Velma’s Diaries - 1935
January 1
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 6
January 7
January 8
January 9
January 10
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 15
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
New Year’s – terribly stormy. Elgin & I went up to Winnie’s
in morning. McGirr’s were down for dinner. Ruby only got
as far as Arthur & had to stay there all nite. Some weather.
Quite mild. Came up to Durham in aft. Read – finished a
book. Winnie, Ethel Hargrave & I went to hockey match.
Milverton & Durham. Durham won 9-2.
Cold, stormy & blustery – such weather. Started to school
again. Sure feels funny to be back again. Not altogether
pleasant. It was so cold stayed in at night & did some
Real frosty. Anna came down for week end with Elgin & I.
Went to dance in Hall. Stayed up & talked till 2:30
discussing things & people.
Didn’t get up very early. Played rummy in aft. Listened to
hockey game & played “500” till 12.
Anna intended to go up in time for church but didn’t get up till
11. Went up in afternoon & called on Marion House. Went
to church at nite. Came home with Laddie. Great. Read.
A thaw. Raining. Norman Marshall’s funeral. Didn’t feel
very well – had terrible headache. Did homework, looked
over a magazine, went to bed early.
Rained all day. Had a busy day. Went to Mission Circle at
Mrs. Alder’s, had ice cream again. Came home & read
“Guarded Walls”.
A lovely day. Got my subscription. Best ever to-day so sort
of encouraging. Did homework, listened to radio & read
some more of my book.
Colder to-day. Snow almost gone though. I washed my hair
after 4. Did homework & listened to radio – Lindbergh trial
Got 37 in Typing test. Cecil is going out west. I came home
with Elgin after 4 & read at night.
Worked in morning & did homework in aft. Miss Heard was
over for supper. We played cards at night.
Terribly stormy. Went to church in aft. & at night Mr. Smith
spoke on being yourself. I went up to Marion H. after.
Real frosty. Did some typing for Mrs. Alder. Winnie & I ate
a whole dish of scalloped potatoes for supper. Went over to
Hargrave’s at night & played “500” some time.
Almost slept in too late. Snowed heavily all day. Went to
Young People’s & took part in discussion – planned to have
a skating party on 7th.
January 16
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21
January 22
January 23
January 24
January 25
January 26
January 27
January 28
January 29
January 30
January 31
February 1
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Mount Forest High School Girl’s & Boys played hockey here.
Blanche, Anna & I went to game. Girl’s lost 5-0 & Boy’s won
5-0. Some fun to watch them.
A terribly stormy day – the worst yet. I didn’t go up to school
in aft. Was glad to stay in at nite. Studied for Shorthand
Exam & listened to Rudy Vallee program. Elgin started
Baschess (?) Course.
Had my 5th theory Shorthand exam, got 80. Went over to
Schenks’s for supper. Donnie & Peggy are certainly cute.
Had some more of those good bits. Schenk’s dinner.
Barber’s were down at our place at nite – played cards.
A lovely day. Mother went uptown in aft. & I did homework.
Mother & Dad were away at nite, so we had a few kids in,
listened to radio & around until till1:30.
Thawing again. Didn’t get up till 10:30. Went to church in
aft. & night. Dad wasn’t feeling very well. I went to bed eary
as I was sure tired.
Raining all day. Mrs. Schenk, Mrs. MacLean, Mrs. Hargrave
& Ethel were over for tea. We played cards after. They sure
are a jolly bunch.
Real cold again. Started to type out a play for institute.
Went over to Sally’s after four. Nadine is 11 months old today & sure lively. The more she is tossed about the better
she likes it.
Real cold to-day – below zero. Winnie was up at McGirr’s
for supper as I was alone. Eva Derby was in. I did a lot of
Shorthand. Trying to finish book.
Still cold to-day. Stayed at school till nearly 6. Did a lot of
homework at night. Winnie & I popped some corn.
Got 41 in typing test to-day. Came home with Elgin after
four. Intended to go to Holstein but it stormed so read
Cold. Baked a cake in morning. Did homework in aft.,
finished Shorthand book, some kids were in at night. We
had a good game of “500”.
Real frosty. Went snowshoeing for some exercise. Went to
church in afternoon. Sally & Vic & Nadine were down for
supper. I came up with them & went over to their place for
Very cold. Typed at the play all day. Winnie had Auxiliary, a
large crowd & certainly jolly.
Finished the play. Aunt Eva asked me to go to Walkerton to
hockey game but it was terribly cold so went to Young
People’s instead. My side won in Membership drive.
Wasn’t feeling very well. Had a letter from Cecil – likes it. I
stayed home at nite & studied for Shorthand exam.
Had 3 exams. Got 84 in last Shorthand exam & 95 in
Grammer exam. Started on legal work. Winnie & I went over
to Sally’s & played contract till late.
Lovely day. Felt terribly sleepy. Do nothing but Shorthand
in my sleep ha! Am home with Elgin, read & went to bed
February 2
February 3
February 4
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8
February 9
February 10
February 11
February 12
February 13
February 14
February 15
February 16
February 17
February 18
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Thawing. Did homework in afternoon. Went skating at
night. Varney bunch went up to skate, had nice time – went
out to Anna’s after.
Did some French in morning. Went to church in aft. & Anna
& I went to church at nite. I went for walk with Laddie & Bill
A lovely day. I took Nadine out after four. We were all over
to Sally’s for dinner at night. Played cards.
Had French Comp. exam – not too bad. Studied at night &
went to bed early.
A busy day. I was invited to a party at Schenk’s but didn’t go
as I had a terrible cold. Studied French. Harriston beat
Durham 5-0.
Had a letter from Ruby. Uncle Charlie disappeared. Went
to our Young People’s skating party – nice time.
A salesmanship exam in morning. Harriston played
Durham. Durham had to overcome 5 goal lead or they
would be out of it. Winnie & I went at 7:05 to get a seat.
Rink was jammed – score 9-2 for D, some excitement.
A lovely day. Went down to see Elva Stewart’s baby in aft.
Choir practice here at night.
Colder to-day. Got up Mission Circle program. Went to
church in aft. & to Anglican church at nite. Wallace was up
at night.
Berniece was home. I typed out work Mission Circle.
Winnie & I were up to Aunt Marion’s for supper. Did
homework after I came home.
Nice day. Went to Mission Circle at Towns. Sally started.
Planned ball. Blanche Boyce & we did rapid cal. together.
Warm again. I kept Nadine while Sally went to a tea. Went
to hockey match – Arthur & Durham for district
championship. Durham won 3-2 – exciting.
Thawing. Hanover invited us over to Valentine prom. Didn’t
know I was going until 7, Fred & I went over with Allan,
Laddie, Ronald Rudd, Mr. Sharpe. Had swell time, went to
dinner in Durham after we came home.
I got 91 in Salesmanship but only 39 in Fr. I served at
supper in church – some menu. Went to Wilton’s to his
practice after. Bill Firth called up for me about to go to
dance in Hanover, but wasn’t home.
Colder again, didn’t get up very early. Did homework in aft.
Came up to Durham at night as Winnie was sick. Sore
I went to church in morning. Winnie was better but can
hardly speak yet. Read in afternoon. Anna & I went to
church at nite.
Lovely day. Washed my hair after four. Did homework &
then Winnie and I had a game of cribbage. Took lemonade
and aspirin as I have sort of a cold.
February 19
February 20
February 21
February 22
February 23
February 24
February 25
February 26
February 27
February 28
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 6
March 7
March 8
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Cutis Dale, Murray Hays have a son – been married about
14 yrs – ha! Got word of Uncle Charlie’s death, found in
garage, missing a month. Bill Renwick’s brother died – only
25. Went toYoung People’s - Miss Edge was here.
Got 50 in French Authors, sort of disappointed. Mrs. Schenk,
Peggy and Donnie were here in aft. Donnie is a dear. Went
over to Renwick’s.
Had a sore eye. Wrote a letter to Renwick’s. Winnie & I
went over to Sally’s at night. Took cradle over for Nadine –
stayed till 12:30.
Typed 250 tickets for Institute. 75¢. I think 1st money I ever
earned. Nadine’s Birthday. Went over after school. All the
relations were there & had tea. She sure is a dear.
Baked some cream puffs & Butterscotch Squares. Did
homework in aft. Went Skating at night & went to Anna’s
Went to church in afternoon. Aunt Eva’s were down for
supper. I went to church at night. Mr. Smith spoke on
“Meaning of Marriage”. Great.
Vic is sick – has flu. I went to see Mrs. Whitmore after four –
she is real sick. I went to hockey game with Laddie. O.S. &
Durham – D. won 8-3.
Cold to-day. Rebecca’s had a party, had Hanover & Mount
Forest, had a swell time. Came home with Bill Firth.
Cold again, 22 below last nite. Didn’t feel very well all day.
Went in to talk to Barb in telephone office after four. Did
homework & went to bed early.
Durham beat O.S. Rangers 7-0. Got 87 in 60 speed in
Shorthand. Did homework at night – took a book up to Mrs.
Lovely day – real warm. D. played with O.S. Olympians.
O.S. 4-2. I came home with Dad & went to choir practice at
Swell day again, like spring. Did homework in aft. & went
down to store. Read at night.
Real warm. Went to church in aft. & night. Mr. Smith spoke
on “Can one fall in love intelligently?”. Grand.
So slippery you couldn’t stand up. George Hahn fell with
tray of dishes on Main street, ha! Went to play practice in
Hall in afternoon. Anna & I went to hockey game, O.S. & D.
Most exciting game I ever was at – overtime. D. won in out
round by one goal.
Everyone talking about game last night. I was there. I
stayed home at night & did quite a bit of homework, had bath
& went to bed.
Colder. Washed my hair & had it finger waved after four.
Went to rehearsal for play in Hall.
The play (Trusts Accomodalis)(?). Had a swell night for it. It
went off fine. Ethel did us up and I certainly had lots of
grease on – a full house.
Terribly tired. Had a Rapid Cal. exam. I went to hockey
March 9
March 10
March 11
March 12
March 13
March 14
March 15
March 16
March 17
March 18
March 19
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 23
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
game with Laddie. Rink was packed again. D. beat Ayton
4-3 which isn’t a very big lead to take tomorrow nite. Uncle
Cameron doing well.
Was in bed nearly all day. I think I must have the flu. Ruby
& Cy came home. Certainly did a lot of reading.
Feeling better. Did homework. Went to church at night. Mr.
Smith spoke on “Courtship”. Went over to Sally’s after
Got 100 in Rap. Cal. – was only one who passed – not bad.
Stayed over at Sally’s as Vic was away. A lot went to Ayton
to game. D. won 5-1. Spectators had a fight – took 5
policemen to stop them.
Nadine walks now, a darling, never woke up all night. We
made banana ice cream at noon. Sally had the Mission
Circle. Hemmed draperies and finished vale.
A lovely day. I came home to-day. Did quite a bit of
homework at night as I was getting sort of behind. D. plays
in Clinton tonight.
Clinton won 5-4. Winnie went to bridge at Elsie McGirr’s. I
stayed home, listened to radio & did homework.
Real soft, like summer. Went to lit(?) in Hall in afternoon.
Blanche, Winnie & I went to hockey game. Water on ice
was terribly sloppy. Rink was jammed. Durham won 2-1. A
tie on round playoff next week.
Mild again. Mother went up town in aft. I did homework.
Stayed home at night & read magazine.
Read in morning. Went to church in aft. Marjorie was up for
supper & we went to church. Mr. Smith spoke on “Cause of
Happiness in Marriage”.
Lovely day. Went to Young People’s at night and went down
with Miss Edge to Leith’s to play bridge. A Mrs. Anderson –
young kid who boards there played with us – a good time –
we won.
Didn’t go to college in aft. Durham plays off with Clinton in
Galt. A lot went down. I stayed with Jean & Vera. Went
downtown. Mrs. Anderson was with us. Heard score –
Durham lost 3-2. Hockey over.
Everyone talking about game. Sure tough that they lost out.
I stayed home at night & did homework. Mrs. Schenk was
Winnie had the Ladies’ Aid. We had 2 tables of bridge at
nite. Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford, Frank Goodchild & H.
Anderson, Eddie McQueen & Edye. Good time.
I finished the typing book. Swell day. Spring certainly is
here. Mr. Anderson was down after & going home
tomorrow. I came home with Elgin at nite.
Lovely day. Studied some French in aft. Elgin went to
Toronto. I intended to go to show but Elgin didn’t get home
in time, read.
March 24
March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
March 29
March 30
March 31
April 1
April 2
April 3
April 4
April 5
April 6
April 7
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Studied some Fr. Went to church in aft. and nite. Mr. Smith
spoke on “Mixed Marriages”. Miss Heard had an accident
on Main Street with a new car, in hospital.
Colder to-day. Had Fr. Authors exam. Got fruit after four to
send up to hospital to Mary Leeson who has a new baby.
Did homework at night – Mother was up.
Lovely day. I went up to Whitmore’s after school & after
supper Anna and I went for walk. Talked to George Glass
and fooled around for awhile.
Vic phoned and said he was going to Toronto in morning.
So Winnie & I got ready to go with him. Anna had a party,
played “500” – good time. Elgin, Allan, Bill, Laddie, Freda,
Evelyn B., Anna & I.
Got up at 5. Had breakfast at Hope’s. Got a Joan Bennet
permanent in Joan’s (4hrs.). Went to Imperial in aft. To see
Roberta (good). Ruby called for us after 4 and we ate &
then went to see Shirley Temple in “Bright Eyes” (wonderful)
& also “Women in the Dark”.
We stayed at Wilf’s (?) all night & Winnie & I went shopping
in aft. & went to Hope’s for dinner. Came home at nite. Sally
drove and we minded Nadine.
Combed my hair a bit – think I will like it. Did homework in
aft. to make up for school missed. Went to bed early as I
was tired.
Went to church in aft. & nite. Mr. Smith spoke on “in-laws”.
Allan, Bill, Russ Drimmie, Earl Hast, Mack(?), Freda, Mr.
Allen & I were out to Anna’s – had some great arguments on
religion & so on.
Had a Shorthand exam, got 98 but only 29 in my Fr. Alix
Edge(?), Hugh Anderson, Eddie McQueen were over for
bridge. Stayed till about 2. I was sick in night.
Snow on the ground, much colder. Had another Shorthand
exam. Wasn’t feeling very well so did some studying & went
to bed early.
Got 93 in Shorthand exam. Anna, Blanche & I went to
Auxiliary Contest program, good. I walked home with Hugh
Sort of chilly. Winnie went to institute so I got my own
supper. Studied filing at night.
Had filing exam. Mrs. Dargavel went to Toronto so we had
holiday in aft. Went up to college & had some fun. Went to
dance in Holstein – had a great time. Kids were there from
Mt. Forest.
Winnie stayed over the week end. We went to sugar bush in
aft. Read at night.
Cold wind. Mr. Mercer’s birthday, 50. Went to church in aft.
Laddie, George Glass & I went up to Grace MacDonald’s at
Chatsworth for Elsie Hunter & then we went to O.S.
April 8
April 9
April 10
April 11
April 12
April 13
April 14
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 18
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Didn’t go to school in morning as Mrs. Dargavel was away,
studied some though, bookkeeping. Went over to Sally’s at
four & to Hargrave’s at night. Played “500”. Oscar Moon
was there. Didn’t get home until late, about 2.
Nice day. Had a Shorthand exam & started Bookkeeping
exam. Betty Rudd & I looked for present for Mrs. Alder who
is going away. Anna & I went up town at night. Allan
McLean walked home with us.
