Daniel Watt Diary, 1873-1887


Daniel Watt Diary, 1873-1887


Daniel Watt


Courtesy of the Lanark County Genealogical Society






19th Century, Lanark County, Ramsay Township, Ontario

Date Created

December 31, 1873

Is Part Of

Daniel Watt Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


Photostatic Copy of Personal Diary of Daniel Watt (1839 - 1900) From Dec 31 1873 to May 17 1889 While a Resident of Clayton, Ontario

D.G. WATT 239 Lydia At Kitchener Ont N2H 1W4 July 2, 1991

Daniel Watt Clayton Ont December 31st 1873 Memorandum Book Went to Lanark Feb. 24th 1857 Served 4 years Apprenticeship with William Robertson. In the summer of 1861 finished upstairs of Charles Rintouls House & David Camelons House 1862. finished Thomas Bullocks House & David Camelons Barn & Roofed John Caldwells House 1863. Made 150 Chairs at W. Roberts. Roofed John Anguss Barn Made Chest Drawers for Helen Watt. And Chest Drawers for James Bowes. & Roofed Shed for I. Jackson 1864 Finished House for Mr. Rintoul & framed Shed. Married September 30th Went West to Wroxeter; came back the Middle of March 1865 bought George Mansons Place below. Clayton paid him 267 for it. 1866 Wrought in Shop prety Much. Some small jobs outside. 1867 Hired Justice Boulger at 99.00 per Month Built House for Alexander Watt. Barn for Robert Affleck 50.00 Barn for Mr. Smith 40.00 House for Mr. Smith 36.00 Illegible Wood Shed for James Robertson 30.00

2. Made Seats for Darling Church at 2.95 Each. Roofed Barn for Widow Enright 1868 Hired J. Boulger for 12.00 per Month for the first half of the summer. bought Village lot from Mr. Isily? for 30.00 Roofed Shed and Stable for Henry Rintoul built fence for John Gemmill raised frame of house for Iy? S? Illegible and Closed it in. Built Shingle Mill for Daniel Drummond down the river from Clayton. finished in Side Mr. Letangs House 1869 Wrought alone. Put up Big House for Mr. Drummond layed floor for John Rintoul floor for Charles McNeil Framed barn for John Sutherland Finished My own house 1870 Hired Arm. Affleck at 20.00 per Month John Affleck at 13.00 and James Turner at 13.00 per Month. work done that summer. Carriage House for L. Naismith 31.00 Barn for Mr. Stewart 50.00 Barn for John Gilmore 47.00 Hunterville School 100.00 Mr. Riley Barn 50.00 Hunters house and factory 50.00 Mr. Guns House 120.00 Mr. Cunningham's House 160.00

1871 Hired Henry Malroy at 21.00 per Month. Justice Boulger at 18ars James Turner at 16.00 per Month. Built House for Hunters at 800.00 100.00 never payed John McDearmont House 121.00. Framed Fitzpatricks House 44.00. Galbraiths Shed 56.00 Hunters Kitchen and Repairing house 75.00 1872 Hired Archibald Affleck at 1.25 per Day. James Turner at 1.00 per day. John Affleck at 21.00 per Month. Built Clayton School house at 150.00 Finished Driscols house 140.00 Finished Fitzpatrick House 175.00 Galbraiths Barn. 56.00. Framed James Watts House 26.00 James Reids House 30.00 1873? Hired James Turner at 1.25 per day. Francis Timms Commenced his Apprenticeship. Built and Seated Clayton Presbyterian Church 1020.00. Finished James Watts House. Shed for Andrew Kirk at 50.00. Finished outside of Alexander Watts House. Outside of Robert Afflecks House and built his Veranda. Framed and Closed in John McDermott's Kitchen. Roofed John Tomsons Barn. Framed John Dunlop's Cheese Factory early in the spring.


August 18, 1873 Grand Mamma Rintoul got her leg broken. Robert Afflecks Buggy Upset. We had considerable of snow on Clayon Fair Day and have had pretty fair Sleighing until the second? of December when it all went away, and we got a little more about the middle of December which lay until the 3. Day of January it all went away then and we had a few fine days like spring. January 6 a few inches more snow. Daniel Drummond was elected Reeve Yesterday by a Majority of 78 over Albert Tesky. 7th raining a little and freezing on the snow. 8th fine soft day. Francis Timms painting Fitzpatrick a floor. 9 very pleasant. We took Mrs. McWilliams Cupboard home to Night. 10 very pleasant Went up to Darling had to turn at Langstaf's Could not get over the river 11 & 12 very fine 13 frosty 14 Annual Wheat Meeting Setary elected Trusttee Went to Carleton to Contract for School Snowing some 15 Cold day. Went to William Craig's to Work at his Cowhouse. 16 Very cold and stormy still at Mr. Craig's


Not very cold. Mr. F.B. Wilkins's family came to Day Tendered for the Mcray School House for the sum of $597.00 Tenders to be opened at Noon today 19 Yesterday very fine To day Soft. Braiden of Carleton got contract of School at $550.00 20th Fine Day 21 22 Soft...raining Finished Craig's Cow house. 23 Working at Robert Affleck's. Raining in the forenoon and freezing in the Afternoon. 23 Working at Robert Affleck's very stormy at Night. 26 Yesterday very Cold Brother James came down and brought sisters Catherine and Marion with her Elly and Allick and Jessie. 30 still cold working in Shop Francis Timms Went home to Night with Charles Rintoul Robert Affleck and Isabella was down to Night. Feb. 4th Still cold 8th at Almonte pleasant day 12 pleasant Weather David Boyle died Yesterday Morning at 6 oclock 13 William Kemp Buried to day very soft and rainy. 14 David Boyle burried to Day 16 pleasant stormy at Night 17 18 19 Very pleasant


19 Mr. Galbraith and Mr. Taylor and Mr. Rintoul and Wife was visiting here to day.20 Soft Day 21 pleasant day went to Uneda to see plan of School house in Company with the Wilkins 24 Tendered for School house No. 1 Pakenham for the sum of $72.50 25 Made Coffin for Mrs. H Bowland covered with Cloth My tender for School was excepted 26 pleasant day 27 at Mrs. Bowland's funeral 28 very pleasant like a day in Aprile. 1 Mar very fine I took Maggie up to Father's at Kemps Sale Went for the Doctor for Gamaw About Midnight Rained all Night 4 freezing pretty hard Roads beginning to get black On the hills 5 very pleasant day a Reform Party in Almonte & sold mare at 87.50 6-7-8 very fine Alex little Maggie bad with inflamation 9-10-11 very stormy roads almost impassibel, 12 somewhat fine & Maggie a little better 13 Stormy 14 somewhat fine bought Mare from Robert Blackburn at $68.00 15 very fine went to Darling with the Buggy 21 fine Day 23 very Cold Snowing in the Morning

