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Mr James Cameron Island
7th of June 1884 John Summers and Tommy Rose here Trowling Treated me and Left me the Remains of the Bottle Went to Hamiltons for the Bo{cut off} wrote a Letter to Gordon 5 Went up in the Waggon with John and Tom Drawing stones to the Bridge took a Ladder to Mr Charles Craig's
8th Fine seen Genies going up in Front of the Island going to set out the Buoy at Francis Island
9th Our Mary's Birth Day 1813 Fine high E Wind Water Raised Lashey Came setting Fires to Brush Heaps a Lot of Boats going to Day Weeding Potatoes Hens Rooted out all the Corn must put Beans in it
10th Making Jumper Fine EW set Fires to sugar Bush ashes put some Paint on the inside of the Boat Let out Buckley (the Bull) Potato Bugs Bad Grubs Bad
11th Working at the Jumper
12th Fine Rained hard got a Line from Narcisse Wind high Working some at the Jumper
13th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown paid Mr Ward for Narcisse 65 cents Bought 2 Hats 1/2 lb Tobacco 12 1/2 cents Fixing snoods for a Line took over the Big Boat EW
14th Went to Dundee & Fort Covington Bought of Mr Long a suit for Randolph 6 Dollars paid 4) 52 yds of Cotton 4.. ten yds of stuff 120 salt Peter 5 1 lb of Tea 25 Brought 25 Bought of A Smalldon pipe Tobacco 5 cents 20 Calico 25 Bought of A Tyo 3 sacks of Flour 4..50 soap 25 crackers Tobacco 1/2 lb 15 Bought Tin Pans 1..50 Tin pans 45 Butter Tubs 70
15th Fine