Mr. Wilton dropped dead this morning. Went to Mission
Circle. Ladies gave a supper. We gave Mrs. Alder a
Sheffield relish dish, $6.50. I made the presentation. Allan,
Anna, Hugh & I went out to Anna’s & played “500”.
Had 5th theory. Took Nadine after four, went up to see
Dorothy McFarlane. Stayed at Sally’s for supper. When I
came home Hugh called up & wanted to come over. Winnie
was away & we danced & fooled around.
Rainy. Had 6th theory exam, got 92% on whole & 96% on
rules. Winnie started my dress for the Easter dance, red
&white organdie. I didn’t go home this week end as I have
an exam tomorrow.
Studied in morning. Vera was down – some girl. Had
Shorthand Theory exam in aft. – hard. Went up to library at
night. Got “The Silent World”.
A lovely day. Went to church in morning. Winnie & I went
up to Aunt Eva’s for dinner. Went to church at night. Mr.
Smith spoke on “Divorce”.
Snow on ground. Winnie went to Hanover with Rebecca’s
so I had Hugh, Blanche, Allan in for a game or bridge –
Had a Business English exam – final. Got 85. Winnie & I
went to Mission Circle concert at night.
I didn’t go to school in aft., studied for Fr. Mother was up
and they finished my dress. It looks pretty. Anna wanted
me to go to show with her but thought I better study.
Got diploma for filing – 93. The highest. Wrote Fr. Comp in
aft. – hard. Hugh, Alex Edgar were over for bridge. A Mr.
Burner called for Hugh – some guy, a regular comedian.
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
April 19
April 20
April 21
April 22
April 23
April 24
April 25
April 26
April 27
April 28
April 29
April 30
May 1
May 2
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Good Friday and a lovely day. Washed & pressed my
clothes in morning. Sally, Mrs. Hope & Nadine came down
in aft. & took Mother & I for a drive. Cy & Ruby also called.
Went to Br(?) at night– a choir practice.
Warm & sunny. Baked in morning. Went up to town in aft.
Got a new brown hat. Elgin, George Sockette, Berniece & I
went to show in Hanover at night “After Office Hours”.
Easter Sunday and a lovely day. Went up to Mary Leeson’s
in morning. Went to church in aft. Cy, Ruby & Winnie were
down for supper.
Myrtle Kerr was in an accident – hurt her back. I went up to
town with uncle Cameron & went to Easter dance – wore my
new dress. Had a wonderful time, a swell dance. Stayed at
Came home in morning with Vic & Sally. Mother went to
Toronto with them. I had a sleep in aft. Elgin & I went up to
Durham for Mother at nite.
Lovely & warm. Raked up the lawn in aft. Anna was down
at night & we went for a walk & talked.
Uncle Harry Burnett died. Ruby, Winnie, Eva & I went down
in aft. Ruby & I minded Nadine till 9:30, then went to Hockey
Boys dance – a wonderful time. Lot there from Mt. Forest &
I came home in morning. Did some ironing. Had an hour’s
sleep in aft. Went to Rebecca party in Hanover with Winnie
& Ruby. Came home with Roy Coburn.
Raining. Mother & I went to Uncle Harry’s funeral. Slept in
aft. George, Marg & Al Constable, Winnie & Ruby were
down at nite – had great chat.
Al stayed all night. Went to church at night with Anna. Earl
Hart, Art Hoss, Laddie, Allan, MacN, Freda & I were out at
Anna’s. Had a great time – some discussion.
Started to school again. Mrs. Dargavel wanted to know if I
would be Miss MacPhail’s secretary for this week. Didn’t
know whether to go or not, told her I would. Went to
Oddfellow’s At Home & dance.
Blanche Raynor didn’t come home so I had to take her part
in play. Stayed home in aft. as I wasn’t feeling well. Put on
play in Williamsford at nite. Didn’t have to be prompted –
had dance after.
Went over to Miss MacPhail’s in aft. Drafted a letter –
neither typewriter would work so had to call in a mechanic.
Went to Flesherton at night.
Did I work hard? Spelt poll “pale” ha! Sent 2 wires. Typed
nearly all day & my back certainly ached but Miss MacPhail
was great. She gave me $2.50 for the day – not bad &
brought me back for the High School Banquet. I stayed
alone at Winnie’s.
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Brought over some work to do here. Mrs. Dargavel said that
I got a great reputation, only thing was that I worked her too
hard. Snowing. Stayed at Aunt Eva’s. Went to Masonic
dance with Laddie – a lovely swell party.
Went to Owen Sound with Elgin. He got a new suit & I got a
new dress – green & brown. Elgin & I went uptown at night.
Jimmy Sullivan, Laddie, Allan were in car with us.
Didn’t get up till noon. Went to church & Sunday School.
Was terribly tired – too many late nights. So went to bed
right after supper – raining.
Nicer today. A holiday. 25th anniversary of reign of King &
Queen. Washed my hair. Went up to Sally’s at night. As
Winnie is away, I am staying there.
Sally & Vic went to Toronto. Worked hard at school. Took
Nadine out after four. Went up to Library at night with Anna.
Sally came back with Ede, her sister & baby & Mrs. Palmer.
I went to show “David Copperfield” with Elgin, Anna & Earl,
liked it very much.
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Running all day. Sally took her company back to Mona
Mills. Got my own supper. Did homework.
Miss MacPhail was over – got another $1.50 & she wants
me Tues. & Wed. Elgin came up & I went home with him.
Read at nite.
Studied most of day. Went uptown with Elgin. Elgin,
Florence Patterson, Jean MacGillvary, Ronald Rudd, Laddie
& I went to Holstein. Sure had fun. Took Florence home –
such roads.
A lovely day & Mother’s day. Went to church & Sunday
School & up to Aunt Eva’s for supper. Bob Christie was up.
We went out to Freda’s. Had lots of fun.
Cold for this time of year. Nothing much happened to-day.
Went up to library and came home with Allan.
Sally’s went to Toronto so I stayed at Aunt Eva’s for dinner
and supper. Mrs. Kennedy (Aunt Marion’s daughter) died &
left 5 children.
Lorne Reis died today – 24, very sad. Alex Edge & I went
over to Miss MacPhail’s. Took 16 letters down at once &
typed them. Arranged forms in envelopes. Worked till about
Miss Edge came home but I stayed. Answered some more
letters. Miss MacPhail brought me over at night. Went on
ride to McGirrs with Young Peoples. Had a great time. It
was a gorgeous night. Came home with Laddie.
Went to school in morning. Had speed exam. Went to
Lorne Reis’ funeral in aft. Elgin, Ronald, Laddie, Bill
Renwick, Anna & I went to dance in Holstein. Never missed
a dance. Home at “4”.
Didn’t get up till 11. Did some work. Fowler’s came up.
Went up town at night. Kids were around. Talked over night
before. Bill Firth asked me to a dance.
Was out driving the car in morning. Went to church &
Sunday School. Went to church at night with Anna. Stayed
out for awhile.
Cold. Vic came home this morning. Went to Aunt Eva’s for
dinner. Went to dance (Canadian Cowboys with Bill Firth) –
lots of fun.
Still cold. Worked all day & did homework at night. Mr. &
Mrs. Smith were over. Went to bed early.
Lorne’s birthday – bought him some scribblers. 9 today.
Went over town at night but it was so cold, didn’t stay long.
Took Nadine out after 4. There were two fires – Kennies
and church shed. Shirley, Jean Murdoch, Anna, Elgin, Jim,
Laddie, Bill went out to Anna’s and played cards and
Warmer. Fowlers came up. Anna, Evelyn, Elsie, Barbara,
Berniece & I went fishing. Had horse & buggy ride, also flat
tire. Elgin, Jim, Laddie, Shirley, Anna & I went to dance in
Flesherton, had wonderful time, lot from Durham there.
May 24th, 1935
Velma back third
Velma on right
Velma front left
Velma on left
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Real warm today. Worked in morning, studied & had sleep
in aft. Howard MacDonald died suddenly. Ronald Rudd ,
Florence Patt., Laddie & I went for drive in Ronnie’s car We
were in rumble.
Lovely today. Elgin & I were up to Durham in morning.
Went to Sunday School. Anna was down. We went to Knox
anniversary at night. Rev. Dunn spoke good.
Got a nice pair of shoes – brown sport Oxford’s. I am
staying at Aunt Eva’s this week. Felt terrible today but stuck
it out at school & went & talked to Glenna for awhile. To bed
Raining all day. Got my working sheet to come out in my
bookkeeping exam. Studied at night.
Nice today. Went over to Mrs. Hope’s after four. Anna, Inez
& I went down town at night, open night. Bought some
cookies & fooled around.
Finished my Bookkeeping exam. What a relief! Winnie
came home so we went down to house for supper. We had
lots to talk about.
Lovely. Winnie sprained her ankle so I mowed the lawn for
her after four. What a job! There was a play in town. I went
up town & sat in the car with about 6 boys – ha! till the play
came out. Then went with Oscar Moon to dance at Holstein.
It was three when we got home but I got up early & worked.
Had a sleep in aft. Elgin & I went up town at nite. I was
around with Florence & Glenna. Elgin had Shirley to the
show so Allan & I went for a walk until they came back.
Uncle Irving & Mrs. Brown came up. We all went on a picnic
to Harriston park. 5 cars. Cy, Ruby, Anna & Kay were up.
Went to Balmy Beach also. Was out with Anna, Earl & Allan
at night. Went to Pike Lake for a drive.
Rainy. Did some French. Mrs. Brown was here & lovely. I
went up to town with her & uncle about 6. Was up street at
night, came home with Laddie.
Got a 94 in my Bookkeeping exam. Anna started to school
in the daytime. We went to look at a present for Inez. I
stayed in at night & studied.
Raining. Intended to play tennis after 4 but couldn’t. Anna &
I went up town at nite. Were with rest of gang. They
brought us home.
Worked hard all day. Winnie went to Wiarton. Went up
town for awhile to Ethel Hargrave’s shop, asked Allan to
come out to Anna’s tomorrow nite. Said he would come if he
was the lucky one – ha.
Got a new pair of shoes, cup & saucer. Forence, Marg,
Inez, Anna & I had a dinner at Anna’s about 8. I was 19,
Inez 20 & also Inez’s graduation. Gave her an evening bag.
The boys came out after, we danced & had loads of fun.
Laddie bought me a box chocolates (Laddie & Allan not
feeling very well sometimes).
Florence stayed at our place all night. We talked in morning
& didn’t get up until 11. I washed my hair& Florence set int.
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 23
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Elgin & I took her home at noon. Elgin & I went uptown at
Went down to store in morning. Went to church & Sunday
School. Florence came out for supper, we went to
Presbyterian dinner & then Allan, Ron, Anna, Florence, Earl
& I went for drive. Down to park in Holstein, broke swing.
Went up to tennis courts after 4. Jimmie Sullivan & I wrote a
Shorthand exam at night, came home & did some studying.
Nice day. Typed out some chain letters for Barb. Winnie
went to Lodge & I stayed in & studied Fr.
Winnie & I went over to see Mrs. Hope after 4. Anna & I
went over to Inez’s at nite to see her grad presents. Got a
scare in night. Someone ringing doorbell about 2 &
Had a sore back all day. Did some more chain letters.
Winnie & I went over to Elsie McGirr’s at night. Winnie
knitting me a sweater from pattern, pretty.
Mrs. Dargavel was away. I played tennis in morning. Did
some Fr. & went up town in aft. in telephone office. Anna & I
went to ballgame then whole gang went to dance in Holst.
We went with Jim & Laddie in Moore’s car – swell time
(Wilkinson boy - 2nd cousin was there).
Got up about 8:30. Did some work. Had some sleep in aft.
Went to Rav (Rahn de Voo) at night with Elgin, Evelyn
Ross, Glenna, Lawrence, Lewie McComb & Jimmy. Talk
about fun, bought doughnuts, date squares etc.
Moonie’s came up. We went visiting in aft. and stayed at
Aunt Charlotte’s for supper. I went up to town about 8.
It was raining so stayed home started Madame Thérèse – 30
pages a morning. Went to school in aft. Studied at nite &
went up to library.
Went to school to study in morning. It was raining all day &
cold. I worked some old Fr. Papers at nite.
Raining again. Got over my 30 pages. Went up town at
night & sat in car with kids.
Quite cold. Terrible weather for June. Winnie & I stayed
home at night & listened to radio & I did some Fr.
Mrs. Dargavel told me I was the best she ever had in
Shorthand. Anna & I went for drive with Bill Firth. Anna,
Glenna, Evelyn, Elgin, Lewie, Laddie & I went to dance in
Priceville, swell time bankers were there.
Was tired. Had a sleep in aft. & studied some Fr. Went up
town at night. Was with Glenna, Evelyn. Met Bill & went to
restaurant to eat.
Cold & rainy. Did some more Fr. sentences. Went to
church & Sunday School. Went to church at night. Went for
a little ride with Earl, Allan, Anna – went home early.
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
July 1
July 2
July 3
July 4
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 11
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Tried Fr. Authors in morning – sight was hard. Fr. Comp. in
aft. not so bad. Anna & I went to ballgame. We went for
walk with kids.
Took Shorthand all morning. Mrs. Dargavel told me I was
going to get General Proficiency Certificate. Anna & I went
up town & sat in Barb’s car at night. Kids came along –
bought peanuts.
Warm all day. Rained at night. Glenna, Evelyn, Allan, Elgin
were down. We certainly raised the roof.
Lovely. Elgin & I went to Rocky Garden Party (Laddie asked
me to go but didn’t call). Glenna, Evelyn, Lewie, Elgin, Bill
Renwick & I went to dance in Williamsford. Good time.
Winnie painted the verandah. We went to ball game.
Harriston & Durham girls. There was a street dance after.
Stayed till end.
Was terribly tired. Worked in morning. Read & slept in aft.
Fowler’s called on way up North, wanted me to go with
them. Laddie, Shirley, Elgin & I went to show “Kid Millions”.
Didn’t get up very early. Finished “Hundredth Chance” –
wonderful. Went to church & Sunday School. Came up to
town at night. Was with Laddie. Stayed at Anna’s all night.
Anna, Glenna, Evelyn & I went to Mt. Forest for the
celebration. Had lots of fun (took lunch into restaurant).
Then I was out with the smartest boy at night, Teddie
Broughton. There was a street dance.
Was terribly hot. Glenna & I went swimming after four and
went to ballgame at night.
Hot. Glenna & I went swimming after 4. Went up to town at
night, it was open night.
Just had school in morning as it was so hot. Evelyn had car
in afternoon and took us to U.F.O. picnic, went to dance at
night, had good time.
Terribly hot. Just had school in morning. Gang of us went
to dance in Holstein at night. It was warm so we stayed
outside most of time.
Worked in morning. Walter Baines (a cousin from the West)
and another kid came up. Bill Firth & I went to the Rav with
them at nite. Ate afterwards, lots of fun. Rode in rumble.
Took pictures. Glenna & I, Elgin & the 2 boys went to Owen
Sound in morning. Had lunch in park. Went to church in aft.
Came up to Winnie’s at night.
A terrible houseful, Aunt Eva’s are here as they are fixing
their house. Ruby home. Was tired, went to bed early.
Hot. Just had school in morning. Ruby had tonsils out & is
resting up. Jean & I went for a walk at night.
Hot. Tried Shorthand exam. Letters in morning. Got 86.
Aunt Eva made me a halter neck blouse in aft. Went up
street at night with Anna & Glenna to ball game.
Tried legal exam – passed. Aunt Eva, Ruby, Winnie & I
played bridge in aft. Went to wiener roast at night with Allan
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
& gang.