24-25-26-27-28-29-Pretty cold 30 A lecture by Mr. Goldy on the "Red river County" 31 fine day April 1 Went to Blackburn for? Cow paid $30.00 2 Alexanders children very poorly 3-4-5-6 Pretty Cold 7 Alexanders Wife died at 2 O'Clock this Morning 8 Went to Funeral to day 9 little Maggie died this this Morning at 3 O'clock 10 Went to Maggie's Funeral. 11 very Cold and Windy 12-13 still frosty. 14 very fine 15 Looks like Summer fair day here very quite fair Not Much business done Church Committee payed me in full the sum being 220.50 Made second payment in subscription to Church building 16.67 16 seen wild Canary's? to day 17 Cold to day 18 fine day Loned? Mr. Gun $200.00 to Day 19 fine day. 20 pretty Cold snowing in the afternoon. 21 Comenced to work at Stevensons Frame 22 frosty Wind 23 finished framing for Stevenson. 24 Making water tower? for James Robertson Barn and Sheds 25=26 Still Cold 27 Michael McDermott died to day 28=29 Cold North Wind blowing. Some people commencing to plough a great deal of frost in the ground yet. Same day? I drove in the wooden


30 Working at Charles McNeils Sashes May 1 Cool weather 2 Went on a visit to John Rathe Mr. Goldy Came to visit us, and stay a few days. 3 went to Bennie's Corners with Mr. Goldy 4 Robert McNaughton Commenced to work with Me to Day for 1.25 per Day. Working at Mr. McNeils House. 5 pretty Cold 6-7-8 Cool 9 weather Changed very warm to Day. 10-11-12 fine Warm Weather 13 old Mr. Letang died very sudent this Morning we got the? with Charles McNeils house to day. Amount of job 46.00 we had a good temple to Night three New Members 14 Working at Mr. McWilliams Wood Shed 15 Old Mr. Lettang buried to day. 16 Mr GarooParault? died this After Noon we made his Coffin after Night. 17 Mr GarooParault? was buried to day Mr Stewart of Packenham Preached for Mr Steel to day and Read Mr Steels Resignation 18 Roofing my own Stable 19 working about home 20 John Scotts Mother died to Day Aged 96 Years Old Mr.Reardon? died to Day Aged over 80 years 21=22 Painting Stable shed and roof of House 23 Mr Goldy was here to day


24 went to Darling 25=26 Weather rather wet 27 Commenced the Jameses Schoolhouse 28 Very Warm 29 Old Mr Gemmill died about 2 O'clock Afternoon 30 Very Warm. 31 at Mr. Gemmills Funeral. June 1 raised School house. 2 roofing S house James Robertsons Colts died today only lived 12 hours after they were Noticed Sick some trouble in the throat 3 Years Old 4 fine day 5 Doctors Moysten and Patterson was seeing Mrs Issac Halpenny 6 fine day 7 Mr Steel gave his farewell Sermone 8 Mrs Halpenny died about 10 Oclock at Night 9 Elizabeth and the Children visiting James Robertson. 10 went to Mrs Halpennys funeral 11 12 13 fine Cool Weather, working at School house. 14 went to see John Affleck, he has been bad with neuralgie 15 Elizabeth went to Crams with B Affleck to stay All Night. 16 very wet day 17 still wet. 18 fine 19-20 very pleasant weather 21 fine day, all went to Church 22-23 fine showers Doctor Burns came to Clayton 24-25 fine weather 26 Elizabeth had a very bad Cramp in the Stomach 27 We got a very large Swarm of bees to day


28 Mr Stewart Preached in Clayton 29 very warm 30th Painting School House July 1 finished Schoolhouse 2 working at James Robertsons 3 Commenced to Driscolls House 4 Showering. Got House shed with Phillips 5 went up to Darling 6-7 Very Warm 8 raised Driscolls house 9 warm 10 Cloudy 11 very Cool 12 fine day 13 wet. more fine afternoon working at Mrs McWilliams painting a part ? her Kitchen. 14-15-16 plesent 17-18 Not very Well these two days 19 Mr Ballantyne preached to day and stayed all night with us 25 this week has been very dry, we got a swarm of bees to day August 1 this week has been very dry 8 dry till last night very warm to day. 15 been a very dry week 16 up to Darling 17 got 21 1/2 of Honey 20 fine rain 22 Dry 23 went up to Afflecks 24 took of box of top Honey weighing 50 lbs. 29 very dry weather got through at Driscolls Sept 5 raised Schoolhouse 19 had 120 lbs honey this year. fine rain the last 3 Days 26 we had very plesent week. warm days and cool Nights.


Octo.3 has been a very wet spell and Cold. 8 Settled with McNaughton for his summers Work brought 120 1/2 Days Went to Showfair at Middleville to day, Father has been very poorly; 9=10 weather Still wet 17 very pleasent weather 24 very pleasent weather. we finished our outside work at School house to Day. 26-27 working at Hugh Bowlands Verandah. 28-29=30 working at the outside of James Watts House. 31 went out to take a hunt, got nothing. Nov 2ed Gracie Affleck Died at 2 Oclock No 7 very pleasent weather, 9 Sold Cow to James Driscol for the sum of 23.00 11 Rain Day. Bought Heiffer from James Watt 18.00. 12-13=14 Working at School 16 Shingling at Mr Drummonds very pleasant Day like Summer. 17=18 fine Weather. 19 first Snow This Season 20=21 snowing a little. 22 fine 23 Snow enough to take the Butter 24=25 frosty. 26-27 Soft 28 More snow. finished Contract of School house to day. Trustees well pleased with job. 29 heavy fall of snow 30 Killed heiffer and pig today. Heiffer weighed 400 lbs = Skin 56 lbs worth 3.36 Beef worth from 6.00 to 5.00. Dec 1 Snowing 2 fine 3 Soft 4 frost 5 finished at Mr Driscols fine Day.


