13th went down to Aitkins.
14th very wet.
15th wet in the fore noon, roads getting bad been very good all fall
17th finished puting on Atkins Cornice
18th finished painting School at Appleton.
19th Trustees took School house of my hand Allowed me 20.00 extras gave Me one Note 275.00 payable Jan 8th 1881 Came home at night very Stormy snowing.
20th Cold and Stormy.
21st Not so cold
22nd got a load turnips from Mr Mitchell price 4.00 Elizabeth went up to Afflecks with Robert.
23 snowing to day.
24th Mr Atkin came for his Doors
25 roads very rough
29 very Cold and snowing some
December 3 snowing
4th finished at Mr Atkins
5th got home for this Season, been working out nearly 8 months had for my Wages $444.00 Mr Atkin payed Me $325.00, for finishing his house.
I found finishing and hardware