Had typing exam (53). I was supposed to try last exam but it
didn’t come. Glenna, Susie Bell & I with to Flesherton to 12th
celebration. Street dance in Durham at night. I was with
Teddie Broughton. Swell time.
Ruby was down for week end. Had lots of fun. Bill Firth,
Glenna, Lewie & I went to Rav at night. Elgin took Ruby’s
car over. We all ate together after. Rode in rumble.
Cooler. We went to church. Elgin took Ruby up at night. I
read & went to bed early.
Tried Shorthand exam – 80 speed. Finished everything.
Mrs. Dargavel is going to give me a dictionary. Came home
at noon. Lewie & Jean Rowe were down at night & talked to
Elg & I for awhile.
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23
July 24
July 25
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31
August 1
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Vera was down for week. We went in swimming in aft.
Washed & ironed. Went down to store at night.
Mother made my dress & I ironed. Elgin & I went up town at
night. Saw the kids & talked in the car for awhile.
Terribly hot. Elgin was sick & also the hired man. Sewed.
Elg & I went up for Glenna at night. We had some Pepsi
cola & chocolate cake for lunch.
Hot. Glenna & I went down to Evelyn’s in morning (hitchhiked down). Came home in aft. Elg, Eva, Joe Noble,
Lewie, Glenna & I went to dance in Holst. Teddie B. came in
just before I came home.
Suffocating. Glenna went home in morning. Had a sleep in
aft. Elgin, Vera & I went up town at night. Were in at
Winnie’s for awhile.
I went out to Florence Patterson’s in morning. Went to
church. Went back to lake to swim in aft. Went to church at
night. The heat was terrible. They had company after
church. Florence & I talked till 1.
The heat is terrible. We helped Mrs. Patterson bake. Eliz.
Harding came out in aft. Talked. We went to supper,
garden party at Dromore. They put on play “ The Antics of
Ardour”. Comical. Florence was in it & wore my dress. I
came home with Mother.
Hot again but not so bad. I went down to see Janet Kerr for
awhile in aft. & read. Went down to corner at night.
Elg’s birthday (18). Real hot. Went up to dentist in aft. Got
my diploma, lovely. Went out to Anna’s for supper. Laddie
was up at night. We went for drive (sure like him).
Ironed in morning. Went to church picnic in Holstein with
Anna. Played ball. Went to tattoo in Mt. Forest at nite. Elg
Wouldn’t take us so Marj, Eva & I got down in spite of them
(was with Ted/had swell time did not miss a dance).
Lorne was sick – summer flu. Had a card from Bill who is on
holidays. Claire was up for supper. We went down to
corner at night.
Elg & I went up to doctor’s to get medicine for Lorne. Was at
dentist, with Glenna & then went out to Aunt Mary Ann’s for
supper. Elg, George Rockett, Susie Bell, Glenna & I went to
Rav at nite.
Little cool. This week certainly has been terrible. Went to
church. Uncle John & Aunt Myra were down for supper.
Read at night.
Worked all morning. Was down to store in aft. Anna was
down at night & we talked over things (about Teddie being
up to Ritchie’s).
Went up to dentist. Finished. Teddie was up at night. We
went to show & then up to see Glenna & Lewie.
Worked in morning. Mother & I went to Laddie’s hill at
Mountains. Went up town at night. Laddie telling me what
he thought about Teddie.
Washed up everything for the Old Boys. Ironed in aft. Was
tired at night. Washed Elg’s hair & went to bed early.
August 2
August 3
August 4
Cleaned house in morning. We went up town in aft. Old
Boys starts tomorrow. A kid came up from Mt. Forest &
wanted me to go to show but didn’t go. Went to bed early.
Registration Day at Old Boys. Worked typing names on
badges at Town Hall. Interesting. Fowler’s & Uncle Irving’s
were up. Midway in town (were on swings, merry-go-round
& ferris wheel) – went there at night. Had 2 chances to go to
Rav (with Laddie), didn’t go. Stayed at Glenna’s at night
during Old Boys.
Went to Pres. Church in morning. Had dinner, went to 4
Square Dipping (a lady 75 dipped). Went out to decoration
at cemetery – took pictures. Fooled around town at nite &
then went to midnight street dance. Was with Teddie. He
took me home, didn’t get any sleep at all (Glenna & Evelyn
dressed up in men’s clothes & sprayed us with pepper &
water about 5 in the morning. Belva Noble, Eliz. Vessey,
Evelyn, Glenna & I).
Old Boys Reunion, 1935
Velma on left
Velma fifth from right
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Velma front right
Velma front centre
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
August 5
Went to Calithumpian in Parade, good. Dionne Quintuplets
got 1st prize. Ate in town. For breakfast we had an orange,
for dinner a hamburger & for supper a hamburger). Had ride
in an old car. Went over to grounds in aft. & then went in
swimming. Went to dance again at night. Got home around
2:30 (lost $1.50 somewhere around house – looks
Velma on left
Velma second left
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Velma on right
August 6
August 7
August 8
August 9
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Rained all day. As we didn’t get up until 5 pm (4 of us in a
bed, some time). Got something to eat. Went down town.
Ted was up. Went to dance. After they burned an old toilet
out on the street. It was wild (Ted took me home. We drove
over lawns etc., broke a door off car. Got in about 5. Mr.
Lawrence was away).
Got up about 1. Went down town & to horse races. Ate in
town. Came up home & got dressed. Went to dance. Ted
was up. We were all so tired didn’t know what to do with
ourselves. What a jam (Ted, Allan, Eliz., Berniece, Dan
O’Connell & I came home together) (Mr. Lawrence told boys
to go home).
Got up about 1pm. Old Boys is over & are we ever tired.
Laid around most of aft. Came down to midway at night.
Elg Came up for me. I went to bed early.
Washed up all my dirty clothes. Had sleep in aft. Went to
street dance at night. It rained so then had it in Hall – what a
jam. Ted was up.
August 10
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Not feeling very well. George Constable, Marj & Winnie
were down for dinner. Ironed. Elg & I went up town at night.
Last night of midway.
Went in swimming in morning. Went to Sunday School &
church. A missionary, Mr. Storrey, from South America
spoke good. Was here for supper. Went down to corner at
night & went to bed early.
Felt tired all day. Went in swimming & had sleep in aft.
Terribly hot. Went down to water at nite. Ted Burnett,
Wilkinson, Jack Gibson were up in old truck.
Cooler. Did up some plums in morning. Mr. (Rev.) Storrey
was here for supper. Went to see picture on South America
in church at nite.
Rev. Storrey went away in morning. Marjorie & I lay down at
water all aft. & went for drive with Ted Novice. Went up
town at nite.
Hot. Washed in morning. Marj & I went with Mr. McCabe in
aft. Selling cars. Went to town, Holstein, Woodland Springs,
Mt. Forest. Went to garden party at nite at Glenelg Centre.
Lots of fun, had a boy (German) from Kitchener with us.
Terribly hot, baked in morning. Had a little sleep in aft.
Read and went to bed sort of early as the next day was our
reunion. Got Fr. Authors & enough in Fr. Comp. to give me
my middle.
August 17
August 18
August 19
August 20
August 21
August 22
August 23
Reunion at Erin. Got towels for 2nd prize in Boot & Shoe
Race. Stayed for dance at nite. Swell time. Mrs. Thornell,
Charles & Howard were there from Detroit. They came up
here after. I came with them.
Went swimming in morning (Charles milked a cow). I went
up with Thornell’s while they visited the rest of the gang.
Stayed in Durham for supper. Rest went to bed early.
Charles & I stayed, up worked on puzzles, went for drive.
Thornell’ s left in morning. Went in swimming in aft. & also
at night. Stayed at Marjorie’s for supper. Freda stayed all
Freda was here. We went in swimming in aft. Marj, Freda &
I went to Mt. Forest with Mr. McCabe. Saw Ted just as we
were coming home. Some other kids wanted to bring us
Cooler today. Just had 7 men to feed today. Fred, Marj & I
went to Mt. Forest again. I was with Ted. Just kept Mr.
McCabe waiting ½ an hour on me.
We washed in morning. Went down to water in aft. Freda
went home at night & I fooled around with kids for awhile
then went to bed.
Ironed in morning. Aunt Sadie’s were down in aft. Anna,
Marj & I went to Mt. Forest again & Anna stayed all nite.
Anna Ritchie
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
August 24
August 25
August 26
August 27
August 28
August 29
August 30
August 31
September 1
September 2
September 3
September 4
September 5
September 6
September 7
September 8
September 9
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Mother was sick so I did all the work. Wasn’t feeling very
well myself. Went up town at night. All set to go home with
Laddie but was so sick Elg Had to bring me home
What a night but feel a little better today. I guess I have the
flu too, nearly everyone has. Mother still in bed. I went on a
picnic to Crow’s bridge & Pike Lake with kids from Varney.
Was out in canoe. Went to bed when I came home.
Mother still in bed. I feel kind of weak but manage to get
work done. Ross is here. I sure make use of Lorne these
days. Went down to store at nite.
Worked hard again. Mother is a little better to-day but still
weak. I baked. Lorne went up to Jean’s. Went down to
corner at nite. Billors(?) were up.
Canned some tomatoes. Real cool. Elg, Ross & I went to
show, “No More Women” with Joan Crawford & Robert
Montgomery good.
Anna came down in morning & we washed & ironed. Winnie
& Ruby were down in aft. I went to a corn roast out at
Morrison’s cottage with Laddie.
Mother is Feeling better. Had a sleep in aft. Went to dance
in Holstein with Anna & Barb & Mac. Came home with Bill.
Ate, & had swell time. Anna was with Clark.
Baked in morning. Mother went up to Doctor at night, is
anemic & has to take it easier. I went to the Rav with
Laddie. 6 of us ate after & had lots of fun.
Cold. Got up & did work & went back to bed again. Went to
church & Sunday School. Went down to Marjorie’s for
awhile at night. Allan McFarlane died, drank poison.
Weigh 108 – am gaining. Labour Day. Elg Went to ex. We
did some pickling, read in aft. I got the car & Evelyn,,
Glenna & I went to street dance in Hanover.
Real cold. Made chili sauce. School started & it seems
funny to be through. Was tired so read & went to bed early;
got some books from Mrs. Kerr.
Did some more preserving. Went up town at night & Barb,
Bill, Jim, Laddie, Allan & I ate a basket of apples in about 15
Washed & did most of the ironing. We decided to go on a
trip over the week-end. Went down to see Marj For awhile.
Ironed. We had a corn roast at night. Jim, Laddie, Bill &
Ron were down. Then 8 of us went out to Hayward Falls. 8
in 1 car. What a time!
Left about 10:30 on trip. Aunt Eva went with us. Went up by
Eugenia Kimberly Valley. Had lunch in Kimberly, stopped at
Cowan’s in Collingwood & got to George Constable’s in time
for supper. Went to show in Barrie & ate afterwards.
George & Marj’s new home is perfect. We went down to
lake and saw bird houses beside George’s. Went up to Al
Constable’s at night. Children were home.
Left about 9. Stopped in Alliston. I got a new hat & pr. of
shoes (brown). Got home about 1. Went up to Durham &
September 10
September 11
September 12
September 13
September 14
September 15
September 16
September 17
September 18
September 19
September 20
September 21
September 22
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
saw Mrs. Dargevel. Stayed at Aunt Eva’s for supper. Came
home & went to bed early.
Aunt Sadie was down. Fixed up my clothes for fall. Went up
to town in aft. & took Shorthand & typing. Trying to get my
speed up. Had supper at Sally’s.
Lorne’s School Fair. I typed invitations for Anglican Tea.
Elg, Caldwell, Dorothy & I went to show in Hanover & to
dance at Rav afterwards.
Went to work in morning. Did 240 invitations. Miss
MacPhail was over & wants me to start to work for her.
Brings her work over each day. Laddie & I went to wiener
roast at Gordon McGirr’s cabin.
Started to work. Addressed postcards in morning. Went to
Fall Fair in aft., cold & rainy. Fooled around with Bill in aft.
Went out to Winnie’s for supper. Bill, Glenna, kids, Lewie & I
went to eat in O. Sound & to dance in Williamsford,
wonderful time.
Worked hard all day. Thunder storm in aft. Ruby, Cy &
Winnie came up from Toronto. I went up town tonight &
fooled around with kids.
Cold. Went to church & Sunday School. Winnie, Ruby & Cy
were down. I went at home with Winnie at nite, read.
Worked hard all day addressing postcards. Winnie & I went
over to Schenk’s at nite & played cards. Helen Fortune was
Lovely day. Miss MacPhail has a boy working for her,
Jimmy Palmer, a 4th year McMaster student. He took Sadie,
Winnie & I up to a political meeting in Dornoch at nite. Very
clever kid.
Worked in morning. Went to Ladies meeting in Hall in aft.
Mrs. Pearce from O. S. & Miss MacPhail spoke & Marguerite
Nuttall, soprano sang. Great meeting – got my hair finger
waved at nite.
Busy all day. Went down to dance at Mt. Forest with Barb,
Anna & Earl, their Fall Fair. Came home with Ted
Broughton. We ate in Mt. Forest. Had great time. Doug
Grant brought Glenna home.
Went to Ceylon, Dundalk & to O.S. with Jimmy. Had dinner
in O.S., worked in aft. Went to Tennis Club Dance,
marvellous time. Ted Broughton & Ted Bracey were up.
Went to work in morning but didn’t have much to do. Jimmy
was at our place for dinner. He & Winnie went to Paisley. I
didn’t have to work in aft. Had a sleep. Went up town at nite
with Glenna, came home with Elg.
Didn’t get up until 11. Went to church & Sunday School.
Went to Durham church at nite. Freda & I stayed up town
for awhile & then I went home & read.
September 23
September 24
September 25
September 26
September 27
September 28
September 29
September 30
October 1
October 2
October 3
October 4
October 5
October 6
October 7
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Worked all day. Winnie cut my hair. I started to knit a scarf,
the first I ever did. Winnie went to meeting in Ceylon, so I
knit, had bath & went to bed.
Lovely day, real warm. Anna came up at nite so we fooled
around until 1pm. She had to wait till Barb came home from
lodge. Elg & Allan were down at house.
Another swell day. Fooled around with Evelyn in car after
work. Miss MacPhail was at Winnie’s & Jimmy & I had our
supper together. Shirley, Jean Murdoch, Marj & a bunch of
kids & I went in and bought 2 kinds of ice cream at nite. Had
good time.
Still more cards to do. Raining. Winnie went to another
political meeting. I listened to Rudy Vallee. Knit & went to
bed fairly early.
Cold. Glenna, Lewie, Honey Ritchie, Oleida Hahn, Joe
Noble, Pat McComb & I went to dance in Holstein. Their Fall
Fair & what a crowd. But I had the swellest time. Nearly all
Mt. Forest were there, Ted B., Ted Bracy, Mac Thornhill, etc.
It was great.
Had to work in morning. Winnie cut out a dress for me in aft.
Brown wool crepe with orange velvet trimming. I made a
cake for Winnie. Glenna & I were up town at nite. Came
Mother’s birthday (50). Went to church & Sunday School.
Winnie & I went to Queen St. anniversary at night.
Nomination Day. What a crowd in town. Dr. Hall, the Liberal
candidate didn’t show up. Went to Red Cross dance at nite
after Cons. Banquet, good time. Rev. Mr. Harvey was here
for supper.
Terrible weather, rainy & cold. Winnie went to a meeting.
Jimmy & I had our supper together. Anna was up at nite.
Cold. Snow. Worked hard in morning but was off in aft.
Knit my scarf.
Didn’t have to do much all day. Winnie started to make a
dress for me, brown with orange velvet. Knit at night.
