File #45536: "James Cameron Diary, 1887 (19).pdf"


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{page one} Mr James Cameron Island 12th of November 1887 Plastering splitting stove Wood Lots of snow on the Mountains Randolph came Leander thinks he seen the otter Track Fine Windy Fixing Bait in a hole up in the Bay Leander and I Water Low Heard Gannets to night going East yellow-Birds plenty no Wind Geese got a Rat 13th Boys Down in the shanty Windy 14th E Wind Fine scow crofsed to Francis Island to Ferry cattle Randolph and Leander crofsed with Tom Roses Boat went to Upper Point set Fire to the Marsh Back of the sugar Bush a Good many going on the water to Day 15th E Wind Raining snowing cut a Basswood on the Pitt Point Plastering and Fixing around the Barn cattle in 16th W Wind Fine Plastering Ploughed Garnet went up Drew some Drags Went Down to the shanty got my square made Balls and Buckshot on this Day of the Month Riel was hung 1885 17th Fine Killed the Bull the Grits of snow a little High West Wind got the sheep in for the First time snow all thawed off Lots of snow on the Mountain Alexandra went up to Day 18th Leander and Randolph Went to Rofs's Island Wind high stopt all night there with the high Wind Fixing around the stables Let out the sheep Alexandra went Down Lots of Boats going to Day a Big scow sailed Down in to Lancaster trying to burn parts of Marsh Froze some to night 19th Boys got Back Shot 3 Ducks Fine wind Raised set Fire to marsh before the Door what was not Burned before all Kinds of wind to Day Began to snow south East Wind {second page} Mr James Cameron Island 20t of Nov 1887 Fine began to snow and Blow W Wind Bismarck came stopt all night told us the {large blank space} in Cornwall was Drowned crofsing from Cornwall Bohemian went Down to night 21st On This Day of the month D McMaster Departed 1846 Drew the But Lot of the Butternut Fixing around the Barn fed and salted the cattle on the Lower Point Took the Marsh hay of the Fine hay on the Barn Floor Turned the Boats Feeding all the cattle no Boats went to Day only the Salmon River Boats 22nd Fine Windy went around the Island Piling the sawlogs in the Grove 6 of them Randolph making a hand sleigh a Tow went Down to Day not many Ducks 23rd E W and N Fine went to Dundee & F C some ice in the salmon River the Boat Grenada Broke it Took the hide sold at Dundee to Mr McCoy 4 cents a lb 70 lbs 2..80 Bought of J Tyo F3..60 Corn Meal 80 Sack of coare salt 80 Fine salt 75 Boots no 5 2..25 Bought of A Tyo starch 10 Mustard 10 Pepper 5 Matches 10 pipes 5 Broom 20 a Bottle of Downs Elixer 25 oil 5 Gallons 63 candy 2 Whisky 20 soap 20 the Massena came in Broke the Ice the Indians at Dundee about their Land 24th E Wind cold Freezing Massena and Granad came out Fixing around the things on the Ground moved the Double Stove Tow went up Bohemian Down
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