14 very Cold 15 Cold 16 Mild 17 Stormy 18 Changed Horses with James Richardson went to a party at Burnside Tempel 19 went to Darling pleasent Day. 21-22 Pleasent Weather 23 took very sore back 26 able to go round again. January 1st 1875 Very pleasent Day. Trotting horses on Thompsons lake J Gemmill 1 prize T Foley 2 pr B. McGuire 3 prize 11th Wm. Caldwell and Wm Mostyn Nominated for Ontario 16 fine Winter Weather 18 Mr. Mostyn elected with 28 of a majority 19 got new Cutter from Akland price 45.20 fine day 21-22 snowing Snow pretty deep 23 fine day 30 very frosty Weather Feb. 1st. Rebecka McMullen died 3 Colt and raining in the afternoon 4 very strong Winds 5 fine day 6 very Cold. 7 Coldest day for some years the Thermometer stood from 33 to 41 Degrees below zero. 8-9 still very cold 10 More Moderate. 24-25 Soft with Snow 26-27 Frosty 28 Very Cold John Connors Burried March 1 very stormy 2-3-4 fine 5 Mr Gorge Gun Sale 6 James Watt drawing Tamarack 7 Fine 8 Some of the Clayton boys had to leave for Mobing? Ira Foster


10-11 very fine days. 18 cold and hard frost 19-20=21 Still Cold 22 fine 23 first day I seen ChipMonk 24 Cold 25 went up to Darling for Deer hunt 26-27 still cold deep Snow 28-29 fine days 30 put out bees - 31 thawing Apr 1-2 Still thawing snow going away fast 3. Cold 4 Went to Darling with Cutter very bad roads 5 Mr Gun Moved into Clayton 6-7=8 fine Weather very little Sugar made as yet. 10 first pigeons seen been some good Sugar Days 12-13 fine 20 Started for Manitoba May 2 arrived at Emerson, about Noon. 8 went on board the Boat to come home 15 Arived at home. Not much growth June 16 Mr Bussey got one Swarm Bees Father is very poorly great need for rain 18 Working at James Robertsons 19 went to Almonte 23 had a good swarm of Bees 24 heavy rain Mr Drummond Started for Manitoba 25 26 Very warm. 27 More rain 28 fine 29 More rain July 1st got a letter from Mr Gun 2 fine Day 3 Drawed one box of Bees got a very bad Cold 9th very bad with Cold 17 went to Darling to see Father he was very bad at the time I was there. 18=19 Sinking every day 22ed 1875 Father died at 10 Oclock and 20 Minutes to Day. Aged 77 Years 7 Months And 4 Days x


24th Went to Fathers Funeral. 25th fine day still layed up with Cold. August 1st fine day 2nd Went up to Darling. 10th Commenced work at John McDerments James Turner working with me at 1.00 per Day James Watts at 6.00 per Month. 26th Commenced at Mrs Raths house 22 Mrs H McGee died about 3 oclock P.M. 26 took of top boxes of bees one box 31 1/2 lbs one 28 1/2 lbs one 27 lbs October 9 got through at California done School House for the Sum of 150.00 20 very fine weather : went to Almonte to Day. 21 Mrs Kelloughs Sale went very well to Day I bought a Foal? at 21.50 Cows went from 20 to $25. 24 Rev. McRobertson Preached a very good Sermon to Day it was put back for one week. November 2 the induction of Mr Noles came of to day and a Soiree at Night. A very fine day. 3 hard frost ploughing stoped. 4th working at James Robertsons 5th finished at Alexander Raths to Day. 6 Mr McGill came home to day. 7 Mr Noles preached in Clayton to day. 8 fine day. 9 fine 10 Snowy all day

1875 15

10th Nov very good fair here Supposed to be over $3000.00 paid for Beef here to day. 11 Snow still on ground. 12 Snow prety much gone. got 1/2 ton hay at 6.50 working at James Robertsons putting Stones under his wood Shed. 13 fine day Mr Green Lectured to Night 14mighty? Cold 15 fine brought home Foal 16-17-18 fine 20 Soft snow prety much all away 25 went out to hunt got 2 Deers 30 Very Cold Thermometer down to 13 Deg below zero Dec 1 prety frosty 2-3-4 fine ground very hard 8 Snowing prety heavy 9 Sleighing 13 More Snow and Stormy. 14 15 fine 16 Angus Sutherland died about 3 Oclock this evening 17 Stormy 18 very Cold 21 Degrees below zero 20 Milder 21 thawing 22 Snow prety much away. 23 Shingling James Robertsons Shed at Rosato Rosetta Sleighing very bad. 24 working at Drummonds after Night at Water gate 25 went up to Robert Afflecks thawing in the forenoon 26 Soft day 27 hard frost went to the Nomination to Day Councillors put in by Acclamation D Drummond Reeve. James Black Deputy. D. Snider P. Drummond J. McClory Councillors 30 very heavy snow storm. 31 Mr Noles did not Read to day bad roads

                                  c                             16

28 fine Day 29 Soft. got 1 ton Hay from B. James at 13.00 30 went up to Mothers roads all ice 31 very soft January 1, 1876 Sleighing near gone. Went to James Robertsons in the Buggy. quite a warm day 2 still soft 3 soft in the forenoon gets Colder blowing very hard at Night. 9 went up to James Robertsons sleighing very poor. 10 quite soft 11 Mrs Cram came in the Stage to Day. 14 fine day payed James Turner $50.00 being the Sum due him for work. got $75.00 from Trustees as part of the Money Due me for building School House in California 15 Henery Cram came for dinner? Peter Shane brought me 5 bush. Oats at 30 cents per bus. snowing to night 20 had a very good Missionary Meeting Colections 7.50 I went to Rosebank for Mr Noles Mr Stewart Mr McKenzie Mr Stewart took Supper with us. No Sleighing yet 21 A little snow. 22 cold and frosty 23 fine 26 fine day 27 Soft 28 29-30 Sleighing prety near gone Maud Bellamy died to day about Noon of dyptheria. got a letter from Mr Gunn on the 28

1876 17 Feb 1 went to Maud Bellamys Funeral. fine in the forenoon Commenced to snow in the evening. 2 snowing and very stormy 3 roads badly blocked up. 4 went down to a meeting at Bennies Corners. 5 fine frosty day took Contract of Andrew Craigs House for the Sum of $100.00 11 and 12 Canvassing for the Durham? Bill 180 Votes for and 150 against 13 fine day 14 fine 15 Snowing very heavy Mr Stewart and Noles was here 16-17-18-19 fine Days. 20 joined Presbiterian Church. 21 went up to Darling 22 Snowing 23 very Cold 24 Cold 25 not quite so cold 26 fine day March 1 fine 7 raining 8 soft 9 Wm Craig visiting to day 10-11 Sleighing prety Near gone 13 heavy Snow Storm Social in Church cleared 35,35 14 fine day 15 prety Cold 16 Stormy 17 More Snow Social in Church charge 10 cents cleared 15,00 18 very Cold 19 Cold 20 Not so cold Alexander Watts took home his Table to Day. 21 traded Horses with Arch James. 31 fine day Norman Whitten Moved to Clayton to Day.