Cold & snowy. Winnie finished my dress. Winnie went to
meeting in Paisley. I stayed home & read & had bath.
Worked all day. Jim was here for dinner & also Vera.
Winnie & I went up town at nite.
Varney anniversary, nice day. Winnie & I went down in
morning. Rev. Falconbridge was at our place for dinner,
wonderful speaker, not forceful but gives you something to
think about (was down at Marjorie’s for supper. Came home
with Anna & Earl).
Nice day. Worked hard. Stayed & helped Sadie after. Went
down to Varney anniversary. Supper with Anna & Earl.
Good supper & program.
October 8
October 9
October 10
October 11
October 12
October 13
October 14
October 15
October 16
October 17
October 18
October 19
October 20
October 21
October 22
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Not feeling very well, I guess I ate too much last night.
Winnie went to a meeting & Anna came up & stayed for
awhile. “Harry Anderson”, editor of Globe spoke for Miss
MacPhail in Walk.
Did cards all day. Evelyn brought a car for Teacher’s
Convention so we went over to Rav to dance but there was
none so went to dance in Riverdale. Some time.
Raining nearly all day. Finished work to-day. Anna & I went
to political meeting in Hall. Miss MacPhail let them ask
questions & there certainly were some funny speeches.
Sadie & Miss MacPhail had a row but patched it up to-day.
Was away with Jimmy all day, took manifests around to post
offices & hired orchestra, ate in Hanover. Elgin was up for
me at nite.
Nice day. Baked. Elg & I went up town. Marj & Allan sat in
car with us – talked & ate bananas. Elg ate 9.
Lovely weather, real warm. Went to church & Sunday
School & to Baptist church at night. Heard Jubilee Singers.
Anna, Earl, Allan & I went down to Mt. Forest for drive after.
Election day. Tom Webb & I took some people out to vote.
Went over to Miss MacPhail’s about 7 & heard results come
in. What an exciting time. She won with a majority of about
1500. We then went on a tour to Markdale, Durham,
Hanover, Walk & Chesley (about 50 cars went from Han to
Walk. She spoke in each place. Cars blocked the way in
Everything quiet after election. Winnie, Aunt Eva & I went
over to Hanover in aft. Aunt Eva got a new coat. Washed
my hair. Mrs. Shenck was over at nite.
Winnie fixed my brown taffeta dress. Went to dentist & up to
school in aft. Elg came up for me so went home, read &
listened to radio. Mary Leeson stayed all nite.
Fixed my clothes nearly all day. Mother, Dad & I went to
Community Party. I played at Kearney’s. Had lunch &
dance in Hall after.
Lovely weather. Went down to store in aft. Stayed home at
night and read a book.
Swell day. Went to Owen Sound. Got a dress, & a lovely
pair of brown suede shoes, didn’t get home until 7. Elg,
Florence, Allan & I went to dance in Mt. Forest. Had a lovely
Went to church & Sunday School. Had 14 for supper –
Morrison’s & Wilkinson’s, Anna, Barb, Earl, Mac, Berniece,
Russ, Gordon Henderson & I were out at Anna’s at nite.
Washed. Did some studying. Started to rain in aft. Stayed
in at night & read.
Warm. Did some studying in morning. Went up to Durham
in aft. Saw Mrs. Dargeval, got a testimonial from Miss
MacPhail. Went to Mission Circle, fooled around with kids
after discussing dance Thurs.
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
October 23
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 27
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
November 1
November 2
November 3
November 4
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
We baked in morning. I finished reading “The Soul of Abe
Lincoln”. Mother & Dad went to reception at Tees. We
stayed home.
Thanksgiving day, lovely weather. Had Thanksgiving Dinner
at noon. Aunt Jane was here. Florence, Allan, Elg & I went
to Thanksgiving dance in Hall. A marvellous time. Laddie
was home for it. There was only young people there –
banquet first.
Aunt Jane & Mother went over to Bogle’s. Anna came down
& we danced the dance over again. Mother & Dad were
away so Anna, Elg & I were alone.
Mother went up town in morning. Did some studying & went
down to store in aft. Mrs. Wilton died suddenly. Elg, Laddie,
George Glass, Shirley, Glenna & I went to dance in Mt.
forest. None of us missed a dance, lots of food.
Glenna went home in morning. Lorne & I went for a ride with
Art McCabe. Went to Sunday School & church. Rev.
Johnston of Priceville was here for supper,. I went over to
St. Paul’s anniversary at nite with Marjorie.
Studied in morning. Went to Mrs. Wilton’s funeral in
afternoon. Lorne & I stayed home at nite. Popped some
popcorn. Mother & Dad went to crokinole party.
Went up town in morning, did some shopping – had dinner
at Winnie’s. Saw Mrs. Dargeval. Went up to Glenna’s for
supper. Glenna & Evelyn brought me home.
Washed in morning. Ironed in aft., getting my clothes ready
to go away. Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Brown were here
for supper – great talkers all, Scotch. Elg & I took them
home to Holstein.
Went up town in morning. Put in an application at mill. Got
my clothes ready in aft. Halloween. Barb, Anna, Mona,
Berniece, Ethel & I went to dance in Mt. Forest. There was
an earthquake. We were in car & didn’t notice it.
Winnie, Elg & I went to Hamilton. Went up to Park Business
College, principal’s lovely. Went over to Toronto, saw “Top
Hat” (Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers) at Beach theatre –
good – then went to Ruby’s. Stayed all night. She had a
couple in for bridge.
I got a permanent in morning. We went to see “Dark
Angel”(Fredric March) in aft. Saw Laddie after. Came over
to Hamilton about 8pm. Stayed at Raynor’s all night.
Elg got a big kick out of Mrs. Reynor & her “land sakes”.
Went up to Anne’s in Morrison in aft. & had supper. Elg &
Winnie left for home. Uncle, Addie & I went to Guelph with
them & then came home to Ham. Called on Hazel Mosup.
Uncle took me to school in morning. It was all strange & I
certainly felt lost. Had lunch down town, came home with
Uncle about 5pm. Got supper ready, then did a lot of
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
November 9
November 10
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
November 15
November 16
November 17
November 18
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
School again. Took my lunch. Mr. Cowan, the typing
teacher, is sort of hard to get along with. Came home with a
girl I met, Barbara Cooke. Worked late & then went for
Got a letter from Mother. Uncle & I went up to Morrison at
night & then up to Guelph for a drive. Don’t get much time
for sleeping.
Changed my time table. You are certainly swamped with
homework. Got letter from Glenna. Addie came home & is
great company.
Had a test in Rapid Calc. Uncle got a new stove, we
changed things around in the kitchen at night and did a lot of
Had to go to school in morning. Went up to Thelma’s at
noon & then Uncle & I went through market. Addie & I fixed
up my room, washed out some things, did some homework
& Addie & I had game of cribbage.
Real warm. Uncle & I went to Livingstone United Church.
Minister spoke on “Can Jesus Count on You”, wonderful
service. My face burned all day. Went to see mums at
Gage Park & for drive. Went to church at night as it was
Armistice service. Wrote letters.
Armistice Day & lo & behold! I took the German measles.
The doctor said I was to stay in bed till Thurs. Addie put on
radio & I tried to content myself. There wasn’t much of a
rash. Got a letter from Marj.
Feeling a little better. I am the only one who has the
measles in Ham. Must have brought them down with me.
Mother called at night. I got a letter from Elg to-day.
Lorne wrote me the cutest letter all himself. Addie dances
around in Hall for me. Haven’t much of an appetite & have
toothache. Read the swellest continued story, “Shining
Windows”, by Kathleen Norris.
Was suppose to get up to-day but had a temperature, so
Addie wouldn’t let me up. Got a letter from Anna. Had
toothache so put in quite a day.
Am going to try all subjects but Bookkeeping. Got 5 letters
this morning, 4 pages of poetry from Laddie. Glenna has
measles too but wrote a letter to me 2 days after she took
them & said she was all over them. Got up to-day. Wrote a
long letter to Mother. Feeling better.
Got up for breakfast. Eliz Harding called this morning &
wanted me to go to show. She is going to call next Sat.
Read in aft. Addie let me do some sewing on sewing
machine. Had bath & went to bed.
Feeling fine now. Listened to a service on radio. Had
chicken dinner which was lovely. Read & listened to radio.
Uncle went to church at night. Wrote letter to Laddie.
Rented a typewriter. Went for a walk in aft., my first out. Did
quite a bit of typing, tried some tests.
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 22
November 23
November 24
November 25
November 26
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30
December 1
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Raining. Did some more typing & also some quilt chain
letters for Addie. Wrote to Mrs. Dargeval & Anna. Mr. &
Mrs. Tom Brown & Edgar were killed in auto accident.
Came over radio. Jimmy Palmer called me up.
Had letter from Mother. Started to school & nearly went
bughouse. Mr. Park advised me to write only 5 subjects this
month. My eyes bother me. Addie & I went to see Frederic
March & Greta Garbo in “Anna Karenina”.
Didn’t feel very well in morning. Had to pay for exams in
advance – passed in spelling exam. I am so tired when I get
home, I can hardly do my homework! Work! Work!
Had letter from Laddie. He has been sick too. Asked me to
wear pin & to go to Xmas dance with him. Am rejoicing
because this is Fri. Did some homework to-night & wrote a
letter to Mother.
Washed some things out & cleaned my room. Had 12
pages in a letter from Evelyn. Went to barber shop in aft.
Did some studying. Uncle & I went for a drive at night.
Addie & I have a great time.
Went to St. Giles United Church in morning. Uncle & Addie
went to Kitchener. I went for a walk then wrote some letters.
Uncle & Addie didn’t get home till after 11.
A very bright day. My eyes were a little better. Came home
right after 4. Had cup of tea & did homework. Uncle tried to
convince Addie & I that you should plant things with new
Went to school. There was a letter from Elg & Mother when
I got home. Elg was coming down to see me Sat. I wrote
him a letter, had supper then started to study. Felt as if I
was going blind. I cried, my nerves were terrible.
Didn’t sleep all night. Couldn’t try my exams which started
to-day. Dr. said I had to take a month’s rest & not read.
Laddie sent me his pin. It is the cutest thing. Phoned
Mother at night – coming tomorrow. Uncle was in bed also
& Addie’s ankle started to bother her. What a house!
Felt a little better but can’t use my eyes. Mother & Elgin
came down for me. We did some shopping in Eaton’s.
Addie came as far as Morrison with us. Had supper there &
got home about 8pm.
Went up to see Winnie in morning. She wanted me to stay
there till X-mas. Anna was down in aft. And told me all the
Mother & Elg went up town in morning. My eyes were bad
again. Marjorie was up in afternoon & stayed for supper.
Went to bed early as I don’t seem to be able to get enough
Went to church. Rev. Facey from Moorefiled was here for
supper. Anna & Earl were down at night. Wrote to Laddie.
December 2
December 3
December 4
December 5
December 6
December 7
December 8
December 9
December 10
December 11
December 12
December 13
December 14
December 15
December 16
December 17
December 18
December 19
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Mother washed in morning. I fixed up my clothes in aft. Not
feeling any too good. Went to bed early. Sent in application
to Eaton’s.
Mother & I went up town in the morning. Went to Winnie’s
for dinner & to Sally’s & Eva’s. Got a letter from Glenna –
working in Chatham.
Mother & I went to Ladies’ Aid at McCabe’s. Read a little today & went to bed early.
Real cold. Went down for mail. Lorne & I walked up to
Leeson’s at night.
Did some baking in morning. Felt not to bad to-day so I did
a little work. There was a dance in Holstein but didn’t go.
Had another nervous spell this morning but managed to go
up town in aft. Anna came home with us.
Raining. Anna & I went to church in aft. Went up to Uncle
Charlie’s for supper – Freda, Anna & I went to church.
Lights bothered my eyes.
Elg & I went up town in morning. Wrote to Addie & Glenna.
Went over to Jannie’s at night, was learning to tat. Had a
letter from Laddie.
Real mild. Went up to Winnie’s. She had 2 of the Southern
Singers – Jimmy Stokes & Dan Davies. Great fun. All the
singers come down after the concert & we danced & played
cards. Small crowd at concert.
Came home in morning. Mother was doing some sewing for
X-mas. Went down to Marjorie’s at night.
Mary left Emily & Eleanor here all day. Emily is cute. Miss
Heard was over for supper. Mansfield was operated on for
appendicitis. Was up town in afternoon.
Stormy. Wrote to Laddie. Evelyn came down on bus for
week end – she is having trouble at her school. We went to
dance in Hall – got a big kick out of it.
Didn’t get up very early. Went to Santa Claus day in
Durham. Had amateur contest – Hall crowded. Laddie
wrote & wondered why I hadn’t written him this week. We
went up town at night & then came home & sang.
Didn’t get up till 1:30. Evelyn & I went to church. Cliff &
Sadie were down for supper. We had a sing-song then took
Evelyn home & went out to Anna’s for awhile.
Mother went up to Aunt Mary Ann’s. Anna gave me a book
by Grace L. Hill “ The Honour Girl” so read it, good.
Went up town. Did all X-mas shopping but Mother’s present.
Got Laddie a tie. Helped Lorne draw a X-mas card.
Wrapped up parcels. Mother did some sewing. Went down
for mail at night.
Mother dressed a doll & fixed a cradle for Emily. It is too
cute for words. I helped by sewing buttons on, etc.
Addressed cards at night & helped Lorne get ready for
December 20
December 21
December 22
December 23
December 24
December 25
December 26
December 27
December 28
December 29
December 30
December 31
Went to Lorne’s school concert – some time. It was real
cold. Went to Commencement with Anna & stayed there all
night. Laddie was home for it.
Went up to Freda’s in morning. Went out to town with them
in aft. & Laddie, George, Freda & I stood in post office &
talked all aft. It was so cold. Was with the kids again at
night & came home with Elg.
Read in morning. Real cold. Leeson’s were here for
supper. Went to church. Read at night. Elg wasn’t feeling
Cold, went up to Winnie’s & got Ruby to do my hair. Met Mr.
MacIntyre – Winnie’s latest. Helped them decorate tree.
Marj was up at night. Helped Lorne buy presents. Got a
gold bracelet from Laddie.
Dad went to school meeting. Helped wrap up parcels – we
are not opening any presents until to-morrow. Took cradle &
doll up to Leeson’s – Went to bed early.
A lovely day, the best X-mas I have ever had. Got some
lovely presents. We were at Winnie’s all day. Anna had
gang out at night & we danced & had swell fun. Cy gave
Ruby a diamond.
Real cold. Changed the colour of the compact I got for Xmas – got red & white. Went down to store in aft. Read.
Dorothy McFarlane eloped. Claire came up to see our
presents. The night of the X-mas dance Anna, Earl, Laddie,
George, Jim & I played cards until time to go. Had a
wonderful time at dance.
Was terribly tired. Went down to see Marjorie in aft.as she
has the measles. A cold, cold night so went to bed early.
I have a bad cold. Wrote two letters. Went to church. Kids
were to come down but it was so cold they didn’t come.
Took lemonade & went to bed early.
Had 16 for supper – all the family. Played cards in aft. &
night. Had a good time. Laddie called up. His Christmas
present went to G. Grant at Varney.
Marjorie & I went up town in aft. & fooled around. New
Year’s Eve & a swell warm night. Jasper & Clara Traynor,
Jim, Laddie, Elg & I went to dance in Holstein. A great time
– a wild crowd. Last year’s dance all kids there from Mt.
For more information on Velma Irene Blythe, check out the “Meet the Diarists” section
under “Discover” on our website: ruraldiaries.uoguelph.ca.
