Sold 106 lbs Honey in Almonte 14 cents & 12 1/2 cents 42
28 went to E. Boulgers funeral in forenoon and to Almonte in afternoon.
Sept. 5th took of top Boxes of Bees
7th sent to Almonte this afternoon with 56 lbs Honey for Mr Letang. at 124 cents per lb.
8 went to D. McIntyres for Berries got home.
9 working at Mr Drummonds mill Mrs George Pretty Died About 9 oclock this evening.
10th went to Darling Elizabeth stayed till Tuesday
11 working at Charles McNeils
12th Mrs Prettys funeral.
30th very pleasent week been working at J.W. Charles for two weeks.
Oct. 2nd comenced working at Mr Drummonds very pleasent Day.
November 1st finished working at J Charles
6th Commenced wotk at Mr Scott's House, roads [[s?]]
21st Clayton Fair very good.
9th Thanks giving Day
18th working at Mr Scotts the ground froze last night Hugh Mills Died 10 Days
20th John Drummond Died to Day Aged 87.
21st Fine Day
22nd at Funeral
December 1st fine
2nd getting cold
3 cold Day
5th working at Church