1876 18 Aprile 1st very pleasent day went up to James Robertsons in evening. 12 got letter from George Gunn, went up to Afflecks in the Morning With Elizabeth and took all the Children in the evening and left them two nights. 19 first Sugar Made to day 14 Sleighing prety near gone 16 Horse very lame - got lamed in Stable 17 fine day with a few Small Showers of Snow 19 very poor fair - 1 horse sold and 1 Cow 20 21 22 fine Weather - geting like Spring 24 put out Bees to Day Wm McGill of Hillyard and James Scott started for Manitoba this Morning. May 1st Samuel McIntyre was here to Day. James Watts Commenced Work to day, at 50 cents per Day May 25 Commenced to Work at Stewarts Barn June 25 had a good Swarm Bees 28 we had two Swarms Bees 30 got home from Stewarts July 1st went to Rosato PickNick, 7 Small Swarnm bees 8 good Swarm bees 14 William Robertson got badly hurt at Packenham.


July 19 Drumed out Bees got about 40 lbs Honey joined them with a weak Swarm, took in my Hay to Day August 5 got through with W-J Rintouls House finishing outside very warm to Day Mr Craig went out to pick blue Berries 8 Drummed got two Boxes Bees got about 4 Gallons Strained Honey took of top box 17 lbs honey 26 took top box of Young Swarm 9 lbs 28 sold 17 lbs Honey at 20 cents per lb 19 at 16 cents per lb 30 went up to Afflecks for plums October 4 Thomas Watt and family Made us a visit. 10 went to Lanark fair 11 went to Midilvile Showfair 13 traded Horses with Atkin to get #25.00 to boot 14 put in F Prices windows 21 this has been a very pleasent Week I took Elizabeth up to Darling Maggie Came down on a visit And Stayed at Whittens all Night. November 8. We had a very good fair here to Day Cows went from $20 to $35 two year olds from $15 to $22 and ready Sales, all the good Beef was bought.


Nov 17 Alexander Sold his Horse for $70.00 to Mr McLean. 21 Alex got My Mare to plough for a few days Elizabeth went up to Afflecks to Day and little Maggie finishing up "Crags" house very pleasent weather just so this day looked like September. No frost or snow to Speak of as yet, ploughing prety Much all done our Teachers are hired for next year that is Mr Roberts and Miss Belton. Nov 29 went out to hunt got nothing Fanny Belton died to Day, about 11 Oclock. 30th Fanny Buried to Day in the Methodist Burying Ground very Cold the first Cold Day this Season. December 1st not quite so Cold 2 About three inches Snow. Robert Affleck Sold Me 119 lbs Pork at 6 cents per lb Mr Atkin payed me $25.00 for Boot in horse trade, got a long Letter from Mr George Gunn. he appears to be in good Spirits and all in good health Speaks very favorable of Manitoba. December 7th very pleasent weather a little Snow in the evening.

1876 c 21 Dec 8 plesent Day 9 fine in the Morning gets Stormy about noon very Stormy Afternoon and Night. Meeting of the Bible society, took in my bees to Night. 10 very Cold 11 not so cold gets Mild in the afternoon. 12 fine day 13 Loft house Cleaning to Day 14 15 working at Arch Robertsos very Cold and Stormy to night. Norman Whittens had quilting bee to Day. 21 went down to Almonte this afternoon Elizabeth went to Crams 22 Nomination of Councilors D Drummond Reeve, Black and Willsen Deputys Reeve 23 fine day got a few lines from Mr Gunn in a letter of Mr Setangs 24 went up to Darling Jane and Jim Watts Came down with me. 25 Robert Affleck and family Mr Robertson & Wife and Alex Watt took Supper with us to night a very pleasent day 26 fine day took the Children up to Robert Afflecks 27 took Elizabeth up to Darling and brought home the Children. 28 very fine 29 brought home Elizabeth Stormy Night 30 heavy Snow Storm about 12 inches roads blocked 31 Mr Noles did not preach to day


January 1st 1877 very pleasent day we have about 22 in. snow in the bush went to the ? in the Morning and went to Archibald Robertsons and took the family roads prety heavy, horse run against P. Hogan and hurt his face prety bad 6 very pleasent Day I took Jenny and Jim to the Crams 13 very heavy snowstorm Henry Cram went home from here this evening very cold weather 18 got job of Church at Rosebank for the Sum of $1047 23 got word of Gorge Gun being Frozen on the 6 inst. in Manitobassr 25 fine day Feb 1st fine weather been Loft for about one week 7th still fine 10 fine 12 soft in the Morning turns Cold in th evening. 14 John Nowlands little Girl died this Morning about 4 oclock 15 fine day snowing a little in the evening road very hard not much snow on the roads. Mama and Mrs Brown out Colecting for the Missionarys this evening. May 1st done 18.00 worth of work for Ritchard Riley. put up Kitchen for Robert Jonston


May 7th 1877 Moved to Rosebank fine weather Justice Boulger working with me for 15.00 per Month Payed Mr Forsyth for Lumber 268.00. Dods for Plastering 54.00 Contract of Church 1947.00, extras 153.00 Cleared about 80.00 per Month finished house for Mr Slater 15.00 September 22 Commenced at Mr Ushers Mill David McGill wrought one Month at 1.00 per day Oct 1 raised Mill. 24 fell about 3 in Snow Bees done very well this Summer one Box made 60 lbs top honey and gave good Swarm Sold 21.00 worth honey 26 fine day Snow Not all away yet. Dec 22 Euphemia Rintoul died. 24 went to her Funeral good Buggying January 1 1878 No Sleighing yet Feb 1 very little Snow 12 Tea Meeting in Church fine Night but not Much Sleighing Weather Still fine 13 Mild day 17th Not Snow enough for Sleighing 19 fine day better Buggying than Sleighing


1878 Feb 20th

May 3rd Commenced Work at Mr Ushers Justice Boulger working with me at 15.00 per Month June 13th got through with Mr Ushers Shed Contract 75.00 June 20 Sold 46 lbs Honey at 20 Cents June 26th Sold 37 lbs Honey at 20 cents per lb July 20th Sold 17 1/2 at 20 cents per lb 47 1/2 at 18 cents per lb August 1st took of 58 lbs Honey " 14 Sold 8 1/2 lbs at 18.00 24 lbs at 15.00 Box No 1 = 68 17 August Sold 18 lb at 16 cents Box No 2 = 52...23 Box No 3 = 36 - 18 - 20 Box No 4 = 50 - 10