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
January 1
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 6
January 7
January 8
January 9
January 10
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 15
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
New Year’s – terribly stormy. Elgin & I went up to Winnie’s
in morning. McGirr’s were down for dinner. Ruby only got
as far as Arthur & had to stay there all nite. Some weather.
Quite mild. Came up to Durham in aft. Read – finished a
book. Winnie, Ethel Hargrave & I went to hockey match.
Milverton & Durham. Durham won 9-2.
Cold, stormy & blustery – such weather. Started to school
again. Sure feels funny to be back again. Not altogether
pleasant. It was so cold stayed in at night & did some
Real frosty. Anna came down for week end with Elgin & I.
Went to dance in Hall. Stayed up & talked till 2:30
discussing things & people.
Didn’t get up very early. Played rummy in aft. Listened to
hockey game & played “500” till 12.
Anna intended to go up in time for church but didn’t get up till
11. Went up in afternoon & called on Marion House. Went
to church at nite. Came home with Laddie. Great. Read.
A thaw. Raining. Norman Marshall’s funeral. Didn’t feel
very well – had terrible headache. Did homework, looked
over a magazine, went to bed early.
Rained all day. Had a busy day. Went to Mission Circle at
Mrs. Alder’s, had ice cream again. Came home & read
“Guarded Walls”.
A lovely day. Got my subscription. Best ever to-day so sort
of encouraging. Did homework, listened to radio & read
some more of my book.
Colder to-day. Snow almost gone though. I washed my hair
after 4. Did homework & listened to radio – Lindbergh trial
Got 37 in Typing test. Cecil is going out west. I came home
with Elgin after 4 & read at night.
Worked in morning & did homework in aft. Miss Heard was
over for supper. We played cards at night.
Terribly stormy. Went to church in aft. & at night Mr. Smith
spoke on being yourself. I went up to Marion H. after.
Real frosty. Did some typing for Mrs. Alder. Winnie & I ate
a whole dish of scalloped potatoes for supper. Went over to
Hargrave’s at night & played “500” some time.
Almost slept in too late. Snowed heavily all day. Went to
Young People’s & took part in discussion – planned to have
a skating party on 7th.
January 16
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21
January 22
January 23
January 24
January 25
January 26
January 27
January 28
January 29
January 30
January 31
February 1
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Mount Forest High School Girl’s & Boys played hockey here.
Blanche, Anna & I went to game. Girl’s lost 5-0 & Boy’s won
5-0. Some fun to watch them.
A terribly stormy day – the worst yet. I didn’t go up to school
in aft. Was glad to stay in at nite. Studied for Shorthand
Exam & listened to Rudy Vallee program. Elgin started
Baschess (?) Course.
Had my 5th theory Shorthand exam, got 80. Went over to
Schenks’s for supper. Donnie & Peggy are certainly cute.
Had some more of those good bits. Schenk’s dinner.
Barber’s were down at our place at nite – played cards.
A lovely day. Mother went uptown in aft. & I did homework.
Mother & Dad were away at nite, so we had a few kids in,
listened to radio & around until till1:30.
Thawing again. Didn’t get up till 10:30. Went to church in
aft. & night. Dad wasn’t feeling very well. I went to bed eary
as I was sure tired.
Raining all day. Mrs. Schenk, Mrs. MacLean, Mrs. Hargrave
& Ethel were over for tea. We played cards after. They sure
are a jolly bunch.
Real cold again. Started to type out a play for institute.
Went over to Sally’s after four. Nadine is 11 months old today & sure lively. The more she is tossed about the better
she likes it.
Real cold to-day – below zero. Winnie was up at McGirr’s
for supper as I was alone. Eva Derby was in. I did a lot of
Shorthand. Trying to finish book.
Still cold to-day. Stayed at school till nearly 6. Did a lot of
homework at night. Winnie & I popped some corn.
Got 41 in typing test to-day. Came home with Elgin after
four. Intended to go to Holstein but it stormed so read
Cold. Baked a cake in morning. Did homework in aft.,
finished Shorthand book, some kids were in at night. We
had a good game of “500”.
Real frosty. Went snowshoeing for some exercise. Went to
church in afternoon. Sally & Vic & Nadine were down for
supper. I came up with them & went over to their place for
Very cold. Typed at the play all day. Winnie had Auxiliary, a
large crowd & certainly jolly.
Finished the play. Aunt Eva asked me to go to Walkerton to
hockey game but it was terribly cold so went to Young
People’s instead. My side won in Membership drive.
Wasn’t feeling very well. Had a letter from Cecil – likes it. I
stayed home at nite & studied for Shorthand exam.
Had 3 exams. Got 84 in last Shorthand exam & 95 in
Grammer exam. Started on legal work. Winnie & I went over
to Sally’s & played contract till late.
Lovely day. Felt terribly sleepy. Do nothing but Shorthand
in my sleep ha! Am home with Elgin, read & went to bed
February 2
February 3
February 4
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8
February 9
February 10
February 11
February 12
February 13
February 14
February 15
February 16
February 17
February 18
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Thawing. Did homework in afternoon. Went skating at
night. Varney bunch went up to skate, had nice time – went
out to Anna’s after.
Did some French in morning. Went to church in aft. & Anna
& I went to church at nite. I went for walk with Laddie & Bill
A lovely day. I took Nadine out after four. We were all over
to Sally’s for dinner at night. Played cards.
Had French Comp. exam – not too bad. Studied at night &
went to bed early.
A busy day. I was invited to a party at Schenk’s but didn’t go
as I had a terrible cold. Studied French. Harriston beat
Durham 5-0.
Had a letter from Ruby. Uncle Charlie disappeared. Went
to our Young People’s skating party – nice time.
A salesmanship exam in morning. Harriston played
Durham. Durham had to overcome 5 goal lead or they
would be out of it. Winnie & I went at 7:05 to get a seat.
Rink was jammed – score 9-2 for D, some excitement.
A lovely day. Went down to see Elva Stewart’s baby in aft.
Choir practice here at night.
Colder to-day. Got up Mission Circle program. Went to
church in aft. & to Anglican church at nite. Wallace was up
at night.
Berniece was home. I typed out work Mission Circle.
Winnie & I were up to Aunt Marion’s for supper. Did
homework after I came home.
Nice day. Went to Mission Circle at Towns. Sally started.
Planned ball. Blanche Boyce & we did rapid cal. together.
Warm again. I kept Nadine while Sally went to a tea. Went
to hockey match – Arthur & Durham for district
championship. Durham won 3-2 – exciting.
Thawing. Hanover invited us over to Valentine prom. Didn’t
know I was going until 7, Fred & I went over with Allan,
Laddie, Ronald Rudd, Mr. Sharpe. Had swell time, went to
dinner in Durham after we came home.
I got 91 in Salesmanship but only 39 in Fr. I served at
supper in church – some menu. Went to Wilton’s to his
practice after. Bill Firth called up for me about to go to
dance in Hanover, but wasn’t home.
Colder again, didn’t get up very early. Did homework in aft.
Came up to Durham at night as Winnie was sick. Sore
I went to church in morning. Winnie was better but can
hardly speak yet. Read in afternoon. Anna & I went to
church at nite.
Lovely day. Washed my hair after four. Did homework &
then Winnie and I had a game of cribbage. Took lemonade
and aspirin as I have sort of a cold.
February 19
February 20
February 21
February 22
February 23
February 24
February 25
February 26
February 27
February 28
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 6
March 7
March 8
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Cutis Dale, Murray Hays have a son – been married about
14 yrs – ha! Got word of Uncle Charlie’s death, found in
garage, missing a month. Bill Renwick’s brother died – only
25. Went toYoung People’s - Miss Edge was here.
Got 50 in French Authors, sort of disappointed. Mrs. Schenk,
Peggy and Donnie were here in aft. Donnie is a dear. Went
over to Renwick’s.
Had a sore eye. Wrote a letter to Renwick’s. Winnie & I
went over to Sally’s at night. Took cradle over for Nadine –
stayed till 12:30.
Typed 250 tickets for Institute. 75¢. I think 1st money I ever
earned. Nadine’s Birthday. Went over after school. All the
relations were there & had tea. She sure is a dear.
Baked some cream puffs & Butterscotch Squares. Did
homework in aft. Went Skating at night & went to Anna’s
Went to church in afternoon. Aunt Eva’s were down for
supper. I went to church at night. Mr. Smith spoke on
“Meaning of Marriage”. Great.
Vic is sick – has flu. I went to see Mrs. Whitmore after four –
she is real sick. I went to hockey game with Laddie. O.S. &
Durham – D. won 8-3.
Cold to-day. Rebecca’s had a party, had Hanover & Mount
Forest, had a swell time. Came home with Bill Firth.
Cold again, 22 below last nite. Didn’t feel very well all day.
Went in to talk to Barb in telephone office after four. Did
homework & went to bed early.
Durham beat O.S. Rangers 7-0. Got 87 in 60 speed in
Shorthand. Did homework at night – took a book up to Mrs.
Lovely day – real warm. D. played with O.S. Olympians.
O.S. 4-2. I came home with Dad & went to choir practice at
Swell day again, like spring. Did homework in aft. & went
down to store. Read at night.
Real warm. Went to church in aft. & night. Mr. Smith spoke
on “Can one fall in love intelligently?”. Grand.
So slippery you couldn’t stand up. George Hahn fell with
tray of dishes on Main street, ha! Went to play practice in
Hall in afternoon. Anna & I went to hockey game, O.S. & D.
Most exciting game I ever was at – overtime. D. won in out
round by one goal.
Everyone talking about game last night. I was there. I
stayed home at night & did quite a bit of homework, had bath
& went to bed.
Colder. Washed my hair & had it finger waved after four.
Went to rehearsal for play in Hall.
The play (Trusts Accomodalis)(?). Had a swell night for it. It
went off fine. Ethel did us up and I certainly had lots of
grease on – a full house.
Terribly tired. Had a Rapid Cal. exam. I went to hockey
March 9
March 10
March 11
March 12
March 13
March 14
March 15
March 16
March 17
March 18
March 19
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 23
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
game with Laddie. Rink was packed again. D. beat Ayton
4-3 which isn’t a very big lead to take tomorrow nite. Uncle
Cameron doing well.
Was in bed nearly all day. I think I must have the flu. Ruby
& Cy came home. Certainly did a lot of reading.
Feeling better. Did homework. Went to church at night. Mr.
Smith spoke on “Courtship”. Went over to Sally’s after
Got 100 in Rap. Cal. – was only one who passed – not bad.
Stayed over at Sally’s as Vic was away. A lot went to Ayton
to game. D. won 5-1. Spectators had a fight – took 5
policemen to stop them.
Nadine walks now, a darling, never woke up all night. We
made banana ice cream at noon. Sally had the Mission
Circle. Hemmed draperies and finished vale.
A lovely day. I came home to-day. Did quite a bit of
homework at night as I was getting sort of behind. D. plays
in Clinton tonight.
Clinton won 5-4. Winnie went to bridge at Elsie McGirr’s. I
stayed home, listened to radio & did homework.
Real soft, like summer. Went to lit(?) in Hall in afternoon.
Blanche, Winnie & I went to hockey game. Water on ice
was terribly sloppy. Rink was jammed. Durham won 2-1. A
tie on round playoff next week.
Mild again. Mother went up town in aft. I did homework.
Stayed home at night & read magazine.
Read in morning. Went to church in aft. Marjorie was up for
supper & we went to church. Mr. Smith spoke on “Cause of
Happiness in Marriage”.
Lovely day. Went to Young People’s at night and went down
with Miss Edge to Leith’s to play bridge. A Mrs. Anderson –
young kid who boards there played with us – a good time –
we won.
Didn’t go to college in aft. Durham plays off with Clinton in
Galt. A lot went down. I stayed with Jean & Vera. Went
downtown. Mrs. Anderson was with us. Heard score –
Durham lost 3-2. Hockey over.
Everyone talking about game. Sure tough that they lost out.
I stayed home at night & did homework. Mrs. Schenk was
Winnie had the Ladies’ Aid. We had 2 tables of bridge at
nite. Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford, Frank Goodchild & H.
Anderson, Eddie McQueen & Edye. Good time.
I finished the typing book. Swell day. Spring certainly is
here. Mr. Anderson was down after & going home
tomorrow. I came home with Elgin at nite.
Lovely day. Studied some French in aft. Elgin went to
Toronto. I intended to go to show but Elgin didn’t get home
in time, read.
March 24
March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
March 29
March 30
March 31
April 1
April 2
April 3
April 4
April 5
April 6
April 7
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Studied some Fr. Went to church in aft. and nite. Mr. Smith
spoke on “Mixed Marriages”. Miss Heard had an accident
on Main Street with a new car, in hospital.
Colder to-day. Had Fr. Authors exam. Got fruit after four to
send up to hospital to Mary Leeson who has a new baby.
Did homework at night – Mother was up.
Lovely day. I went up to Whitmore’s after school & after
supper Anna and I went for walk. Talked to George Glass
and fooled around for awhile.
Vic phoned and said he was going to Toronto in morning.
So Winnie & I got ready to go with him. Anna had a party,
played “500” – good time. Elgin, Allan, Bill, Laddie, Freda,
Evelyn B., Anna & I.
Got up at 5. Had breakfast at Hope’s. Got a Joan Bennet
permanent in Joan’s (4hrs.). Went to Imperial in aft. To see
Roberta (good). Ruby called for us after 4 and we ate &
then went to see Shirley Temple in “Bright Eyes” (wonderful)
& also “Women in the Dark”.
We stayed at Wilf’s (?) all night & Winnie & I went shopping
in aft. & went to Hope’s for dinner. Came home at nite. Sally
drove and we minded Nadine.
Combed my hair a bit – think I will like it. Did homework in
aft. to make up for school missed. Went to bed early as I
was tired.
Went to church in aft. & nite. Mr. Smith spoke on “in-laws”.
Allan, Bill, Russ Drimmie, Earl Hast, Mack(?), Freda, Mr.
Allen & I were out to Anna’s – had some great arguments on
religion & so on.
Had a Shorthand exam, got 98 but only 29 in my Fr. Alix
Edge(?), Hugh Anderson, Eddie McQueen were over for
bridge. Stayed till about 2. I was sick in night.
Snow on the ground, much colder. Had another Shorthand
exam. Wasn’t feeling very well so did some studying & went
to bed early.
Got 93 in Shorthand exam. Anna, Blanche & I went to
Auxiliary Contest program, good. I walked home with Hugh
Sort of chilly. Winnie went to institute so I got my own
supper. Studied filing at night.
Had filing exam. Mrs. Dargavel went to Toronto so we had
holiday in aft. Went up to college & had some fun. Went to
dance in Holstein – had a great time. Kids were there from
Mt. Forest.
Winnie stayed over the week end. We went to sugar bush in
aft. Read at night.
Cold wind. Mr. Mercer’s birthday, 50. Went to church in aft.
Laddie, George Glass & I went up to Grace MacDonald’s at
Chatsworth for Elsie Hunter & then we went to O.S.
April 8
April 9
April 10
April 11
April 12
April 13
April 14
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 18
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Didn’t go to school in morning as Mrs. Dargavel was away,
studied some though, bookkeeping. Went over to Sally’s at
four & to Hargrave’s at night. Played “500”. Oscar Moon
was there. Didn’t get home until late, about 2.
Nice day. Had a Shorthand exam & started Bookkeeping
exam. Betty Rudd & I looked for present for Mrs. Alder who
is going away. Anna & I went up town at night. Allan
McLean walked home with us.
