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Mr James Cameron Island
January 1st 1887 New Years Day East Wind snowing Fine not cold Kind of warm Bismarck crofsed to Post Office for the Papers Watering the cattle in the swamp Back of the Barn Fox tracks plenty a Big air-hole before the Door a good many shut up with this cold
2nd snowing W Wind got a Live Duck on the ice
3rd Allens Birth Day very Cold and Frosty W Wind put in the Bottom of the 3 Ton stack
4th E Wind Fine some Frosty cutting stove Wood cutting Waterholes cutting Bruch seen a 2 men and a horse and cutter crofsing to Summerstown and they came Back tonight A Great many air-holes shut up with this
5th cold weather 5th a very Fine Day Bushing the Road up the south side of the Island
6th a Fine Day Epiphany old Christmas crofsed to Summerstown Fetterly Thrashing at Hamiltons sent A Letter to Mr James Lee for a Dollars worth of Prizes Heard Laurie was Froze a Fortnight ago Bought of Mr Purcell 1 l of crackers 10 1 Bottle of Pain Killer 25 got a Bottle of cod Liver oil with it as prize paid 3 cents on the Letter
7th cold Frosty a cutter crofsed up the ice to Hamiltons from the south side cleaning the pipes W Wind Frosty to night
8th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward court Plaster 10 E Wind cold
9th Cold Windy
10th cold seen a sleigh coming from Lancaster to Rofs Island cutting Brush EW
11th very windy W Wind Drifting putting in hay not well
8th Hugh Anns B Day 1866
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Mr James Cameron Island
12th of January 1887 New Years Day old style cutting Brush in the upper Field West Wind some snow Fine Kind of soft seen a Fox crofsing from the south side
13th W Wind Kind of Fine Frosty Leander crofsed to Summerstown got the prize from James Lee 3 Lockets and 3 necklaces cork screw combination cutting Brush wind changed to night to East seen 2 Foxes crofsing
14th East Wind a Big Storm snowing Blowing Drifting Great Bankings of snow the cattle did not go to Drink to Day
15th EW Kind of Fine snowing some Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Tea 25 Buttons 15 Pain Killer 25 Bought of Mr Ward Tax 5 cents put in a Ton of the 2 Ton stack all in of it shovelling snow as theare is Lots of them Bought of Nicholson 1 Plug of Tobacco 5 cents sweetys 2 cents
16th Cold W Wind Fine
17th East Wind stormy changed to sout and West Blowing very hard to night Digging at snow took a Barrel out of the shed to put ashes on churning to Day not very well
18th W Wind cold and Frosty Frosty Digging at snow Banks cuting stove wood
19th cutting Brush Windy John cut his hand
20th SE Wind snowed Frosty Rained to night Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb French Tobacco 13 spool of Thread 5 cakes for Rowena 5 cents
21 St Agnefs Day W Wind Cutting Brush got warmer
22 E Wind hailed Rained Soft cutting alders Broke on 3 1/2 Ton stack
23 Raining Kind of crust icicles on the Trees
24 C Tuppers Birth Day icicles Falling WW