File #45526: "James Cameron Diary, 1887 (9).pdf"







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{page one} Mr James Cameron Island June 13th 1887 cleaning Potatoes strawberries getting some Ripe 14th Fine Day East Wind Mr Tuthill and Judge Nortons son here to night him and Bismarck went out to Trowl for Pickerel set some Brush heap afire heard an Indian Killed his squaw at St Regis Mr Mears is Departe Mr Tuthill 15th Fixing E End of the Building putting stones under it Ticks Bad 16th at Potatoes 17th at Potatoes 18th The Ever Memorable Battle of WaterLoo Bismarck got his hat 40 Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Ward pepper 1/4 lb 7 Bought of J Summer 2 of Thread 10 all paid Almonds 5 19th Sunday Gordon here Girls and Tonia went to Bosells Mr Jo Douquet's New Boat into Dundee 20th Accesfsion of Queen Victoria Fine Day Bismarck and i to A Tyo's paid 6 Dollars for the Butter Treat 10 Tea 25 Gave Mr Leslie his Book crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward on credit 1 sack of Flour 1..25 Working on the Roads Princess Louise First Trip Mr McKay went to Montreal on the Boat 21st Jubilee Day for the Queen First Day of Summer Mr Hector McRae Buried to Day in Williamstown SW Wind Thunder some Rain Livinia not well at all put out Tobacco on the 17th and cleaned the cellar Chicken out some to Day 22nd Our Dan's Birth Day Fishing at Potatoes Rained Windy at night Bohemian got aground this trip sawing Wood at the River {second page} Mr James Cameron Island June 23rd 1887 Fine putting the plough through the Potatoes Leander John and I Bismarck and Hugh Ann Went to F Covington Bought McCartney Tea 3 lb 1 10 1/2 yds of calico 75 10 yds Calico 80 5 yds of Pink 40 1 yds 10 1 yds 12 1/2 Blue 6 Bought of Fay Bismarcks Boots 2..50 Tax 5 1/2 lb Tea 12 1/2 Bought of Parker 2 spoons 19 Lots of Trowlers around here to Day a Raft went Down to night Took the mare out of the Pasture on account of the Ticks Lost of Young Beetles on the Potatoes 24th St John the Baptiste Day Mrs Ward Departed Bismarck Putting the Plough Through the Potatoes Fixing the Logs around the Potatoes 25th Bismarck crofsed Bought of J Summers Thread 5 Sugar 7 lbs 50 Bought for Fishermen Tobacco and Sugar Mrs Ward Buried to Day Mrs McKay got her Leg hurted 26th Fine Day McDougall and Fernandez here gave one of the Puppies to Fernandez and a small sturgeon the Baby Tonia Sissy Leander and Stanley down to the Kit Kit some Rain 27th Fine crofsed to Hamilton went up to Summerstown John Hamilton going to Lancaster for Lumber {cut of}eing Boards on the cracks of the West End of the Barn 28th putting some stones under the Bottom of the East end of the house set a Line out Before the Door Bismarck crofsed to help McDougalls with their Potatoes picking Beetles of the Potatoes their is any Quantity of them cleaning some in the Tobacco Ground put out some plants to night Moved the Black Boat took one of the seats out of her and one of the Rods 29 Bismarck at McDougalls came home 30th Fine Went to A Tyos with Tennet of Butter 30 lb 8 cents a lb went to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson Flour 2..50 paid heard Mr McKay was taken home from Montreal Died yesterday
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