Mr. Wilton dropped dead this morning. Went to Mission
Circle. Ladies gave a supper. We gave Mrs. Alder a
Sheffield relish dish, $6.50. I made the presentation. Allan,
Anna, Hugh & I went out to Anna’s & played “500”.
Had 5th theory. Took Nadine after four, went up to see
Dorothy McFarlane. Stayed at Sally’s for supper. When I
came home Hugh called up & wanted to come over. Winnie
was away & we danced & fooled around.
Rainy. Had 6th theory exam, got 92% on whole & 96% on
rules. Winnie started my dress for the Easter dance, red
&white organdie. I didn’t go home this week end as I have
an exam tomorrow.
Studied in morning. Vera was down – some girl. Had
Shorthand Theory exam in aft. – hard. Went up to library at
night. Got “The Silent World”.
A lovely day. Went to church in morning. Winnie & I went
up to Aunt Eva’s for dinner. Went to church at night. Mr.
Smith spoke on “Divorce”.
Snow on ground. Winnie went to Hanover with Rebecca’s
so I had Hugh, Blanche, Allan in for a game or bridge –
Had a Business English exam – final. Got 85. Winnie & I
went to Mission Circle concert at night.
I didn’t go to school in aft., studied for Fr. Mother was up
and they finished my dress. It looks pretty. Anna wanted
me to go to show with her but thought I better study.
Got diploma for filing – 93. The highest. Wrote Fr. Comp in
aft. – hard. Hugh, Alex Edgar were over for bridge. A Mr.
Burner called for Hugh – some guy, a regular comedian.
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
April 19
April 20
April 21
April 22
April 23
April 24
April 25
April 26
April 27
April 28
April 29
April 30
May 1
May 2
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Good Friday and a lovely day. Washed & pressed my
clothes in morning. Sally, Mrs. Hope & Nadine came down
in aft. & took Mother & I for a drive. Cy & Ruby also called.
Went to Br(?) at night– a choir practice.
Warm & sunny. Baked in morning. Went up to town in aft.
Got a new brown hat. Elgin, George Sockette, Berniece & I
went to show in Hanover at night “After Office Hours”.
Easter Sunday and a lovely day. Went up to Mary Leeson’s
in morning. Went to church in aft. Cy, Ruby & Winnie were
down for supper.
Myrtle Kerr was in an accident – hurt her back. I went up to
town with uncle Cameron & went to Easter dance – wore my
new dress. Had a wonderful time, a swell dance. Stayed at
Came home in morning with Vic & Sally. Mother went to
Toronto with them. I had a sleep in aft. Elgin & I went up to
Durham for Mother at nite.
Lovely & warm. Raked up the lawn in aft. Anna was down
at night & we went for a walk & talked.
Uncle Harry Burnett died. Ruby, Winnie, Eva & I went down
in aft. Ruby & I minded Nadine till 9:30, then went to Hockey
Boys dance – a wonderful time. Lot there from Mt. Forest &
I came home in morning. Did some ironing. Had an hour’s
sleep in aft. Went to Rebecca party in Hanover with Winnie
& Ruby. Came home with Roy Coburn.
Raining. Mother & I went to Uncle Harry’s funeral. Slept in
aft. George, Marg & Al Constable, Winnie & Ruby were
down at nite – had great chat.
Al stayed all night. Went to church at night with Anna. Earl
Hart, Art Hoss, Laddie, Allan, MacN, Freda & I were out at
Anna’s. Had a great time – some discussion.
Started to school again. Mrs. Dargavel wanted to know if I
would be Miss MacPhail’s secretary for this week. Didn’t
know whether to go or not, told her I would. Went to
Oddfellow’s At Home & dance.
Blanche Raynor didn’t come home so I had to take her part
in play. Stayed home in aft. as I wasn’t feeling well. Put on
play in Williamsford at nite. Didn’t have to be prompted –
had dance after.
Went over to Miss MacPhail’s in aft. Drafted a letter –
neither typewriter would work so had to call in a mechanic.
Went to Flesherton at night.
Did I work hard? Spelt poll “pale” ha! Sent 2 wires. Typed
nearly all day & my back certainly ached but Miss MacPhail
was great. She gave me $2.50 for the day – not bad &
brought me back for the High School Banquet. I stayed
alone at Winnie’s.
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Brought over some work to do here. Mrs. Dargavel said that
I got a great reputation, only thing was that I worked her too
hard. Snowing. Stayed at Aunt Eva’s. Went to Masonic
dance with Laddie – a lovely swell party.
Went to Owen Sound with Elgin. He got a new suit & I got a
new dress – green & brown. Elgin & I went uptown at night.
Jimmy Sullivan, Laddie, Allan were in car with us.
Didn’t get up till noon. Went to church & Sunday School.
Was terribly tired – too many late nights. So went to bed
right after supper – raining.
Nicer today. A holiday. 25th anniversary of reign of King &
Queen. Washed my hair. Went up to Sally’s at night. As
Winnie is away, I am staying there.
Sally & Vic went to Toronto. Worked hard at school. Took
Nadine out after four. Went up to Library at night with Anna.
Sally came back with Ede, her sister & baby & Mrs. Palmer.
I went to show “David Copperfield” with Elgin, Anna & Earl,
liked it very much.
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Running all day. Sally took her company back to Mona
Mills. Got my own supper. Did homework.
Miss MacPhail was over – got another $1.50 & she wants
me Tues. & Wed. Elgin came up & I went home with him.
Read at nite.
Studied most of day. Went uptown with Elgin. Elgin,
Florence Patterson, Jean MacGillvary, Ronald Rudd, Laddie
& I went to Holstein. Sure had fun. Took Florence home –
such roads.
A lovely day & Mother’s day. Went to church & Sunday
School & up to Aunt Eva’s for supper. Bob Christie was up.
We went out to Freda’s. Had lots of fun.
Cold for this time of year. Nothing much happened to-day.
Went up to library and came home with Allan.
Sally’s went to Toronto so I stayed at Aunt Eva’s for dinner
and supper. Mrs. Kennedy (Aunt Marion’s daughter) died &
left 5 children.
Lorne Reis died today – 24, very sad. Alex Edge & I went
over to Miss MacPhail’s. Took 16 letters down at once &
typed them. Arranged forms in envelopes. Worked till about
Miss Edge came home but I stayed. Answered some more
letters. Miss MacPhail brought me over at night. Went on
ride to McGirrs with Young Peoples. Had a great time. It
was a gorgeous night. Came home with Laddie.
Went to school in morning. Had speed exam. Went to
Lorne Reis’ funeral in aft. Elgin, Ronald, Laddie, Bill
Renwick, Anna & I went to dance in Holstein. Never missed
a dance. Home at “4”.
Didn’t get up till 11. Did some work. Fowler’s came up.
Went up town at night. Kids were around. Talked over night
before. Bill Firth asked me to a dance.
Was out driving the car in morning. Went to church &
Sunday School. Went to church at night with Anna. Stayed
out for awhile.
Cold. Vic came home this morning. Went to Aunt Eva’s for
dinner. Went to dance (Canadian Cowboys with Bill Firth) –
lots of fun.
Still cold. Worked all day & did homework at night. Mr. &
Mrs. Smith were over. Went to bed early.
Lorne’s birthday – bought him some scribblers. 9 today.
Went over town at night but it was so cold, didn’t stay long.
Took Nadine out after 4. There were two fires – Kennies
and church shed. Shirley, Jean Murdoch, Anna, Elgin, Jim,
Laddie, Bill went out to Anna’s and played cards and
Warmer. Fowlers came up. Anna, Evelyn, Elsie, Barbara,
Berniece & I went fishing. Had horse & buggy ride, also flat
tire. Elgin, Jim, Laddie, Shirley, Anna & I went to dance in
Flesherton, had wonderful time, lot from Durham there.
May 24th, 1935
Velma back third
Velma on right
Velma front left
Velma on left
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Real warm today. Worked in morning, studied & had sleep
in aft. Howard MacDonald died suddenly. Ronald Rudd ,
Florence Patt., Laddie & I went for drive in Ronnie’s car We
were in rumble.
Lovely today. Elgin & I were up to Durham in morning.
Went to Sunday School. Anna was down. We went to Knox
anniversary at night. Rev. Dunn spoke good.
Got a nice pair of shoes – brown sport Oxford’s. I am
staying at Aunt Eva’s this week. Felt terrible today but stuck
it out at school & went & talked to Glenna for awhile. To bed
Raining all day. Got my working sheet to come out in my
bookkeeping exam. Studied at night.
Nice today. Went over to Mrs. Hope’s after four. Anna, Inez
& I went down town at night, open night. Bought some
cookies & fooled around.
Finished my Bookkeeping exam. What a relief! Winnie
came home so we went down to house for supper. We had
lots to talk about.
Lovely. Winnie sprained her ankle so I mowed the lawn for
her after four. What a job! There was a play in town. I went
up town & sat in the car with about 6 boys – ha! till the play
came out. Then went with Oscar Moon to dance at Holstein.
It was three when we got home but I got up early & worked.
Had a sleep in aft. Elgin & I went up town at nite. I was
around with Florence & Glenna. Elgin had Shirley to the
show so Allan & I went for a walk until they came back.
Uncle Irving & Mrs. Brown came up. We all went on a picnic
to Harriston park. 5 cars. Cy, Ruby, Anna & Kay were up.
Went to Balmy Beach also. Was out with Anna, Earl & Allan
at night. Went to Pike Lake for a drive.
Rainy. Did some French. Mrs. Brown was here & lovely. I
went up to town with her & uncle about 6. Was up street at
night, came home with Laddie.
Got a 94 in my Bookkeeping exam. Anna started to school
in the daytime. We went to look at a present for Inez. I
stayed in at night & studied.
Raining. Intended to play tennis after 4 but couldn’t. Anna &
I went up town at nite. Were with rest of gang. They
brought us home.
Worked hard all day. Winnie went to Wiarton. Went up
town for awhile to Ethel Hargrave’s shop, asked Allan to
come out to Anna’s tomorrow nite. Said he would come if he
was the lucky one – ha.
Got a new pair of shoes, cup & saucer. Forence, Marg,
Inez, Anna & I had a dinner at Anna’s about 8. I was 19,
Inez 20 & also Inez’s graduation. Gave her an evening bag.
The boys came out after, we danced & had loads of fun.
Laddie bought me a box chocolates (Laddie & Allan not
feeling very well sometimes).
Florence stayed at our place all night. We talked in morning
& didn’t get up until 11. I washed my hair& Florence set int.
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 23
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Elgin & I took her home at noon. Elgin & I went uptown at
Went down to store in morning. Went to church & Sunday
School. Florence came out for supper, we went to
Presbyterian dinner & then Allan, Ron, Anna, Florence, Earl
& I went for drive. Down to park in Holstein, broke swing.
Went up to tennis courts after 4. Jimmie Sullivan & I wrote a
Shorthand exam at night, came home & did some studying.
Nice day. Typed out some chain letters for Barb. Winnie
went to Lodge & I stayed in & studied Fr.
Winnie & I went over to see Mrs. Hope after 4. Anna & I
went over to Inez’s at nite to see her grad presents. Got a
scare in night. Someone ringing doorbell about 2 &
Had a sore back all day. Did some more chain letters.
Winnie & I went over to Elsie McGirr’s at night. Winnie
knitting me a sweater from pattern, pretty.
Mrs. Dargavel was away. I played tennis in morning. Did
some Fr. & went up town in aft. in telephone office. Anna & I
went to ballgame then whole gang went to dance in Holst.
We went with Jim & Laddie in Moore’s car – swell time
(Wilkinson boy - 2nd cousin was there).
Got up about 8:30. Did some work. Had some sleep in aft.
Went to Rav (Rahn de Voo) at night with Elgin, Evelyn
Ross, Glenna, Lawrence, Lewie McComb & Jimmy. Talk
about fun, bought doughnuts, date squares etc.
Moonie’s came up. We went visiting in aft. and stayed at
Aunt Charlotte’s for supper. I went up to town about 8.
It was raining so stayed home started Madame Thérèse – 30
pages a morning. Went to school in aft. Studied at nite &
went up to library.
Went to school to study in morning. It was raining all day &
cold. I worked some old Fr. Papers at nite.
Raining again. Got over my 30 pages. Went up town at
night & sat in car with kids.
Quite cold. Terrible weather for June. Winnie & I stayed
home at night & listened to radio & I did some Fr.
Mrs. Dargavel told me I was the best she ever had in
Shorthand. Anna & I went for drive with Bill Firth. Anna,
Glenna, Evelyn, Elgin, Lewie, Laddie & I went to dance in
Priceville, swell time bankers were there.
Was tired. Had a sleep in aft. & studied some Fr. Went up
town at night. Was with Glenna, Evelyn. Met Bill & went to
restaurant to eat.
Cold & rainy. Did some more Fr. sentences. Went to
church & Sunday School. Went to church at night. Went for
a little ride with Earl, Allan, Anna – went home early.
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
July 1
July 2
July 3
July 4
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 11
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Tried Fr. Authors in morning – sight was hard. Fr. Comp. in
aft. not so bad. Anna & I went to ballgame. We went for
walk with kids.
Took Shorthand all morning. Mrs. Dargavel told me I was
going to get General Proficiency Certificate. Anna & I went
up town & sat in Barb’s car at night. Kids came along –
bought peanuts.
Warm all day. Rained at night. Glenna, Evelyn, Allan, Elgin
were down. We certainly raised the roof.
Lovely. Elgin & I went to Rocky Garden Party (Laddie asked
me to go but didn’t call). Glenna, Evelyn, Lewie, Elgin, Bill
Renwick & I went to dance in Williamsford. Good time.
Winnie painted the verandah. We went to ball game.
Harriston & Durham girls. There was a street dance after.
Stayed till end.
Was terribly tired. Worked in morning. Read & slept in aft.
Fowler’s called on way up North, wanted me to go with
them. Laddie, Shirley, Elgin & I went to show “Kid Millions”.
Didn’t get up very early. Finished “Hundredth Chance” –
wonderful. Went to church & Sunday School. Came up to
town at night. Was with Laddie. Stayed at Anna’s all night.
Anna, Glenna, Evelyn & I went to Mt. Forest for the
celebration. Had lots of fun (took lunch into restaurant).
Then I was out with the smartest boy at night, Teddie
Broughton. There was a street dance.
Was terribly hot. Glenna & I went swimming after four and
went to ballgame at night.
Hot. Glenna & I went swimming after 4. Went up to town at
night, it was open night.
Just had school in morning as it was so hot. Evelyn had car
in afternoon and took us to U.F.O. picnic, went to dance at
night, had good time.
Terribly hot. Just had school in morning. Gang of us went
to dance in Holstein at night. It was warm so we stayed
outside most of time.
Worked in morning. Walter Baines (a cousin from the West)
and another kid came up. Bill Firth & I went to the Rav with
them at nite. Ate afterwards, lots of fun. Rode in rumble.
Took pictures. Glenna & I, Elgin & the 2 boys went to Owen
Sound in morning. Had lunch in park. Went to church in aft.
Came up to Winnie’s at night.
A terrible houseful, Aunt Eva’s are here as they are fixing
their house. Ruby home. Was tired, went to bed early.
Hot. Just had school in morning. Ruby had tonsils out & is
resting up. Jean & I went for a walk at night.
Hot. Tried Shorthand exam. Letters in morning. Got 86.
Aunt Eva made me a halter neck blouse in aft. Went up
street at night with Anna & Glenna to ball game.
Tried legal exam – passed. Aunt Eva, Ruby, Winnie & I
played bridge in aft. Went to wiener roast at night with Allan
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
& gang.
