24 went to Darling
25=26 Weather rather wet
27 Commenced the Jameses Schoolhouse
28 Very Warm
29 Old Mr Gemmill died about 2 O'clock Afternoon
30 Very Warm.
31 at Mr. Gemmills Funeral.
June 1 raised School house.
2 roofing S house James Robertsons Colts died today only lived 12 hours after they were Noticed Sick some trouble in the throat 3 Years Old
4 fine day
5 Doctors Moysten and Patterson was seeing Mrs Issac Halpenny
6 fine day
7 Mr Steel gave his farewell Sermone
8 Mrs Halpenny died about 10 Oclock at Night
9 Elizabeth and the Children visiting James Robertson.
10 went to Mrs Halpennys funeral
11 12 13 fine Cool Weather, working at School house.
14 went to see John Affleck, he has been bad with neuralgie
15 Elizabeth went to Crams with B Affleck to stay All Night.
16 very wet day
17 still wet.
18 fine
19-20 very pleasant weather
21 fine day, all went to Church
22-23 fine showers Doctor Burns came to Clayton
24-25 fine weather
26 Elizabeth had a very bad Cramp in the Stomach
27 We got a very large Swarm of bees to day