File #4707: "Olds, 101.pdf"



=== SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1870. === My mother and I went out to Dover this morning to meeting. Mrs. Coppway went with us. She having been visiting us a few days. We heard our Bro. German preach in the Presbyterian Church. His text was these words of Moses. "I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the Bush is not burned." He spake of the Church of God as representing the burning bush and the turning of the sinner from darkness to the light of the gospel to the turning aside of Moses: Moses He said was one of the most highly favoured of all mortals. === MONDAY, JULY 18, 1870.=== The ground was so wet this forenoon, that we could not got to work at our wheat. The boys cut weeks &c while I worked at my rack. This afternoon we finished cuting the field of wheat which we commenced last Saturday or rather Friday. Tisdale and His boy helped us. Mr Hall was here to dinner. He said that our railway prospects were still brightening. This has been a day of sweet rest to my soul though many thoughts have arisen to cause me to doubt His word.
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