Had typing exam (53). I was supposed to try last exam but it
didn’t come. Glenna, Susie Bell & I with to Flesherton to 12th
celebration. Street dance in Durham at night. I was with
Teddie Broughton. Swell time.
Ruby was down for week end. Had lots of fun. Bill Firth,
Glenna, Lewie & I went to Rav at night. Elgin took Ruby’s
car over. We all ate together after. Rode in rumble.
Cooler. We went to church. Elgin took Ruby up at night. I
read & went to bed early.
Tried Shorthand exam – 80 speed. Finished everything.
Mrs. Dargavel is going to give me a dictionary. Came home
at noon. Lewie & Jean Rowe were down at night & talked to
Elg & I for awhile.
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23
July 24
July 25
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31
August 1
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Vera was down for week. We went in swimming in aft.
Washed & ironed. Went down to store at night.
Mother made my dress & I ironed. Elgin & I went up town at
night. Saw the kids & talked in the car for awhile.
Terribly hot. Elgin was sick & also the hired man. Sewed.
Elg & I went up for Glenna at night. We had some Pepsi
cola & chocolate cake for lunch.
Hot. Glenna & I went down to Evelyn’s in morning (hitchhiked down). Came home in aft. Elg, Eva, Joe Noble,
Lewie, Glenna & I went to dance in Holst. Teddie B. came in
just before I came home.
Suffocating. Glenna went home in morning. Had a sleep in
aft. Elgin, Vera & I went up town at night. Were in at
Winnie’s for awhile.
I went out to Florence Patterson’s in morning. Went to
church. Went back to lake to swim in aft. Went to church at
night. The heat was terrible. They had company after
church. Florence & I talked till 1.
The heat is terrible. We helped Mrs. Patterson bake. Eliz.
Harding came out in aft. Talked. We went to supper,
garden party at Dromore. They put on play “ The Antics of
Ardour”. Comical. Florence was in it & wore my dress. I
came home with Mother.
Hot again but not so bad. I went down to see Janet Kerr for
awhile in aft. & read. Went down to corner at night.
Elg’s birthday (18). Real hot. Went up to dentist in aft. Got
my diploma, lovely. Went out to Anna’s for supper. Laddie
was up at night. We went for drive (sure like him).
Ironed in morning. Went to church picnic in Holstein with
Anna. Played ball. Went to tattoo in Mt. Forest at nite. Elg
Wouldn’t take us so Marj, Eva & I got down in spite of them
(was with Ted/had swell time did not miss a dance).
Lorne was sick – summer flu. Had a card from Bill who is on
holidays. Claire was up for supper. We went down to
corner at night.
Elg & I went up to doctor’s to get medicine for Lorne. Was at
dentist, with Glenna & then went out to Aunt Mary Ann’s for
supper. Elg, George Rockett, Susie Bell, Glenna & I went to
Rav at nite.
Little cool. This week certainly has been terrible. Went to
church. Uncle John & Aunt Myra were down for supper.
Read at night.
Worked all morning. Was down to store in aft. Anna was
down at night & we talked over things (about Teddie being
up to Ritchie’s).
Went up to dentist. Finished. Teddie was up at night. We
went to show & then up to see Glenna & Lewie.
Worked in morning. Mother & I went to Laddie’s hill at
Mountains. Went up town at night. Laddie telling me what
he thought about Teddie.
Washed up everything for the Old Boys. Ironed in aft. Was
tired at night. Washed Elg’s hair & went to bed early.
August 2
August 3
August 4
Cleaned house in morning. We went up town in aft. Old
Boys starts tomorrow. A kid came up from Mt. Forest &
wanted me to go to show but didn’t go. Went to bed early.
Registration Day at Old Boys. Worked typing names on
badges at Town Hall. Interesting. Fowler’s & Uncle Irving’s
were up. Midway in town (were on swings, merry-go-round
& ferris wheel) – went there at night. Had 2 chances to go to
Rav (with Laddie), didn’t go. Stayed at Glenna’s at night
during Old Boys.
Went to Pres. Church in morning. Had dinner, went to 4
Square Dipping (a lady 75 dipped). Went out to decoration
at cemetery – took pictures. Fooled around town at nite &
then went to midnight street dance. Was with Teddie. He
took me home, didn’t get any sleep at all (Glenna & Evelyn
dressed up in men’s clothes & sprayed us with pepper &
water about 5 in the morning. Belva Noble, Eliz. Vessey,
Evelyn, Glenna & I).
Old Boys Reunion, 1935
Velma on left
Velma fifth from right
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Velma front right
Velma front centre
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
August 5
Went to Calithumpian in Parade, good. Dionne Quintuplets
got 1st prize. Ate in town. For breakfast we had an orange,
for dinner a hamburger & for supper a hamburger). Had ride
in an old car. Went over to grounds in aft. & then went in
swimming. Went to dance again at night. Got home around
2:30 (lost $1.50 somewhere around house – looks
Velma on left
Velma second left
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Velma on right
August 6
August 7
August 8
August 9
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Rained all day. As we didn’t get up until 5 pm (4 of us in a
bed, some time). Got something to eat. Went down town.
Ted was up. Went to dance. After they burned an old toilet
out on the street. It was wild (Ted took me home. We drove
over lawns etc., broke a door off car. Got in about 5. Mr.
Lawrence was away).
Got up about 1. Went down town & to horse races. Ate in
town. Came up home & got dressed. Went to dance. Ted
was up. We were all so tired didn’t know what to do with
ourselves. What a jam (Ted, Allan, Eliz., Berniece, Dan
O’Connell & I came home together) (Mr. Lawrence told boys
to go home).
Got up about 1pm. Old Boys is over & are we ever tired.
Laid around most of aft. Came down to midway at night.
Elg Came up for me. I went to bed early.
Washed up all my dirty clothes. Had sleep in aft. Went to
street dance at night. It rained so then had it in Hall – what a
jam. Ted was up.
August 10
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Not feeling very well. George Constable, Marj & Winnie
were down for dinner. Ironed. Elg & I went up town at night.
Last night of midway.
Went in swimming in morning. Went to Sunday School &
church. A missionary, Mr. Storrey, from South America
spoke good. Was here for supper. Went down to corner at
night & went to bed early.
Felt tired all day. Went in swimming & had sleep in aft.
Terribly hot. Went down to water at nite. Ted Burnett,
Wilkinson, Jack Gibson were up in old truck.
Cooler. Did up some plums in morning. Mr. (Rev.) Storrey
was here for supper. Went to see picture on South America
in church at nite.
Rev. Storrey went away in morning. Marjorie & I lay down at
water all aft. & went for drive with Ted Novice. Went up
town at nite.
Hot. Washed in morning. Marj & I went with Mr. McCabe in
aft. Selling cars. Went to town, Holstein, Woodland Springs,
Mt. Forest. Went to garden party at nite at Glenelg Centre.
Lots of fun, had a boy (German) from Kitchener with us.
Terribly hot, baked in morning. Had a little sleep in aft.
Read and went to bed sort of early as the next day was our
reunion. Got Fr. Authors & enough in Fr. Comp. to give me
my middle.
August 17
August 18
August 19
August 20
August 21
August 22
August 23
Reunion at Erin. Got towels for 2nd prize in Boot & Shoe
Race. Stayed for dance at nite. Swell time. Mrs. Thornell,
Charles & Howard were there from Detroit. They came up
here after. I came with them.
Went swimming in morning (Charles milked a cow). I went
up with Thornell’s while they visited the rest of the gang.
Stayed in Durham for supper. Rest went to bed early.
Charles & I stayed, up worked on puzzles, went for drive.
Thornell’ s left in morning. Went in swimming in aft. & also
at night. Stayed at Marjorie’s for supper. Freda stayed all
Freda was here. We went in swimming in aft. Marj, Freda &
I went to Mt. Forest with Mr. McCabe. Saw Ted just as we
were coming home. Some other kids wanted to bring us
Cooler today. Just had 7 men to feed today. Fred, Marj & I
went to Mt. Forest again. I was with Ted. Just kept Mr.
McCabe waiting ½ an hour on me.
We washed in morning. Went down to water in aft. Freda
went home at night & I fooled around with kids for awhile
then went to bed.
Ironed in morning. Aunt Sadie’s were down in aft. Anna,
Marj & I went to Mt. Forest again & Anna stayed all nite.
Anna Ritchie
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
August 24
August 25
August 26
August 27
August 28
August 29
August 30
August 31
September 1
September 2
September 3
September 4
September 5
September 6
September 7
September 8
September 9
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Mother was sick so I did all the work. Wasn’t feeling very
well myself. Went up town at night. All set to go home with
Laddie but was so sick Elg Had to bring me home
What a night but feel a little better today. I guess I have the
flu too, nearly everyone has. Mother still in bed. I went on a
picnic to Crow’s bridge & Pike Lake with kids from Varney.
Was out in canoe. Went to bed when I came home.
Mother still in bed. I feel kind of weak but manage to get
work done. Ross is here. I sure make use of Lorne these
days. Went down to store at nite.
Worked hard again. Mother is a little better to-day but still
weak. I baked. Lorne went up to Jean’s. Went down to
corner at nite. Billors(?) were up.
Canned some tomatoes. Real cool. Elg, Ross & I went to
show, “No More Women” with Joan Crawford & Robert
Montgomery good.
Anna came down in morning & we washed & ironed. Winnie
& Ruby were down in aft. I went to a corn roast out at
Morrison’s cottage with Laddie.
Mother is Feeling better. Had a sleep in aft. Went to dance
in Holstein with Anna & Barb & Mac. Came home with Bill.
Ate, & had swell time. Anna was with Clark.
Baked in morning. Mother went up to Doctor at night, is
anemic & has to take it easier. I went to the Rav with
Laddie. 6 of us ate after & had lots of fun.
Cold. Got up & did work & went back to bed again. Went to
church & Sunday School. Went down to Marjorie’s for
awhile at night. Allan McFarlane died, drank poison.
Weigh 108 – am gaining. Labour Day. Elg Went to ex. We
did some pickling, read in aft. I got the car & Evelyn,,
Glenna & I went to street dance in Hanover.
Real cold. Made chili sauce. School started & it seems
funny to be through. Was tired so read & went to bed early;
got some books from Mrs. Kerr.
Did some more preserving. Went up town at night & Barb,
Bill, Jim, Laddie, Allan & I ate a basket of apples in about 15
Washed & did most of the ironing. We decided to go on a
trip over the week-end. Went down to see Marj For awhile.
Ironed. We had a corn roast at night. Jim, Laddie, Bill &
Ron were down. Then 8 of us went out to Hayward Falls. 8
in 1 car. What a time!
Left about 10:30 on trip. Aunt Eva went with us. Went up by
Eugenia Kimberly Valley. Had lunch in Kimberly, stopped at
Cowan’s in Collingwood & got to George Constable’s in time
for supper. Went to show in Barrie & ate afterwards.
George & Marj’s new home is perfect. We went down to
lake and saw bird houses beside George’s. Went up to Al
Constable’s at night. Children were home.
Left about 9. Stopped in Alliston. I got a new hat & pr. of
shoes (brown). Got home about 1. Went up to Durham &
September 10
September 11
September 12
September 13
September 14
September 15
September 16
September 17
September 18
September 19
September 20
September 21
September 22
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
saw Mrs. Dargevel. Stayed at Aunt Eva’s for supper. Came
home & went to bed early.
Aunt Sadie was down. Fixed up my clothes for fall. Went up
to town in aft. & took Shorthand & typing. Trying to get my
speed up. Had supper at Sally’s.
Lorne’s School Fair. I typed invitations for Anglican Tea.
Elg, Caldwell, Dorothy & I went to show in Hanover & to
dance at Rav afterwards.
Went to work in morning. Did 240 invitations. Miss
MacPhail was over & wants me to start to work for her.
Brings her work over each day. Laddie & I went to wiener
roast at Gordon McGirr’s cabin.
Started to work. Addressed postcards in morning. Went to
Fall Fair in aft., cold & rainy. Fooled around with Bill in aft.
Went out to Winnie’s for supper. Bill, Glenna, kids, Lewie & I
went to eat in O. Sound & to dance in Williamsford,
wonderful time.
Worked hard all day. Thunder storm in aft. Ruby, Cy &
Winnie came up from Toronto. I went up town tonight &
fooled around with kids.
Cold. Went to church & Sunday School. Winnie, Ruby & Cy
were down. I went at home with Winnie at nite, read.
Worked hard all day addressing postcards. Winnie & I went
over to Schenk’s at nite & played cards. Helen Fortune was
Lovely day. Miss MacPhail has a boy working for her,
Jimmy Palmer, a 4th year McMaster student. He took Sadie,
Winnie & I up to a political meeting in Dornoch at nite. Very
clever kid.
Worked in morning. Went to Ladies meeting in Hall in aft.
Mrs. Pearce from O. S. & Miss MacPhail spoke & Marguerite
Nuttall, soprano sang. Great meeting – got my hair finger
waved at nite.
Busy all day. Went down to dance at Mt. Forest with Barb,
Anna & Earl, their Fall Fair. Came home with Ted
Broughton. We ate in Mt. Forest. Had great time. Doug
Grant brought Glenna home.
Went to Ceylon, Dundalk & to O.S. with Jimmy. Had dinner
in O.S., worked in aft. Went to Tennis Club Dance,
marvellous time. Ted Broughton & Ted Bracey were up.
Went to work in morning but didn’t have much to do. Jimmy
was at our place for dinner. He & Winnie went to Paisley. I
didn’t have to work in aft. Had a sleep. Went up town at nite
with Glenna, came home with Elg.
Didn’t get up until 11. Went to church & Sunday School.
Went to Durham church at nite. Freda & I stayed up town
for awhile & then I went home & read.
September 23
September 24
September 25
September 26
September 27
September 28
September 29
September 30
October 1
October 2
October 3
October 4
October 5
October 6
October 7
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Worked all day. Winnie cut my hair. I started to knit a scarf,
the first I ever did. Winnie went to meeting in Ceylon, so I
knit, had bath & went to bed.
Lovely day, real warm. Anna came up at nite so we fooled
around until 1pm. She had to wait till Barb came home from
lodge. Elg & Allan were down at house.
Another swell day. Fooled around with Evelyn in car after
work. Miss MacPhail was at Winnie’s & Jimmy & I had our
supper together. Shirley, Jean Murdoch, Marj & a bunch of
kids & I went in and bought 2 kinds of ice cream at nite. Had
good time.
Still more cards to do. Raining. Winnie went to another
political meeting. I listened to Rudy Vallee. Knit & went to
bed fairly early.
Cold. Glenna, Lewie, Honey Ritchie, Oleida Hahn, Joe
Noble, Pat McComb & I went to dance in Holstein. Their Fall
Fair & what a crowd. But I had the swellest time. Nearly all
Mt. Forest were there, Ted B., Ted Bracy, Mac Thornhill, etc.
It was great.
Had to work in morning. Winnie cut out a dress for me in aft.
Brown wool crepe with orange velvet trimming. I made a
cake for Winnie. Glenna & I were up town at nite. Came
Mother’s birthday (50). Went to church & Sunday School.
Winnie & I went to Queen St. anniversary at night.
Nomination Day. What a crowd in town. Dr. Hall, the Liberal
candidate didn’t show up. Went to Red Cross dance at nite
after Cons. Banquet, good time. Rev. Mr. Harvey was here
for supper.
Terrible weather, rainy & cold. Winnie went to a meeting.
Jimmy & I had our supper together. Anna was up at nite.
Cold. Snow. Worked hard in morning but was off in aft.
Knit my scarf.
Didn’t have to do much all day. Winnie started to make a
dress for me, brown with orange velvet. Knit at night.
