1880 April 17 roads very bad. 33
18 fine day,
19 dry
21st put out bees to remain Commenced working fair day very small fair. John Barr got Dog from Me,
May 11th Robert Affleck, & James Watt Started for Manitoba to day;
22 finished Mr Drummonds Mill,
November 1st went down to John. Atkins to build Woodshed. Justice Boulger working with me.
December 9th 1880 Brother John died to day at 4 oclock 30 minutes
13 went to Funeral
14 came home to Day.
16th Tea meeting in Presbyterian Church cleared over $37.00
17th took Lizzie up to Darling Social to night took in 4.00
18th pretty Cold to day
25th went to Robert Afflecks to party
1881 January 1st Alex and Afflecks Children here to Day
3rd election of Councilors Mr Hamilton Reve defeated Rufus Teskey by 8 votes Mr Black D Reeve defeated Peter Drummond 30 votes B Philips, J. Rowland, & J Houston Councilors
Feb R. Philips could not qualify and P. Mc Dugall was put in his place