1878 25 August 28 Elizabeth Started West 29 took Mr Bennett to Darling 30th picnic in Darling got letter from Lizzie Sept 1st rained all Night last Night 10 Nomination at Almonte D. Galbraith J. Jimmison for Dominion Parliment 13th rained all day. 14 Coold Wind to Day and Cloudy. took of all the top Boxes of the hives to Day. 17 Elizabeth Came home to Day. Election Day D. Galbriath elected 48 Majority, 6 at our Polling division, 42 in Ramsay. Jimison 108 Majority in Almonte heavy thunder Storm at Night. 18 fine day 19 some rain in the foreNoon. After Noon Cloudy. Nov. 30 wrought with Mr Wallace at Mr Ushers Mill 29 Days at $1.20 per Day. Dec 6 Tendered for School house at Appleton $798.00 Accepted. Tendered for School house No. 2 Darling $437.00 McScullion took Job at $341.00 20th went to Midilvile to Convention Mr W.C. Caldwell Nominated as Reform Candidate for Coming Election 25 Cristmass day Alex Watt and family and Robert Affleck and family Came on a visit to-day

Dec 28 1878 26

   Alex Watt and I Went to Rosebank for lumber.

31 bought two piles lumber from Mr Wm Snedden at 600 per thousand but to be delivered at Appleton January 1st 1879 Went to Henry Crams on visit very plesent day Elizabeth stayed 2 Stormy this Month Continues Stormy Feb heavy Snow Storms brought back brick for Appleton School at 400 per thousand Henry Cram delivered brick for $1500 per thousand 25 went to Appleton very Cold 34 degrees below zero. March 1 Stormy Snow about 3 ffet deep 2nd Comunion day Mr Edmonson preached Mr Knowles sick with Cold 3rd Mrs Wark Darby? burried to day. 8 fine soft day thunder and lightning in the evening Elizabeth went to see her Mother with William raining a little to night. 9th soft Mr Knowles preached 10 went to Afflecks for Lizy Concert in the Presbyterian Church very poor attendance on account of bad roads. Rev Stewart lectured on Charactar


1879 March 10th first apperance of Crows in this part. 11th still soft 12th Methodist Soiree Andrew Craig Payed Me 64.00 on Note 13th Snowing Some to Day got the job of House from John Atkin Ramsay. 26 went to work for Alex 28 got home very soft 29th seen first Bluebirds Robert Affleck and Wife down to Day. 31st Sparrows made their apperamce. 31st went to McGregors Sale April 1st Caralton Fair Day. 4th went down to John Atkins with Andrew Paul very Cold day. 5 geting Milder . Sleighing good. 8th put out Bees for one day and took them in again 9th took Lizie to Robert Afflecks Sleighing getting very bad. James Turner working with me for $20.00 per Month. 10 working at Doors for Mr Atkins House 22 commenced to Shingle Mr Drummonds House 24 prety Cold good sap Day 16th Fair Day a great deal Snow on the ground in the bush. 17 working at Charles Beltons house 18 prety Cold Wind. 19 still cold roads almost imoaassible Snow very deep some places and gone someplace

                                       1879                                                                      28

April 30 fine Showery in the evening May 1 snowing 2nd very Cold got garden Ploughed 3 fine day finished Shingling. John Khulls house 5 Hanlan the Champion rower win his first boat race in England by 6 boats length 7th went to Mrs McDermonts Funeral 8 commenced framing at WJ Rintouls August 15th got fall at Mr Khulls got arm hurt a little. James Turner got wrist sprained of work 18th has been some rain R.P. Affleck and Thomas Philips Started for Manitoba to day. School Commenced to Day after vocation Elizabeth and Jim was at Darling to Day. August 2 got through working McKhulls Roofing and Verandah $60.00 W.J. Rintouls Barn 42.00 Work for Mr Drummond $31.00 Nov. 12th Fair Day here very good fair a great Many Cattle sold. I sold Mare for 45.00 to James Robertson rained a little in the evening


13th went down to Aitkins. 14th very wet. 15th wet in the fore noon, roads getting bad been very good all fall 17th finished puting on Atkins Cornice 18th finished painting School at Appleton. 19th Trustees took School house of my hand Allowed me 20.00 extras gave Me one Note 275.00 payable Jan 8th 1881 Came home at night very Stormy snowing. 20th Cold and Stormy. 21st Not so cold 22nd got a load turnips from Mr Mitchell price 4.00 Elizabeth went up to Afflecks with Robert. 23 snowing to day. 24th Mr Atkin came for his Doors 25 roads very rough 29 very Cold and snowing some December 3 snowing 4th finished at Mr Atkins 5th got home for this Season, been working out nearly 8 months had for my Wages $444.00 Mr Atkin payed Me $325.00, for finishing his house. I found finishing and hardware


Dec 17th Mr Daniel Galbraith M P died 30 Convention at Midelvile. Mr Donald Almonte? Nominated as Reform Candidate 1880 Jan 5 election of Councilors Drummond 70 Majority over McDugall, Black D. Reeve, Councilors Tesky Hamilton McCary. 6th Killed Cow. Sold Hide $4.87 Mr. Robertsn Moved to Almonte 15 Nomination for MP North Lanark Mr Jamison and Mr McDonald. 22 McDonald elected 98 Majority Very Mild Weather. 24th went up to Darling 26 Soft Day. very little snow. 30 raining 31 fine Feb 1st prety Cold and very high wind 2nd Mrs Gorge Stewart died this Morning 3 Cold day 4 Considerable snow last night. Went to Mrs Stewarts funeral 12 went to Palmerston. John Watt very sick 13 some better very little snow, except on the roads. considerable ice. 14th came home 16 Sleighing almost gone. 18 went up to Robert Afflecks in the evening

1880 c 31 Feb 19 roads not passibel very soft 21st a little snow not enough for Sleighing 24 went to Almonte Sleighing very poor 5 raining this evening 26 soft 27 Sleighing gone 28 Church Meeting very soft - no sleighing 29 Comunion in Presbyterian Church. March 1st fine Spring like day 2nd Soft (Feb 29th Methodist Church burned) March 3 Edward Fosters Sale very fine day. 4 Soft raining part of the day. 15 bought Cow from Mr Affleck $25.00 very soft, very little Sleighing. 16 Snowing 17 Soft March 31st went to Almonte with Buggy roads bad. April 8th went to lay Alexanders Floor roads not very bad 9 got home. 10 snowing in the afternoon very stormy night. 11 beenv very heavy fall of Snow, about 10 in. 12 fine day got letter from Mrs Gunn, write to New York about Organ. 13 Soft day. 14 Snow mostly away. 25 fine day. 16 fine in Morning gets stormy at Night - first Lightning this Seson. Elizabeth went to Henry Crams with Afflecks finished making soap to day;


June 14th 1879 good Swarm Bees to day. June 21st got 4 Swarms this week July 12 took of two top Boxes 35 lbs Sold 17 lbs at 18 cents July 21st took of one Box 18 1/2 lbs Sold 18 cents per lb.

