File #45569: "Daniel Watt Diary_08.pdf"



24-25-26-27-28-29-Pretty cold 30 A lecture by Mr. Goldy on the "Red river County" 31 fine day April 1 Went to Blackburn [[for?]] Cow paid $30.00 2 Alexanders children very poorly 3-4-5-6 Pretty Cold 7 Alexanders Wife died at 2 O'Clock this Morning 8 Went to Funeral to day 9 little Maggie died this this Morning at 3 O'clock 10 Went to Maggie's Funeral. 11 very Cold and Windy 12-13 still frosty. 14 very fine 15 Looks like Summer fair day here very quite fair Not Much business done Church Committee payed me in full the sum being 220.50 Made second payment in subscription to Church building 16.67 16 seen wild [[Canary's?]] to day 17 Cold to day 18 fine day [[Loned?]] Mr. Gun $200.00 to Day 19 fine day. 20 pretty Cold snowing in the afternoon. 21 Comenced to work at Stevensons Frame 22 frosty Wind 23 finished framing for Stevenson. 24 Making water [[tower?]] for James Robertson Barn and Sheds 25=26 Still Cold 27 Michael McDermott died to day 28=29 Cold North Wind blowing. Some people commencing to plough a great deal of frost in the ground yet. [[Same day?]] I drove in the wooden
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