Cold & snowy. Winnie finished my dress. Winnie went to
meeting in Paisley. I stayed home & read & had bath.
Worked all day. Jim was here for dinner & also Vera.
Winnie & I went up town at nite.
Varney anniversary, nice day. Winnie & I went down in
morning. Rev. Falconbridge was at our place for dinner,
wonderful speaker, not forceful but gives you something to
think about (was down at Marjorie’s for supper. Came home
with Anna & Earl).
Nice day. Worked hard. Stayed & helped Sadie after. Went
down to Varney anniversary. Supper with Anna & Earl.
Good supper & program.
October 8
October 9
October 10
October 11
October 12
October 13
October 14
October 15
October 16
October 17
October 18
October 19
October 20
October 21
October 22
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Not feeling very well, I guess I ate too much last night.
Winnie went to a meeting & Anna came up & stayed for
awhile. “Harry Anderson”, editor of Globe spoke for Miss
MacPhail in Walk.
Did cards all day. Evelyn brought a car for Teacher’s
Convention so we went over to Rav to dance but there was
none so went to dance in Riverdale. Some time.
Raining nearly all day. Finished work to-day. Anna & I went
to political meeting in Hall. Miss MacPhail let them ask
questions & there certainly were some funny speeches.
Sadie & Miss MacPhail had a row but patched it up to-day.
Was away with Jimmy all day, took manifests around to post
offices & hired orchestra, ate in Hanover. Elgin was up for
me at nite.
Nice day. Baked. Elg & I went up town. Marj & Allan sat in
car with us – talked & ate bananas. Elg ate 9.
Lovely weather, real warm. Went to church & Sunday
School & to Baptist church at night. Heard Jubilee Singers.
Anna, Earl, Allan & I went down to Mt. Forest for drive after.
Election day. Tom Webb & I took some people out to vote.
Went over to Miss MacPhail’s about 7 & heard results come
in. What an exciting time. She won with a majority of about
1500. We then went on a tour to Markdale, Durham,
Hanover, Walk & Chesley (about 50 cars went from Han to
Walk. She spoke in each place. Cars blocked the way in
Everything quiet after election. Winnie, Aunt Eva & I went
over to Hanover in aft. Aunt Eva got a new coat. Washed
my hair. Mrs. Shenck was over at nite.
Winnie fixed my brown taffeta dress. Went to dentist & up to
school in aft. Elg came up for me so went home, read &
listened to radio. Mary Leeson stayed all nite.
Fixed my clothes nearly all day. Mother, Dad & I went to
Community Party. I played at Kearney’s. Had lunch &
dance in Hall after.
Lovely weather. Went down to store in aft. Stayed home at
night and read a book.
Swell day. Went to Owen Sound. Got a dress, & a lovely
pair of brown suede shoes, didn’t get home until 7. Elg,
Florence, Allan & I went to dance in Mt. Forest. Had a lovely
Went to church & Sunday School. Had 14 for supper –
Morrison’s & Wilkinson’s, Anna, Barb, Earl, Mac, Berniece,
Russ, Gordon Henderson & I were out at Anna’s at nite.
Washed. Did some studying. Started to rain in aft. Stayed
in at night & read.
Warm. Did some studying in morning. Went up to Durham
in aft. Saw Mrs. Dargeval, got a testimonial from Miss
MacPhail. Went to Mission Circle, fooled around with kids
after discussing dance Thurs.
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
October 23
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 27
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
November 1
November 2
November 3
November 4
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
We baked in morning. I finished reading “The Soul of Abe
Lincoln”. Mother & Dad went to reception at Tees. We
stayed home.
Thanksgiving day, lovely weather. Had Thanksgiving Dinner
at noon. Aunt Jane was here. Florence, Allan, Elg & I went
to Thanksgiving dance in Hall. A marvellous time. Laddie
was home for it. There was only young people there –
banquet first.
Aunt Jane & Mother went over to Bogle’s. Anna came down
& we danced the dance over again. Mother & Dad were
away so Anna, Elg & I were alone.
Mother went up town in morning. Did some studying & went
down to store in aft. Mrs. Wilton died suddenly. Elg, Laddie,
George Glass, Shirley, Glenna & I went to dance in Mt.
forest. None of us missed a dance, lots of food.
Glenna went home in morning. Lorne & I went for a ride with
Art McCabe. Went to Sunday School & church. Rev.
Johnston of Priceville was here for supper,. I went over to
St. Paul’s anniversary at nite with Marjorie.
Studied in morning. Went to Mrs. Wilton’s funeral in
afternoon. Lorne & I stayed home at nite. Popped some
popcorn. Mother & Dad went to crokinole party.
Went up town in morning, did some shopping – had dinner
at Winnie’s. Saw Mrs. Dargeval. Went up to Glenna’s for
supper. Glenna & Evelyn brought me home.
Washed in morning. Ironed in aft., getting my clothes ready
to go away. Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Brown were here
for supper – great talkers all, Scotch. Elg & I took them
home to Holstein.
Went up town in morning. Put in an application at mill. Got
my clothes ready in aft. Halloween. Barb, Anna, Mona,
Berniece, Ethel & I went to dance in Mt. Forest. There was
an earthquake. We were in car & didn’t notice it.
Winnie, Elg & I went to Hamilton. Went up to Park Business
College, principal’s lovely. Went over to Toronto, saw “Top
Hat” (Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers) at Beach theatre –
good – then went to Ruby’s. Stayed all night. She had a
couple in for bridge.
I got a permanent in morning. We went to see “Dark
Angel”(Fredric March) in aft. Saw Laddie after. Came over
to Hamilton about 8pm. Stayed at Raynor’s all night.
Elg got a big kick out of Mrs. Reynor & her “land sakes”.
Went up to Anne’s in Morrison in aft. & had supper. Elg &
Winnie left for home. Uncle, Addie & I went to Guelph with
them & then came home to Ham. Called on Hazel Mosup.
Uncle took me to school in morning. It was all strange & I
certainly felt lost. Had lunch down town, came home with
Uncle about 5pm. Got supper ready, then did a lot of
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
November 9
November 10
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
November 15
November 16
November 17
November 18
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
School again. Took my lunch. Mr. Cowan, the typing
teacher, is sort of hard to get along with. Came home with a
girl I met, Barbara Cooke. Worked late & then went for
Got a letter from Mother. Uncle & I went up to Morrison at
night & then up to Guelph for a drive. Don’t get much time
for sleeping.
Changed my time table. You are certainly swamped with
homework. Got letter from Glenna. Addie came home & is
great company.
Had a test in Rapid Calc. Uncle got a new stove, we
changed things around in the kitchen at night and did a lot of
Had to go to school in morning. Went up to Thelma’s at
noon & then Uncle & I went through market. Addie & I fixed
up my room, washed out some things, did some homework
& Addie & I had game of cribbage.
Real warm. Uncle & I went to Livingstone United Church.
Minister spoke on “Can Jesus Count on You”, wonderful
service. My face burned all day. Went to see mums at
Gage Park & for drive. Went to church at night as it was
Armistice service. Wrote letters.
Armistice Day & lo & behold! I took the German measles.
The doctor said I was to stay in bed till Thurs. Addie put on
radio & I tried to content myself. There wasn’t much of a
rash. Got a letter from Marj.
Feeling a little better. I am the only one who has the
measles in Ham. Must have brought them down with me.
Mother called at night. I got a letter from Elg to-day.
Lorne wrote me the cutest letter all himself. Addie dances
around in Hall for me. Haven’t much of an appetite & have
toothache. Read the swellest continued story, “Shining
Windows”, by Kathleen Norris.
Was suppose to get up to-day but had a temperature, so
Addie wouldn’t let me up. Got a letter from Anna. Had
toothache so put in quite a day.
Am going to try all subjects but Bookkeeping. Got 5 letters
this morning, 4 pages of poetry from Laddie. Glenna has
measles too but wrote a letter to me 2 days after she took
them & said she was all over them. Got up to-day. Wrote a
long letter to Mother. Feeling better.
Got up for breakfast. Eliz Harding called this morning &
wanted me to go to show. She is going to call next Sat.
Read in aft. Addie let me do some sewing on sewing
machine. Had bath & went to bed.
Feeling fine now. Listened to a service on radio. Had
chicken dinner which was lovely. Read & listened to radio.
Uncle went to church at night. Wrote letter to Laddie.
Rented a typewriter. Went for a walk in aft., my first out. Did
quite a bit of typing, tried some tests.
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 22
November 23
November 24
November 25
November 26
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30
December 1
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Raining. Did some more typing & also some quilt chain
letters for Addie. Wrote to Mrs. Dargeval & Anna. Mr. &
Mrs. Tom Brown & Edgar were killed in auto accident.
Came over radio. Jimmy Palmer called me up.
Had letter from Mother. Started to school & nearly went
bughouse. Mr. Park advised me to write only 5 subjects this
month. My eyes bother me. Addie & I went to see Frederic
March & Greta Garbo in “Anna Karenina”.
Didn’t feel very well in morning. Had to pay for exams in
advance – passed in spelling exam. I am so tired when I get
home, I can hardly do my homework! Work! Work!
Had letter from Laddie. He has been sick too. Asked me to
wear pin & to go to Xmas dance with him. Am rejoicing
because this is Fri. Did some homework to-night & wrote a
letter to Mother.
Washed some things out & cleaned my room. Had 12
pages in a letter from Evelyn. Went to barber shop in aft.
Did some studying. Uncle & I went for a drive at night.
Addie & I have a great time.
Went to St. Giles United Church in morning. Uncle & Addie
went to Kitchener. I went for a walk then wrote some letters.
Uncle & Addie didn’t get home till after 11.
A very bright day. My eyes were a little better. Came home
right after 4. Had cup of tea & did homework. Uncle tried to
convince Addie & I that you should plant things with new
Went to school. There was a letter from Elg & Mother when
I got home. Elg was coming down to see me Sat. I wrote
him a letter, had supper then started to study. Felt as if I
was going blind. I cried, my nerves were terrible.
Didn’t sleep all night. Couldn’t try my exams which started
to-day. Dr. said I had to take a month’s rest & not read.
Laddie sent me his pin. It is the cutest thing. Phoned
Mother at night – coming tomorrow. Uncle was in bed also
& Addie’s ankle started to bother her. What a house!
Felt a little better but can’t use my eyes. Mother & Elgin
came down for me. We did some shopping in Eaton’s.
Addie came as far as Morrison with us. Had supper there &
got home about 8pm.
Went up to see Winnie in morning. She wanted me to stay
there till X-mas. Anna was down in aft. And told me all the
Mother & Elg went up town in morning. My eyes were bad
again. Marjorie was up in afternoon & stayed for supper.
Went to bed early as I don’t seem to be able to get enough
Went to church. Rev. Facey from Moorefiled was here for
supper. Anna & Earl were down at night. Wrote to Laddie.
December 2
December 3
December 4
December 5
December 6
December 7
December 8
December 9
December 10
December 11
December 12
December 13
December 14
December 15
December 16
December 17
December 18
December 19
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935
Mother washed in morning. I fixed up my clothes in aft. Not
feeling any too good. Went to bed early. Sent in application
to Eaton’s.
Mother & I went up town in the morning. Went to Winnie’s
for dinner & to Sally’s & Eva’s. Got a letter from Glenna –
working in Chatham.
Mother & I went to Ladies’ Aid at McCabe’s. Read a little today & went to bed early.
Real cold. Went down for mail. Lorne & I walked up to
Leeson’s at night.
Did some baking in morning. Felt not to bad to-day so I did
a little work. There was a dance in Holstein but didn’t go.
Had another nervous spell this morning but managed to go
up town in aft. Anna came home with us.
Raining. Anna & I went to church in aft. Went up to Uncle
Charlie’s for supper – Freda, Anna & I went to church.
Lights bothered my eyes.
Elg & I went up town in morning. Wrote to Addie & Glenna.
Went over to Jannie’s at night, was learning to tat. Had a
letter from Laddie.
Real mild. Went up to Winnie’s. She had 2 of the Southern
Singers – Jimmy Stokes & Dan Davies. Great fun. All the
singers come down after the concert & we danced & played
cards. Small crowd at concert.
Came home in morning. Mother was doing some sewing for
X-mas. Went down to Marjorie’s at night.
Mary left Emily & Eleanor here all day. Emily is cute. Miss
Heard was over for supper. Mansfield was operated on for
appendicitis. Was up town in afternoon.
Stormy. Wrote to Laddie. Evelyn came down on bus for
week end – she is having trouble at her school. We went to
dance in Hall – got a big kick out of it.
Didn’t get up very early. Went to Santa Claus day in
Durham. Had amateur contest – Hall crowded. Laddie
wrote & wondered why I hadn’t written him this week. We
went up town at night & then came home & sang.
Didn’t get up till 1:30. Evelyn & I went to church. Cliff &
Sadie were down for supper. We had a sing-song then took
Evelyn home & went out to Anna’s for awhile.
Mother went up to Aunt Mary Ann’s. Anna gave me a book
by Grace L. Hill “ The Honour Girl” so read it, good.
Went up town. Did all X-mas shopping but Mother’s present.
Got Laddie a tie. Helped Lorne draw a X-mas card.
Wrapped up parcels. Mother did some sewing. Went down
for mail at night.
Mother dressed a doll & fixed a cradle for Emily. It is too
cute for words. I helped by sewing buttons on, etc.
Addressed cards at night & helped Lorne get ready for
December 20
December 21
December 22
December 23
December 24
December 25
December 26
December 27
December 28
December 29
December 30
December 31
Went to Lorne’s school concert – some time. It was real
cold. Went to Commencement with Anna & stayed there all
night. Laddie was home for it.
Went up to Freda’s in morning. Went out to town with them
in aft. & Laddie, George, Freda & I stood in post office &
talked all aft. It was so cold. Was with the kids again at
night & came home with Elg.
Read in morning. Real cold. Leeson’s were here for
supper. Went to church. Read at night. Elg wasn’t feeling
Cold, went up to Winnie’s & got Ruby to do my hair. Met Mr.
MacIntyre – Winnie’s latest. Helped them decorate tree.
Marj was up at night. Helped Lorne buy presents. Got a
gold bracelet from Laddie.
Dad went to school meeting. Helped wrap up parcels – we
are not opening any presents until to-morrow. Took cradle &
doll up to Leeson’s – Went to bed early.
A lovely day, the best X-mas I have ever had. Got some
lovely presents. We were at Winnie’s all day. Anna had
gang out at night & we danced & had swell fun. Cy gave
Ruby a diamond.
Real cold. Changed the colour of the compact I got for Xmas – got red & white. Went down to store in aft. Read.
Dorothy McFarlane eloped. Claire came up to see our
presents. The night of the X-mas dance Anna, Earl, Laddie,
George, Jim & I played cards until time to go. Had a
wonderful time at dance.
Was terribly tired. Went down to see Marjorie in aft.as she
has the measles. A cold, cold night so went to bed early.
I have a bad cold. Wrote two letters. Went to church. Kids
were to come down but it was so cold they didn’t come.
Took lemonade & went to bed early.
Had 16 for supper – all the family. Played cards in aft. &
night. Had a good time. Laddie called up. His Christmas
present went to G. Grant at Varney.
Marjorie & I went up town in aft. & fooled around. New
Year’s Eve & a swell warm night. Jasper & Clara Traynor,
Jim, Laddie, Elg & I went to dance in Holstein. A great time
– a wild crowd. Last year’s dance all kids there from Mt.
For more information on Velma Irene Blythe, check out the “Meet the Diarists” section
under “Discover” on our website: ruraldiaries.uoguelph.ca.
Velma (Blythe) Grant’s Diary - 1935