1880 April 17 roads very bad. 33 18 fine day, 19 dry 21st put out bees to remain Commenced working fair day very small fair. John Barr got Dog from Me, May 11th Robert Affleck, & James Watt Started for Manitoba to day; 22 finished Mr Drummonds Mill, November 1st went down to John. Atkins to build Woodshed. Justice Boulger working with me. December 9th 1880 Brother John died to day at 4 oclock 30 minutes 13 went to Funeral 14 came home to Day. 16th Tea meeting in Presbyterian Church cleared over $37.00 17th took Lizzie up to Darling Social to night took in 4.00 18th pretty Cold to day 25th went to Robert Afflecks to party 1881 January 1st Alex and Afflecks Children here to Day 3rd election of Councilors Mr Hamilton Reve defeated Rufus Teskey by 8 votes Mr Black D Reeve defeated Peter Drummond 30 votes B Philips, J. Rowland, & J Houston Councilors Feb R. Philips could not qualify and P. Mc Dugall was put in his place

Feb 11 Mr B. Pattersons Funeral day C 34 1881 Feb 18th went to Donald Stewarts nere White Lake to see plan of Church. Concert in School to night for to get prize books for the Children. took in 23..32. 22 very fine weather soft to day 25th Tendered for Church at White Lake for the Sum of $493.00 March 1st Snowing 2nd fine 3 Lizie went to Afflecks John Affleck & wie and Mrs. Taylor visiting there to day 4th very Stormy and soft- the worst storm this Season 5 first Crows seen there harnesed Colt for the first time to day. 9th John Usher died this Morning about 6 oclock 11 went to Mr Ushers funeral to day. 12 Alex folks was down to day. 13th Mr McArthur of Almonte preached for us to day. 14th Wm Rintoul and family & H. Cram & Wife here to day. Sleighting getting prety bad 15th Concert in Church took at the Door 19.19 16 Lizie went with Afflecks ti surprize party to Rev. R. Browns Midilvile. March 28 Dr Moysten and James Manning of Almonte was drowned between Appleton and Almonte

1881 C 35 March 31st went to Almonte with Buggy roads prety good, the body of Dr. Moysten was found about 4 oclock Aprile 2nd went to Almont with Alexander to day. 4th went to Darling to day. 8 working at R.P. Afflecks Making Boxes, has bad coold 11 At Almonte helping R.P. Affleck to pack. 12 Robert Affleck left Almonte about 7 oclock this evening. 13th Affleck and family went on board train at noon at Carleton Mrs. Cram went as far as Brockville with her, fine day. 15th went up to Darling this Morning. got letter from Mrs Cram, telling us that Robert Affleck got along all right at Brockville. 16 fine day bees carrying polen to day. 17 Mr McLaren, preached for us to day. Old Mr McNeil is very poorly, 18 Mrs Affleck got a postal card from Robert- they left Porthuron in the Morning of the 15th. 19 very pleasent day. working for Mr Wylie, Mr. McNeil is still in bed, not much appearance of recovery

1881 C 36 May 7 got home from John Rintouls framing Shed 9-10 working at Thomas Murphys. 15 Timothy Blairs baby died this Morning about 6 oclock aged 3 months 17 Mr George McNeil died this Morning at 20 min past 12 Made Coffin to day wet weather 19 Mr McNeils Funeral to day 21st went to Almonte 23 very warm. 26 went to Darling very warm 27 went to Almonte this afternoon, prety cool and a little rain. 28 very pleasent day. fitted up a few pictures in frames. John Watt was here this afternoon. Mrs. Kelly at Mr W Blairs to Night. 29 Mrs Kelly Preached in the Methodist Church. I went to hear her in this evening. 30 raining in the Forenoon fine Afternoon 31st went to Taylors very pleasent day June 1st went to Henry Crams. Cool day. 2nd went to Darling for Gramma 3rd wet day. July 1 warm day. got letter from Pa. sellie? Boston passed over Clayton to Helens? July 2nd very warm 3rd warm Jim sick and uncle Alex brought him home, light thunderstorm at night, 4th warm No school excursions to Ogdensburg. 5th warm Uncle Henry Cram was up to Darling. Had a swarm of bees the 18th swarm 6th cooler. old Mr Anderson's funeral day. 7th warmer 8-9-10th very warm. Mrs Connery died 10th 11th some what cooler. 12, 13 14th very warm, had hay cut and made up. 15 warm 16th.

                                                        C                                                         37

threatened rain this morning. Took in hay. warm. dry & warm the day of 28th cooler. 29 & 30th very warm. 1st August severe thunderstorm 2nd 5th very warm & close. P. Faugth Forsyth? died 4th 6th showery August 29 left R.B Afflecks Manitoba for home. September 3rd got to Wm Dowes in the evening started home on the fore Noon of the fifth got home on the afternoon of the Sixth. very warm day. 29th Almonte Showfare day. working at John Rintouls October 1st bought Colt from Peter Shane Price $95.00 4th Commenced to work for R.B. Affleck 6th took Colt to Midilvile Show fair got first prize and special amount 6.00 11th Henry Wm Cram Died of Lyphofever November 1st John Robb working with Me at R. Afflecks 9th Clayton fair day Sold My Colt for $120.00 to Alexander Steel, Cattle sold very well. two year olds from $20 up. December 1st We have had very little cold weather this season working at A Robertsons fine Day. 5th went to R.B. Afflecks finished his Job. 6th Wet day 7 gets Cold at Night 8th fine Day a little snow. 9th fine Consort in School 15 Tea Meeting fine Night. No Snow took in about $32.00

                                          1881                                                                 38

December 20th took Ma & Jim to Almonte. Jim is going to the examination for Gramer School. I had Daniel Barrs House. roads very good, very Mild day frost Coming out of ground. 22nd Shool examination had McNeils Horse at Almonte. wett Day. 23 Jim and I went up to Darling this evening. 24th working at Darling Town Hall. very pleasent day. 25th got home about Noon. No snow roads very good. 29th very wet Day. 30 still soft a little snow 31st geting a little frosty. January 1st 1882 frosty Day. roads very rough. 2nd tea meeting in the Methodist Church the Coldest Day this season. 3rd Cold Day 22 degrees below zero. 12th fine Day, snow enough to make Sleighing passible 16th prety Cold 17th very Cold P.J. Rintoul & Wife and J Oliver came here about day Light- going to Almonte. Alex Watt & Wife went to Almonte Mary stayed with her sister for a few Days. 19 Mary Fafulin? died this Morning between four & five oclock 20th fine Day 21 Mowed all Day Mrs Clellan & Her Mother visited us this afternoon.

