File #45519: "James Cameron Diary, 1887 (2).pdf"



{page one} Mr James Cameron Island January 25th 1887 Robbie Burns Birth Day East Wind Turned stormy then came Fine crofsed me and Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward Oil 25 RRR 25 powders 10 Tax 10 Bought of J Summers 1/2 lb Tea 25 soda crackers 25 Bought of Nicholson 1/2 lb Tea 20 sent for the Witnefs postage Register and picture 1..18 paid all this seen Mr Sheets that got the contract of the Wharf 26th Fine cutting Brush took the handle out of one of the axes Did not smoke to Day 27th E Wind John Hamilton and Charlie Parisha here wanting to trade horse for 2 2 year old heifers Making coats for the Boys 28th cutting Brush 29th Bismarck crofsed heard Jim Aikin was Buried to day Lots of EEl Fishing Broke on West Mow 30th Fine E Wind Nancy Bales Buried to Day 31st Cold Frosty WWind 1st of February East Wind Fine cutting Brush put in the Bottom of the Marsh hay stack about 2 Ton in the East Mow of Marsh hay Lots of EEl Fishers out those Days old Durushie up at Bosells Buying eel 2nd Candlemafs Day E Wind stormy snowing Drifting all Bad with cold the Sun Dont shine to Day the Bear cant see his shadow 3rd Fine Leander to Bosells for Tobacco 20 cents {second page} Mr James Cameron Island 4th of Feby 1887 cutting alders and Willows Fine Windy cold 5th Fine Went to Mr A Tyos got pay for the Butter {cut off}.25 Took Dinner there and Took my supper with Mr Leslie got a Book from Mr Leslie not very well Charlie Parisha 2 men came with the Mare and took the 2 Heifers Bismarck went for the Papers to Summerstown got a special notice from the Glengarrian Due from 16th of Oct 1886 To 1887 One Dollar 6th Not very well Bad with cold all of us snowing 7th East Wind Drawing alders First Drawing with the Horse Drifting 8th Gordons Birth Day Raining very unwell Bad Bad with colds Eclipse to Day High Wind to night this is the Carnival Week in Montreal Ice Palace 9th not well Kind of Fine Windy ice G{illegible} slippery walking for the cattle the air-hole out Before the Door near shut a Big Bird out on the ice an Eagle I think water coming in the Milkhouse 10th Fine Bismarck went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Flour 1..25 RRR 25 got a Ride down home with John Hamilton Brought me 2 pair of Boots I told him to buy for me 2..50 gave him 2 hides and 1 sheepskin to sell for me very unwell to Day got a Lot of Papers got the Queen's Picture 11th E Wind stormy Drifting snowing very sick 12th Fine cold Windy very unwell John and Leander got hair cut 13th Gordon here Fine cold Sesagemisa Sunday Purcell stopt his mill
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