January 1st 1877 very pleasent day we have about 22 in. snow in the bush went to the [[?]] in the Morning and went to Archibald Robertsons and took the family roads prety heavy, horse run against P. Hogan and hurt his face prety bad
6 very pleasent Day I took Jenny and Jim to the Crams
13 very heavy snowstorm Henry Cram went home from here this evening very cold weather
18 got job of Church at Rosebank for the Sum of $1047
23 got word of Gorge Gun being Frozen on the 6 inst. in Manitobassr
25 fine day
Feb 1st fine weather been Loft for about one week
7th still fine
10 fine
12 soft in the Morning turns Cold in th evening.
14 John Nowlands little Girl died this Morning about 4 oclock
15 fine day snowing a little in the evening road very hard not much snow on the roads. Mama and Mrs Brown out Colecting for the Missionarys this evening.
May 1st done 18.00 worth of work for Ritchard Riley. put up Kitchen for Robert Jonston