22nd stormy Day Mr Knowls did not come to Clayton. roads prety badly Blocked. 23rd very cold this Morning 18 deg below zero 22 at noon, & 33 below zero at night 24th about the same this Morning as last Night. gets Milder towards Noon. still very frosty this evening. 25th fine Morning Alex Watt went to Almonte Betsy Evans Died this evening between 6 & 7 Diptheria. Only had 4 days. 26th soft Day Making a Coffin for Betsy Evans 27th fine Day the roads are prety icy. got a Letter from Robert B. Affleck. Elizabeth went to Darling this evening 28th stormy this evening 29 cold 30th Matthew Munroe Died about 10 oclock this Morning. Made Coffin after Night 31st fine day like Spring February 1st Matthew Munroe burried at 1 oclock . very fine Day Snowing a little this evening 2nd fine Day. 3 prety Cold the Boys had a concert this evening 16th fine Elin & Amy Watt from Palmerston was here to Day took them to James Robertson in the evening.

                                                        C                                                            40

11th fine 12 soft 13 Willaim Evens lost a little Girl with Dyptheria. 23 fine day 24th went to Darling this afternoon left Jinnie. 25th very fine Day. 27 Thomas Beaton Died this evening 28 Making Coffin March 1st hired Daniel Barr to take Coffin to Beatons 3rd Mr Bennet Preached for Mr Knowls before Communion A Beatons baby Died. 5th Making Coffin 6th Making sap pam for Timothy Blair, Buggying noy very bad. 7th went to Almonte with Buggy. 8th a good Many Lanark people started for Manitoba fine Day. 9th Michal Rachely burried this afternoon 10 snowing all forenoon 11th went to Almonte with the Cutty roads prety good Sold 35 lbs Honey at 15 cts per lb 18th went to Almonte and helped Mrs Cram to Move into her own House Lizabeth stayed 15th sold Mrs Turner 30 lbs Honey at 15 cents per lb. 17th went to Almonte for Lizzie Sleighing prety near gone. 18th John & Janet Watt visiting to Day. Brother Alise here to Day. March 14th Mr Whitelaw Died to night about 10 oclock.

                                                                            C - -                                   41

19th very Soft to Day 20th sleighing gone. 21st very stormy Day April 4th James Snedden Died this Morning. 6 went to J. Sneddens Funeral. 9th Alexander Stevenson Died 8th put out bees 18th Bees working. 19th Fair day, not much done. bought cow for Mrs. Cram Payed $30.00 24 took cow to Almonte. 26 working at Halls. 29 finished Shingling Mrs Afflecks House. 30th went up to Darling May 3rd finished paving Floor at home, fine weather. 5th fine day working at Mr Drummonds. 6 fine day 16 finished working at Mr Drummonds fine Day not much growth yet 18 went to Almonte to Day bought set Harness at 16.00 19th working at T Blairs 20 working in shop warm Day. May 30 working at Mrs H. Crams fine day June 3rd working at Mr Drummonds hired Justice Boulger at 20.00 per Month 5th making bee boxes. July 1st-2 finished at James Ritchardsons 30 Day at 1.50 15th wrought 3 Days at John Dunlops August 23 James McIlraith to work !27.00 August 26th Elizabeth Boulger Died this evening about 9 oclock

Sold 106 lbs Honey in Almonte 14 cents & 12 1/2 cents 42 28 went to E. Boulgers funeral in forenoon and to Almonte in afternoon. Sept. 5th took of top Boxes of Bees 7th sent to Almonte this afternoon with 56 lbs Honey for Mr Letang. at 124 cents per lb. 8 went to D. McIntyres for Berries got home. 9 working at Mr Drummonds mill Mrs George Pretty Died About 9 oclock this evening. 10th went to Darling Elizabeth stayed till Tuesday 11 working at Charles McNeils 12th Mrs Prettys funeral. 30th very pleasent week been working at J.W. Charles for two weeks. Oct. 2nd comenced working at Mr Drummonds very pleasent Day. November 1st finished working at J Charles 6th Commenced wotk at Mr Scott's House, roads s? 21st Clayton Fair very good. 9th Thanks giving Day 18th working at Mr Scotts the ground froze last night Hugh Mills Died 10 Days 20th John Drummond Died to Day Aged 87. 21st Fine Day 22nd at Funeral December 1st fine 2nd getting cold 3 cold Day 5th working at Church

1882 43 6th James Robb Commenced working at Church 7th very Cold and Stormy 8 Sleighing pretty good 9th Bannisters finished at Church. Payed them 19.00 11th finished at Wn. Scott fine Day Charged him for Job $60.00 12 Snowing, working at Church 13 & 14 at Church Mr John Oats Died 15 A gathering cleaning Church 16th fine Day finished at Church went to Dicksens this morning Sleighing prety fine 17th Mr Crombie preached tow sermons to Day Colection $18.80 18 Tea meeting to night very good and a large attendance took in $55.13 19 fine day got 1 cord wood from Dicken at 3.00 20th bought Timothy hay at $10.00 per ton and Medow hay at 6.00 from R. Jonston went to Clelands for Coal oil very fine Day 25th fine day D Munroes Horse troted from B Corners to the bridge in 2.23 McIntyre in 20 seconds more. 26 went up to Darling 27 Tea meeting in Methodist Church very good attendance 28th fine Day painting Kitchen


