File #45460: "James Cameron Diary, 1884 (14).pdf"



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{first page} Mr James Cameron Island 17th of Nov 1884 Went to Dundee very Foggy on the River Gave to Mr Long 2 Tennets of Butter to Amount of {illegible} $7..19 " 18 " 37 to Cash 5..12..19..6..8 To Randolph To Balance on Boots 50 Knife 30 Scotch cap 70 To 1 Sack of Fine Salt 6.5 2 pair of Hinges 30 1 lb of Wrought nails 7 Rope 23 Axe 90 2 lb of cut nails 8 1 lb of Powder 40 3 lb of shot 25 paper of needles 5 cash 1 1 Bit stock 80 Auger Bit 30 all this settled Bought on credit 53 yds of Cotton at 9 cents a yard 4..77 Bought of Mr Smallman Flour 3 20 yds of Calico 1 12 yards of Calico 1 oil 15 Settled with Alexander Tyo up to this Date Bought of A Tyo crackers soda 8 1 Box of Blue 5 1 Box of Blue 10 Pipe 50 1 Doz of close pins 4 Matches 8 Thimble 2 paid all this Bought of Mr Long Broom 25 paid this Windy stopt at Luke Bowens All night Traded Caps with Billy 18 came home 19th chopping cutting Brush in the oak Feild 20 Brushing 21st On This Day of the Month D McMaster Departed 1846 22nd J Hamilton J Craig T Jack and Mr Adam's here after their Ram's took 1 of Them Let the other high EW 23rd Sunday Windy 24th Bohemian Went Down on her Last Trip chopping on the Pitt Point Found a Weasel in a Dead Tree Dead 25 Snowing Windy put in cattle to night a steamer went up to night 26th The Massena stopt with the ice on the Mouth of Salmon River Turned Back to Jo Ducquets Warf stopt all night a steamer went up Feeding Cattle 27th Massena Broke the ice in to Salmon River came out to Day snowing 28th Randolph crofsed for Ma{cut off} Bought of Mr Ward on credit a Lock 25 no Lights up to night to 2 spools of Thread 10 paid this Diptheria Raging 29th at stove Wood 30th St Andrews Day the Festival of the Scotch 1st Sunday in Advent 1st of December Keeping St Andrews Day our Patron Saint all the Boys had had shooting a Pigeon came on the 25th {second page} Mr James Cameron Island 2nd of December 1884 Chopping Logs for Boards setting handlines for Perch 3rd Drew 3 Logs to the Grove put the calves in their own stable 4th put Hings on 2 Doors clearning the Trees and Brush away at he Tent Windy but Fine warm snow abou gone Freezing some to night not many Ducks but a great Lot went East this Evening in Flocks the Boys got a small Lunge and Pike 1 Perch in the Back Bay 5th a very fine Day clearing Brush on the Lower Point water low 6th Cutting and Brushing in the oak field Back of the Barn Randolph making a Board sleigh high E Wind got a Rat 7th West Wind Rained Hard to night snow some water Raised 8th snowing Blowing Brushing some Tied the Jennie put shafts on the Board sleigh a small Blue Bird following the cows and will light on their Backs and Keeps close to them when they a Feeding in the Field or in the Barn-yard he was here 3 or 4 Days last week Look like a small Blackbird 9th cleaned the Pipes 10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 Gave him a Silver Dollar cutting Brush a Boat crofsing to Lancaster Below Butternut Island Drawing Wood 11th stormy snowing soft Tied the calves went around the Island Lots of Dead little Fish Like minnows around the shore it must be those Fish they put in the River Like Whitefish or Manhattan 12th Drawing Wood 13th Cutting Brush in the oak Field 14th Fine 15th cutting on the Pitt Point scattered trees E Wind changed to High West Wind Drew some Wood Hay all Done on the Barn floor 16th a Boat Passed with 2 in it going Down to C Rankin
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