushes on Bay
1st of January New Years Day 1885 Fine Freezing snowing a Little Windy Firing some Volleys Fields Bare of snow a Good many holes opened in the ice water the ice water high Freezing hard to night Burning the Front Marsh cut a Load of Wood alders and Willows John H and I on the Pitt Point
2nd cutting alders and Willows clearing in the oakfield Cold Windy Frosty Randolph got a Mink Drew some wood set Fire to part of the Back Marsh
3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853 Tried to go Acrofs too slippery for my Boots Randolph crofsed Bought of Ward a Darning needle got papers from OUr Mail Windy the crack in the ice Bursting open Heard Sandy Alec Departed
4th Fine Thawing
5th Windy crofsed to Hamiltons Meeting of Councillor to Day Kind of soft snowed a Little Randolph Bought of J Summers 1 of Tea Prize a Pitcher Thread 4 spools needles ice Breaking at airholes Broke in a Marsh hay stack
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- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (4).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (5).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (6).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (7).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (8).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (9).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (10).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (11).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (12).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (13).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (14).pdf
- James Cameron Diary, 1884 (15).pdf