January 1st 1883 fine Day 2e fine 3 went to Arch Robertsons Stormy Coming home 4 Cold 5th got a letter from R.P. Affleck He is very poorly 6th Coldest Morning this season 20 degrees below zero Alexander went to Almonte with a load 7th fine Day 9th Cold 10th very Cold this Morning 28 Degrees below zero, Missonry Meeting 15 night Mr McKilop & Mr Blakely adressed the meeting. 20 went to James's Watts this morning Tommy very low 21st Soft Day went to see Tomy Watt again He appears to be sinking fast. 22 fine Day pretty Cold Missonary Meeting in the English Church to night Elizabeth and the Girls went to it. 23 very Cold 15 Degrees below zero Tom Watt Dued this Morning about 4 oclock Jimmie and I went to Almonte 24 prety Cold 25 went to Tomys Funeral. went to Mothers in the evening. 26th down to Hilburns in the evening 27 fine Day not much frost

1883 45 Feb 14 fine Day got Card from R. P. Affleck 20th W. E. Caldwell & B Rosmond Nominated for M.P.P. for North Lanark 21st got a letter telling us of R. P. Afflecks Death. he died Feb 7th about 6 P.M. 27th W.C. Caldwell elected by 193 Majority West end of riding gave Him 490 Majority Almonte gave Rosmond 161 Majority. Ramsay gave Rosmond 29 Majority. March 1st got job from R. Riley 80.00 March 3rd tendered for job of School house No. 3 Darling the Sum of 429.00 5th down at Almonte 6th James Affleck got Home from Manitoba 7th very Stormy Day the worst this season got job of School House 22nd first apperance of ground Squirrel. April 1st first bluebirds seen Mr Wm Rodgers & Mr W, Jackson took dinner with us 4th Mr Code & family W. Rogers & James Hogan all left for Decota this Morning fine Day. 5th raining in the fore noon

1883 April 6th fine Day working at Mr Drummonds framing Saw Mill. 7th snowing in the Morning bought place from Mr David Wylie for 88.00 8th Sleighing nearly gone 9 working at Mr Drummonds Mill. Mr Blair working with Me 13 raised the under story of Mr Drummonds Mill 14th fine Day 16th wet in the forenoon. 17th fine 18th fair Day very small fair. 19 snowing 20 fine 21st Commenced framing upper story of Saw Mill, May 1st put out all ? Bees working some to Day. 2nd raised Top story of Saw Mill 3 wett afternoon 5th went to Almonte 11th Mrs David Camelon Died this Morning Made Coffin afternoon 12th went to Midilbile tendered for Agricultural Hall $487.00 Allen Blackburn got Contract 440.00 June 13 Justice Boulger Comenced Work at 26.00 per Month. 23 very warm We had first a swam of bees to Day. Jim Sold his Goat? Colt? to J Kirk for $3.50 Bees working in top Boxes

     1883                                                                                                47

June 30th got through at Mr Drummonds Mill works very well extracted Honey this evening the first this season. August 2nd payed Mr Wylie for his place. August 17th John Rintoul Died Sept 19th went to Montreal with E. Church excursion Tickets there & return 2.75 got Home half past five next Morning. 22nd Trustees of School Section No. 3 Darling & Lanark to contract of My Hand to Day payed Me for Contract. 427.00 Extras 25.00 Wrought at Job 38 Days October 10 Finished Job at John Arthurs $50.00 November 9th went to Concert at Boundry School 11th very fine Morning 12th very windy and cold working at A Robertsons 13th still windy 14th fare Day very good prices payed for Beef, 15 snowing 16 very Stormy 17 fine Day still Considerable Snow on ground 22 put Bees in to Night 31 Hives 29 snowing 30 Cold 2 Deg below zero Dec. 1st not so cold Code got his feet froze last mil?

1883 48 Dec. 2nd Charles Coulter was in the woods at Night - last night 3rd went to Almonte Sleighing prety good. 6th went to Darling to Hunt, got nothing. Mrs McIntyre Died at 2 oclock A.M. 7th went to Almonte Sleighing prety near gone. Jim webt to Darling this evening 8th went to Mrs McIntyres Funeral this afternoon. roads very mudy. 9th still soft 10th freezing to Night 14th very windy and cold 8 Deg. below zero. 15th still Cold. 16th James Dow Campbell Dow & John McGee came to Clayton to Day. 18th Jim took Campbell Dow to Darling 19th I took Maggie to Almonte for the entrance examination No Sleighing the roads are very rough and hard. 20th not so cold. 1884 January 1st Sleighing prety good 6th very cold 40 Deg. below zero 7 went to Almonte 8th snowing 9th very heavy Snow storm and still continuing 17 Alexander Stewart Died 20th Mrs. J Gemmill Died Feb 16th went to James Turners. Sleighing very good

1882 49 Feb 17th William Camelon Died at 11 P.M. 19th went to Mt Camelon's funeral roads very bad. March 19 At Almonte geting Lumber Co Planning Mill. got 5000 feet 10 inch stock at 12 per ? 21st had John Marshall drawing Lumber to planning Mill got 1000 feet 9 inch April 10th commenced working out. Hired Justice Boulger at $22.00 per Month. April 2 & 3 fell about 18 inches snow. July 14th first Honey extracted this Season. 1885 July 23rd Uncle Thomas Watt Died. 25 Peter Dunlop Died at 4 P.M. Made Coffin this evening. very hot Day. August 23 William Cochran Died 19 went to Funeral. 1886 Feb 14th Mr R Riley Died at 9 P.M. 17th Mrs W Black Died 19 Went to funeral. Dec 25 Mother Died at 10 A.M. 21st went to funeral Cold Day


1887 January 1st stormy Day 2nd. still stormy 3rd Jimmie & I started for the West Roads very bad. 4th pleasent Day got to Mitchell about 9 P.M. John Dow met us. got to Heebert Hibbert? at Midnight. 22nd John Dow & I went to Wawanosh? 23 very soft lost half the snow. 24 got Back to Heebert Hibbert? 25 started for Home stayed in Toronto eight hours 26 got Home very Cold April 1st Tendered for Methodist Church at Appleton in company with J. Bradford for $2900 Willoughby took Contract for $25000. 20 offered to Build House for J. Bradford for $800.00 Gilmours offer $731.00. 25th very little farm work doing yet. D. Drummond started Saw Mill 26 put out Bees May 1st Bees Commenced work first warm Day this season 2nd went to Almonte roads not very bad.

1887 51 May 2nd tendered for Building for Cricket Club, for the sum of $38.00 4th Mrs Gorge Gun Died. Made Coffin. 5th went to Archibald Robertsons sale. 6th went to Funeral. 7th fine Day. 16 Edward Belton Died this evening. 17 Made Coffin for E. Belton & D. Cobies little girl. warm dry weather

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Daniel Watt, “Daniel Watt Diary, 1873-1887,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 14, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/589.

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